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Warunki w środowisku pracy związane np. zapyleniem, wibracjami lub temperaturą mogą mieć negatywny wpływ zarówno na proces produkcyjny, jak i na wytwarzany produkt. Nieodpowiednie i niestabilne warunki mogą powodować niestabilność procesu produkcyjnego i pogarszać jakość wytwarzanych wyrobów. Co więcej, może to spowodować stratę czasu i zmniejszyć wydajność i produktywność. W artykule przeanalizowano problem wpływu temperatury na proces produkcyjny. Monitorowanie temperatury nie wystarczy, aby zapewnić osiągnięcie celów produkcyjnych. Konieczne jest odpowiednie dostosowanie parametrów procesu produkcyjnego, aby nie powstawały niezgodności wynikające ze zmian wartości temperatury i aby nie pojawiały się opóźnienia. Artykuł dotyczy wydajności i produktywności systemu produkcyjnego, który pracuje w niestabilnym środowisku pracy. Autorzy udowadniają, że zastosowanie kompensacji parametrów procesu produkcyjnego może znacząco poprawić zarówno wydajność, jak i produktywność. Wartości wydajności i produktywności były monitorowane w ustalonym okresie czasu dla systemu produkcyjnego, na którym realizowany jest proces produkcyjny. Następnie wprowadzono procedurę kompensacji parametrów procesu. Po czym, w określonym przedziale czasu zebrano dane i porównano wartości wydajności i produktywności z wartościami uzyskanymi wcześniej. Dodatkowo autorzy proponują wprowadzenie wskaźnika całkowitej efektywności wyposażenia (OEE) i w artykule przedstawiono informacje o sposobach zbierania danych dla obliczenia OEE.
Conditions in the working environment related e.g. to dust, vibration or temperature may have a negative impact on both, the production process and the manufactured product. Inappropriate and unstable conditions can cause instability of the production process and deteriorate the quality of manufactured products. Moreover, this can induce time waste and decrease the efficiency and productivity. In this paper the problem of temperature influence on a manufacturing process is analyzed. Monitoring of the temperature is not enough to ensure the achievement of manufacturing goals. It is necessary to adapt the parameters of the production process accordingly so that no nonconformities arise due to changes in temperature values and no delays appear. This paper deals with the efficiency and productivity of a manufacturing system which work under unstable working environment. The authors prove that application of the manufacturing process parameters compensation can significantly improve both, efficiency and productivity. The values of efficiency and productivity were monitored within a fixed period of time for a manufacturing system, on where the manufacturing process is realized. Then, a procedure of process parameters compensation was introduced. Next, within a fixed period of time the data were collected and the efficiency and productivity values were compared with the values obtained before. Additionally, the authors propose to introduce the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) indicator and present information about ways of data collecting.
Ensuring the process0capability currently means the warranty, that produced products will be0in accordance with requirements – from company´s side or from customer´s side. This study focuses on the statistical control of flange shaft proces capability by serial production0in company focused on products for automotive. The flange shaft proces is evaluated by control charts,0specifically by control chart for average and range ([iks z kreską poziomą u góry], R). As the results showed, based on diagram for average and range we are able0to say that the turning process is under the statistical control. Also, we had finished the0reguest for capability of process, where0the indexes of capability process Cpk1 and Cpk2 are higher than the determined value on 1.33 point. The normality of the measured values was verified by histogram. Obtained values are: Cpk1 = 1.645 a Cpk = 1.52. Therefore, we can consider the process as capable.
The aim of the article is to present the results of a case study focused on the implementation of the Six Sigma methodology in order to improve the quality and increase the efficiency of furniture production processes. Positive results of implementation after the implementation of corrective measures were achieved in the values of process capability coefficients, reduction of nonconformities and subsequent reduction of DPMO, increase of the values of the level of efficiency and sigma of the critical process.In the processing of the results, classical methods of research work were used such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, descriptive statistics, coefficients Cp a Cpk, DPMO, level of efficienty and sigma,and also graphic methods.
Investment casting is very well-known manufacturing process for producing relatively thin and multifarious industrial components with high dimensional tolerances as well as admirable surface finish. Investment casting process is further comprised of sub-processes including pattern making, shell making, dewaxing, shell backing, melting and pouring. These sub-processes are usually followed by heat treatment, finishing as well as testing & measurement of castings. Investment castings are employed in many industrial sectors including aerospace, automobile, bio-medical, chemical, defense, etc. Overall market size of investment castings in world is nearly 12.15 billion USD and growing at a rate of 2.8% every year. India is among the top five investment casting producer in the world, and produces nearly 4% (considering value of castings) of global market. Rajkot (home town of authors) is one of largest clusters of investment casting in India, and has nearly 175 investment casting foundries that is almost 30% of investment casting foundries of India. An industrial survey of nearly 25% of investment casting foundries of Rajkot cluster has been conducted in the year 2019-20 in order to get better insight related to 5 Cs (Capacity; Capability; Competency; Concerns; Challenges) of investment casting foundries located in the cluster. Specific set of questionnaires was design for the survey to address 5 Cs of investment casting foundries of Rajkot cluster, and their inputs were recorded during the in-person survey. The industrial survey yielded in providing better insight related to 5 Cs of foundries in Rajkot cluster. It will also help investment casting producer to identify the capabilities and quality issues as well as leads to benchmarking respective foundry.
