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Purpose: The subject of this study is to look at the management of an agile organization with the identification of key factors affecting its agility. Design/methodology/approach: The method used in the study is based on the interpretation of the literature on the subject, the analysis of the author's own experience and the analysis of the results of secondary research. Findings: There key factor of organizational agility is always a man with his competences -knowledge, skills and attitude towards changes - a man with his ability to be agile. Whether and how the organization will be ready to cope with the changes taking place around it, and thus what level of agility it will be able to demonstrate, depends on the openness to this human agility and agile competences possessed by people who create this organization. There will be as much agility in the organization as there will be openness to agility in the people who create it. This is a factor that, is crucial in defining the ability to agile transformation of an organization. Practical implications: Based on the conclusions of the analysis, when implementing agile work systems, organizations should pay the greatest attention to people - not only technology, as is the case in many business organizations - and start agile transformations from people. Originality/value: The article presents a detailed, multifaceted analysis of the factors determining organizational agility, which in the era of BANI world is crucial, for the survival and success of business organizations. The conclusions contained in the paper can be the base to prepare, implement and constantly increasing organizational agility.
Cel: Przedstawienie struktury kompetencji pracowników przedsiębiorstwa przemysłowego w zarządzaniu projektami według kryterium rodzajowego projektów. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: Celem badania było zidentyfikowanie kompetencji pracowników w zarządzaniu projektami istotnych w realizacji projektów w przedsiębiorstwie przemysłowym. Po przeprowadzeniu badania pilotażowego, badanie zasadnicze przeprowadzono na próbie N = 42 za pomocą kwestionariusza ankiety. Badania prowadzono od 16.01.2023 do 27.01.2023 roku. W realizacji celu badania wykorzystano metody: analizy piśmiennictwa, analizy i konstrukcji logicznej oraz statystyczne. Wyniki/wnioski: Stwierdzono, że: (1) istnieje określony zbiór kompetencji cechujący projekty według kryterium ich rodzaju, (2) kompetencje w danym rodzaju projektu można grupować ze względu na stopnień ich ważności. Ograniczenia: Liczność próby badawczej, model kompetencji. Zastosowanie praktyczne: Określenie obszarów doskonalenia modelu kompetencji pracowników w zarządzaniu projektami w przedsiębiorstwie przemysłowym. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: Określenie kompetencji w zarządzaniu projektami w przedsiębiorstwie przemysłowym.
Purpose: Presentation of the structure of the competence of the employees of an industrial enterprise in project management according to the generic criterion of projects. Design/methodology/approach: The purpose of the study was to identify what employee competencies in project management are important in project implementation in an industrial enterprise and influence the execution of the project as intended. Following the pilot study, the primary study was conducted on a sample of N=42 using a survey questionnaire. The survey was conducted from 16.01.2023 to 27.01.2023. The following methods were used to achieve the purpose of the study: literature analysis, logical analysis and construction, and statistical methods. Findings/conclusions: Found that: (1) there is a specific set of competencies that characterize projects according to their type, (2) competencies in a given type of project can be grouped according to their degree of importance. Research limitations: The size of the research sample, competence model. Practical implications: Identification of areas for improving the competence of employees in project management in an industrial enterprise. Originality/value: Competence structure in project management in an industrial enterprise.
Intercropped systems have agro-ecological and socioeconomic advantages over monocultures. Cotton is used in systems associated with food crops as an option to increase sustainability in family farming. The objective of this research was to evaluate the productivity of cotton in association with food crops, without using any nutritional assistance in the soil. This study was conducted on the rainy season of 2020 in Manabí-Ecuador. Six treatments were performed: four treatments related with the association of cotton with peanut, cowpea bean, field corn, and sweet corn; and two treatments with cotton monoculture (with and without soil fertilization). Agronomic, productive, and phytosanitary variables were evaluated in 60 m2 experimental plots. A randomized complete block design with four replications was used. The results determined that cotton yield in the association with peanut was significantly equal to the monoculture with and without fertilization. In the intercropped food crops, there was a reduction in production in relation to the monocultures. However, it was the peanut in association with cotton with the lowest reduction, in addition to presenting the best Land Equivalence Ratio (1.71) and the best Marginal Rate of Return (120.56%), which suggests that this association is a viable alternative and easy to adopt by the small cotton producer.
