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Choroby układu oddechowego człowieka od zawsze były obciążeniem dla całego społeczeństwa. Sytuacja stała się szczególnie trudna po wybuchu pandemii COVID-19. Jednak nawet teraz nierzadko zdarza się, że ludzie konsultują się ze swoim lekarzem zbyt późno, już po niepożądanym rozwinięciu się choroby. W celu ochrony pacjentów przed ciężką chorobą płuc, zaleca się jak najwcześniejsze wykrycie wszelkich objawów zaburzających pracę układu oddechowego. W artykule przedstawiono wczesny prototyp urządzenia, który przypomina cyfrowy stetoskop. Przeprowadza on automatyczną analizę oddechu, poza rejestrowaniem cykli oddechowych. Dodatkowo urządzenie ma funkcję powiadamiania użytkownika (np. przez smartfon) o konieczności udania się do lekarza na bardziej szczegółowe badanie. Dźwiękowe nagranie cykli oddechu przekształcane jest na dwuwymiarową macierz za pomocą współczynników cepstrum w skali melowej (MFCC). Taka macierz jest analizowana przez sztuczną sieć neuronową. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że najlepsze z otrzymanych rozwiązań prezentowanej sieci neuronowej osiągnęło pożądaną dokładność i wysoką precyzję.
Diseases related to the human respiratory system have always been a burden for the entire society. The situation has become particularly difficult now after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even now, however, it is not uncommon for people to consult their doctor too late, after the disease has developed. To protect patients from severe disease, it is recommended that any symptoms disturbing the respiratory system be detected as early as possible. This article presents an early prototype of a device that can be compared to a digital stethoscope that performs auto-breath analysis. So apart from recording the respiratory cycles, the device also analyzes them. In addition, it also has the functionality of notifying the user (e.g. via a smartphone) about the need to go to the doctor for a more detailed examination. The audio recording of breath cycles is transformed to a two-dimensional matrix using mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients (MFCC). Such a matrix is analyzed by an artificial neural network. As a result of the research, it was found that the best of the obtained solutions of the presented neural network achieved the desired accuracy and precision at the level of 84%.
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The odor of human body has facilitated diagnosis for a long time. Sniffing the body, breath, urine and even feces became one of the useful methods in ancient medicine. For centuries, the sweet smell of the breath was associated with diabetes, the fishy smell was associated with liver disease, measles was associated with the smell of feathers, typhoid with the smell of fresh bread, and tuberculosis with stale beer. Hippocrates also linked the smell of the human body and disease, claiming that the smell of a sick person is different from that of a healthy one. He classified the characteristic odors of the body into sweet, musty, fishy and rotten. The father of chemical analysis of breath was Antonie Lavoisier, who found that carbon dioxide is exhaled by guinea pigs. The pioneer of modem breath analysis was Linus Pauling, who in 1971 presented the results of breath studies using gas chromatography (GC), showing the presence of over 200 substances. Exhaled air containing approximately 78% N2, 17% OSub>2, 3% CO2 and up to 6% water vapor. The exact concentrations of individual inorganic gases depend on many factors, mainly physical exercise, cardiac output, and lung ventilation. A mixture of many volatile organic compounds is a much smaller group of substances at concentrations 100 ppm. The substances in the breath can come from human metabolism and enter into the body by inhaled air and food. Volatile organic compounds present in the breath that can be divided into different chemical classes e.g. saturated hydrocarbons (ethane, pentane, aldehydes), unsaturated hydrocarbons (isoprene), ketones (acetone), sulfur-containing compounds (methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulphide, carbon disulphide, carbonyl sulphide) and containing nitrogen (amines). Endogenous substances in the breath can be used to track physiological and pathological processes in the body. Chemical analysis of the breath can provide information regarding biochemical processes in the organism and human health. Compared to many medical diagnostic methods, it is painless, non-invasive and safe. Nowadays, the main purpose of breath analysis is to identify volatile organic compounds that can be used as markers of various diseases. Research focused on detection of lung cancer based on specific volatile organic compounds in the exhaled air is carried out in many laboratories. Rapid and non-invasive methods for early detection of lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is crucial for early diagnosis. This mini review presents background of breath, briefly describes main volatiles, their biochemical origin as well as potential application of exhaled gases analysis.
