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In this study, the effectiveness of using natural bio-coagulants and bio-flocculants to treat textile wastewater through the coagulation-flocculation method was examined. These bio-based agents have several advantages over chemical agents, including biodegradability, natural abundance, low toxicity, and low cost. A bio-coagulant (holm oak acorn (HOA)) and a bio-flocculant (cactus juice) were used to investigate the capacity for turbidity removal and decolorization of textile wastewater. The UV spectrophotometer was used to characterize the discharges before and after treatment, and the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD5) levels were calculated. Box-Behnken design (BBD) coupled with response surface methodology (RSM) were utilized to optimize the process and reduce turbidity and decolorization in textile wastewater. The obtained results show that under the optimal conditions (0.5 g·L-1 of HOA, 15 mL·L-1 of cactus juice, and a pH of 7), decolorization and turbidity removal were achieved at 69% and 90%, respectively. This study demonstrates the potential of using bio-coagulants and bio-flocculants in the treatment of textile wastewater.
Olive cultivation is currently the subject of great exposure (Ministry of Agriculture and Maritime Fishing, 2015), and as a consequence of the implementation of the national olive cultivation development programme, an area of 1,220,000 ha (+ 120%) and a total olive production of 2,500,000 tonnes/year (+ 70%) are among the objectives of the Green Morocco Plan by 2020. The olive sector has experienced a very important movement in the context of the 2017–2018 campaign, which Morocco should record a volume never reached before, with a production record estimated at 1.56 million tons, the production of this campaign shows an increase of 47.8% compared to the previous season. In this work, we determined the efficiency of a new biodegradable natural flocculant extracted from the prickly pear Opuntia ficus indica in a physico-chemical process by coagulation-flocculation, to treat liquid discharges loaded with organic matter and phenols difficult to degrade. The tests were carried out on six well-preserved samples subjected to increasing concentrations of coagulant and flocculant after adjustment of the pH. The results obtained are very encouraging for this type of physico-chemical treatment and work is still in progress until there is a significant improvement in the rate of abatement of the pollutant load.
This study is the evaluation of the coagulation efficiency of the aluminum sulfate on the removal of catechol and pyrogallol. The study has focused on the impact of inorganic components of hardness Algerian waters. Jar-test trials were conducted on the two phenolic compounds dissolved in distilled water only, which was later enriched with minerals. Several reaction parameters varied, including the effect of pH and the influence of the salt content, and this approach yielded a better understanding of interaction between phenolic compounds and calcium/magnesium salts. The results indicate that the process efficiency depends on the number and position of OH in molecules. The main mechanisms would be either a physical adsorption, an exchange of ligand, or complexation on the floc surface of aluminum hydroxide. Moreover, the addition of inorganic salts appears to improve removal efficiency of tested phenolic compounds and have an effect on the optimal pH range for coagulation.
The batik industry became a double-edged sword for the development of Indonesia. While it plays a significant role in economy, it also contributes to the environmental pollution, which is mostly caused by the lack of appropriate technology for the wastewater treatment in small industries. This study aims at determining the feasibility in combining the coagulation-flocculation technology using Moringa oleifera seeds powder (MOSP) with horizontal subsurface constructed wetland (HSSFCW) in treating the batik wastewater. The results show that combining 750 mg/L MOSP in the coagulation flocculation technology with 5 days retention time on HSSFCW optimally removed 89.33% of the chemical oxygen demand (COD); 98.11% of total suspended solids (TSS); and 92.05% of fat, oil, and grease (FOG). Moreover, it increases the pH conditions up to 7.33. Despite its high removal efficiency, this technology combination is not feasible in the batik wastewater treatment due to inability to meet the standard effluent of the discharged wastewater. Therefore, adding pre-post treatment to this technology implementation is recommended to obtain the standard effluents of wastewater discharged.
This investigation was undertaken to determine the optimum conditions for physical-chemical treatment of waste water contaminated with heavy metals in the industry of metallic coatings. The industry uses substances such as: inorganic acids, alkalis, acidic and alkaline metal salts, that has a high water demand in the processes of flushing and cleaning the parts to be coated. According to the preliminary characterization of samples and reported in the literature theory, physico-chemical process was implemented for the removal of contaminants that consisted in chemical oxidation of CN-ions, followed by chemical precipitation made next to a coagulation/flocculation and subsequent adsorption on activated coal. Laboratory scale tests showed the optimal conditions of treatment including chemical oxidation by the addition of 4.15 cm3 of H2O2 (30%) per gram of CN, chemical precipitation with NaOH to a pH of 12, followed by coagulation/flocculation with Fe2(SO4)3 at a speed of 135 rpm for 3 min and 20 rpm for 20 min and finally the addition of 1.0 g of adsorbent previously activated at 700°C. From this study, it is clear that the adsorption on activated carbon is highly efficient in the removal of heavy metals from industrial waste water from electroplating. However, it is also clear that the parallel application of the treatments, shown here, is more effective to completely remove contaminants such as lead, nickel, silver, and copper at laboratory scale, so it is recommended the simultaneous use of these physico-chemical processes.
