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While numerous censuses are conducted in Rook (Corvus frugilegus) populations, there is still a lack of comprehensive evaluations regarding the methodologies employed and factors influencing population estimates. Here, we assess patterns of nest number variation in colonies through the breeding season and examine some factors influencing this variability. We conducted four censuses in 18 colonies of the entire Spanish breeding population of Rook spread out over the breeding season, from 18th March to 11th April. The total population's nests count increased by 22% over the census period, with the highest count of 1,877 nests recorded on the last census date. Number nests within the rookeries exhibited fluctuations throughout the census period, with an average variation of 12%, predominantly decreasing over time; variations were higher during the second half of March compared to the first half of April. The temporal variability in rookery nest numbers was found to be independent of colony size, rookery type or census technique. However, it was positively influenced by the number of nests in nearby rookeries located within a 6 km radius, likely due to immigration and emigration processes. While most rookeries (72%) reached their peak nest numbers on the last census day (April 11th), the timing of this peak varied among colonies. This asynchrony leads to variations in the total population nest counts, depending on whether we base it on a single census date or select different dates when colonies reach their maximum nest numbers. Our results emphasize the importance of considering intra-colony temporal variations during the breeding period in census surveys to ensure robust comparisons among colonies and of the total population over time.
Intensive striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) farming has recently expanded owing to its economic benefits but it has led to severe aquatic pollution. In this study, a batch surface-constructed wetland system cultivated with Hymenachne acutigluma grass was designed to treat wastewater collected from catfish ponds. The planted wetland system showed effective operation, as 81.7% of NO-3-N, 63.6% of NH+4-N, and 77.5% of PO3-4-P (w/w) in the wastewater were removed over four months. Besides, the wetland significantly decreased the chemical oxygen demand and total suspended solids from the wastewater. The absorption by the grass resulted in the removal of 20.3 and 22.2% of the total nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from wastewater, respectively. The determination of the nutrient mass balance in the planted system showed that phosphorus in the wastewater was mainly removed through sediment deposition, while a large amount of nitrogen was not lost because of the sediment deposition and plant uptake. Moreover, H. acutigluma cultured in the system can serve as food for cattle. This study shows an ecofriendly approach for the effective remediation of wastewater obtained from the farming of intensive striped catfish.
Zmiany opłacalności chowu świń zależą m.in. od polityki rolnej, regulacji prawnych, produkcji pasz, wykształcenia rolników, struktury gospodarstw, doradztwa rolniczego, chorób czy konkurencji zewnętrznej. Na podstawie analizy danych z okresu 2000-2019 r. zaobserwowano ogólny spadek pogłowia świń i wzrost cen skupu 1 kg wagi żywej trzody chlewnej. Największą wielkość pogłowia w tym okresie zanotowano w 2002 r. (ok. 19 mln sztuk), a najwyższą przeciętną cenę skupu w 2019 r. (ok. 5,81 zł/kg). Wciąż duże zagrożenie dla polskiego sektora trzody chlewnej stanowi ASF – nieuleczalna choroba wirusowa, ktorej do 5 listopada 2018 r. odnotowano 2961 przypadków u dzików i 213 w stadach świń w gospodarstwach. Różne regiony Polski objęto restrykcjami oraz zaostrzono wymagania prawne w zakresie chowu/hodowli czy transportu świń. Stwierdzono, że największym kryzysem branży byłoby wystąpienie ASF na obszarach, które generują ok. 50% produkcji krajowej – w Wielkopolsce, na Kujawach i Pomorzu, a także w wojewodztwie łódzkim. Przewiduje się, że w 2020 r. będzie postępował powolny wzrost cen i spadek pogłowia świń, w zależności od struktury eksportu do krajów trzecich.
