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This paper investigates the flotation behavior of Cyclohexyl hydroxamic acid (CHA) and benzhydroxamic acid (BHA) on cassiterite under lead nitrate activation conditions and elucidates the adsorption mechanism of CHA on the cassiterite surface. Microflotation experiments were performed to compare the capturing efficiency of CHA and BHA at pH values ranging from 4 to 12. Results showed that CHA exhibited superior capability in capturing cassiterite compared to BHA. The recovery of cassiterite in the hydroxamic acid-based flotation system correlated positively with the adsorption of hydroxamic acid on the cassiterite surface. Adsorption experiments revealed an increase in adsorption quantity with an increase in hydroxamic acid dosage, with CHA exhibiting significantly higher adsorption amount than BHA on the cassiterite surface. To analyze the adsorption mechanism of CHA on the cassiterite surface, both infrared spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis were conducted, both before and after lead nitrate activation. IR spectra and XPS results indicated that lead ion activation enhanced the adsorption of CHA on the cassiterite surface, resulting in an increased number of active sites for CHA interaction. Additionally, chemisorption of CHA occurred on the cassiterite surface.
The nature and mechanism of interaction between carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) with cassiterite (and chlorite surfaces) and their effects on the flotation separation process of cassiterite (from chlorite) were investigated by micro-flotation tests, surface adsorption experiments, zeta potential measurements, solution chemical calculation, infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS). The results from single mineral tests revealed that CMC exhibited good selective inhibition effects with cassiterites and chlorites. When the dosage was 12.5 mg/L at pH 8, cassiterite and chlorite recovery was 92.2% and 6.3%, respectively. The artificial mixed ore test revealed that the flotation separation effect was the best when the dosage of CMC was 6.5 mg/L. Cassiterite used during the studies was 75.1% pure. The recovery was 82.8%. The interaction between CMC and the cassiterite surface led to a shift in the zeta potential toward the negative direction. CMC was weakly adsorbed on the cassiterite surface. There was no significant impact on the subsequent collection of sodium oleate. The concentration of C atom increased post interaction, and the potential shifted toward the negative direction. Characteristic CMC peaks were observed at this point. Hydrogen bonds and weak chemisorption interactions between CMC and chlorite affected the interaction between sodium oleate and the chlorite surface. It also affected the flotation results. The cassiterite and chlorite were separated effectively.
The effective flotation separation of sulfides and sliming silicate minerals is always a difficult problem. In this paper, the selective flotation of arsenopyrite from muscovite was studied by using sodium phytate (SP) as dispersant, and the mechanism was investigated through SEM/EDS, zeta potential, FTIR and XPS measurements. Single mineral flotation results showed that with the increasing isoamyl xanthate (IAX) dosage the recovery of arsenopyrite increased, until 8×10−5 mol/L IAX (79.40% recovery, pH=7), after that it decreased slightly. While muscovite floated poorly at any IAX concentration. For the mixed minerals, arsenopyrite recovery was only 54.63% while that of muscovite was 42.70%, which was attributed to the coverage of muscovite on arsenopyrite surface. When 6×10−5 mol/L SP was added into the mixed minerals system, the recovery of arsenopyrite recovered to 68.26% while that of muscovite was 8.48% (approximate the value of the single mineral). SEM/EDS results showed that SP could disperse muscovite and prevented its coverage on arsenopyrite surface. Zeta potential results showed that the electrokinetic potential of muscovite and arsenopyrite decrease from -26.60mV to -39.01 mV and from -26.90 mV to -27.84 mV at pH=7, respectively. It was obvious that the negatively charged phytate ions selectively adsorbed on the surface of muscovite. FTIR and XPS resulted co-proved the chemisorption of SP with active sites on muscovite while arsenopyrite spectrum did not change significantly, which was consistent with flotation and zeta potential results. The selective adsorption of SP on muscovite compared to arsenopyrite was responsible for the effective separation of them.