Badania podjęto celem ustalenia optymalnych warunków fizycznego i chemicznego oczyszczania ścieków z galwanizerni. Zakłady takie wykorzystują kwasy nieorganiczne, alkalia i sole metali o odczynie kwasowym bądź zasadowym. Ponadto zużywają one dużo wody w procesie oczyszczania i płukania pokrywanych metalami elementów. Na podstawie wstępnej charakterystyki próbek i danych literaturowych wdrożono fizyczny i chemiczny proces usuwania zanieczyszczeń, który polegał na chemicznym utlenianiu jonów CN oraz chemicznym wytrącaniu, koagulacji/flokulacji oraz adsorpcji na węglu aktywnym. Testy w skali laboratoryjnej wykazały, że optymalne warunki oczyszczania obejmowały chemiczne utlenianie dzięki dodatkowi 4,15 cm3 H2O2 (30%) na gram CN, chemiczne strącanie NaOH do pH 12, a następnie koagulację/ flokulację z prędkością 135 obr.∙min–1 przez 3 min i 20 obr.∙min–1 przez 20 min oraz dodatek 1,0 g adsorbentu aktywowanego wstępnie w 700°C. Badania wykazały, że adsorpcja na węglu aktywnym jest wysoce efektywna w usuwaniu metali ciężkich ze ścieków galwanizerskich. Równoległe stosowanie zabiegów przedstawionych w pracy zapewnia jeszcze większą efektywność w całkowitym usuwaniu ołowiu, niklu, srebra i miedzi w skali laboratoryjnej. Dlatego równoczesne stosowanie tych zabiegów jest zalecane w praktyce.
The purpose of the presented research is to analyse possible methods of thickening of the Microcystis aeruginosa (Kützing) Kützing cyanobacteria using the obtained concentrate as a biomass for the production of energy carriers and biologically valuable substances. Method of cyanobacteria thickening under the action of electric current and in the electric field, as well as the method of coagulation–flocculation and gravity thickening, was experimentally investigated in labscale conditions. Electrical methods didn't show positive results for the Microcystis aeruginosa thickening, despite the reports of their potential efficiency in a number of previous studies. The high efficiency of the method of coagulation– flocculation and gravity thickening of Microcystis aeruginosa suspensions was obtained. The optimum concentrations of industrial polymeric coagulants and flocculants for the thickening of Microcystis aeruginosa suspensions were defined in the range of about 10 ppm for the coagulants and about 1 ppm for the flocculants. Negative effect of the previous cavitational treatment of the diluted suspensions of Microcystis aeruginosa on the effectiveness of the coagulation–flocculation and gravitational thickening was confirmed experimentally. Hydrodynamic cavitation should be recommended to use after the thickening as the next step of processing of concentrated suspensions of Microcystis aeruginosa to achieve maximum extraction of energy carriers and biologically valuable substances.
Celem przedstawionych badań była analiza możliwych metod zagęszczania cyjanobakterii Microcystis aeruginosa (Kützing) Kützing do uzyskania koncentratu biomasy przydatnego do produkcji energii i substancji czynnych biologicznie. W skali laboratoryjnej analizowano metody zagęszczania pod wpływem prądu i pola elektrycznego oraz metody koagulacji– flokulacji i zagęszczania grawitacyjnego. Metody elektryczne nie dały pozytywnych wyników mimo wielu wcześniejszych badań na temat ich potencjalnej efektywności. Dużą efektywność uzyskano natomiast w przypadku metod koagulacji– flokulacji i grawitacyjnego zagęszczania zawiesiny Microcystis aeruginosa. Optymalne stężenie przemysłowych polimerowych koagulantów użytych do zagęszczania ustalono na 10 ppm, a flokulantów – na 1 ppm. Doświadczalnie potwierdzono ujemny wpływ wcześniejszego poddawania rozcieńczonych roztworów Microcystis aeruginosa działaniu kawitacji na skuteczność zagęszczania metodami koagulacji i flokulacji oraz zagęszczania grawitacyjnego. Hydrodynamiczną kawitację zaleca się stosować po zagęszczaniu, jako następny etap w przetwarzaniu zagęszczonej zawiesiny Microcystis aeruginosa do postaci nośnika energii i pozyskania substancji biologicznie czynnych.
