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Research presented in this article was undertaken to determine how representatives of authorities and residents of communes perceive airports in the context of the impact of these airports on the socio-economic situation in the communes. The goal was achieved using: analysis of documentation of communes, analysis of data on the functioning of airports, and a diagnostic survey using the interview technique and survey technique. The research was carried out on representatives of 5 communes located in Poland. To analyse the collected material and present the results, Statistica v.13.3, R v.4.0.0 and RStudio editor software were used. Results of this research proved that airports play a pivotal role in stimulating the development of the region. They influence the quality of life in the commune by contributing to the creation of jobs, attracting investors, and generating income for the municipal budget through taxes paid.
Pomijanie rolnictwa w bazowej inwentaryzacji emisji gazów cieplarnianych (GHG), sporządzanej na potrzeby lokalnych planów gospodarki niskoemisyjnej, było impulsem do podjęcia próby oszacowania wielkości śladu węglowego ze źródeł rolniczych oraz wskazania udziału rolnictwa w ogólnej emisji GHG w polskich gminach. Zaproponowano w tym celu uproszczone rozwiązanie, które może być z powodzeniem stosowane przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego do samodzielnego wykonania obliczeń śladu węglowego oraz monitorowania wpływu podejmowanych działań na ograniczenie emisji gazów cieplarnianych. Wartości śladu węglowego z rolnictwa w polskich gminach wahają się od 0,01 do 289,48 tys. Mg CO2eq/rok, przy średniej wartości bezwzględnej 13,85 tys. Mg CO2eq/rok i odchyleniu standardowym 14,96 tys. Mg CO2eq/rok. W przeliczeniu na jednego mieszkańca, wielkości te kształtują się od 2 kg CO2eq/rok do 67,15 Mg CO2eq/rok, przy średniej 2,17 Mg CO2eq/rok i odchyleniu standardowym 3,18 Mg CO2eq/rok. Ponad połowa łącznej emisji z rolnictwa w polskich gminach związana jest z hodowlą zwierząt gospodarskich, z czego 41,2% pochodzi z fermentacji jelitowej, a 18,7% z odchodów zwierzęcych. Jej istotnym źródłem jest również użytkowanie gleb rolnych (40,1%). We wszystkich polskich gminach udział rolnictwa w ogólnej emisji wynosi średnio 8,9%. Uzyskane rezultaty potwierdzają celowość uwzględniania w planach gospodarki niskoemisyjnej emisji pochodzących z sektora rolniczego i źródeł pokrewnych.
Agriculture is often not included in the baseline greenhouse gas (GHG) emission inventories created for local low carbon economy plans in Poland and other European countries. Therefore, the article was estimated the size of the carbon footprint from agricultural sources and indicate the share of agriculture in the total GHG emissions in Polish communes. A simplified solution has been proposed for this purpose, which can be applied by local government units to, on their own, estimate the carbon footprint and to, further on, monitor the impact of actions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The value of the carbon footprint from agriculture in the Polish communes varies from 0.01 to 289.48 thousand Mg CO2eq/year, with a mean value of 13.85 thousand Mg 22eq/year and a standard deviation of 14.96 thousand Mg CO2eq/year. Per capita, these values range from 2 kg CO2eq/year to 67.15 Mg CO2eq/year, with a mean of 2.17 Mg CO2eq/year and a standard deviation of 3.18 Mg 22eq/year. Over half of total agricultural emissions in Polish communes are related to animal breeding, of which 41.2% come from enteric fermentation and 18.7% from livestock manure. Its important source is also use of agricultural lands (40.1%). In all Polish communes, the contribution of agriculture to total emissions is at an average of 8.9%. The obtained results confirm the appropriateness of including emissions from the agricultural sector and other related sources in low-carbon economy plans.
We wprowadzeniu autorzy zarysowują tło teoretyczne, związane z lokalną gospodarką energetyczną, także w wymiarze międzynarodowym. W kolejnej części charakteryzują istotne elementy zarządzania gospodarką energetyczną w gminie. W głównej części artykułu, w analizie przypadków, autorzy wykazali, że nowatorskie platformy wpływające na gospodarkę energetyczną w gminie mogą występować na różnych poziomach i przybierać różny charakter.
In an introductory part authors give theoretical background concerning local energy economy also in the international dimension. In next part authors characterize significant elements of management of energy economy in a commune. In the course of case analysis, which is the main part of the article, authors proved that innovative platforms which influence energy economy in commune can function on various levels and have various character.
