Small-signal models of a buck converter working in the discontinuous conduction mode that are available in the literature usually can be divided into those which contain a single pole and refer to non-ideal converters and those that describe ideal converters and contain two poles. Even though the models are noticeably different they have been validated through simulations and measurements, which suggests both of them are correct. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive comparison of the existing models with transient simulations done in OrCAD software and through measurements, to show that both of the mentioned models are true for a specific set of converter parameters, and to propose a two-pole, control-to-output and input-to-output transfer functions of a non-ideal buck converter, that can be used in any buck converter working in discontinuous conduction mode.
An investigation into the design of a stand-alone solar water pumping station for supplying rural areas is presented. It includes a study of system components and their modeling. The solar water pumping station comprises a solar panel, DC/DC buck converter, DC motor driving a centrifugal pump, and a reservoir. The fuzzy-based maximum power point tracker is developed to optimize the drive speed and the water discharge rate of the coupled centrifugal pump. These use dN/I, d(dN/dI) use parameters, and a variation of the fill factor∆α as input variables. The proposed solution is based on a judicious fuzzy adjustment of a converter fill factor, which adapts online the load impedance to the solar panel. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the drive system for both transient and steady-state operations. Hence, it is suitable to use this fuzzy logic procedure as a standard optimization algorithm for such solar water pumping stations. The modeling is carried out in MATLAB/Simulink.
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Fuel cell hybrid vehicles are electric vehicles with energy conversion technologies that combine fuel cells and batteries. The Energy Management System is crucial to the fuel cell hybrid system's operation since it lowers the system's hydrogen usage. This study looks into how to best manage the fuel cell hybrid vehicles' connected DC/DC converter topologies. The results of the simulations run in Matlab-Simulink show that the suggested buck converter is efficient and a better option for use in electrical vehicle applications. Due to its lower emissions and increased fuel efficiency, fuel cell-powered hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) are being developed by many automobile firms. Power electronics is the important technology for the development of fuel cells for propulsion. This document details various DC/DC converter topologies that are employed to link HEV motor controllers to fuel cells. The objective is to offer a straightforward and useful boost converter topology with a coordinated control that can simultaneously control both the output voltage and input current. The outcomes of simulations run under various dynamics are used to assess the buck converter's performance.
Pojazdy hybrydowe z ogniwami paliwowymi to pojazdy elektryczne z technologiami konwersji energii, które łączą ogniwa paliwowe i akumulatory. System zarządzania energią ma kluczowe znaczenie dla działania hybrydowego systemu ogniw paliwowych, ponieważ zmniejsza zużycie wodoru przez system. W badaniu tym zbadano, jak najlepiej zarządzać topologiami połączonych przetwornic DC/DC pojazdów hybrydowych z ogniwami paliwowymi. Wyniki symulacji przeprowadzonych w programie Matlab-Simulink pokazują, że proponowana przetwornica jest wydajna i lepiej nadaje się do zastosowań w pojazdach elektrycznych. Ze względu na niższą emisję i zwiększoną oszczędność paliwa, wiele firm motoryzacyjnych opracowuje hybrydowe pojazdy elektryczne (HEV) napędzane ogniwami paliwowymi. Energoelektronika jest ważną technologią dla rozwoju ogniw paliwowych do napędu. W tym dokumencie wyszczególniono różne topologie przetwornic DC/DC, które są wykorzystywane do łączenia sterowników silników HEV z ogniwami paliwowymi. Celem jest zaoferowanie prostej i użytecznej topologii przetwornicy podwyższającej napięcie ze skoordynowanym sterowaniem, które może jednocześnie kontrolować zarówno napięcie wyjściowe, jak i prąd wejściowy. Wyniki symulacji przeprowadzonych przy różnej dynamice służą do oceny działania przetwornicy buck.
A wide variety of nonlinear phenomena, such as bifurcation and chaos, have been observed in power electronics converters. Much research has been conducted on these behaviours in different converter topologies. The buck converter is known to exhibit chaotic behaviour in a wide parameter range, giving rise to unstable behaviours depending on the circuit parameters values. This paper investigates this bifurcation behaviour by varying the parameters of a voltage PI (Proportional Integral) controlled buck converter operating in continuous conduction mode, using a continuous-time model and constant frequency control signal. Furthermore, a novel and improved version of the PI compensation technique, designed using the multi-objective grey wolf optimiser (MOGWO), is proposed to stabilise the buck converter from chaotic state to periodic orbit.