The performance of Vigna unguiculata coagulant (VUC) for colour removal from acid dye was investigated in this study. The proximate, structure and morphology of the coagulant were investigated using standard official methods, Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. Response surface methodology (RSM) using face-centred central composite design (FCCD) optimized four process variables including pH, coagulant dosage, dye concentration and time. The colour removal efficiency obtained from the optimization analysis was 99.26% at process conditions of pH 2, coagulant dosage 256.09 mg/l, dye concentration 16.7 mg/l and time 540 min. The verification experiments agreed with the predicted values having a standard error value of 1.96%. Overlay contour plot established optimum areas where the predicted response variable is in an acceptable range (≥ 70%) with respect to optimum conditions. The FCCD approach was appropriate for optimizing the process giving higher removal efficiency when compared to the main effect plots.
Celem badań było określenie skuteczności podczyszczania odcieków składowiskowych z wykorzystaniem koagulacji, ozonowania i reakcji Fentona.
The objective of the research was to study coagulation-flocculation, ozonation and Fenton’s process pretreatment on a stabilized landfill leachate. The leachate came from a municipal sanitary landfill, located near Bielsk Podlaski, (Podlaskie viovodeship). Main parameters were at average: pH 7,69; COD 1125 mgO2/dm3; BOD 143 mgO2/dm3; NH4+ 658 mgN/dm3; UV absorbance 0,326 and turbidity 59 NTU. An individual and integrated technique consisted of coagulation, Fenton’s reaction, ozonation and coagulation / ozonation was examined. The coagulation of leachate samples was accomplished by addition of Iron(III) sulfate. Maximum COD, color and UV absorbance removal rates at 44,8%, 75,5% and 67% were achieved by adding of 350 mgFe/dm3 of Iron(III) sulfate as Fe3+ respectively. The ozone dosages were used in the range of 50 to 750 mgO3/dm3 of the leachate. The maximum COD, color and UV absorbance removal was respectively 23,3%; 30,2% and 27,9% by applying a high ozone dose of 750 mgO3/dm3. After oxidation, the ratio of BOD /COD was increased from 0.11 up to 0.16. Fenton process reduced the COD, color and UV absorbance of the leachates by 64,9; 81,1and 68,7% respectively. Best operative conditions were obtained with Iron(III) sulfate dose 150 mgFe/dm3, and maximum hydrogen peroxide dose 2100 mgH2O2/dm3 (reaction time: 2h). Advantages associated with Fenton’s reagent include higher organic removal capacity, and bigger production of biodegradable byproducts, measured as BOD/COD ratio.
Powstające w wyniku składowania odpadów komunalnych odcieki zawierają liczne zanieczyszczenia, wśród których zidentyfikowano łącznie ponad 200 związków organicznych, zawierających głównie jednopierścieniowe i dwupierścieniowe węglowodory aromatyczne, w stężeniach dochodzących nawet do kilkuset µg/dm3. W trakcie składowania odpady podlegają fizykochemicznym i biologicznym przemianom. Zanieczyszczenia powstają głównie w wyniku degradacji części organicznej odpadów, które migrują wraz z wodami opadowymi i roztopowymi, tworząc tak zwane odcieki charakteryzujące się zazwyczaj wysokim stężeniem ChZT, barwy oraz wysoką ogólną zawartością rozpuszczonych soli, głównie chlorków.
The main aim of this work was to examine the application of coagulation and ozonation for the pretreatment of raw leachates. The average characteristics of samples were: pH 8,1, color 5840 gPt/m3, COD 2745 gO2/m3, BOD 250 gO2/m3. The content of substances of total dry residue was 6225 g/m3, electrolytic conductivity 10,6 mS/cm. After coagulation of polyaluminum chloride COD was 1801 gO2/m3, color 2832 gPt/m3, BOD 112 gO2/m3. After ozonation effect removal of COD was 3,3% at the dose of ozone 0,1 gO3/dm3 and 13% (0,7 gO3/ dm3). However, the eff ect of color removal ranged from 6.4% to 24.3%, respectively, at the lowest and highest doses of ozone. The use of ozone after coagulation process allows us to increase the effect of the removal of color and COD at the highest dose of ozone 1 gO3/m3 respectively to 86 and 56%.