This paper aims to identify the influence of intercultural competence on an organisation’s success and personal career in Lithuania. The study described in this paper is a part of international research on intercultural competence. An online questionnaire survey was conducted in Lithuania with non-probability convenience sampling to find out the views of employees working in different sector organisations. The survey was filled out by 1193 respondents from Lithuania. Employees’ intercultural competence (knowledge/cognitive dimension, skills/behavioural dimension, and attitudes/emotional dimension) was evaluated using 5-point Likert items and is elaborated elsewhere. The multivariate analysis was used to analyse the survey data and test three hypotheses stating that (1) employees support the notion that higher intercultural competence can foster an organisation’s success and personal career, (2) organisations tend to leave the development of intercultural competence to employees, and (3) current intercultural knowledge and skills are inadequate to operate in a multicultural work environment. The analysis showed that half of the respondents agreed with the statement that the development of intercultural competence (ICC) helped the personal career and an organisation’s success. The statement regarding organisations tending to leave the intercultural competence development to their employees was only supported by less than one-third of the respondents. Besides, the data did not fully support the statement that employees’ current intercultural knowledge and skills were inadequate to operate in a multicultural work environment, as no more than one-third of the respondents had frequent or very frequent issues when communicating with foreigners due to inadequate intercultural knowledge and skills in various sub-areas. The paper elaborates on detailed results.
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to investigate the possibility of using the concept of "Partners in Education" as a solution for preparing the students to successfully enter the workforce. Design/methodology/approach: Desk Research Method and survey are used. Paper is based on Partners in Education’s documents (local non-profit organization) and results of empirical research. Findings: The study includes the review of the results of empirical research carried out in Poland, which indicated the existence of competence gaps of graduates from technical universities. The study also indicated the need to constantly monitor the competence gaps and correct the education programs on this basis. One of the tools to improve the process of updating curricula may be the practice used in the USA. Originality/value: The main goal of any system of education in any region is to prepare students to successfully enter the workforce. At the present time, the economy is changing rapidly. The educational and training needs are constantly changing. The authors pointed to a good practice used in the USA, as an example of a solution for preparing the students to successfully enter the workforce.
The article analyzes modern methodological aspects of studying and analyzing the professional competence of future educators of preschool children, corresponds to the state requirements for reforming education and the tendency to introduce a competence approach as one of the key in vocational education. Relying on normative legal documents, state standards and the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education», the author gives a definition of the concept of «competence», formulates a modern understanding of «professional competence». Also, the article highlights a number of methodological approaches that it is advisable to build on in the process of scientific and theoretical analysis of the professional competence of future educators, in particular, educators of preschool educational institutions. It is advisable to organize a pedagogical advisable organized pedagogical practice, its direct connection with the theory is one of the main ways to improve the professional training of pedagogical staff, and, accordingly, their professional competence.
W artykule są przeanalizowane współczesne metodologiczne aspekty studiowania i analizy fachowej kompetencji przyszłych wychowawców dzieci przedszkolnego wieku, odpowiada państwowym wymogom reformowania edukacji i tendencja wprowadzenia kompetentnego podejścia jak jednego z kluczowych w fachowej edukacji. Wspierając się na normatywny-prawne dokumenty, państwowe standardy i Prawo Ukrainy «O wyższej edukacji», autor daje wyznaczenie pojęcia «kompetencja», formułuje współczesne rozumienie «fachowej kompetencji». W artykule zwrócono również uwagę na szereg podejść metodologicznych, które warto wykorzystać w procesie naukowej i teoretycznej analizy kompetencji zawodowych przyszłych pedagogów, w szczególności wychowawców przedszkolnych placówek oświatowych.
