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w słowach kluczowych:  building modelling
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Od 2019 roku Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii (GUGiK) nieodpłatnie udostępnia online zbiory uzyskane z lotniczego skaningu laserowego i ich produkty pochodne. Dane te umożliwiły przekształcenie (transformację) istniejącego zasobu map geodezyjnych (zbioru danych zgromadzonych w przestrzeni 2D) do obiektów przestrzennych oraz ich wizualizacji 3D. Celem niniejszej pracy było przedstawienie wykonanej transformacji danych i ocena jakości zrealizowanego procesu. Dodatkowo sprawdzono, czy zgromadzone dane mogą być bezpośrednio wykorzystane do budowy bazy danych trójwymiarowych (3D) - stanowiącej produkt atrakcyjny dla specjalistów z dziedziny inżynierii lądowej. Jest to istotne ustalenie, wiedząc, że służba geodezyjna wykonuje pomiary w nawiązaniu do osnowy poziomej i wysokościowej, czyli współcześnie wyznaczane są trzy współrzędne mierzonych obiektów W pracy wykorzystano zbiory udostępnione przez GUGiK, a także zbiory wektorowe zgromadzone na Wydziale Geoinżynierii UWM w Olsztynie. Ze zbiorów pozyskanych metodą pomiarów bezpośrednich w ramach studenckich praktyk pomiarowych opracowano bazy danych z obiektami zapisanymi za pomocą dwóch i trzech współrzędnych. Uzyskane w niniejszej pracy rezultaty wskazują, że można przekształcić istniejący zasób danych pomiarowych oraz map geodezyjnych do nowej formy prezentacji - prezentacji przestrzennej (3D) - bardziej czytelnej dla profesjonalistów wykorzystujących technologię BIM (ang. Building Information Modelling), jak również przyjaźniejszej obywatelom zainteresowanym użytkowaniem tych danych.
Since 2019 in Poland, the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (abbrev. in Polish, GUGiK) has made available on-line free of charge collections obtained from airborne laser scanning and their derivatives. These data enabled the conversation (transformation) of the existing resource of geodetic maps (a set of data collected in 2D space) into spatial objects and their 3D visualization. The purpose of this paper is to present the data transformation performed and to assess the quality of the implemented process. In addition, it was checked whether the collected data can be directly used to build a three-dimensional (3D) database - constituting a product attractive to specialists in the field of civil engineering. This is an important finding, knowing that the geodetic service performs measurements in relation to the horizontal and altitude network, i.e. nowadays, three coordinates of the measured objects are determined. The work uses the sets provided by GUGiK, as well as vector sets collected at the Faculty of Geoengineering at UWM in Olsztyn. The sets were obtained from direct measurements carried out as part of measurement's student practices, from which databases with recorded objects using two and three coordinates were developed. The results obtained in this study indicate that it is possible to transform the existing resource of measurement data and geodetic maps into a new form of presentation - spatial (3D) presentation - more readable for professionals using BIM technology (Building Information Modelling), as well as more friendly to citizens interested in using these data.
For many years, cartographers are involved in designing GIS and navigation systems. Most GIS applications use the outdoor data. Increasingly, similar applications are used inside buildings. Therefore it is important to find the proper model of indoor spatial database. The development of indoor navigation systems should utilize advanced teleinformation, geoinformatics, geodetic and cartographical knowledge. The authors present the fundamental requirements for the indoor data model for navigation purposes. Presenting some of the solutions adopted in the world they emphasize that navigation applications require specific data to present the navigation routes in the right way. There is presented original solution for indoor data model created by authors on the basis of BISDM model. Its purpose is to expand the opportunities for use in indoor navigation.