This work evaluates the influence of gate drive circuitry to cascode GaN device’s switching waveforms. This is done by comparing three PCBs using three double-pulse-test (DPT) with different gate driving loop design. Among important parasitic elements, source-side inductance shows a significant impact to gate-source voltage waveform. A simulation model based on experimental measurement of the cascode GaNFET used in this work is modified by author. The simulation model is implemented in a synchronous buck converter topology and hereby to assess the impact of gate driving loop of cascode GaN device in both continuous conduction mode (CCM) and critical conduction mode (CRM). Apart from simulation, a synchronous buck converter prototype is presented for experimental evaluation, which shows a 99.15% efficiency at 5A under soft-switching operation (CRM) with a 59ns dead-time.
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This paper presents the buck converter DC-DC. At first, we define the characteristics of the converter. The second, we descript our inductor; the topology of square shape inductor has been presented to extract the geometric parameters. The equivalent electrical model approved of the integrated inductor with magnetic core takes into account all the technological parameters which are illustrated by analytic expressions. Moreover, the results of different simulations concern the effect of geometrical parameters of inductor on the inductance value and quality factor. Finely, we performed simulations on the operating of our buck converter including firstly an ideal inductor and then an integrated inductor with magnetic core. Simulation results have shown that the waveforms of the current and output voltage in both cases are similar.
Zaprezentowano przekształtnik typu buck DC-DC wykorzystujący planarną indukcyjność. Przedstawiono analiz wpływu wymiarów dławika na parametry indukcyjności takie jak dobroć.
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In this paper, we discuss the design and modeling of a solenoid inductor with a magnetic core. The equivalent electrical model approved of the integrated solenoid inductor acquires into account the inductance and quality factor. The optimization of the inductance and quality factor values is based on the numerical analysis of the influence of the geometric parameters on the electrical characteristics of the solenoid inductor. The results simulation based on the MATLAB software. Finally, is discussing about the integrated solenoid inductor in a buck converter DC-DC, simulation results present by PSIM.
Przedstawiono projekt planarnego scalonego dławika. Analizowano parametry geometryczne pod kątem najlepszej dobroci cewki. Podzespół może być zintegrowany z układem przekształtnika.
This article deals with the subject of simulation of power losses and thermal processes occurring in semiconductors, as illustrated by an example of a DC/DC buck converter. The simulations were performed in PLECS software. The results obtained from the program were compared with measurement results of a laboratory converter model. The physical model is based on the same components as assumed in the simulation. Similarly, the parameters of the transistor control signal were the same. During operation of the converter, the temperature changes were analyzed using a K-type thermocouple. Based on the obtained results of the temperature measurement in the steady state of the converter operation, the correctness of the simulation carried out in the PLECS program was verified and confirmed.
: Averaged models: an AC large signal, DC and AC small signals of a currentcontrolled buck converter are described. Only peak current mode control of a converter working in the continuous conduction mode (CCM) is considered. The model derivation differs from the typical approaches presented in the literature and doesn’t refer to the multiloop concept of a current controlled converter. The separation of the variables method is used in the model derivation. The resulting models are presented in the form of an equation set and equivalent circuits. The calculations based on the presented models are verified by measurements and full-wave PSpice simulations.
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This paper presents the design, simulation and comparative evaluation of both a classic proportional-integral (PI) controller and a fuzzy logic PI controller applied to the output voltage control of a DC-DC buck converter. The performance comparison was done in terms of overshoot and settling time simulated in Matlab-Simulink. Results demonstrated that the fuzzy logic PI controller has a superior performance compared to the classic PI controller, furthermore the design becomes simpler, since it is not necessary to find the mathematical model of the system to be controlled.
W pracy przedstawiono projektowanie i badania symulacyjne układów sterowania przekształtnika DC-DC opartych na klasycznym regulatorze typu PI i regulatorze PI, zrealizowanym z wykorzystaniem logiki rozmytej. Zarówno projektowanie jak i badania symulacyjne zostały przeprowadzone przy użyciu programu Matlab – Simulink. Uzyskane wyniki wskazuję na lepsze właściwości układu sterowania zrealizowanego w logice rozmytej.
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The objective of this paper is time and frequency response analysis of single quadrant and two-quadrant power amplifiers by using MATLAB SIMULINK, PSPICE and PSIM based software used in the electromagnetic levitation system. The power amplifier plays a key role in controlling the electromagnetic levitation system, controlling the current as well as the force between electromagnet and rail. Here the power amplifier is used to convert a fixed DC voltage to an adjustable DC output voltage. Different kinds of power amplifiers have been proposed for the electromagnetic levitation system. In this paper, only buck and asymmetrical converters are simulated in the simulation software. The exciting current of the electromagnet is controlled by the power amplifier, which controls the air gap and force between actuator and rail in a closed loop manner. PSPICE is an analog and digital circuit simulation software. PSIM is a general-purpose analog and digital electronic circuit simulator. It is also used for simulation and design software for power electronics, motor drives, and dynamic system simulation. SIMULINK is the graphic user interface software from MATLAB which helped us prepare the model of the various power systems, power electronics and control system.