Modern industry confronts engineers completely new challenges. Technical skills in the light of the ongoing changes are no longer the only criterion for the effective work of engineers. On the other hand, engineers clearly show the need for development and taking new challenges. The need for a comprehensive acquisition of competences in both technical and psychosocial areas is increasingly expressed. Paper presents a model of employee competences essential for the future of enterprises operating in the Industry 4.0, which was created with using the Value Engineering methodology.
Content available remote Uniformed Leaders in Crisis Situations
The article concerns the operation of human teams in critical situations on the contemporary battlefield. Soldiers acting together during combat operations gain confidence in each other are able to see the strengths and weaknesses of their commander and themselves. Nothing unites the human team as much as living together in crisis situations, where human life and health depend on proper cooperation and exchange of information. It is the Commander who is responsible for his subordinates. The competences of the leader contribute to how efficiently this team will deal with emerging threats.
Artykuł dotyczy działania zespołów ludzkich w sytuacjach krytycznych na współczesnym polu walki. Żołnierze, działając wspólnie podczas działań bojowych, nabierają do siebie zaufania, są w stanie dostrzec zarówno atuty, jak i słabsze strony swojego dowódcy oraz własne. Nic tak nie cementuje zespołu ludzkiego jak wspólne przeżywanie sytuacji kryzysowych, gdzie od prawidłowej współpracy i wymiany informacji zależy życie oraz zdrowie ludzkie. To na barkach dowódcy spoczywa odpowiedzialność za jego podwładnych. Kompetencje, jakie posiada lider, przyczyniają się do tego, jak sprawnie zespół ten poradzi sobie z pojawiającymi się zagrożeniami.
The paper deals with application of soft-skills competence in practice comparing of education and employers requirements. In addition to what a graduate is to know in terms of the knowledge theoretically acquired, the labour market today defines quite clearly the specific requirements in terms of what a graduate should be able to do, provide for, organize, including the demands related to their competences. The purpose of the paper is to assess the ethical credibility of selected subjects in the field of soft skills based on the analysis and conclusions of research conducted in 2018-2019 at the Technical University in Zvolen. The method of questionnaire survey was chosen for the execution of the research. The paper presents the results of the selected area research of soft-skills, which showed the most significant differences – stress resistance. To evaluate the results was used the Mann-Whitney test of significance which is an especially appropriate test for two independent and randomly selected sets of sample observations. At the end of paper are proposed recommendations for improving teaching in accordance with the requirements of practice.
The main aim of the article is to try to determine, on the basis of the conducted research, the optimal competencies and skills that a manager should have in order to effectively manage the team (in the opinion of its members). The author will also indicate the connection and differences between the obtained data resulting from the Polish reality and the contemporary guidelines for the IPMA competence model. Apart from literature analysis, the author chose a diagnostic survey (research technique - questionnaire) as another research method. The respondents were, in 2019, employees (who agreed to take part in the survey) from 14 deliberately selected large enterprises based in Poland (200 people in total took part in the research process). After the analysis of the literature and the results of the conducted research, of course bearing in mind its pilot character, we can see that the perception of the competencies and skills of a manager, in Poland, is not fundamentally different from the model of competencies presented in the content. The only question that remains is whether this will be enough to bridge the gap between Poland and developed countries, especially in the face of new economic challenges.
Głównym celem artykułu jest próba określenia, na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań, optymalnych kompetencji i umiejętności, jakie powinien posiadać kierownik w celu skutecznego zarządzania zespołem (w opinii jego członków). Autor wskaże również powiązanie i różnice uzyskanych danych wynikających z polskich realiów ze współczesnymi wytycznymi do modelu kompetencji IPMA. Poza analizą literatury, autor jako kolejną metodę badawczą wybrał sondaż diagnostyczny (technika badawcza – ankieta). Respondentami byli, w 2019 roku, pracownicy (którzy wyrazili zgodę na udział w badaniu) w 14 celowo dobranych dużych przedsiębiorstwach, mających swoją siedzibę na terenie Polski (w sumie w procesie badawczym wzięło udział 200 osób). Po analizie literatury i wyników prowadzonego badania, oczywiście mając na uwadze jego pilotażowy charakter, można zauważyć, że poostrzeganie kompetencji i umiejętności kierownika, w Polsce, nie różni się zasadniczo od przedstawionego w treści modelu kompetencji. Pozostaje tylko pytanie, czy to wystarczy by niwelować dystans Polski do państw rozwiniętych, tym bardziej w obliczu nowych wyzwań gospodarczych.