The variations in profitability of pig breeding depend, among others, on agricultural policy, legal regulations, feed production, farmers’ education, farm structure, agricultural consulting, diseases or external competition. In basis of the analysis of data in the period 2000-2019, an overall decrease in the pig population and an increase in prices received for 1 kg live weight of pigs were observed. The largest population in 2002 (approx. 19 million units) and the highest average purchase price in 2019 (approx. 5.81 PLN/ kg), were noted. ASF, an incurable viral disease, which has caused 2,961 cases in wild boars and 213 in herds of pigs until November 5, 2018, is still a big threat to the Polish pig sector. Various regions of Poland were subject to restrictions and legal requirements in the field of breeding or transporting pigs were tightened. It was stated that the greatest crisis of the industry would be the occurrence of ASF in areas that generate approx. 50% of domestic production – in Wielkopolska, Kujawy and Pomerania, and in the Łodź Voivodeship. It is anticipated that in 2020 a slow increase in prices and a decrease of pig population, will continue depending on the structure of exports to non-EU countries.
Spring wheat is the main export crop in Kazakhstan. The main share of the grain sold on the world market is the grain of spring wheat grown in Northern Kazakhstan, where the acreage used for this crop reaches 85%, which is about 10 mln ha. Moisture deficiency is the main limiting factor in increasing the yield of spring wheat; in this region, the average annual precipitation is 320–350 mm. Droughts of varying intensity have periodically occurred 2–3 times within the previous five years. Therefore, the yield variability is high and reaches 30% or more. Another reason for the low yield is the occurrence of wheat diseases. Brown rust and Septoria blight are the most common diseases in the region. Upon the joint manifestation of these diseases, the loss of grain yield may reach 30–40%. The research was aimed at creating a drought-resistant, productive, high-quality variety of spring wheat adapted to changes in the environmental conditions. The method of studying has been generally adopted in breeding and genetic studies. In the competitive grade testing, 40 promising lines of spring soft wheat were studied. Line 371/06 had an average yield of 2.54 t/ha, which was higher by 0.48 t/ha than in the standard, and ripened at this level. Over the three years of study, this line has significantly exceeded the Astana variety in terms of the yield. Line 371/06, which has Lr37/Sr38 genes in its genotype, is characterized by group resistance to brown and stem rust. The content of protein in this line amounted on average to 15.22%, which was by 1.38% higher than in the standard Astana variety. By the gluten content, the excess over the standard reached 2.8%. Over the three years of studying the 40 spring wheat lines, line 371/06 has been chosen, which is high-yielding, resistant to droughts, leaf and stem rust, and is of high grain quality. In 2018, line 371/06 was sent for state grade testing under the name of Taymas.
The aim of this research was to study the effect of stecklings planting density on the seed stalk architecture, cluster yield and seed quality of 20 mono - and multigerm breeding lines and cultivars of red beet. The study included the new monogerm lines - AR79 A and AR79 B - breed in the Unit of Genetics Plant Breeding and Seed Science at the University of Agriculture in Kraków. The experiment was conducted in the years 2010 and 2011, in the open field conditions. Two planting densities of stecklings: 50×25 and 50×40 cm, were applied. Standard crop management practices, as recommended for red beet seed production under Polish conditions, were followed. The increase in plants interspacing from 50×25 to 50×40 cm led to the lower height, but twice higher number of shoots per plant, lower number of single, but higher number of bush and bush with main stem seed stalks, twice higher yield per plant as well higher thousand-seed weight and germination capacity. A large variation between genotypes in the features of seed-bearing plants, such as morphological structure, clusters yield and seed quality, were noted. Compared to other genotypes, the new monogerm breeding lines AR79 A and AR79 B formed very high, mostly bush or bush with main stem seed plants developing one of the largest numbers of unluckily, late-ripening shoots, yielded on the average level and producing the seeds of relatively low quality. The research has expanded the knowledge about the generative development of red beet. The results will facilitate Polish breeding programs aimed at the selection of monogerm red beet lines.
Celem pracy była ocena wpływu hodowli stawowej karpia na mikologiczne zanieczyszczenie wód odprowadzanych do Noteci.. Badania przeprowadzono w Gospodarstwie Rybackim w Ślesinie. W celu oznaczenia liczby grzybów wodę pobierano na dopływie, w stawach produkcyjnych, zimochowach i na odpływie. Przeprowadzone obserwacje dowiodły, że hodowle stawowe mogą w nieznacznym stopniu redukować liczbę grzybów, jak również poprawiać niektóre parametry fizykochemiczne wody.