The paper presents an analysis and practical study of the temperature and pressure influence on a non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) sensor for measuring the concentration of carbon dioxide in human breath. This sensor is used for monitoring patients’ carbon dioxide (CO2) in the exhaled air. High precision and accuracy of CO2 concentration measurements are essential in air sampling systems for breath analysers. They, however, require an analysis of the influence of the human exhaled air pressure and temperature on the NDIR CO2 sensor. Therefore, analyses of the changes in concentration were carried out at a pressure from 986 mbar to 1027 mbar and a temperature from 20°C to 36°C. Finally, corresponding correction coefficients were determined which allow to reduce the relative uncertainty of CO2 sensor measurements results from 19% to below 5%.
Purpose: The aim of this paper was to discuss the design and development of an innovative e-nose system which can detect respiratory ailments by detecting the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the expelled breath. In addition to nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, the expelled breath contains several VOCs, some of which are indicative of lung-related conditions and can differentiate healthy controls from people affected with pulmonary diseases. Methods: This work detailed the sensor selection process, the assembly of the sensors into a sensor array, the design and implementation of the circuit, sampling methods, and an algorithm for data analysis. The clinical feasibility of the system was checked in 27 lung cancer patients, 22 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, and 39 healthy controls including smokers and non-smokers. Results: The classification model developed using the support vector machine (SVM) was able to provide accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of 88.79, 89.58 and 88.23%, respectively for lung cancer, and 78.70, 72.50 and 82.35%, respectively for COPD. Conclusions: The sensor array system developed with TGS gas sensors was non-invasive, low cost, and gave a rapid response. It has been demonstrated that the VOC profiles of patients with pulmonary diseases and healthy controls are different, hence, the e-nose system can be used as a potential diagnostic device for patients with lung diseases.
Artykuł dotyczy wybranych wyników prac badawczo-rozwojowych realizowanych w Zespole Detekcji Sygnałów Optycznych IOE WAT. Prace te dotyczą głównie fotoodbiorników na różne zakresy widmowe, ultraczułych analizatorów gazów do wykrywania materiałów wybuchowych i biomarkerów chorób w ludzkim oddechu oraz bezpiecznych łączy laserowych w otwartej przestrzeni. W pracy opisano przykładowe układy detekcji promieniowania optycznego z zakresu od ultrafioletu do dalszej podczerwieni, które powstały w ramach prac statutowych i projektów badawczo-rozwojowych. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na aspekty aplikacyjne uzyskanych wyników wskazując jednocześnie właściwości technologii, dla których zostały one zaprojektowane.
The article presents a brief description of research and development works carried out by Group of Optical Signal Detection at the Institute of Optoelectronics, MUT. These activities mainly concern the construction of photoreceivers operated in various spectral ranges, ultra-sensitive gas analyzers for detection of explosives and diseases biomarkers in human breath, and free space optical data link. Some exemplary detection systems of radiation spectra from ultraviolet to longer infrared, which were designed as a part of academic works or R&D projects, are described. Some practical aspects of these results for some optoelectronic technologies are discussed.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki prac dotyczących możliwości wykrywania markerów chorobowych w oddechu człowieka. Praca realizowana jest w ramach projektu pk. Sensormed finansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju. Docelowo, prowadzone badania umożliwią opracowanie zintegrowanego systemu pomiarowego składającego się z układu kondycjonowania próbek powietrza, trzech modeli wysokoczułych optoelektronicznych sensorów oraz układu przetwarzania sygnału. Do wykrywania metanu i amoniaku zastosowano układ spektroskopii laserowej z modulacją długości fali i z wykorzystaniem komórek wieloprzejściowych, natomiast do detekcji tlenku azotu układ spektroskopii strat we wnęce optycznej.
The paper presents the work on disease biomarkers detection in human breath. This work is performed in the frame of the project Sensormed funded by the National Center of Research and Development (2012-2015). It describes special measurement device consisting of a sample probing unit, three optoelectronic sensors and signal processing unit which has been developed. For the detection of methane and ammonia, wavelength modulation spectroscopy and multipass cells were applied, while concentration measurement of nitric oxide was performed basing on cavity enhanced spectroscopy setup.