The main paper aims to evaluate the impact of organisational competence on knowledge and information flows within cluster organisations and technology parks, with particular emphasis on innovative content knowledge. The paper addresses the research question: “What set of competencies of cooperating companies allows access to information and knowledge in cluster and parks structures?" The authors report their findings from a quantitative study carried out in four cluster organisations and three technology parks functioning in Poland. The research sample covered a total of 269 enterprises: 132 cluster members and 137 park tenants. The primary method of data collection was a survey questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted using the interdependence of variables, ANOVA, and logistic regression. The research showed that the surveyed enterprises from both analysed groups preferred cooperation with partners of a similar level of competence development and the same or complementary scope of competence. This set of competencies of cooperating organisations also guaranteed better access to information and knowledge resources, including confidential information and new knowledge. This study additionally indicated that the knowledge creation activities performed by the cooperating cluster organisations depended on the proximity of the competencies of organisations as well as on the nature of the information, disseminated within the cluster organisations. The theoretical contribution is related to the results obtained by analysing the phenomenon of information and knowledge dissemination in cluster and park structures, revealing the impact made by the competence proximity of cooperating organisations on the access to this such resources. Thus, the findings supplement the state-of-the-art knowledge of the concept of industrial clusters by presenting a broader view on cooperation developed in geographical proximity, based on a set of various partner competencies.
In times when residents of Europe can be educated and can work in various places of the continent, a possibility of accepting gained qualifications in each country of the EU becomes significant. Development of technology makes a lot of people have to adapt their qualifications to evolving needs of the labour market to be able to remain on it. The subject matter of the article is a synthetic description of instruments which enable classification and comparison of qualifications as well as presentation of the Sectoral Qualifications Framework in the construction sector (SRK-Bud), describing qualifications typical of the sector, in the context of the Polish Qualifications Framework and Integrated Qualifications System in Poland. The article describes the most important issues related to SRK-Bud – its scope and structure, methods of identification of key competences in the construction sector and possibilities of using SRK-Bud as well as the role of the Sector Council for Competence in Construction in its implementation.
W czasach, gdy mieszkańcy Europy mogą kształcić się i pracować w różnych miejscach kontynentu, ważna staje się możliwość uznawania zdobytych kwalifikacji w każdym państwie UE. Rozwój techniki sprawia, że wiele osób musi dostosować swoje kwalifikacje do zmieniających się potrzeb rynku pracy, aby móc się na nim utrzymać. Przedmiotem artykułu jest syntetyczne opisanie narzędzi umożliwiających klasyfikowanie i porównywanie kwalifikacji, a także przedstawienie Sektorowej Ramy Kwalifikacji w sektorze budownictwo (SRK-Bud), opisującej kwalifikacje typowe dla branży w kontekście Polskiej Ramy Kwalifikacji i Zintegrowanego Systemu Kwalifikacji w Polsce. Publikacja opisuje najważniejsze zagadnienia związane z SRK-Bud – jej zakres i strukturę, metody identyfikacji kluczowych kompetencji w sektorze budownictwa oraz możliwości wykorzystania SRK-Bud, a także rolę Sektorowej Rady ds. Kompetencji w Budownictwie w jej wdrażaniu.
