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Purpose: The paper aims to identify how and where elements of digital transformation of activities implemented in enterprises can increase the resilience of the production system to pandemic threats. Design/methodology/approach: The paper presents the selected results of a survey conducted using the mixed-mode CATI and CAWI on a representative group of 600 manufacturing enterprises in Poland. An analysis of measures used in the case of COVID-19 infections in the company to support business continuity and enhance resilience was carried out. A quantitative evaluation of the collected data, oriented to identify the level of application of emergency response measures, was conducted, including the support of statistical tools (Statistica software). Findings: The study identified dozens of different measures implemented in manufacturing enterprises. Among the measures studied, there were those related to automation and digitalization of activities in the organization of production processes. The data analysis showed that there were significant correlations between the type of measures used, as well as the characteristics of the enterprises, and the production processes implemented in them. Research limitations/implications: Future studies should also include companies with a high degree of automation and digitization of production. In addition to descriptive analysis, a quantitative-statistical approach should be used. Practical implications: On the practical side, it was pointed out how and where elements of digital transformation of activities implemented in enterprises can increase the resilience of the production system to pandemic threats. Digitization and automation measures should be used by managers to support the implementation of production processes also in the context of improving the efficiency of enterprises. Social implications: Enterprises can use the study results to improve business continuity policies and preparing for threats similar to the COVID-19 pandemic. Originality/value: The novelty of the survey is the comprehensive assessment of the use of solutions from the ICT area in manufacturing enterprises, analyzed in different cross sections (size, industry, occurrence of the COVID-19 case).
This chapter addresses selected issues concerning shaping resilience of the industrial automation and control systems (IACS). Such systems play nowadays a key role in safety and security of hazardous industrial installations and critical infrastructure networks due to a considerable attack surface. Productivity, safety, and security management is becoming now more and more challenging due to dynamic changes in business conditions, limited access to energy sources at accepted costs, adverse environment, pandemic consequences, difficulties in maintaining reliable and timely supply chains, etc. In situation of significant uncertainty and interrelated systems involved, a reasonable approach to achieve adopted goals is to elaborate a rational strategy of sustainable development to be combined with shaping resilience of relevant systems in life cycle. It concerns any organisation that governs for instance an industrial company and its manufacturing system, or a state institution responsible for critical infrastructure development. In this chapter shaping operational resilience of industrial control systems regarding basic functional safety and cybersecurity requirements is outlined.
This chapter addresses selected issues of strategic resilience of Industry 4.0 process installations and critical infrastructure systems that are designed and operated using converged technologies OT/IT/CT (operational technology/information technology/cloud technology) for effective business management in changing and uncertain environment. Two kinds of strategic resilience are distinguished: (I) the resilience concerning business processes to be evaluated and supported applying in industrial practice, e.g., a methodology of business continuity management (BCM), and (II) the resilience related to the safety and security technologies. Selected issues of these two areas of the overall resilience are discussed in relation to current references and reports. In area (II) the resilience of industrial automation and control systems (IACS) is emphasized that includes the requirements imposed on solutions of the functional safety (FS) and cybersecurity (CS) to be designed according to the defence in depth (DinD) concept using defined protection layers (PL). Responsible tasks in abnormal and accident situations are executed by the human operators that make use of an alarm system (AS) and its interface within overall human system interface (HSI). The human error probability (HEP) for relevant human operator behaviour type is evaluated using a human cognitive reliability (HCR) model. It is concluded that the resilience engineering (RE) concept is useful, but additional research effort is needed to develop integrated approaches and tools for supporting real engineering and organisational issues of strategic resilience.
In this paper, the researchers have investigated the effect of various crises on the development of the Business Continuity Management (BCM) process in Jordanian hospitals. They used the quantitative research design technique to fulfil all the study’s objectives. After that, they also tested whether their hypothesised model could be used for developing the BCM. After distributing question-naires amongst the supervisors working in 7 private hospitals in Amman, Jordan, they collected all the data. Then, they carried analysed and sorted all the data using the SPSS software. The study results showed that the hospitals in Jordan were eager to maintain security and stability in the case of a crisis. Additional statistical tests presented evidence regarding the positive effect of different factors (such as external/ internal crises, natural disasters, operational and strategic risks, and the probability of recurrence of a crisis) on the BCM development in Jordanian hospitals. Here, the researchers have attempted to offer insights and knowledge to help practitioners, academicians and policymakers.
