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Electrical conductivity and pH are the basic indices of rainfall pollution, constituting the basis for evaluation of the general nature of rainwater. This article presents an analysis of these two parameters in samples of rainfall collected in the years 2008–2010 (in the heating season and outside it) in three measurement sites P1, P2 and P3, located in the city and commune Strzelin (Lower Silesian Voivodeship). Preliminary results show a high variation of pH and electrical conductivity of rainfall occurring in the analysed area. Approximately 30% of the samples were characterised by a pH that allowed to qualify them, according to JANSEN et al. [1988], as normal rainfall. A similar share in all the collected samples represented rainfall of pH < 5.1 that was classified as slightly, considerably and highly acidic. The problem of acid rain occurred in the analysed area mainly during the heating season, when rainfall of pH < 5.1 accounted for a considerable share in all rainfall samples collected in the said period. The electrical conductivity of most samples fell below 60 μS·cm–1, which allowed us to classify them as slightly polluted rainfall (site P2), considerably polluted (site P3) and highly polluted (site P1).
Odczyn i przewodność elektrolityczna należą do podstawowych miar zanieczyszczenia opadów, na podstawie których można dokonać oceny ich ogólnego charakteru. W artykule dokonano analizy tych dwóch parametrów w opadach pobranych w latach 2008–2010 (w sezonie grzewczym i pozagrzewczym) w trzech punktach pomiarowych: P1, P2 i P3 zlokalizowanych na terenie miasta i gminy Strzelin (województwo dolnośląskie). Wyniki badań wykazują dużą zmienność odczynu i przewodności elektrolitycznej opadów występujących na analizowanym terenie. Około 30% prób miało odczyn, który zgodnie z klasyfikacją JANSENA i in. [1988] pozwalał je zakwalifikować jako opady normalne. Podobny udział opadów w całości zebranych prób stanowiły opady o pH < 5,1, klasyfikowane jako mające lekko, znacznie i silnie obniżone pH. Problem kwaśnych deszczów występował na analizowanym terenie głównie w sezonie grzewczym, w którym opady o pH < 5,1 stanowiły znaczną część wszystkich opadów pobranych w tym okresie. Przewodność elektrolityczna większości próbek wynosiła poniżej 60 μS·cm–1, co pozwoliło zakwalifikować je do klasy lekko zanieczyszczonych (stanowisko P2), znacznie zanieczyszczonych (stanowisko P3) oraz mocno zanieczyszczonych (stanowisko P1).
Atmospheric load is an important source of nutrients and pollutants to ecosystems. During the flux through forest canopies that deposition is intensively modified enriching in some elements and pooring in others. Both, atmospheric load and flux of elements through forest canopies, were investigated in the Kampinos National Park (central Poland) during vegetative seasons (April-October) of the years 1998 and 2000. Throughfall was compared with atmospheric deposition in five different forest ecosystems: pine, birch, locust tree, alder, and oak. Atmospheric deposition data was obtained from rain collectors equipped with artificial foliage of an area similar to the actual leaf surface area in a given ecosystem. Results showed that H[^+] and Pb[^2+] flowed passively through tree canopies. NO[3^-], PO[4^3-], SO[4^2-], NH[4^+], Na[^+], Cd[^2+], Zn[^2+] and Cu[^2+] were retained in the canopies (the process was the most intensive for ammonium - 58%, and phosphorus - 60% retained), whileCl[^-], Mg[^2+], K[^+] and Ca[^2+] were leached out of canopies (throughfall, in comparison to bulk precipitation, was enriched by up to 109% in case of potassium). These processes all occurred more vigorously in deciduous trees, like alder and oak, and less intensively or not at all in pine tree stands. Trees living in symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing microorganisms (alder and locust tree) were equally effective at trapping nitrogen from atmospheric loads, as at non-symbiotic tree species. The calendar day has no influence on the throughfall balance of elements with the only exception for calcium (only in alder forest also magnesium and chlorine), which was more intensively leached out during the autumn then on the beginning of vegetation season.
Analyses of precipitation in the forest environment were conducted in the years 2004-2007 in a premanent observation plot established in a pine forest stand growing in a mixed fresh coniferous forest habitat in the Chojnow Forest District. The amount and chemistry of atmospheric precipitation in the open field and under canopies were analysed. Electrical conductivity, pH, and concentrations of Ca, Mg, Cl, NO3, SO4, Na, K, Fe, Mn, Al, NH4, PO4, Zn, Cd, Cu and Pb were determined in collected samples. Mean annual precipitation in the open field for the years 2004-2007 was 443 mm. Mean pH (volume weighted) in this period equalled 4.8 and electrical conductivity - 47 µS·cm-¹. Mean precipitation under trees crowns (411 mm·y-¹) was lower than bulk precipitation. Throughfall was characterised by lower pH (mean 4.2) and higher conductivity (62 µS·cm-¹). Throughfall was enriched, mostly in hydrogen ions, Mn, K, Al, Mg, and Ca ions with respective enrichment factors of: 67, 20, 9, 5, 4 and 2.