The development of indoor navigation systems should utilize advanced teleinformation, geoinformation and cartographical knowledge. The authors analyzed available specifications of prototypes of indoor navigation systems and drew conclusions about how to enhance the use of cartographical methods in the whole process of designing a new system. The analysis proves that cartographical methodology is still very limited in the process of designing indoor navigation systems. Researchers focus mainly on improving the positioning accuracy, and they often neglect the issue of developing spatial databases and the rules of their effective visualization. The process of designing indoor navigation systems, just like in the case of outdoor navigation systems, consists of a number of tasks that can be supported by the theory and practice of cartography. This article presents the issues of determination of spatial database model appropriate for an indoor system, improvement of accuracy of positioning algorithms utilizing spatial data and methodology of generating graphical and voice directions for indoor navigation. In the authors’ opinion, the discussed cartographical methods and techniques may considerably enhance indoor navigation systems and accelerate their development. The fundamental knowledge of cartographical methods should be within the interest of designers of these systems. At present the first attempts in this field may be observed, although they are still not mature and complex.
Artykuł przedstawia pół-automatyczą metodę rekonstrukcji budynku 3D w oparciu o dane pochodzące z lotniczego skaningu laserowego. Głównym celem jest określenie kształtu dachu budynku, a następnie zrekonstruowanie budynku z zachowaniem topologii. Metoda, jaką zaproponowano do wykrycia płaszczyzn dachu działa na zasadzie dziel – łącz (ang. split– merge). Chmura punktów dzielona jest na jednakowe woksele (ang. voxels – wyraz utworzony z dwóch angielskich słów: volumetric element), tak aby odpowiadały one standardom CityGML, na poziomie szczegółowości LoD2. W wokselach aproksymowane są płaszczyzny, które w oparciu o wyliczone parametry są łączone. Zatem szukanie połaci dachowych budynku odbywa się na zasadzie przejścia od szczegółu do ogółu. Na podstawie wykrytych płaszczyzn wyznaczane są naroża oraz punkty charakterystyczne dachu. Ostatnim etapem jest eksport modelu budynku do uniwersalnego formatu wektorowego
This paper presents a semi-automatic method, using only ALS data, to build a model of a building. This method focuses on modelling the roof, assuming that by knowing the shape of the roof and the digital presentation of a terrain, one can easily obtain a model of the whole building. The step consists of detecting plane surfaces from which we define the shape of the building’s roof. The roof planes are detected using the split-merge method in which a LIDAR point cloud is organized and planes are extracted from each voxel. The planes are joined when parameters such as slope, azimuth and height are contained in the definition of boundary. The final step is exporting the building model to dxf format.
Crisis management in the city should be based on visual and complete documentation. In such documentation the description of the buildings and description of the surrounded terrain must be integrated. At present, this condition is not always met. In general, there is disintegration of the terrain description and buildings. interior description. The documentation of buildings is carried out in other technology than large-scale maps. In addition the buildings documentation is usually stored in another place than the cartographic one. In this paper, integration of building space description and terrain description is proposed. Furthermore, these descriptions should be performed and stored in GIS technology Such solution ensures not only prompt delivery of documentation, but also enables to perform comprehensive analyses, which are helpful in decision-making in crisis management. In the paper, typical spatial relations are presented, which occur in such management with regard to the requirements of the different rescue operations and setting emergency evacuation routes. In the practical part of the paper, several analyses in GIS are shown (Fig. 2.7). Among others an analysis of determination of evacuation space was performed in the case, when the source of the threat was inside the building (Fig. 2, 3, 4). The analysis was performed as a strategic game. Also, worth mention is the analysis, which aides to determine evacuation routes, in the case of total destruction of the building. In the last part of the paper the concept of .micro-map is presented. The micro-map is a specific documentation of a building element (for example elevation or interior wall) - recorded with the use of GIS technology (Fig. 8). The micro-map concept can be applied not only in crisis management, but also can be widely used in practice as an alternative and powerful tool for building space documentation.