W niniejszym artykule zbadano wpływ różnych sytuacji kryzysowych na rozwój procesu zarządzania ciągłością działania (ang. Business Continuity Management, BCM) w jordańskich szpitalach. Wykorzystano technikę projektowania badań ilościowych. Przetestowano również, czy hipotetyczny model można wykorzystać do opracowania BCM. Dane, uzyskane w wyniku badania ankietowego przełożonych pracujących w 7 prywatnych szpitalach w Ammanie w Jordanii, zostały przeanalizowane za pomocą oprogramowania SPSS. Wyniki badania wykazały, że szpitale w Jordanii dbały o zachowanie bezpieczeństwa i stabilności na wypadek kryzysu. Dodatkowe testy statystyczne dostarczyły dowodów na pozytywny wpływ różnych czynników (takich jak kryzysy zewnętrzne/wewnętrzne, klęski żywiołowe, ryzyka operacyjne i strategiczne, prawdopodobieństwo ponownego wystąpienia kryzysu) na rozwój BCM w jordańskich szpitalach. Autorzy próbowali przedstawić spostrzeżenia i wiedzę, które mogą być pomocne praktykom, naukowcom i decydentom.
This chapter addresses a business continuity management (BCM) framework for the Industry 4.0 companies including the organizational and technical solutions, regarding the dependability and security of the information and telecommunication technology (ICT), and the industrial control system (ICS)/supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. These technologies and systems play nowadays important roles in modern advanced manufacturing systems and process plants due to their openness to external systems and networks using various communication channels. It gives on the one hand, some advantages in effective realization of technological and business processes, logistics and distribution of goods, but, on the other hand, makes the company assets and resources potentially vulnerable to some threats with relevant risks. The chapter outlines some ideas related to designing a business continuity management system (BCMS) based on defined processes and procedures. Such system includes planning of changes in organization/industrial company, nonconformity issues, and planning corrective actions. In a final part of this chapter the leadership importance, and staff awareness and responsibility are emphasized to create a robust and healthy corporate culture based on accepted values, properly spread among the employees. It is beneficial for shaping good organizational culture, and then safety and security culture. The BCM approach outlined in this chapter distinguishes both preventive and recovery activities regarding suggestions in selected international standards and domain publications.
This report addresses selected methodological aspects of proactive reliability, functional safety and cyber security management in life cycle of industrial automation and control systems (IACS) in hazardous plants and oil port critical installations based on the analysis of relevant hazards / threats and evaluation of related risks. In addition the insurance company point of view has been also considered, because nowadays the insurer, interested in decreasing risks to be insured, offers the expertise how to limit effectively risks in life cycle from the design conceptual stage of hazardous plant, through its reliable and safe operation, until decommissioning. Therefore, the risk evaluation model for insurance related decision making for the period considered, e.g. one year, should be plant specific with some predictive properties due to changing environment and business conditions, and usually considerable uncertainty involved. The objective is to evaluate and mitigate risks, and control them proactively, through undertaking appropriate activities within a process based management system according to elaborated policy and strategy that includes organisational and technical aspects, including preventive maintenance activities of sensitive equipment and updating in time the training programmes. Careful evaluating and controlling risks is also crucial for the insurance company. Basic activities of the risk engineers and underwriters in the insurance process are outlined in the context of identified hazards/threats and defined factors that significantly influence risks to be considered in evaluating the insurance premium in the context of terms and conditions specified.