The paper presents the results of experimental study of the adsorption characteristic of the IM-50 and tall oil fatty acids (TOFA) collector reagents on cassiterite. UV-spectrophotometric method, scanning electron and laser microscopy were applied to analyze the adsorption of the reagents. SHIMADZU UV 1800 was used to obtain the UV spectra of aqueous solutions of IM-50 reagents and saponified TOFA at varied concentrations. IM-50 has not got characteristic adsorption maxima in ultraviolet and visible spectrum. TOFA has a weakly pronounced maximum absorption in the range of 233-244 nm. Microscopic photographs of cassiterite sections were obtained with LEO 1420VP INCA equipped OXFORD ENERGY 350 analyzer. Reagent IM-50 and TOFA collector reagent, Newly formed organic matter phases of IM-50 and TOFA were detected. X-ray spectra characterized the increased carbon content indicating adsorption on the surface of cassiterite IM-5- and TOFA. By measuring the surface relief parameters of polished cassiterite, using KEYENCE VK-9700 scanning laser microscopy and VK-Analyzer software, a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the IM-50 and TOFA reagent layer on the cassiterite surface was performed. Measurements were performed in the several fields of view and showed the degree of IM-50 coating varied from 40.5 to 42.6% of the surface area, and TOFA average coating was 38.5%. Subsequent washing with water does not remove the reagents from the surface of the mineral and indicates a strong fixation of IM-50 and TOFA on cassiterite, which can have a positive effect on flotation extraction of sludge tin fractions. Qualitative and quantitative results of the reagent adsorption helped to make a forecast of their floatability by the studied collectors. This study is supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 17-17-01292).
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych charakterystyki adsorpcji odczynników kolektorowych IM-50 i kwasów tłuszczowych oleju talowego (TOFA) na kasyterycie. Do analizy adsorpcji odczynników zastosowano metodę spektrofotometryczną UV, skaningową mikroskopię elektronową i laserową. SHIMADZU UV 1800 zastosowano do uzyskania widm UV wodnych roztworów odczynników IM-50 i zmydlonego TOFA w różnych stężeniach. IM-50 nie ma charakterystycznych maksimów adsorpcji w widmie ultrafioletowym i widzialnym. TOFA ma słabo wyraźną maksymalną absorpcję w zakresie 233–244 nm. Zdjęcia mikroskopowe przekrojów kasyterytów uzyskano za pomocą analizatora OXFORD ENERGY 350 wyposażonego w LEO 1420VP INCA. Wykryto nowo powstałe fazy materii organicznej IM-50 i TOFA. Widma rentgenowskie charakteryzowały zwiększoną zawartość węgla wskazującą na adsorpcję na powierzchni kasyterytów IM-5- i TOFA. Mierząc parametry wypukłości powierzchni polerowanego kasyterytu, stosując skaningową mikroskopię laserową KEYENCE VK-9700 i oprogramowanie VK-Analyzer, przeprowadzono jakościową i ilościową ocenę warstwy odczynnika IM-50 i TOFA na powierzchni kasyterytu. Pomiary przeprowadzono w kilku polach widzenia i stwierdzono no stopień pokrycia IM-50 wahający się od 40,5 do 42,6% pola powierzchni, a średnie pokrycie TOFA wynosiło 38,5%. Późniejsze przemycie wodą nie usuwa odczynników z powierzchni minerału i wskazuje na silne utrwalenie IM-50 i TOFA na kasyterycie, co może mieć pozytywny wpływ na ekstrakcję flotacyjną frakcji szlamu i cyny. Jakościowe i ilościowe wyniki adsorpcji odczynników pomogły w opracowaniu prognozy ich flotowalności za pomocą badanych kolektorów. Badanie jest wspierane przez Russian Science Foundation (projekt nr 17-17-01292).
Abstract. The main task of research was to quantitatively and qualitatively identify rare and associated elements that occur within a cassiterite-sulphide mineralization zone hosted Precambrian - Lower Paleozoic metamorphic rochi in the Stara Kamienica schist belt making up the part of the Izera-Karhonosze Massif. Over 70 samples from archive boreholes and abandoned Sn-ore mines were examined using modern methods like portable pXRF, geochemical analysis (ICP-MS, WD-XRF, GF-AAS), polarizing microscopy, electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) and scaning electron microscopy with EDS system (SEM-EDS). Preliminary results show interesting concentrations of associated elements such as Zn (max 0.56%), Pb (max 0.7%), Cu (max 0.33%), As (max 0.55%), and some rare elements like In, Re, Nb, Co, Bi, Pt, V, La and Ce.