Badano skuteczność podczyszczania odcieków pochodzących z ustabilizowanego składowiska odpadów stałych metodą koagulacji. Odcieki przeznaczone do badań technologicznych charakteryzowały się wartością pH 8,24, niewielką mętnością 45 NTU, wysoką barwą 5150 mgPt/dm3, stężeniem ChZT 2205 mgO2/dm3 i BZT5 310 mgO2/dm3. Koagulację prowadzono z wykorzystaniem polichlorku glinu, chlorku żelaza(III), oraz wapna w postaci 5% roztworu CaO. Wymagana dawka wapna, niezbędna do uzyskania pH 11,5 wynosiła 750 mg/dm3. Spośród wybranych koagulantów najwyższą efektywność w odniesieniu do ChZT 54 % oraz barwy 75% uzyskano stosując polichlorek glinu w dawce 390 mgAl3+/dm3. Wysoki efekt usunięcia ChZT i barwy uzyskano również w procesie koagulacji wapnem.
The objective of the research was to study coagulation-flocculation pretreatment a stabilized landfill leachate. The average characteristics of samples were: pH 8,24, NTU 45, color 5150 mgPt/dm3, COD 2205 mgO2/dm3, BOD 310 mgO2/dm3. The coagulation of landfill leachate samples was accomplished by addition of different coagulants including poly-aluminum chloride, ferric chloride and lime in various dose. Lime coagulation process the results show that the pH of leachate can be adjusted to 11,5, after putting in 750 mgCaO /dm3. Results of these tests showed that among uses coagulants the best for treatment of the leachate is poly-aluminum chloride. Maximum COD and color removal rates for 54% and 75% had been achieved by addition of 390 mg/m3 of poly-aluminum chloride as Al3+ respectively. Therefore coagulation-flocculation is not sufficient for treatment of this leachate and for further treatment some other methods such as chemical oxidation, GAC adsorption and membrane filtration should be applied.
The characteristic of organic substances in municipal landfill leachate was presented and the influence of landfill age on organics concentrations was discussed. The occurrence of hazardous compounds like BTEX, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and chlorinated compounds were analyzed. Moreover, the most popular physico-chemical methods treatment was reviewed. A particular focus was given to coagulation/flocculation, adsorption, advanced oxidation. processes and membrane processes.
Przedstawiono charakterystykę zanieczyszczeń organicznych występujących w odciekach pochodzących ze składowisk odpadów komunalnych z uwzględnieniem związków uznawanych za niebezpieczne, w tym BTEX, WWA (PAH) i związków chloroorganicznych. Omówiono zależność pomiędzy wiekiem składowiska a rodzajem i stężeniem zanieczyszczeń organicznych występujących w odciekach. Dokonano przeglądu piśmiennictwa dotyczącego oczyszczania odcieków pochodzących ze składowisk ustabilizowanych z zastosowaniem najczęściej wykorzystywanych metod fizykochemicznych, tj. koagulacji/flokulacji, adsorpcji, pogłębionego utleniania oraz metod membranowych.
Content available remote Colloidal sorbents wastewater coagulation
Coagulation performance of PAC, Al2(SO4)3 and PIX in model wastewater was compared. For aluminium coagulants the proposed hypothesis that the amount of a coagulant has to be precisely determined based on the condition of the minimum of the parabola dx = 0 was confirmed. It was found that the dose of PIX should be calculated using the coordinates of the point of intersection of appropriate straight lines. Then under conditions of an optimum coagulant dose the mechanism of phosphorus removal from model wastewater was examined. The determination coefficient R2 for a converted eąuation of the Langmuir adsorption isotherm indicated chemical naturę of phosphate(V) binding by colloidal micelles of {Al(OH)3} and{FeCOH)3}.
Porównano zdolność koagulacyjną PAC, Al2(SO4)3 i PDC w ściekach modelowych. Dla koagulantów glinowych potwierdzono słuszność nowej koncepcji dokładnego obliczania ilości koagulantu z warunku minimum paraboli dx = 0. Stwierdzono, że dawkę PK należy obliczać ze współrzędnych przecięcia odpowiednich prostych. W warunkach „dawki optymalnej" koagulantu badano mechanizm usuwania fosforu L koagulowanych ścieków modelowych. Wartości współczynnika determinacji R2 dla skonwertowanego równania izotermy adsorpcji Langmuira wskazały na chemiczny charakter wiązania fosforanów(V) przez koloidalne micele {Al(OH)3} i {Fe(OH)3}.
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