Badania wod opadowych w środowisku leśnym prowadzono w latach 2004-2007 na stałej powierzchni obserwacyjnej, założonej w drzewostanie sosnowym na siedlisku bor mieszany świeży w Nadleśnictwie Chojnów. Badania te dotyczyły ilości i składu chemicznego opadów atmosferycznych na otwartej przestrzeni oraz pod okapem drzewostanu. W próbkach oznaczano pH i przewodność elektryczną właściwą oraz wykonywano analizy zawartości jonow: Ca, Mg, Cl, NO3, SO4, Na, K, Fe, Mn, Al, NH4, PO4, Zn, Cd, Cu i Pb. Wielkość opadu rocznego na otwartej przestrzeni w latach 2004-2007 wyniosła średnio 443 mm. Średnie ważone pH (ważone objętością) w tym okresie wyniosło 4,8, zaś przewodność elektryczna właściwa wyniosła 47 µS·cm-¹. Średni opad pod koronami drzew był mniejszy niż na otwartej przestrzeni (411 mm·rok-¹). Jednocześnie opady podkoronowe charakteryzowała niższa wartość pH (średnia 4,2) oraz większa przewodność (średnio 62 µS·cm-¹). Opady przechodząc przez korony drzew ulegały wzbogaceniu - w największym stopniu w protony, jony Mn, K, Al, Mg i Ca (wskaźniki wzbogacenia stężenia średnio w badanym okresie wyniosły odpowiednio: 67, 20, 9, 5, 4 i 2).
The study was carried out in the years 2004-2007 in a permanent observation plot established in a pine tree stand growing in a mixed fresh coniferous forest habitat of the Chojnów Forest District. Analyses pertained to the deposition of mineral compounds delivered to soil with bulk precipitation in the open field and throughfall and to chemical compositions of soil solution at a depth of 25 cm and 50 cm. pH, electrical conductivity and concentrations of Ca, Mg, Cl, NO3, SO4, Na, K, Fe, Mn, NH4, PO4, Zn, Cd, Cu, and Pb were analysed in precipitation and in soil solution samples. Total load of ions under the canopy of pine trees ranged between 47 and 61 kg·ha-¹ ·year-¹. Acidifying ions (N + S + Cl) contributed in 51% to the total ionic load (in mol[sub]c·ha-¹ ·year-¹) while base ions (Ca + Mg + Na + K) in only 36%. Respective percentage contribution in bulk precipitation was 69% and 19%. No relationship was found between the chemical composition of soil solutions (at both depths) and the chemical composition of precipitation waters. Analysed soil solutions were acidic (average pH at the depth of 25 cm and 50 cm was 4.3 and 4.4, respectively) and the molar ratio of the sum of base cations (Ca, Mg, and K) to Al in the majority of examined samples from the upper soil layer, was much lower than 1. This is the evidence of low buffering capacities of analysed soil in relation to acidifying loads and indicates a potential threat for the pine stand stability.
Badania prowadzono w latach 2004-2007 na stałej powierzchni obserwacyjnej, założonej w drzewostanie sosnowym na siedlisku bór mieszany świeży w Nadleśnictwie Chojnów. Badania dotyczyły wielkości ładunku składników mineralnych docierających do podłoża wraz z opadami atmosferycznymi na otwartej przestrzeni oraz pod okapem drzewostanu, a także składu chemicznego roztworów glebowych na głębokości 25 i 50 cm. W próbkach opadów oraz wód glebowych oznaczano pH i przewodność elektryczną właściwą oraz wykonywano analizy zawartości jonów: Ca, Mg, Cl, NO3, SO4, Na, K, Fe, Mn, NH4, PO4, Zn, Cd, Cu i Pb. Sumaryczny ładunek jonów pod okapem drzewostanu sosnowego kształtowałsię w zakresie od 47 do 61 kg·ha-¹ rocznie. Udział jonów zakwaszających (N + S + Cl) w ładunku sumarycznym jonów pod okapem, wyrażonym w mol[sub]c·ha-¹, wyniósł 51%, natomiast udział jonów alkalicznych (Ca + Mg + Na + K) osiągnął zaledwie 36%. Wartości te w opadzie na otwartej przestrzeni wyniosły odpowiednio 69 i 19%. Nie stwierdzono silnego związku składu chemicznego roztworów glebowych (z obu głębokości) z właściwościami chemicznymi wód opadowych. Odczyn badanych roztworów glebowych był kwaśny (średnie pH na głębokości 25 i 50 cm wyniosło odpowiednio 4,3 i 4,4), a stosunek molowy sumy kationów zasadowych (Ca, Mg i K) do kationu Al w większości badanych prób z górnego poziomu glebowego był daleko mniejszy od granicznej wartości 1. Świadczy to o niewielkich zdolnościach buforowych gleb w stosunku do ładunku zakwaszającego, a także wskazuje na potencjalne zagrożenie stabilności drzewostanu.
