Geothermal waters under national conditions have the status of minerals, which means that their exploitation is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Geological and Mining Law. In the area of the Podhale Basin, one of the boreholes that extracts water of elevated temperature is the Chochołów PIG-1 borehole which constitutes the basis for the functioning of the Chochołowskie Termy recreation complex. The main feature of the waters intake due to the correct functioning of the complex is the stability of temperature and physicochemical parameters. The variability of most important hydrogeological parameters (temperature, SEC, SO42-, Cl-, HCO3-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+) with available data base were chosen for the analyzes. These parameters determine economic viability and proper conditions for the technical exploitation of geothermal borehole Chochołów PIG-1. Water chemistry has been studied in the area of ionic index markings determining the type of exploitating geothermal water. This paper presents the results of analyzes of selected parameters in the years 2016-2017 and indicates trends in their contents in the given period. The general conclusion is that under operating conditions in accordance with the approved performance, physicochemical parameters are characterized by relative stability. The appropriate exploitation of water from the Chochołów PIG-1 borehole allows for maintaining the proper temperature, which is the underpinning for the functioning of the recreation and balneology complex of the Chochołowskie Termy.
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