Cel: Celem niniejszych rozważań jest przedstawienie wybranych wyników badań, które miały pozwolić na udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytania: Kim są studiujący na kierunku bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne? Skąd pochodzą? Czym kierują się w wyborze kierunku studiów? Co chcieliby robić po ukończeniu studiów? Ile czasu przeznaczają na naukę własną? Projekt i metody: Badania zrealizowano w dwóch etapach. Na przełomie lat 2014/2015 na próbie liczącej 350 studentów z pięciu uczelni przeprowadzono badania rekonesansowe, a w 2017 r. na próbie liczącej 408 respondentów z 4 uczelni – badania porównawcze. Wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego. Materiał badawczy zebrano w kwestionariuszach ankiety, zawierających po 25 pytań, w tym 3 otwarte. Wyniki badań: Wyniki badań ankietowych poddano analizie statystycznej w programie Statistica 10.0, przy przyjętym poziomie istotności p ≤ 0,5, a następnie dokonano ich analizy i syntezy. Wyniki badań potwierdziły hipotezy badawcze, że studiujący na kierunkach związanych z bezpieczeństwem są przedstawicielami różnych środowisk społecznych, są zróżnicowani wiekowo i rozpoczynali studia w różnym okresie po zdaniu matury. Znaczna część studiujących, nie tylko w trybie niestacjonarnym, ale również stacjonarnym łączy studia z pracą zawodową. Wnioski: Uzyskane w wyniku przeprowadzonych badań wyniki i wyciągnięte z nich wnioski są bardzo wartościowym materiałem – zarówno teoretycznym, jak i praktycznym. Pozwalają z jednej strony na przygotowanie przez uczelnie zmian w programach, metodach i formach kształcenia oraz przygotować się do procesu rekrutacji absolwentów szkół średnich. Z badań wynika, że w przeważającej części studiującymi na kierunku bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne są osoby pochodzące z małych miejscowości i zasadniczą przyczyną podejmowania studiów na tych kierunkach jest chęć podjęcia pracy, w pierwszej kolejności zgodnie z kierunkiem studiów w służbach mundurowych lub w administracji publicznej. Jest również znaczna część studentów, którzy podjęli studia bez związku z przyszłą pracą. Negatywnym zjawiskiem jest fakt, że ponad 50% studiujących przeznacza na naukę własną mniej niż 2 godziny dziennie. Stawia to pod znakiem zapytania, nie tylko poziom i wymagania stawiane przed studentami, ale również ich merytoryczne przygotowanie do podjęcia pracy.
Aim: The purpose of this discussion is to present selected research results which were aimed at obtaining answers to the following questions: Who are internal security students? Where do they come from? What are they guided by in choosing their field of study? What do they intend to do after graduation? How much time do they spend on self-study? Design and methods: The survey was carried out in two stages. In late 2014/early 2015, a preliminary study was conducted on a sample of 350 students from five universities, and in 2017 a sample of 408 respondents from 4 universities was covered by a comparative study. The research used one of the quantitative research methods, which is a diagnostic survey. The research material was collected using a questionnaire containing 25 questions, including 3 open-ended ones. Results: The results of the survey were analysed and synthesised following statistical analysis using the Statistica 10.0 software with the assumed significance level of p ≤ 0.5. The study results confirmed the research hypotheses that students in areas related to safety and security come from a variety of social backgrounds, are age-diverse and started their studies at various times after passing their secondary school leaving exams. A significant number of students, not only of part-time studies but also of full-time studies, combine studies with professional work. Conclusions: The results obtained in the study and the conclusions drawn from them provide a highly valuable source of both theoretical and practical information. They enable universities to prepare changes in the programmes, methods and forms of education and to plan the recruitment process of secondary school graduates. Research shows that the majority of students of internal security come from small towns and the main reason for undertaking studies in these fields is their intention to find a job that is primarily compatible with their field of study, in uniformed services or in public administration. There is also a significant proportion of students who have taken up studies with no relation to future work. A negative phenomenon is the fact that over 50% of students spend less than 2 hours a day on self-study. This puts into question not only the level and requirements set for students, but also their acquired level of expertise needed to pursue a professional career.