Nitrogen flow through birch stand canopies was studied in the Kampinos National Park (large forested area with inland dunes and wetlands close to Warsaw) during the growing seasons (April-October) of 2005-2006. The amount of nitrogen deposition including main forms like NO[3], NH[4], organic N and the aerosolgaseous fraction of deposition were estimated as well as the influence of birch canopies on this process. Because a method of "artificial foliage" allows to measure an aerosol-gaseous fraction of deposition a gradient of rain collectors equipped with artificial foliage of known surfaces were used. The results were compared with amounts of nitrogen measured in the throughfall of three birch forests. All stands (age 20.50 years) were rather similar, but stand II has smaller LAI (Leaf Area Index = 2.5 m[^2] m[^-2]) than stands II and III (3.8 and 3.9 m[^2] m[-2]). It was found that nitrogen deposition in the Kampinos National Park is rather high - 1.6 kg ha[^-1] month[-1]. Ammoniumnitrogen made almost half of this value, organic nitrogen - over one third, and nitrate-nitrogen constituted the rest. Aerosol-gaseous input significantly made the deposition increased only in the case of nitrate-nitrogen, but deposition of ammonium- and organic nitrogen were similar and independent of catching leaf area. All fractions of nitrogen were effectively taken up during their passing through birch canopies (57% of nitrogen deposition was retained). Generally two thirds of deposited ammonium-nitrogen, more than half of organic N, and one third of nitratenitrogen were taken up by birch canopies. However, uptake efficiency of all N forms was lower for stand with smallest leaf area with no statistically significant retention of organic N.
The study was conducted in the region of Pomerania in North Poland (Człuchów Forest) 85 km south-east from the coast of the Baltic Sea, in the growing season (April-October) 2001-2002. Using collectors with artificial leaves of known surface areas (2,4 and 6 m2 m-2) the aerosol-gaseous input into standard rain collectors. It was found that input of Ca2+ was the highest (mean 772 g ha-1 month-1), followed by N-NH4+, S-SO42-, Cl-, N-NO3-, Na+, K+, Mg2+ and P-PO43-, while the input of H+ was the lowest (mean 5g ha-1 month-1). The input of great majority of elements clearly increased with surface area of the artificial leaves (Na+, N-NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Cl-, N-NO3-, S-SO42). In genera, with the increase of artificial leaves area from 0 to 10 m2 m-2 (Q10 index), the rise of input varied from 1,72 (S-SO42-) to 2,26 (Cl-). The process did not take places only for Ca2+, P-PO43-,H+, atmospheric water, and dust. These tendencies occurred in both two years of studies, and the differences of the results were small. Atmospheric input of elements in the Człuchów Forest was relatively small comparing to other parts of Poland. As far as the aerosol-gaseous fraction of input was concerned, the greatest role had the elements related to aerosol of seawater origins, like chlorine, sodium and magnesium.
Atmospheric inputs of elements (macro, micro nutrients and pollutants) to the pinebeech forest (Ratanica stream catchment, Carpathian Foothills, S Poland) were examined in the years 1991-1995. The input embraced bulk precipitation and throughfall. Chemical composition of precipitation was largely influenced by air pollution in the catchment. Four factors can be distinguished responsible for the raised ionic inputs to the forest: (1) long-range transport of pollutants bringing principally H^+, NO[3]^-, SO[4]^2-, CI^- and Pb^2+, (2) local emissions from domestic heating (mainly Zn^2-, Cd^2+ and Ca^2+), (3) local dust emissions from fields and roads (K^+, Mg^2+, Ca^2+), and (4) agriculture (NH[4]^+, PO[4]^3-). Concentrations and loads of some ions (SO[4]^2-, CI^-, Pb^2+, Cd^2+) to the forest tended to decline over the study period. Element inputs in bulk precipitation to the Ratanica catchment were moderately high, generally lower than those to polluted areas of Europe (Germany), and hig her the inputs to the relatively unpolluted regions (Scandinavia). In relation to forests of central and northern Poland, the inputs estimated were, as a rule, great. Sulphur and nitrogen loads to the study forest did not exsceed threshold values for the Carpathian Foothills. Chronic pollution of the forest ecosystem in Ratanica catchment seems to be responsible for transformations of lichen flora and herb layer composition. Gradual acidification of upper soil layers was found to occur in Ratanica stream catchment. Continuous atmospheric deposition has also led to heavy metal accumulation in the soil. Acid precipitation and substantial quantities of heavy metals may pose a threat to the forest ecosystem. Any further nitrogen input to the Ratanica forest may cause demands for the element to be exceeded, and the ecosystem to collapse.
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