Content available remote Wykrywanie budynków na podstawie lotniczego skanowania laserowego
This paper discusses automatic detection of buildings from airborne laser scanner data. Beside introduction and conclusions there are three main parts in this paper. In part one basic technical parameters of airborne laser scanning are reminded. Part two presents literature review of various methods that have been applied in the detection and modeling of buildings. Part three describes a research experiment carried out by the authors. This part includes a comparison between two methods of detection: the one offered by specialist software and the alternative method proposed by the authors of this paper. The technique of laser scanning, often referred to as LIDAR, continues to develop very dynamically. It is characterized by a high level of efficiency and accuracy. It is most often used to create 3D models of cities. Until now, LIDAR was mostly used in national studies to determine digital terrain models (DTM), which is done by separating certain points (those which result from laser reflections of trees, buildings and other above-ground surfaces) from disorganized .clouds of points.. Meanwhile, the most useful contribution of this technique is that it enables numeric calculation of the digital surface model (DSM). The authors. experiment attempted to analyze the effectiveness of automatic detection of buildings using two different methods. The first method used original data and applied specialist software which detects and models buildings. In the second, the .cloud of points. was replaced by a regular grid, which had been determined through interpolation. Then, using the typical tool of GIS, the authors carried out a series of experiments. In this paper, the authors present their concept of detection of buildings. This concept is based on an analysis of three surface layers: map of heights, map of slopes and map of texture. The final stage consisted of spatial analysis which showed all the places which meet certain conditions that are adequate for buildings, such as heights, slopes and texture. The methods were implemented on two test areas. One area contained independently standing apartment buildings in which the sides and rooftops of buildings were perpendicular and at right angles to each other. The second test area was made up of various buildings of differentiated heights with steep, multidirectional roofs. For both these areas, reference data was obtained through the vectorization of photogrammetric stereoscopic models. Both methods of detection showed comparable effectiveness. The method using .cloud of points. and specialist software showed slightly straighter roof edges, however a slightly worse balance of surface in relation to the reference data, than the method based on GIS analyses which presents the authors. concepts of detections of buildings. However, the differences were negligible and both methods had a similar level of effectiveness in the detection of buildings: approximately 90% for the easy area and about 60% for difficult area. These results are similar to those presented in literature. During the study, all cases in which detection of buildings was ineffective were also analyzed. Tall trees rising above rooftops often presented a significant obstacle. Moreover, the scanning data contained several places, where LIDAR provided measurements with very low density, much smaller than the average density of 1,5 points per m2. These .holes. lowered the effectiveness of the first method. However, the weakness of the raster method was weak representation of the grid in places where trees were located as the applied interpolation smoothed out the original data. The results of this research lead to the conclusion that an optimal method would entail a .combined. approach. First, the raster analysis should be applied to determine the probable location of buildings. Then, for certain atypical spaces one should return to the source data (cloud of points) and vertically assign cross sections in predefined directions. What is still needed is a method of automatic recognition of buildings on the basis of cross sections as well as dimensions of buildings which aim to obtain a 3D model. This paper confirms a huge potential of the laser scanning technique to create 3D models. The proposed method of detection of buildings proved promising and it can be applied even without expensive specialized software.
W pracy przeanalizowano współdziałanie budynku szkieletowego o konstrukcji płytowo-słupowej z podłożem. Budynek zamodelowano przestrzennie przy użyciu MES, przyjmując sprężysty model materiału. Analizę przeprowadzono przy wykorzystaniu techniki superelementów. Przyjęto dwa przypadki podłoża i potraktowano je jako półprzestrzeń sprężystą. Osiadania policzono wykorzystując wzory Steinbrennera-Korotkina. Przeprowadzono iteracje, doprowadzając do ustalenia się ostatecznych osiadań budowli. Przeanalizowano zmianę sił w budowli przy uwzględnieniu osiadań gruntu, rozważono możliwość wzmocnienia budynku w celu przeniesienia obciążeń od osiadań.
The interaction of slab - column structure with ground has been analysed in this paper. 3D FEM elastic model of the structure has been created and solved with the use of superelements technique. Two examples of the ground have been taken and modelled as an elastic halfspace. The Stinbrenner-Korotkin formula has been used to calculate the settlements of the foundation. After an iteration process the settlements have been stabilized. The change of inner forces has been analysed and the possibility of strengthening the structure for increased forces has been considered.
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