The aim of the study was to assess the impact of carp pond culture on mycological condition of surface waters. The study was conducted in a fish farm in Ślesin. To indicate the number of fungi the water was sampled at the tributary, ponds production and winter habitats and at the outflow. This study has shown that ponds may slightly reduce the number of fungi, as well as improve some physicochemical parameters of water.
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań w zakresie podobieństw Polski w strukturze upraw i chowu zwierząt gospodarskich z krajami UE-27. Do badań wykorzystano analizę składowych głównych. Zastosowana metoda pozwoliła na kompleksową ocenę współzależności cech. Analizy przeprowadzono w pakiecie Statystyka v. 10. Spośród przyjętych do analizy 13 pierwotnych zmiennych wyodrębniono 2 nowe zmienne (składowe główne). Polska, Litwa, Łotwa, Niemcy, Czechy, Rumunia, Węgry oraz Wielka Brytania charakteryzują się istnieniem zbliżonych współzależności pomiędzy strukturą upraw a chowem zwierząt.
The paper presents the results of research in the field of Polish similarities in the structure of crops and breeding with the EU-27 countries. The principal component analysis was used to studies. The applied method enabled to the comprehensive assessment of interdependence features. Among adopted for the analysis 13 initial variables, 2 new variables (principal components) were extracted. Countries: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, the Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary and the United Kingdom are characterized by the existence of close relationships between the structure of crops and animal husbandry. Analyses were carried out in the packet Statistica v. 10.
W 2012 roku przeprowadzono analizę wybranych gospodarstw specjalizujących się w chowie krów mlecznych. Celem badań była ocena rozwiązań technologiczno-funkcjonalnych stosowanych w chowie bydła mlecznego na terenie powiatu łomżyńskiego. Dokonano oceny warunków środowiskowych w pomieszczeniach dla bydła, systemów utrzymania zwierząt, zadawania pasz, usuwania odchodów oraz pozyskiwania mleka. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań należy stwierdzić, że na przestrzeni ostatnich dziesięciu lat nastąpiły istotne zmiany, które wpłynęły na stosowane technologie oraz rozwiązania funkcjonalne budynków inwentarskich gospodarstw specjalizujących się w produkcji mleka. Wdrożenie nowoczesnych technologii poprawiło dobrostan zwierząt, co przełożyło się na zwiększenie ich wydajności mlecznej, poprawę jakości otrzymywanego surowca, a także znacznie skróciło czas pracy rolnika. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że rolnicy przekonani są co do istoty i ważności inwestowania w nowoczesne rozwiązania technologiczne.
In 2012, analysis of the selected farms specialising in dairy cows breeding was carried out. The objective was an assessment of technological and functional solutions used in the dairy cattle breeding on the area of Łomżyński province. Assessment of environmental conditions in facilities for cattle, systems of animals maintenance, feeding, removal of excrements and obtaining milk was carried out. Based on the research which was carried out, one should state that within the range of the last ten years, significant changes occurred, which influenced applicable technologies and functional solutions of livestock buildings of farms specialising in milk production. Implementation of modern technologies improved animals welfare, which translated into the increase of their milk efficiency, improvement of the quality of the obtained raw material and also considerably shortened farmer's work time. Based on the research, it was found out that farmers are convinced about the significance and importance of investing in modern technological solutions.
Content available Chemiczne markery miodów odmianowych
Honey is a natural food product reach in variety of chemical compounds, which are responsible for its quality and aroma. Unifloral honeys are especially attractive for buyers and are quite frequently falsified. Thus, the assessment of their quality is indispensable. Today it relays on identification of the pollen and determination of honey physicochemical properties. In this paper the new methods for the assessment of honey quality are described. They relay on analysis and identification of volatile compounds typical for certain uniflolar honeys. These compounds are called markers. These could virtually all natural products with products of decomposition of phenylalanine, terpenes, flavonoids, aromatic acids, heterocycles, caretonoids and non-typical sugars. The second approach is to study metabolome of these honeys. The most effective metabolomic studies relay on building up “finger-prints” of certain honey branch basing on relative concentrations of chosen set of volatile compounds.