The article deals with the assessment of production process capability in the serial production of plastic components. The plastic component was used for analysis. Component is used in the automotive industry in car suspension shock absorbers. Assessing the capability of the product's manufacturing process is very important. The aim of the present paper is to measure the dimensional characteristics of a thermoplastic product as a monitored quality feature. The analyzed product is manufactured in an eightfold injection mold by injection technology. The products from each injection mold cavity were considered separately. Process capability was assessed using capability indices. Process variability and centering were evaluated. Based on the analysis we can say that the production process is in excellent condition.
Content available remote Analiza procesu otrzymania powietrza oddechowego do celów hiperbarycznych
Jakość powietrza oddechowego odgrywa kluczowe znaczenie dla bezpieczeństwa nurków i obiektów hiperbarycznych. Paradoksalnie, zmiana przepisów dotyczących wymagań jakościowych dla czynników oddechowych, wymusiła konieczność weryfikacji bazy technicznej i laboratoryjnej wykorzystywanej do ich produkcji i kontroli. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań związanych z racjonalizacją procesu otrzymywania i dystrybucji powietrza oddechowego przeznaczonego na tlenowe warunki hiperbaryczne. Pracę przeprowadzono przy wykorzystaniu metody SixSigma.
The quality of breathing air plays a key role in the safety of divers and hyperbaric facilities. Paradoxically, the change of regulations concerning quality requirements for breathing mixes has imposed the need for verification of the technical and laboratory bases used in their production and control. This article presents the results of research related to the rationalisation of the process of production and supply of breathing air for the purposes of hyperbaric oxygenation. The work was carried out using the SixSigma method.
In the manufacturing processes there has long been demanded the increasing requirements for high quality products especially in automotive industry. In order to assure such as high quality standards the production process and further the product quality the organization must have implemented tools enabling to monitor and have the ambition to dwindle variability. The low variability provides better process predictability, standardized quality level, less occurrence of non-conformities; the products reveal better longevity and finally the satisfied customers. The long lasting endeavor for widely recognized parameters with ambition to determine current status of quality parameter has brought indicators in a form of Cp and Cpk into the business. The article deals with theoretical approach of previously mentioned indicators, an observation of critical to quality parameters in production process, definition of resulting problems, and finally the proposal of improvement including its verification
Management innovation is a research area which can contribute at the policy and strategic levels to innovate management models and principles. To initiate and implement a management innovation requires multiple capabilities. Entrepreneurship and leadership theories discuss various capabilities for innovation, however capabilities for management innovation are not defined, moreover capabilities discussed in these theories overlap. Understanding the capabilities can enable managers to implement a management innovation. The purpose of this article is to show capabilities to initiate and implement a management innovation using driving, developing and deploying framework, with empirical evidence from a large rail organisation in Australia.
Innowacje w zakresie zarządzania to obszar badań, który może przyczynić się do rozwoju modeli zarządzania na poziomie strategicznym i taktycznym. Inicjowanie i wdrażanie innowacji w zakresie zarządzania wymaga wielu możliwości. Teorie przedsiębiorczości i przywództwa omawiają różne możliwości innowacji, jednak możliwości innowacji w zakresie zarządzania nie są zdefiniowane, ponadto możliwości omówione w tych teoriach pokrywają się. Zrozumienie możliwości może umożliwić menedżerom wdrożenie innowacji w zakresie zarządzania. Celem tego artykułu jest pokazanie możliwości zainicjowania i wdrożenia innowacji w zarządzaniu za pomocą kierowania, rozwoju i wdrażania systemu, popartymi empirycznymi dowodami z przedsiębiorstwa transportu kolejowego w Australii.