Content available remote Projekt optoelektronicznego systemu do wykrywania biomarkerów w oddechu
W artykule przedstawiono opis projektu systemu, który będzie umożliwiał wczesną diagnozę chorób na podstawie analizy oddechu człowieka. W ramach podjętych prac opracowany zostanie demonstrator optoelektronicznych sensorów do wykrywania lotnych markerów chorobowych. Będą w nim zastosowane wysokoczułe techniki spektroskopii laserowej takie jak spektroskopia w komórkach wieloprzejściowych (SWP) oraz spektroskopia strat we wnęce optycznej (SSWO). Zaproponowane metody detekcji mogą być zastosowane w diagnostyce medycznej, nawet w screeningu chorób, do oceny skuteczności leczenia, do monitorowania gazów egzogennych (emisji bakteryjnych lub trucizn) i w analizie gazów metabolicznych, we wczesnym wykrywaniu wznowy (ponowny wzrost stężenia cząstek), do późnego wykrywania wznowy - nawrotu choroby, lub do analizy skuteczności leków.
Optoelectronic system designed to biomarkers detection - the paper presents a design of the system, which provides early diagnosis of diseases based on the analysis of human breath. The goal of the undertaken work is to develope the optoelectronic system for the detection of volatile disease markers. In this design, there are used highly sensitive laser spectroscopy techniques such as multipass spectroscopy and cavity ring-down spectroscopy. The proposed detection method can be used in medical diagnosis, even in the diseases screening, to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, to the exogenous gases monitoring (bacterial emissions or toxins), to analyze metabolic gases, to detect disease recurrence (re-increase in the concentration of particles), and to analyze the medicines efficacy.
Content available remote Ultrasensitive laser spectroscopy for breath analysis
At present there are many reasons for seeking new methods and technologies that aim to develop new and more perfect sensors for different chemical compounds. However, the main reasons are safety ensuring and health care. In the paper, recent advances in the human breath analysis by the use of different techniques are presented. We have selected non-invasive ones ensuring detection of pathogenic changes at a molecular level. The presence of certain molecules in the human breath is used as an indicator of a specific disease. Thus, the analysis of the human breath is very useful for health monitoring. We have shown some examples of diseases' biomarkers and various methods capable of detecting them. Described methods have been divided into non-optical and optical methods. The former ones are the following: gas chromatography, flame ionization detection, mass spectrometry, ion mobility spectrometry, proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry, selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry. In recent twenty years, the optical methods have become more popular, especially the laser techniques. They have a great potential for detection and monitoring of the components in the gas phase. These methods are characterized by high sensitivity and good selectivity. The spectroscopic sensors provide the opportunity to detect specific gases and to measure their concentration either in a sampling place or a remote one. Multipass spectroscopy, cavity ring-down spectroscopy, and photo-acoustic spectroscopy were characterised in the paper as well.
In this paper, the possibility of determination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in the exhaled breath using an ion mobility spectrometer (IMS) has been described. This device combines high sensitivity, analytical flexibility, low cost of individual analyses, and suitability for the real-time monitoring. The IMS is often coupled with multicapillary column (MCC), which enables the analysis of a mixture of gaseous substances in a very short time. The MCC-IMS system was calibrated for ethanol, 2-hexanone, 2-heptanone, 3-heptanone, limonene, and p-xylene. Linearity of the method was investigated in the concentration range from 0.3 to 83.8 ppb at the limit of detection ranging from 0.1 to 2.1 ppb. The presented method can be used for determination of VOCs in exhaled air, especially for early diagnosis of patients suffering from lung, larynx, mouth, and esophagus cancers.
W pracy opisano możliwość oznaczania lotnych związków organicznych (VOCs) w wydychanym powietrzu za pomocą spektrometru ruchliwości jonów (IMS). Aparat ten łączy wysoką czułość detekcji oraz niski koszt pojedynczej analizy z możliwością kontroli procesów w czasie rzeczywistym. Sprzężony z kolumną multikapilarną (MCC) umożliwia analizę lotnych substancji w mieszaninie w bardzo krótkim czasie. Układ MCC-IMS skalibrowano dla etanolu, 2-heksanonu, 2-heptanonu, 3-heptanonu, limonenu oraz p-ksylenu. Liniowość metody badano w zakresie stężeń od 0.3 do 83.8 ppb, przy granicy wykrywalności od 0. l do 2. l ppb. Opracowana metoda pozwala na oznaczanie VOCs w wydychanym powietrzu i może być użyteczna w szybkiej diagnostyce osób z chorobami nowotworowymi, płuc, krtani, ust i przełyku.
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