If two related species come into contact, it could be expected that, in order to coexist, they will either shift their niches apart from each other or one species will replace the other in the course of ever growing competition. Recently, two starling species, the indigenous Red-winged Starling and the exotic European Starling, came into contact in some places in Lesotho (southern Africa). In this paper, some breeding parameters of these species have been compared in an area of their co-occurrence. Studies were carried out in an urbanised habitat in Lesotho, in four consecutive breeding seasons (August-March) during the years 1998-2001. The average density of the Redwinged Starling was 13.8 pairs 100 ha[^-1], while that of the European Starling was 9.3 pairs 100 ha[^-1]. The proportion of the Red-winged Starling to European Starling breeding pairs (1.0:0.7) was strikingly constant over the four consecutive breeding seasons. Most Red-winged Starling breeding territories (78%, N = 56) were located within builtup areas, while most European Starling territories were located either within built-up areas (25%) or on the border of built-up areas and open areas (59%, N =41). Most Red-winged Starling nests (96%) were situated in buildings (N = 46), while European Starling nests were located both in tree holes (43%) and in buildings (57%, N = 28). Both starling species show high nest site tenacity. The Red-winged Starling daily activity pattern during the nestling phase differed considerably from that of the European Starling. Although both starling species do not overlap their feeding niches and daily and seasonal activities, their sympatric occurrence in urbanised habitats may be limited, if suitable nesting sites are lacking.
Climate change is known to have number effects on plants and animals. Several studies have indicated advances in laying dates of birds in the last ca. 40 years, which could be attributed to air temperatures. The research was conducted in the village of Mokrice, a part of the Hrvatsko Zagorje region (northwestern Croatia). We studied the long-term variation in the laying date of Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica in order to examine their breeding phenology in relation to mean spring temperature. The Barn Swallow is a common bird species in the study area. We found a significant correlation between the first laying date and year. The coefficient of regression (slope = -0.36) for Barn Swallows indicates an earlier breeding by 0.36 days per year, or 10 days over the period of the study (1979-2007). Our studies suggested that date of clutch initiation in the studied population is influenced by spring temperatures.
In this study, the influence of a combination of different photoperiods and temperatures on the final maturation and social interactions in three-spined sticklebacks was investigated. Water temperature appears to be the principal signal affecting gonadal development and breeding activity of sticklebacks in pre-spawning and spawning periods. Males can mature independently of photoperiod and a stimulatory effect of high temperature is not diminished by light deprivation. On the other hand, low temperature can inhibit the development of secondary sexual characters in males exposed to long day or constant light. In females, lighting seems to be more decisive for complete maturation and the lack of light delays the maturation rate, even in high temperature. While kept under the same conditions, males mature quicker than females. The presence of light and visual information are crucial to establish the social position of individuals in the group. In light, a rigid social hierarchy with one dominant, sexually active male is observed. In constant darkness, however, several males in the group demonstrate every sign of sexual activity.
Female biometrical characteristics play an important role in the breeding and contribute to breeding success. The size and shape of Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) eggs in relation to female characteristics were examined. The material was collected in northwestern Croatia (Mokrice region) in 2007. Only first clutches were analysed. Egg length averaged 29.7 mm, egg breadth - 21.2 mm, egg volume - 6810 mm[^3] and egg shape index - 1.41. The inter-clutch CV amounted 6% for length, 3% for breadth, 10% for volume and 6% for egg shape index. The mean female body mass was equal to 81.8 g, wing length - 128.6 mm and female condition - 0.64. No significant correlation was found between the female biometrical parameters like body mass, wing length, female condition and egg dimensions (like egg length, egg breadth, egg volume) or egg shape. Egg length was marginally correlated with egg breadth. Female body mass was significantly correlated with wing length.
Entering of Russia and Belarus in Worldwide trade organization (the WTO) brings forth the new hard requirements to production of the competitive products in pig husbandry branch of both states. Shaping the united system of the machines for mechanization of swine production in Belarus and Russia is offered to realize with provision for identity previous development technology, equipment, buildings and powers of pig complexes. In Belarus are intensively developing new technologies and equipment for reconstruction and technological modernization of so far acting pig units, as well as for construction of breeding reproductional farms, with provision for requirements for protection of environment.