Drifts historical of St. John and St. Leopold historical tin mine in Krobica, located within the Stara Kamienica shist belt of the Sudetes Mountains were a subject of intermittent exploitation from the 16th through the 20th centuries. Initial X-ray examinations inside historical ore excavations using a field portable pXRF spectrometer and laboratory geochemical analysis by WD-XRF, ISP-MS and GF-AAS methods were carried out. These studies showed elevated concentrations of a range of elements (Bi, Hf, In, Pd, Pt, Sc, Sb, W, As, Ag, Cd, Re, Zn, Pb and some REE), which are recognized as critical for the European Union economy. The reflected-light microscopic examination has confirmed the occurrence of a cassiterite-sulfide mineralization that was exploited in historical times. A number of analyses was performed using an electron microprobe (EMPA). This allowed us to recognize a series of minerals (mainly ore minerals) as carriers of the above-mentioned elements. The following ore minerals were identified in the samples examined: chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, gersdorffite, as well as mimetite and xenotime.
Naturally, most of the cassiterite co-exists with sparingly soluble calcite, which makes it difficult to be fully utilized. Due to the adsorption of calcium ions dissolved from calcite, surface properties of cassiterite and its floatability can be influenced. Adsorption tests show calcium ions can adsorb on cassiterite surface. In the presence of Ca2+, the zeta potentials of cassiterite shift to more positive values and the isoelectric point of cassiterite increases from pH 4.4 to pH 4.9. XPS results show that after calcium ions treatment, a strong calcium spectral peak at 347.65 eV is detected on the cassiterite surface and the chemical circumstance of oxygen atoms is changed. The presence of Ca2+ can significantly depressed the flotation behavior of cassiterite with salicylhydroxamic acid (SHA) as collector. Its recovery is decreased by 26.03% compared to that without Ca2+ at SHA dosage of 8.0×10-4 mol/dm3. When increasing SHA concentration to 9.0×10-4 mol/dm3 and above, the depression effect is partly compensated and the recovery rises by about 20%. Contact angle values of cassiterite measured by the bubble method correspond well to the flotation performance. Hence the depression mechanism of Ca2+ in cassiterite flotation can be interpreted in two aspects: 1) the consumption of SHA due to complexation reactions in pulp; 2) a decrease of effective adsorption site for SHA on cassiterite because of the adsorption of Ca2+.
The Economy of Rwanda nowadays relies on the mining activities, where the mineral exports contribute a lot to the national export revenues. The Government therefore considers mining as one of the key sectors to drive economic development and poverty reduction. The 3T consist of the major mineral resources exported, and the tin occupies the second place among the 3T carried across the country. However, based on the standards of international market, the grade of these mineral is still low due to the artisanal processing methods. It is in this Regard; foreign companies were engaged in mineral smelting to increase the quality using carbon in form of charcoal as reducing agent in the electric arc furnace to separate tin from the associated compound within the concentrate. Despite that, the technology didn’t reach the high result of increasing the grade of tin due to the high affinity of tin with iron. Therefore, the direct reduction of tin by carbon monoxide is suitable to overcome the challenges mentioned. This paper, is discussing the process of using carbon monoxide during tin extraction from cassiterite concentrate.
Gospodarka Rwandy bazuje obecnie na działalności wydobywczej, w której eksport minerałów ma duży wpływ na krajowe przychody z eksportu. Rząd uważa zatem górnictwo za jeden z kluczowych sektorów, który napędza rozwój gospodarczy i ograniczanie ubóstwa: cyna zajmuje drugie miejsce spośród eksportowanych surowców mineralnych. Jakość minerału jest niska ze względu na tradycyjne metody przetwarzania. Zagraniczne firmy były zaangażowane w wytapianie minerałów w celu podniesienia ich jakości przy użyciu węgla drzewnego, jako środka redukującego w elektrycznym piecu łukowym (w celu oddzielenia cyny od powiązanego związku w koncentracie): technologia nie znalazła zastosowania z uwagi na wysokie powinowactwo cyny do żelaza. W artykule omówiono proces stosowania tlenku węgla podczas ekstrakcji cyny z koncentratu kasiterytu.
The flotation behavior and adsorption mechanism of cassiterite using sodium lauroamphoacetate (SLA) as a collector were investigated by adsorption tests, micro-flotation tests, zeta potential measurements, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. Adsorption test results indicated that the adsorption of SLA on the cassiterite surface increased continually with the increase of SLA concentration. Micro-flotation test results demonstrated that SLA had a stronger collecting ability to cassiterite than salicylhydroxamic acid (SHA) and sodium oleate (NaOL) in the pH range of 2-12, and showed a higher selectivity in the separation of cassiterite-quartz than in cassiterite-clinochlore. The zeta potential measurement results indicated that the isoelectric point (IEP) of cassiterite minerals changed from pH 3.9 to 3.4, suggesting the adsorption of SLA on cassiterite surface. The FTIR spectra and XPS analysis further confirmed that SLA chemically adsorbed on cassiterite surface.