The aim of the study was to develop the spatial concept of afforestation for the area of the Tarnowo Podgórne commune on the basis of guidelines concerning design of new forest complexes contained in the National Programme for Afforestation, the Programme for Afforestation of the Poznań Commune and Guidelines concerning the determination of the agricultural use-forest use boundary. Moreover, the aim of the study was to compare area developed according to the concept with the afforestation area resulting from the Study for the conditions and directions of spatial management and the Programme for Afforestation of the Poznań Commune. The subject matter of the study comprised identification of environmental trends in the Tarnowo Podgórne commune, based on which the afforestation arrangement was developed. The spatial scope of the study covered the administrative area of the Tarnowo Podgórne commune, taking into consideration forest complexes found in the neighbouring communes, lying directly at the boundary of the study area. The study used source materials collected from the Department of Spatial Management of the Tarnowo Podgórne commune and the Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Poznań. For the purpose of the analyses of the study area, resulting in the development of the afforestation concept together with its detailed analysis, a GIS system was created using the ArcGIS programme, incorporating information collected from different sources and concerning the Tarnowo Podgórne commune. Individual information layers in the GIS database facilitated analysis of the source materials: the Study of Conditions and Directions for Spatial Management of the commune in the 1:25 000 scale and the Programme for Afforestation in the Poznań county in the 1:50000 scale. Based on the analysis of a soil map, a map of nature value, a map of water conditions and a map of the cultural environment in the 1:10000 scale, constituting an element in the eco-physiographic study of the area from 2004, obtained from the Office of the Tarnowo Podgórne commune the value of animate nature, hydrographic conditions, soil conditions and selected anthropogenic conditions of the commune were determined, the latter being the most significant for the development of the afforestation concept. Based on the collected GIS information concerning the commune layers of areas recommended for afforestation were isolated in view of general principles and ecological and functional conditions required of the planned afforestation, contained in the Guidelines concerning the establishment of the boundary between the agricultural and forest use from 2003, such as afforestation of forest land and farmland of classes V and VI, afforestation of wasteland, afforestation of water course margins, water reservoirs, watersheds, protection zones for underground water intakes, afforestation forming ecological corridors and afforestation of buffer zones. The developed afforestation concept was analysed in the spatial aspect according to calculations performed in the Excell programme based on values collected from the GIS data base of the prepared project. Analysis of area calculation results made it possible to specify the percentage shares of individual afforestation areas following the guidelines as well as percentage changes in the forest cover of the Tarnowo Podgórne commune, which would be observed as a result of implementation of the developed concept. Based on the analyses the following conclusions were formulated: The final result of the developed concept comprised the design of a spatial afforestation system: of 2324 ha in area, which accounts for approx. 22.9% commune area and together with the existing afforestation areas it increases the forest cover share from 7.8% to 30.7%. which is bigger in area from the concept proposed in SUiKZP and PZLPP by approx. 1400 ha in accordance with the spatial requirements resulting from the allocation to the metropolitan zone, i.e. the trend of a dynamic increase in the urbanization level and an increase in the number of production plants and service workshops taking into consideration the area required for agricultural production. Under present-day socio-economic conditions the developed afforestation concept may not be realised due to the allocation of land to more profitable purposes (building development, industrial purposes …) in relation to the forest land use. The designed afforestation concept was developed in view of the source materials in an approximate 1: 10 000 scale and for this reason it may be used when preparing spatial management plans. Results of the design project need to include socio-economic criteria.
The content presented in the article refer to local job markets. The paper contains analysis results of job markets in 30 communes located in different regions of Poland where military units of selected armed forces’ branches are stationed. The analyses were conducted in the context of employing the potential of retiring soldiers and military workers.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono główne kierunki działań inwestycyjnych gmin wiejskich w województwie małopolskim oraz określono priorytety w rozdysponowywaniu dodatkowych środków finansowych. Każdego z 446 respondentów poproszono o rozdysponowanie kwoty dodatkowego 1 miliona złoty, który hipotetycznie otrzymała jego gmina. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań ustalono, iż działania które można uznać za sprzyjające ochronie środowiska uzyskały w sumie ponad 44 % kwoty pozostawionej do rozdysponowania, elementy infrastruktury 30%, a sfera społeczna 20%, inne cele 6%.
The report presents the main directions of investment undertakings in rural communes of Małopolskie voivodship and specifies the priorities in distributing additional resources. Each of 446 respondents were asked to distribute the amount of hypothetical 1 million PLN, received by his/her commune. The research revealed that undertakings that may be favourable for the environment gained in total over 44% of the amount to be distributed, infrastructure elements 30%, social area 20%, other purposes 6%.
Omówiono aktualny stan sektora elektroenergetycznego w Niemczech ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem rozwoju przedsiębiorstw energetycznych, ściślej infrastrukturalnych, w gminach. Przedstawiono podstawy prawne i doświadczenia, zwłaszcza w elektroenergetyce na terenach byłego NRD. Dotychczasowe doświadczenia uznano za pozytywne.
Discussed is an actual state of the power sector in Germany with a special consideration of the development of power companies (more exact infra-structural ones) in communes. Presented is a legal base and expe-rience especially in the electric power industry in the area of former G.D.R. Up-to-date experiences are proved as positive ones.
Samorządy lokalne mają za zadanie monitorowanie występujących potrzeb energetycznych oraz sporządzanie założeń do planu zaopatrzenia w energię elektryczną i ciepło przy możliwie niskich kosztach. Zadaniem przedsiębiorstwa energetycznego jest z kolei zapewnienie korzystania przez podmioty przyłączone z energii o określonej jakości oraz dostępności do mediów dla jak najszerszego grona odbiorców. Zła współpraca między tymi podmiotami może doprowadzić do znacznego ograniczenia rozwoju lokalnego rynku energii.
Monitoring of power needs and creation of assumptions for plans of electricity and heat supply at costs as low as possible is a task of local self-governments. On the other hand it is a task of power company to assure for all entities connected to pertinent grid the use the energy at defined quality and to assure an accessibility of media for the most wide circle of consumers. A bad cooperation between these entities can cause considerable limitation of local energy market.
Przedstawiono problemy spoczywające na samorządach lokalnych związane z zaopatrzeniem gmin w energię cieplną i elektryczną. Wskazano na celowość tworzenia przedsiębiorstw multienergetycznych i multiinfrastrukturalnych do realizacji zadań związanych z dostawami energii, z uwzględnieniem rozwoju regionu.
Problems of local government with regard to supplies the communes with electricity and heat energy are presented in the paper. The usefulness of creating multi-energy and multi-infrastructural companies in order to meet the aims concerning energy delivery with regard to regional development.
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