Tendencies of technical modernization of livestock breeding by the modern ecologically proved technological complexes of machines and equipment, in particular for preparation and distribution of forages to large horned livestock are considered in the article. The carried out analysis testifies that the maximum involving in manufacture of the concentrated forages of production wastes allows to balance forages on the major components, and also provides considerable ecological effect.
Celem pracy była ocena skali zjawiska wymiany ciepła drogą przewodzenia oraz ciepła suchego przenoszonego na skutek konwekcji i radiacji miedzy wodą w basenach do kontrolowanego chowu ryb ciepłolubnych a otoczeniem w istniejących obiektach fermowych. Strumienie ciepła określono metodą obliczeniową na podstawie pomiarów temperatury wody basenowej oraz parametrów powietrza wewnętrznego w czterech pomieszczeniach produkcyjnych. W trzech słabo ogrzewanych wnętrzach stwierdzono niewielkie straty ciepła z basenów na skutek przenikania przez ściany zbiorników, a w dwóch przypadkach straty konwekcyjnego ciepła suchego z powierzchni wody. W budynku o znacznie podwyższonej temperaturze powietrza strumień ciepła suchego i strumień ciepła przewodzenia przepływały w kierunku odwrotnym, to jest od otoczenia do basenów.
The aim of work was the opinion about phenomenon scale of the heat exchange by conduction and the dry heat transferred in result of convection and radiation between water in pools for the controlled breeding of fish and the surrounding in existing breeding objects. Streams of warmth was determined by the computational method on the basis of measurements of pool water temperature and parameters of internal air in four production rooms. There were affirmed that in three faintly heating rooms were small losses of the heat from pools as a result of the penetration through walls of reservoirs and in two cases there were losses of the convective dry heat from the surface of water. In the building with considerably increased air temperature the streams of dry heat and conduction run in opposite direction, from surroundings to pools.
The annual reproductive cycle in two wild populations of three-spined stickleback was studied. Sticklebacks from the Dead Vistula River (Martwa Wisła) (brackish water) and the Oliva Stream (Potok Oliwski) (freshwater) were exposed to annual environmental changes in their natural habitats. Ovaries and livers (females), and testes and kidneys (males) were collected during 1-2 years. The gonadosomatic IG, hepatosomatic IH, nephrosomatic IN indices, kidney epithelium height (KEH) and size of oocytes were calculated.The number of mature oocytes and percentage of ovulating females were determined during the spawning season. Histological changes in the ovaries and testes were described throughout a year. Annual reproductive cycles were similar in both populations of sticklebacks. This is the first histological and morphological study carried out throughout a year, simultaneously in two wild populations of three-spined sticklebacks inhabiting different environments. An improved scale of gonadal development in conjunction with the determined indices and fecundity give a comprehensive description of the reproductive cycle. These new observations, in combination with previously reported features, provide a universal scale that can be successfully used to distinguish all phases of gametogenesis in sticklebacks in different habitats.
The articular cartilage is considered a tissue without the capacity to repair, thus mechanical wear of tissue joint is often designated as a normal tribute to increasing age. The tissue engineering of cartilage implants of human joints has very important significance for treatments by transplantation of various cartilage diseases. The tissue is gained from resected fragments of human joint during total knee replacement. Dynamic, unsteady flow of nutrient liquids in bioreactor provides efficient oxygen supply and hence secures the best overall tissue structure and composition for engineered cartilage. The aim and new element of presented paper is the method of some particular solutions of unsteady flow parameters in bioreactor.
Czas regeneracji chrząstki stawowej po urazie jest bardzo długotrwały. Czasem nawet tkanka chrząstki stawowej nie regeneruje się. Dlatego też wszczepianie przeszczepów chrząstki nabiera bardzo ważnego znaczenia. Przeszczepy hodujemy w bioreaktorach. Najlepsze efekty hodowli uzyskujemy w bioreaktorach wykonujących ruch obrotowy i zapewniających nieustalony charakter przepływu cieczy odżywczej. Dlatego tematem niniejszego artykułu są pewne metody i rozwiązania nieustalonego przepływu cieczy w warstwie przyściennej hodowanej chrząstki stawowej w bioreaktorze.