Cel: Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie oraz przeanalizowanie aktualnego podziału wyposażenia grup poszukiwawczo-ratowniczych. Wprowadzenie: Najbardziej dynamiczny rozwój standardów sprzętowych w Polsce miał miejsce po akcjach przeprowadzanych poza granicami kraju. Doświadczenie praktyczne zdobyte za granicą pozwoliło na wprowadzenie w życie zmian mających na celu poprawę bezpieczeństwa oraz jakości działań ratowniczych. W związku z tym, że na jakość działań w dużym stopniu wpływają warunki wypoczynku ratowników, szczególne środki poświęcono rozbudowie sprzętu logistyki. Baza operacji to skomplikowana strefa, która powinna zapewniać ratownikom możliwość wypoczynku, konserwacji sprzętu oraz udzielania pomocy medycznej w najwyższych standardach higieny. Materiał i metoda: Przeprowadzono analizę normatywów sprzętowych dla różnych poziomów gotowości. Do tego celu wykorzystano dokument pod nazwą Zasady organizacji działań poszukiwawczo-ratowniczych w KSRG. Materiał źródłowy do analizy nie jest rozbudowany, ponieważ do tej pory nie powstały odpowiednie publikacje nawiązujące do akcji poszukiwawczych. To ratownicy od samego początku mają wpływ na rozwój standardów. W artykule przedłożono kategoryzację sprzętu na stosowany do działań poszukiwawczych (sprzęt elektroniczny) oraz do działań technicznych (ratownictwa wysokościowego, chemicznego, medycznego itp.). Nowym wyposażeniem grup jest sprzęt logistyczny (kwatermistrzowski). Wyszczególniono, w jakiej ilości wykorzystywany jest on w kraju, a w jakiej za granicą. Różnice potwierdzają odmienną charakterystykę działań grup poszukiwawczo-ratowniczych na terenie kraju i za granicą. Wnioski: Doświadczenie praktyczne autorów zdobyte podczas działań międzynarodowych oraz otrzymane wyniki analizy dokumentów źródłowych pozwoliły na sformułowanie głównych wniosków: 1. Normatywy sprzętowe muszą być stale akutalizowane ze względu na ciągły rozwój taktyki i technologii. 2. Ważną gałęzią działań poza granicami kraju jest logistyka. Pozwala ona na ergonomiczne, samowystarczalne działania specjalistycznych grup poszukiwawczo-ratowniczych (SGPR). Odpowiedni wypoczynek bezpośrednio przekłada się na możliwość prowadzenia długotrwałych działań przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu najwyższego stopnia zaangażowania. 3. Rozwój normatywów sprzętowych musi iść dziś dwutorowo – do działań w kraju i za granicą.
Objective: The main objective of the article is to present and analyse the current division of the equipment of search and rescue groups. Background: The most dynamic development of equipment standards in Poland has been observed after actions carried out outside the country borders. The experience gained abroad has enabled changes to improve the safety and quality of rescue operations. Due to the fact the quality of operations is considerably influenced by the leisure conditions provided for rescuers, special measures have been taken to expand the logistics equipment. An operations base is a complex area which should enable the rescuers to rest, to carry out equipment maintenance works and to provide medical aid with the highest hygienic standards. Material and method: Equipment standards for various capability levels was conducted using the document “The organisation rules of search and rescue operations in the National Firefighting and Rescue System”. The source material for the analysis is not extensive, as, so far, no relevant publications on search operations have been created. Still, rescuers have had impact on the development of standards from the start. The article presents the categories of equipment in use during search operations (electronic equipment), and technical measures (high-altitude, chemical and medical rescue, etc.). Logistics (quartermaster’s) equipment is a new element within the groups’ equipment, and the quantities in which it is used in Poland and abroad are specified. The differences confirm the varying characteristics of the operations of search and rescue groups inside the country and abroad. Conclusions: The practical experience of the authors resulting from their participation in international operations and the obtained results of the analysis of source documents made it possible to formulate the main conclusions. 1. Equipment standards should be updated on an ongoing basis due to the continuous development of tactics and technology. 2. Logistics is an important aspect of operations abroad. It enables the ergonomic, self-sufficient operations of specialised search and rescue groups (SGPR). Optimum leisure conditions are directly related to the possibility of the conducting of long-term operations, while simultaneously maintaining the highest rate of involvement. 3. Equipment standards must be based on a two-way approach, for inside Poland and abroad.
This study examined the effects of lifting range, hand-to-toe distance, and lifting direction on single-person lifting strengths and two-person teamwork lifting strengths. Six healthy males and seven healthy females participated in this study. Two-person teamwork lifting strengths were examined in both strength-matched and strength-unmatched groups. Our results showed that lifting strength significantly decreased with increasing lifting range or hand-to-toe distance. However, lifting strengths were not affected by lifting direction. Teamwork lifting strength did not conform to the law of additivity for both strength-matched and strength-unmatched groups. In general, teamwork lifting strength was dictated by the weaker of the two members, implying that weaker members might be exposed to a higher potential danger in teamwork exertions. To avoid such overexertion in teamwork, members with significantly different strength ability should not be assigned to the same team.