Dyskusja wokół zarządzania ryzykiem jest dziś bardzo aktualna ze względu na rosnącą niepewność i turbulentność otoczenia, zwłaszcza międzynarodowego. Wciąż jednak relatywnie mało prezentowanych jest wyników badań z zakresu zarządzania ryzykiem w łańcuchu dostaw, szczególnie w odniesieniu do różnych branż. Celem artykułu jest rozpoznanie kierunków dla tego obszaru, które wyznaczane są przez globalne korporacje. Artykuł składa się z takich części, jak: wprowadzenie, metoda badawcza, wyniki badania, dyskusja i podsumowanie. Zastosowaną metodą badawczą jest metoda desk research. Badane przedsiębiorstwa zarządzają ryzykiem kompleksowo, korzystając z najnowszych metod i technik opisanych w literaturze przedmiotu. Wiodącą praktyką wśród korporacji jest włączanie zarządzania ryzykiem w łańcuchu dostaw pod parasol koncepcji Sustainability oraz traktowanie zarządzania ryzykiem jako składową Corporate Governance. Wzrasta znaczenie tematyki Business Continuity Management ukierunkowanej na reagowanie na zdarzenia o stosunkowo małym prawdopodobieństwie wystąpienia, ale o potencjalnie dużych negatywnych skutkach. Jednym z kluczowych elementów planów ciągłości staje się elastyczność systemów produkcyjnych. Zidentyfikowane w badaniu kierunki zarządzania ryzykiem w organizacji stanowią zbiór dobrych praktyk, zwłaszcza dla sektora MŚP w naszym kraju. Artykuł napisany został w ramach realizowanego projektu o numerze 2016/21/B/HS4/00665, pt. „Elastyczność w relacjach z dostawcami a rodzaje współpracy dostawcanabywca w zakresie rozwijania produktów na rynku B2B”, który uzyskał finansowanie z Narodowego Centrum Nauki.
The discussion around the supply chain risk management is very actual today because of an increasing uncertainty and turbulence of business environment, especially the international one. However, there are still few papers on managing risk in supply chain in relation to different business lines. The aim of this article is to identify the main directions of risk management today, which are set down by the global corporations. The paper consists of the following sections: introduction, methodology, research results, discussion and summary. The author used a desk research method. Researched enterprises manage risk in a comprehensive way and use many different methods described in the literature. The leading practice among the corporations is placing the risk management under the umbrella of the concept of sustainability as well as treating the risk management as a key element of Corporate Governance. The subject of BCM, so the ability to respond to the events of relatively low probability but high potential impact, has gained the key importance too. An important element of business continuity plans is the flexibility of production systems. The identified directions of managing risk in enterprise are the best practices especially for SMEs. The paper is written under the project „Flexibility in relationships with suppliers in terms of supplier-purchaser models of cooperation on product development in the B2B market”, no. 2016/21/B/HS4/00665, financed by the National Science Centre, Poland.
The customers’ expectations towards companies providing transport services continue to grow. Nowadays, besides common tendency to minimize the costs of operation conducted while maintaining the required quality standards, the key role is played by the issue of ensuring the conditions for continuing the implementation of transport processes. The article characterizes the key threats to the orderly functioning of the transport system and an attempt has been made to indicate the possibility of using the assumptions of the business continuity management concept in modern transport systems.
This article addresses selected methodological aspects of a process based management system based on analysis of hazards and threats and risk evaluation for an oil port infrastructure in context of insurance. The oil port terminal is regarded as important system of the critical infrastructure that require careful system oriented approach to deal with integrated aspects of environmental, safety and security management to reduce risk of potential consequences of abnormalities and accidents, especially major accidents with catastrophic consequences. The risk of potential economic losses should be also minimised applying in practice an effective business continuity management system. Careful evaluations of relevant risks carried out for the oil port infrastructure are crucial also for the insurance company. Some requirements and activities of the risk engineer and the underwriter in the insurance process are outlined including important factors influencing risks. It is emphasised that determining and evaluating a set of key performance indicators based on data from site audits and analyses can be useful for the safety management of the oil port and its insurance.