W pracy oceniono postęp biologiczny traw pastewnych w latach 1951-2000. Analizowano rozwój hodowli odmian i nasiennictwa oraz jego introdukcji przez wprowadzenie nowych odmian do praktyki rolniczej. Analizie poddano obszerne dane liczbowe z lat 1951-2000. Na początku lat 50. po zniszczeniach wojennych, stan polskiej hodowli traw był skromny. Do 1960 r. wykorzystując materiały przedwojenne zdołano ją w 1/4 odbudować. W tym czasie na użytkach zielonych i gruntach ornych uprawiano ponad 30 bardzo dobrych polskich odmian populacyjnych 17 gatunków. W latach 1961-1980 wyhodowano 34 nowe odmiany, które były wykorzystywane do zagospodarowywania pomelioracyjnego dużych obszarów użytków zielonych. W latach 80. i 90. do produkcji wprowadzono 56 odmian bardziej wyspecjalizowanych, zarówno do określonego użytkowania jak i warunków siedliskowych. W sumie w latach 1951-2000 wykreowano 122 polskie odmiany traw pastewnych. Nasiennictwo rozwijało się równolegle z hodowlą. Był to jego "złoty okres". Nasiona produkowano na potrzeby krajowe i na eksport. Areał uprawy traw na nasiona przekraczał 65 tys. ha rocznie, a produkcja 30 tys. ton. Od 1991 r. notuje się drastyczny regres reprodukcji. Areał uprawy zmniejszył się do ok. 10 tys. ha, a produkcja do ok. 5 tys., czyli do poziomu z lat 50. Struktura reprodukcji została zawężona do trzech gatunków: Lolium perenne L., Festuca rubra L. i Poa pratensis L. Eksport niemal całkowicie wygasł i rozpoczął się import. Polska z eksportera nasion traw stała się ich importerem (ok. 30% pokrycia potrzeb). Introdukcja i wykorzystanie potencjału postępu genetycznego traw były w drugiej połowie XX w. przeważnie większe niż w przypadku innych grup roślin uprawnych i przekraczały 60%, a dopiero w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu zmniejszyły się poniżej 50%.
Biological progress in the breeding of fodder grasses and in seed production in the period of 1951-2000 years was analysed. At the beginning of the fifties breeding of grasses in Poland collapsed but to the sixties it was rebuilt; above 30 Polish varieties from 17 species were introduced to agriculture. Between 1961 and 1980 34 new varieties were bred and in the eighties 30 new varieties were introduced. These varieties were more suitable for cultivation under different habitat conditions. After 1990 additional 26 new varieties were registered. In total in the period 1951-2000 122 Polish varieties of fodder grasses were created. In the second half of the XX century the seed production in Poland developed together with breeding. The cultivation covered over 65 thousand hectares, and the production exceeded 30 thousand tons. It was the "golden age" for seed production. In that period Poland exported grass seeds - even outside Europe . After 1991 drastic regress reduced seed cultivation to 10 thousand hectares and seed production to 5 thousand tons. The reproduction was limited only to: perennial ryegrass, red fescue and smooth stalked meadow-grass. Poland became the importer of about 30 % of seed grasses. In the second half of the century introduction and utilization of genetic potential of grasses were higher than those of the other crop plants. The use of genetic potential of grasses was equal to 60 % and decreased to 50 % in the last ten years.
Celem pracy była analiza cech okrywy włosowej tchórzy hodowlanych z fermy rosyjskiej w Puszkino, wykonana na podstawie pomiarów laboratoryjnych. Okazało się, iż płeć zwierzęcia wpływała na cechy okrywy włosowej. Okrywa włosowa rosyjskich tchórzy fermowych, pod względem wielu cech struktury, była zbliżona do okrywy zwierząt krajowych.
The aim of the study was the analysis of coat quality of polecats from the breeding station in Pushkino, Russia, performed on the basis of laboratory measurement. The analysis revealed, that animal's sex influenced the quality of coat, however this quality was comparable to the results obtained in Polish- bred animals.
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