Koncepcja dynamicznych kompetencji stanowi paradoks w zarządzaniu, ponieważ bazuje na dwóch pozornie wykluczających się elementach: sztywnych rutynach organizacyjnych i dynamicznych kompetencjach. Rutyny zapewniają powtarzalność i stabilność działań, natomiast dynamiczne kompetencje umożliwiają elastyczne dostosowanie się firmy do wymogów otoczenia. Autorka stawia tezę, że w turbulentnym otoczeniu przedsiębiorstwa powinny wykorzystywać dynamiczne kompetencje dla zdobycia i utrzymania przewagi konkurencyjnej, w sposób rutynowy zmieniając rutyny organizacyjne. Zależności między tymi elementami autorka prezentuje w proponowanym modelu powstawania kompetencji dynamicznych.
The dynamic competences conception is a paradox in management, because it is based on two seemingly dissonant elements: fixed organizational routines and dynamic competences. The routines provide repeatability and stability of operations, whereas dynamic competences allow a flexible adaptation of a company to an environment. Author proposes a thesis, that in a turbulent environment companies should use dynamic competences to gain and keep a competitive advantage, changing the organizational routines in routine way. The dependency between these elements is presented in the proposed model of the creation of dynamic competences.
Current fast development requires continuous improvement of employees’ skills and knowledge. Therefore, companies are looking for the best way for improving the employees’ qualifications and understanding of new concepts and tools which have to be implemented in manufacturing areas. One method employs gamification for this purpose. The aim of this paper is to present how gamification can increase the acquisition of knowledge concerning lean manufacturing concept implementation. Gamification is an active learning approach for people who will understand the subject easier by ‘feeling’ and ‘touching’ personally the analysed problems. The research utilized a questionnaire which assessed the game participants’ engagement level. The assessment focused specifically on the participants’ motivation, cognitive processing and social aspects. The participants were also examined before and after the game in order to assess the increase of their understanding of different lean manufacturing topics and tools. Five different games with different groups of participants were played. The results confirmed the hypothesis that gamification has a positive impact on the knowledge acquisition as well as on motivation, cognitive processing and social aspects. Finally, various insights on how to better design, conduct and utilize gamification in the similar technical context are presented.
The paper deals with university knowledge transfer. The adjustment of relations between universities and enterprises makes knowledge transfer a necessary requirement for university development to ensure the implementation of market-oriented educational programs. The paper proposes use of modular competency-based and ontological approaches to ensure the university knowledge transfer. The initial data is presented in the databases of the university, authorized bodies of education and science, enterprises, business structures and professional standards. This data is processed and scanned for knowledge to be put into the knowledge database with technological (informational) and modular competency-based approaches. As part of a market-oriented innovation university concept the task is to improve the education system in relation to skills development. To solve this problem it is necessary to build a distributed information system of university knowledge transfer. It is necessary to create a unified educational space – an educational portal – to ensure the university knowledge transfer between all participants - teachers, students and employers. The study offers an architectural solution for a distributed information system.
Artykuł dotyczy transferu wiedzy uniwersyteckiej. Dostosowanie relacji między uniwersytetami a przedsiębiorstwami sprawia, że transfer wiedzy jest niezbędnym warunkiem rozwoju uniwersytetów, aby zapewnić realizację programów edukacyjnych zorientowanych na rynek. W artykule zaproponowano zastosowanie modułowego podejścia opartego na kompetencjach i ontologii, aby zapewnić transfer wiedzy uniwersyteckiej. Wstępne dane są prezentowane w bazach danych uniwersytetu, upoważnionych organów oświaty i nauki, przedsiębiorstw, struktur biznesowych i standardów zawodowych. Dane te są przetwarzane i skanowane w celu umieszczenia wiedzy w bazie wiedzy za pomocą technologicznych (informacyjnych) i modułowych podejść opartych na kompetencjach. W ramach zorientowanej rynkowo koncepcji uniwersytetów innowacyjnych zadaniem jest ulepszenie systemu edukacji w odniesieniu do rozwoju umiejętności. Aby rozwiązać ten problem, konieczne jest zbudowanie rozproszonego systemu informacji o transferze wiedzy uniwersyteckiej. Konieczne jest stworzenie jednolitej przestrzeni edukacyjnej – portalu edukacyjnego – aby zapewnić transfer wiedzy uniwersyteckiej między wszystkimi uczestnikami – nauczycielami, studentami i pracodawcami. Badanie oferuje rozwiązanie architektoniczne dla rozproszonego systemu informatycznego.
