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w słowach kluczowych:  calcium flux
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Content available remote Calcium feature-based brain tumor diagnosis platform using random forest model
Calcium flux has been successfully verified to play an important role in the malignant proliferation and progression of brain tumors, which can serve as an important diagnosis guide. However, clinical diagnosis based on calcium information remains challenging because of the highly complex and heterogeneous features in calcium signals. Here we propose a calcium feature-based tumor diagnosis and treatment guidance platform (CA-TDT-GP) using random forest analysis framework for the efficient prediction of complex tumor behaviors for clinical therapy guidance. Multiple important features associated with brain tumor biological malignancy were screened out through comprehensive feature importance analysis. It provided useful guidance for understanding the biological process and the selection of drugs of brain tumors. Further clinical validation confirmed the accurate prediction of tumor biological characteristics by the model, with a coefficient of determination of over 0.86 in the same cohort of patients and over 0.77 for the new cohort of patients. We further verified the clinical malignant assessment by this model, which performed a 100% prediction match with diagnosed WHO grades, indicating great potential of the platform for clinical guidance. This promising model provides a new diagnostic and therapeutic tool for brain tumor research and preclinical treatment.
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