This study aimed to examine the effects of exertion force on endurance time, muscular activity and hand/arm tremor during holding. Fifteen healthy young males were recruited as participants. The independent variable was exertion force (20%, 40%, 60% and 80% maximum holding capacity). The dependent variables were endurance time, muscular activity and hand/arm tremor. The results showed that endurance time decreased with exertion force while muscular activity and hand/arm tremor increased with exertion force. Hand/arm tremor increased with holding time. Endurance time of 40%, 60% and 80% maximum holding capacity was approximately 22.7%, 12.0% and 5.6% of that of 20% maximum holding capacity, respectively. The rms (root mean square) acceleration of hand/arm tremor of the final phase of holding was 2.27-, 1.33-, 1.20- and 1.73-fold of that of the initial phase of holding for 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% maximum holding capacity, respectively.
Ensuring the process capability currently means the warranty, that produced products will be in accordance with requirements - from the company or customer´s side. This study focuses on the statistics control of stapling of material layers process capability by production of the product "multiaxial". The stapling of material layers process is evaluated by control charts, specifically by control charts for average and range(, R). As the results show, on the basis of the diagram for average and range we are able to say that the process is under the statistical control. We had also finished the reguest for capability of process, where the indexes of capability process Cp and Cpk are higher than the determinated value by 1,33 points. The obtained values are: Cp = 1,68 a Cpk = 1,55. X
This study recruited 14 industrial workers to examine the effects of carrying handles, postures, materials and distances on maximum acceptable weights of carrying (MAWC), and resulting heart rate and body rating of perceived exertion (RPE) for a 20 min intensive carrying task. This study showed that MAWC of carrying with bar handles, carrying with hands-and-body posture, solid materials and 4 m distance were significantly higher than that of carrying with groove handles, carrying with hands posture, liquid materials and 8 m distance, respectively. The resulting heart rates while carrying MAWCs of groove handles, hands-and-body carrying posture, solid materials and 4 m distance were lower than the resulting heart rates while carrying MAWCs of bar handles, hands carrying posture, liquid materials and 8 m distance, respectively. Most pair levels of independent variables resulted in similar body's RPEs except for the pair levels of carrying distance.
Content available On development capability
Purpose of the text is to study a concept of development capability and possibility to express it quantitatively. Concept of organization’s development is shown as process of eliminating gaps encountered by organization. A mathematical model of “problem cleaning” is used. It is shown that: There is a mathematical model of closing development gap, which involves characteristics of gap, of resources and parameters of development process. There are four quantities that determine performance of development process. They refer to organization’s characteristics that are set by the strategic management. Model illustrates impact of strategic decisions on effectiveness of development and shows that “time to gap” is one of key factors that determine development capability.
The paper presents the results regarding quality of special steels for aero industry, obtained by two different processes: Electro Slag Remelting (ESR) and Vacuum Arc Remelting (VAR) on pilot experiments. The main object of these trials was obtaining super clean steels (oxygen <20 ppm, hydrogen <1 ppm, nitrogen <20 ppm, sulphur <50 ppm, phosphorus <100 ppm) and a controlled solidificated structure of steel semis. The experiments took off the benefits of vacuum arc remelting process, for decreasing gaseous content of steels versus electro slag remelting process which can improve the decreasing of sulphur content of steel. In order to analyse the influence of a double vacuum process VIM – VAR (Vacuum Induction Melting and Vacuum Arc Remelting) on quality of steel, some trials were also performed.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki dotyczące jakości stali specjalnych stosowanych w przemyśle lotniczym, uzyskane z dwóch różnych procesów: elektrożużlowego przetapiania stali i przetapiania w próżni na podstawie badań pilotażowych. Głównym przedmiotem badań było uzyskanie super czystych stali (tlen <20 ppm, wodór <1 ppm, azot <20 ppm, siarka <50 ppm, fosfor <100 ppm) i kontrola struktury bliźniaków w krzepnącej stali. W doświadczeniach wykorzystano korzyści płynące z odgazowania stali w procesie próżniowym, naprzeciw możliwościom elektrożużlowego przetapiania, które poprawia odsiarczanie stali. Wykonane zostało również kilka prób, aby przeanalizować wpływ procesu VIM – VAR na jakość stali.
Content available remote Badanie stabilności systemu przygotowania obiegowej masy formierskiej
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów rozkładu prawdopodobieństwa podstawowych parametrów technologicznych obiegowej masy formierskiej w odlewni żeliwa. Przeprowadzone badania pokazały, że proces przygotowania masy jest procesem stabilnym w zakresie badanych parametrów i że stabilność ta może być podtrzymywana w procesie wytwarzania form.
In the paper the results of probability distribution measurements of basic technological parameters of circulating moulding sand in the cast iron foundry were presented. The performed investigations demonstrated that the sand preparation system is stable in the range of investigated parameters and that this stability can be sustained in mould making process.
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