Content available remote Zapewnienie ciągłości działania systemów transportowych
Oczekiwania klientów wobec firm świadczących usługi transportowe nieustannie rosną. Współcześnie, poza powszechną tendencją do minimalizacji kosztów prowadzonej działalności przy zachowaniu wymaganych standardów jakościowych, kluczową rolę odgrywa kwestia zapewnienia warunków do nieprzerwanej realizacji procesów transportowych. W artykule scharakteryzowane zostały kluczowe zagrożenia dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania systemu transportowego oraz dokonana została próba wskazania możliwości wykorzystania założeń koncepcji zarządzania ciągłością działania we współczesnych systemach transportowych.
Customer expectations towards companies providing transport services continues to grow. Today, besides common tendency to minimize the costs of its operations while maintaining the required quality standards, the key role played by the issue of ensuring conditions for the continued implementation of the transport processes. The article characterized have been the key threats to the orderly functioning of the transport system and an attempt was made to identify opportunities for the use of assumptions concept of business continuity management in modern transport systems.
Content available remote Zarządzanie ciągłością działania we współczesnej logistyce
W artykule przedstawiono istotę zarządzania ciągłością działania, jako zamierzonych działań prowadzonych przez przedsiębiorstwa logistyczne przeciwko występującym zakłóceniom w realizowanych procesach biznesowych. Podkreślono znaczenie zarządzania ciągłością działania we współczesnej logistyce.
The article presents the essence of business continuity management, as intended actions conducted by logistical companies against interference occurring in ongoing business processes. The importance of business continuity management in modern logistics has been highlighted.
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję zastosowania metody minimalnych ścieżek zdatności do wyznaczenia procesów i elementów infrastruktury (zasobów) krytycznych dla ciągłości funkcjonowania portu lotniczego. Koncepcja ta odnosi się do praktycznego aspektu wdrożenia systemu zarządzania ciągłością działania, opartego na standardzie normy BS 25999-2-2007, przez zarządzającego portem lotniczym. Jednym z wymaga/ normy BS 25999-2-2007 jest zidentyfikowanie i określenie krytycznych zasobów (infrastruktura, aktywa, personel, informacje, technologie, materiały eksploatacyjne), które są niezbędne do prowadzenia działalności i osiągania celów. Wymaganie to, konieczne do skutecznego zarządzania ciągłością funkcjonowania portu lotniczego, jak wykazano, jest możliwe do spełnienia poprzez zastosowanie metody minimalnych ścieżek zdatności do określenia zasobów krytycznych i wymaganego ich poziomu minimalnego.
The article presents a concept of the method application of the minimal path set to determine the processes and infrastructure (resources) which are critical to the continuity of the airport functionality. This concept refers to the practical aspect of the implementation of the business continuity management system, based on the standard of BS 25999-2-2007, by the airport operator. One of the requirements of BS 25999-2-2007 is to identify and define critical resources (infrastructure, assets, personnel, information, technology, consumables) that are necessary to the business performance and the achievement of objectives. This requirement, necessary to the airport functionality effective management continuity, as shown, is possible to fulfill by the application of the minimal path set to determine critical resources and their required minimum level.
Content available remote A Resilient City : Towards a Disaster-Resilient Community
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster that followed Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami in March 2011 exposed once again the fleeting nature of built environment. This paper faces the role of the university in disaster risk reduction and building disaster-resilient communities. Because without a community there will be no city and without a city there may be no space for architecture as we know it.
Katastrofa nuklearna elektrowni Fukushima, do której doszło w następstwie trzęsienia ziemi w rejonie Tōhoku w marcu 2011 roku, obnażyła raz jeszcze ulotną naturę środowiska zurbanizowanego. Artykuł porusza kwestię roli uniwersytetów w ograniczaniu zagrożeń katastrofami naturalnymi i tworzeniu społeczności mogących sobie poradzić w takich okolicznościach. Ponieważ bez społeczności nie ma miasta, a bez miasta może nie być miejsca dla architektury, przynajmniej nie takiej, jaką znamy.
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