The presented work deals with the possibility of synthesis of blue-violet cassiterite pigments, in which a part of tin ions was substituted by cobalt and manganese ions. In this case, phosphorous is used as a charge-compensating element. The compounds with the formula Sn0.752Co0.08P0.16Mn0.008O2 were prepared by solid state reaction, using the classical ceramic method, and also the method of mechanical activation. The goal was to develop conditions for synthesis and the most suitable preparation method of these pigments. The temperature range was chosen from 1350 °C to 1500 °C. The synthesised pigments were characterised in terms of colour properties after their application into the transparent ceramic glaze P 074 91 and into the organic binder. They were also studied with respect to their phase composition as well as the particle size distribution.
Prezentowana praca poświecona jest możliwości syntezy niebieskofioletowago pigmentu kaserytowego, w którym część jonów cynowych podstawiono jonami kobaltu i manganu. W tym przypadku fosfor użyto jako pierwiastek kompensujący ładunek. Związki o wzorze Sn0,752Co0,08P0,16Mn0,008O2 przygotowano w drodze reakcji w fazie stałej, wykorzystując klasyczną metodę ceramiczną, a także metodę mechanicznej aktywacji. Cele było opracowanie warunków syntezy i najbardziej odpowiedniej metod wytwarzania tych pigmentów. Wybrano zakres temperatury od 1350 °C do 1500 °C. Pigmenty scharakteryzowano w odniesieniu do właściwości barwnych po zastosowaniu ich w przezroczystym ceramicznym szkliwie P 074 91 i organicznym lepiszczu. Zbadano również ich skład fazowy i rozkład wielkości cząstek.
Xenotime in mica schists with chlorite was analysed with EDS microprobe combined with scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM 35. The samples come from two boreholes (C-XI-41 and C-XII-54) drilled in the western part of Stara Kamienica Range. Xenotime crystals are of zoning and patchy character due to the changing composition of HREE elements. Xenotime is probably of hydrothermal origin which is connected with premetamorphic cassiterite and sulfide mineralization.
A rapid spectrophotometric method employing the formation of a ternary complex of tin with Fe(II) and dimethylglyoxime, has been developed for the determination of tin in tantalum, iron and titanium bearing matrices. A novel method for the dissolution of samples has been proposed to avoid hydrolysis and subsequent loss of tin due to adsorption by the hydrolysed mass. The observation that Sn(IV) also forms a triple complex, besides Sn(II), with exactly overlapping spectra avoids the presence of tin in specific oxidation state. The molar absorptivity and the Sandell sensitivity of the complex formed at pH 0.8-2.0 in aqueous medium are 4.2 x 10(3) L mol(-1) cm'1 and 0.0242 ug cm(-2), respectively, in either oxi-dation state of Sn at absorption maximum 460 nm.
Opracowano szybką metodę spektrofotometryczną oznaczania Sn w matrycach zawierających Ta, Fe i Ti. W metodzie wykorzystano powstawanie trój członowego kompleksu Sn(II) lub Sn(IV) z Fe(II). Kompleksy Sn(II) i Sn(lV) majądokładnie nakładające się widma z maksimum absorpcji przy 460 nm. Próbki rozpuszczono tak, aby nie powstawały osady zhydrolizowanych produktów, co eliminowało możliwość strat cyny wskutek adsorpcji na tych osadach. Wyznaczono molowy współczynnik absorpcji i czułość SandelPa dla trójczło-nowych kompleksów cyny; przy pH 0.8-2.0 wynosiły one odpowiednio 4.2x 10(3) L mol(-1) cm(-1) 0.0242 ug cm(-2).
This paper presents new data on mineralization found at Krzyżowa Łąka near Mniszków. Microstudies indicated the occurrence ofcassiterite, greenockite and argentite in parageneses with sphalerite and arsenopiryte. The volumetric point analyses of these minerals pointed up to their participation in the observed parageneses. The results of thermometric analyses of fluid inclusions within quartz grains revealed (see the histogram) a multiphase evolution of mineralization processes within the temperature range of 125-400"C. The most distinctly marked is a population of the highest temperature (interval 27 5-400° C) including 70% of all measurements.
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