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This paper represents a comparative analysis of two photovoltaic pumping systems. To study the performance of the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) system, two models were simulated using Matlab/Simulink and the performance of a directly connected photovoltaic (SPV) pumping system was compared to an MPPT connected SPV pumping system at various levels of solar irradiance. The MPPT system maximizes overall system efficiency, but makes the system complex compared to the directly connected SPV pumping system. Instead of the conventional boost converter the MPPT system contains a buck converter to maintain overall system voltage at the lower levels required by the permanent magnet DC (PMDC) motor. For simplicity, the MPPT controller follows the perturbation and observation (P & O) algorithm and controls the buck converter to maximize overall system efficiency at various levels of solar irradiance. The PMDC motor provides high weight-to-torque density, better speed control, low inertia, and lower losses compared to induction and the conventional DC motor. The comparative analysis shows that the MPPT connected SPV system is more efficient than the directly connected SPV system for water pumping purposes using a PMDC motor.
This article presents concept of autonomous power source. The source includes photovoltaic cell connected with power electronics converters and supercapacitors as an energy storages. This system is designed to supply low power devices, such as sensors network, wireless communication modules, mobile meteorological station, anti-burglary system etc. Also, the system is independent and it can be used in places with lack of power infrastructure or where is difficult to get to it.
W artykule zaprezentowana została koncepcja modelu autonomicznego źródła energii elektrycznej. Opisywany układ składa się z panelu fotowoltaicznego połączonego z odpowiednimi przekształtnikami energoelektronicznym i superkondensatorem jako magazynem energii. Taki układ można wykorzystać do zasilania urządzeń o niskim poborze mocy, np. sieci czujników, modułów komunikacji bezprzewodowej, mobilnych stacji meteorologiczna w miejscach, gdzie brakuje odpowiedniej infrastruktury, lub jako system antywłamaniowy przy braku możliwości poprowadzenia przewodów zasilających.
The paper presents a comparative analysis of the two resonant based converter topologies. The converter topologies selected are LLC resonant converter and the Quasi resonant converter. The modeling, analysis and control of both the converter is done and presented here for the case of the photovoltaic (PV) emulator. A PV emulator is basically a DC-DC converter having same electrical characteristics that of solar PV panel. The emulator helps to achieve real characteristics of PV system in a better way in an environment where using actual PV systems can produce inconsistent results due to variation in weather conditions. The complete system is modelled in MATLAB® Simulink SimPowerSystem software package. The Simulation results obtained from the MATLAB® Simulink SimPowerSystem software package for both topologies under steady and dynamic conditions are analyzed and presented. An evaluation table is also presented at the end of the paper, presenting the effectiveness of each topology.
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W artykule przedstawiono przykłady aplikacji modeli uśrednionych w symulacjach PSPICE impulsowych przetwornic napięcia. Zaprezentowano wyniki symulacji stanów przejściowych w przetwornicy typu BUCK oraz jej charakterystyk częstotliwościowych. Porównano wyniki otrzymane po zastosowaniu modelu kompletnego (para przełączników i generator PWM) oraz wielko- i małosygnałowych modeli uśrednionych.
The article presents examples of applications of averaged models in PSPICE simulations of power converters. The results of simulation of transients in the BUCK converter and its frequency characteristics are shown. A comparison of the results obtained for the complete model (a pair of switches and PWM generator) and large- and small-signal averaged models has been performed.
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This paper introduces a new technique to model a synchronous buck converter in the closed loop compensated conditions by Lagrange equation. In the design process of converters it is desirable to assess as many critical design parameters and parasitic effects by simulation as possible, since the control is hard to tune after fabrication. The main advantage of this method is its versatility and simple implementation. In this work, switch conduction loss of an integrated, synchronous buck converter is identified to have significant influence on control loop dynamics. Thus, an equivalent small-signal model for the close loop frequency response accounting for switch conduction loss is developed. Finally, the model is validated against the frequency response obtained by periodic stability analysis which can account for parasitic effects and loading. Very good agreement between the extended model and the simulation results obtained.
W artykule opisano modelowania z wykorzystaniem równań Lagrange synchronicznego przekształtnika typu buck. Straty przełączania są identyfikowane jako wpływające na dynamikę. Analizowano okresową stabilność z uwzględnieniem efektów pasożytniczych.
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In this paper the basic mechanisms behind conducted emission generation in switch mode power supplies are analyzed. For the analyses a buck converter circuit is used. Separate equivalent models are introduced for differential mode and for common mode noise and the main parameters influencing the emission levels for both modes are identified. A detailed evaluation is performed to show which part of the emission spectrum is affected by a given parameter. Simulation in Matlab is performed to visualize the effect of these parameters on the spectrum. The results of theoretical analysis and simulation are verified experimentally through bench measurements performed on a buck converter.