The main purpose of the paper is to identify the group of indicators that are most widely used in the manufacturing area worldwide, to identify the responsibility and authority for measuring and evaluating business performance, and to create an illustrative competency-based model for a performance management system within a business. The paper covers two areas that are important in the maintenance of sustainable business performance. The first area focuses on a performance management system and its key performance indicators as an important element in every performance management system within a business. The article also presents the theoretical background of the Z-MESOT method, which is applied to define the consistency of these indicators in practice. The second area is dedicated to defining a competency-based model and competences related to the measurement and assessment of performance, which have been extracted from other general competences. This paper presents findings from qualitative research to eliminate the bottlenecks of the Z-MESOT matrix that was transposed into a questionnaire. The questionnaire, as well as structured interviews, helped identify differences in responsibility attributes of the Z-MESOT matrix regarding the size of the researched businesses. The paper offers a list of competences related to the key performance indicators that can be used for following theoretical and practical research.
The study attempts to analyse the competence and task standards of the Minister of National Defense in the area of the national cybersecurity system. The author distinguishes four types of functions that the Minister of National Defense performs in the created cybersecurity system in Poland. In this system, this entity is at the same time one of the specialized bodies competent for cybersecurity, at the same time the body separate and independent from them, and the entity managing CSIRT MON and a member of the College for cybersecurity.
Opracowanie podejmuje próbę analizy norm kompetencyjnych i zadaniowych ministra obrony narodowej w zakresie krajowego systemu cyberbezpieczeństwa. Autor wyróżnia cztery rodzaje funkcji, jakie w kreowanym ustroju cyberbezpieczeństwa w Polsce pełni minister obrony narodowej. Podmiot ten jest w tym systemie jednocześnie jednym z wyspecjalizowanych organów właściwych do spraw cyberbezpieczeństwa, a jednocześnie odrębnym i niezależnym od nich organem, prowadzącym CSIRT MON oraz członkiem Kolegium do spraw cyberbezpieczeństwa.
W niniejszej pracy jako podstawę przyjęto ramy kompetencji BIM opracowane w Wielkiej Brytanii. Opracowanie brytyjskie stanowi pewien wzorzec do przygotowania programów, szkoleń na różnych poziomach kompetencji. Nie może być jednak zastosowany w Polsce ponieważ w naszym kraju brakuje stosownych standardów i procedur.
In this work, the BIM competence framework developed in Great Britain was adopted as the basis. The British study is a pattern for preparing programs and training at various levels of competence. However, it cannot be applied in Poland because there are no relevant standards and procedures in our country.
Głównym celem badań przedstawionych w artykule była diagnoza i ocena procesu zarządzania talentami w małych i średnich firmach województwa dolnośląskiego. Prowadzone badania miały charakter pilotażowy. W artykule opisano podstawowe znaczenia dotyczące definicji talentu oraz jej interpretacji przez respondentów. Dokonano identyfikacji, egzemplifikacji oraz klasyfikacji talentów według określonych kryteriów. W dalszej części artykułu zaprezentowano wybrane wyniki badań dotyczące doskonalenia elementów systemu zarządzania kapitałem ludzkim. Na podstawie badań, sformułowano wnioski, które mogą zostać wykorzystanie do doskonalenia badanego systemu zarządzania talentami.
The main aim of the research presented in the article was the diagnosis and assessment of the talent management process in small and mediumsized companies in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship. The conducted research was pilot-based. The article describes the basic meaning of talent definition and its interpretation by respondents. Talent identification, exemplification and classification have been grouped according to specific criteria. In the next part of the article there are presented the chosen research results concerning the improvement of the elements of the human capital management system. On the basis of the research, conclusions were drawn which could be used to improve the human capital management system in question.
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