W artykule przeanalizowano podstawowe mechanizmy powstawania emisji przewodzonej w przetwornicach impulsowych. Do analiz użyty został układ przetwornicy obniżającej napięcie. Wprowadzone zostały osobne układy zastępcze dla składowej różnicowej i składowej wspólnej, a następnie główne parametry wpływające na poziom emisji dla obydwu składowych zostały zidentyfikowane. Przeprowadzona została szczegółowa analiza pokazująca na którą część wyemitowanego widma wpływa dany parametr. W celu zobrazowania wpływu tych parametrów na widmo emisji układy przesymulowano w środowisku Matlab. Rezultaty analizy teoretycznej i symulacji zostały zweryfikowane poprzez pomiary eksperymentalne do których użyta została przetwornica obniżająca napięcie.
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This article presents the project and a practical realisation of a DC/DC buck converter. The measurements of system's functionality were performing in certain operating points (power, switching frequency of the transistor). In addition the analysis of power losses for chosen elements (transistor, inductor) used to build a converter was performed.
W artykule przedstawiono projekt oraz praktyczną realizację układu przekształtnika obniżającego napięcie DC/DC typu buck. Wykonano pomiary sprawności układu w określonych punktach pracy (moc, częstotliwość pracy tranzystora) oraz przeprowadzono analizę podziału strat mocy dla wybranych elementów (tranzystor, dławik) wykorzystanych do budowy przekształtnika.
W pracy przedstawiono badania przekształtnika typu buck przeprowadzone z zastosowaniem arytmetyki przedziałowej. Arytmetyka przedziałowa to dział matematyki zajmujący się analizą danych niepewnych. W pracy wykorzystano metody, których zadaniem jest ocena stabilności pod kątem zmienności parametrów w ustalonym zakresie. Kolejnym badanym aspektem jest zgodność obliczeń numerycznych z wynikami badań układu fizycznego. W sterowaniu układu zastosowano metodę perturbacji parametru kontrolnego, którym było wzmocnienie regulatora. Metoda polega na synchronizacji trajektorii, po której porusza się układ do orbity stabilnej. Wybierając jedną z wielkości w układzie zostaje do niej dodawany sygnał zaburzający tą wartość. W ten sposób, jak pokazano dla badanego układu, w chaotycznym trybie pracy niestabilne do tej pory orbity okresowe, wchodzące w skład atraktora, są stabilizowane za pomocą zaburzenia o niewielkiej amplitudzie. Wyniki obliczeń wskazują na duże możliwości arytmetyki przedziałowej w badaniach układów energoelektronicznych i analizy ich stanów pracy.
In the paper, the research of a buck step down converter with the usage of an interval arithmetic was presented. The interval arithmetic is the part of mathematics that is concerned with an uncertain data analysis. In this paper, the methods that aim to evaluate the stability of a system on the ground of the interval change of a parameter value were applied. The next studied aspect was the accordance of numerical calculations with results of measurements taken from the laboratory set. In the control process of the buck converter, the method of the perturbation of a control parameter was used. This method consists in the synchronization of the trajectory on which the system moves to the stable orbit. Choosing one of the system parameters the perturbed signal is added. In this way, the unstable periodic orbits inside of an attractor are stabilized by the low amplitude perturbation. The obtained results depicted on the high possibilities of the interval arithmetic in the researches of power electronic systems and analysis of their operation modes.
W pracy przedstawiono badania nad zastosowaniem chaotycznej modulacji szerokości impulsów (CPWM) w przekształtnikach energoelektronicznych DC/DC. Głównym celem wykorzystania modulacji CPWM jest zmniejszenie zakłóceń elektromagnetycznych (EMI), czyli spłaszczenie widma sygnału wyjściowego przekształtników. W artykule zamieszczono opis kilku wariantów modulacji CPWM. W każdym z nich sygnał nośny ma charakter chaotyczny, co powoduje, że zawory energoelektroniczne przełączają się nieregularnie. Splot z takim sygnałem nośnym powoduje, że widmo sygnału staje się bardziej rozmyte. Wyniki badań wskazują na duże możliwości modulacji CPWM w zastosowaniu do redukcji zakłóceń EMI przekształtników energoelektronicznych, w szczególności do zastosowań w odnawialnych źródłach energii.
In the paper, the research concerning the usage of the Chaotic Pulse Width Modulation (CPWM) in a buck step down converter was presented. The main purpose of the application of CPWM is the reduction of the EMI interference by flattening of the power spectrum of output voltage. This article contains the description of few types of the CPWM modulation. In all of them, a carrier signal behaves chaotically, what makes that the power electronics keys switch irregularly. A convolution with such a carrier signal makes that the power spectrum becomes fuzzier. The results of the presented study depicted on big possibilities of the CPWM modulation for the EMI interference reduction in power electronics, particularly in renewable energy devices.
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