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The 216 km2 Neuenhagen Millcreeck catchment can be characterized as a drought-sensitive landscape in NE Germany. It is therefore of fundamental human interest to understand how water that fell as precipitation moves through the unsaturated soils and recharges groundwater. Additionally, a better knowledge of nutrient transport from soil to groundwater is important, especially in landscapes with light sandy soils. For a better understanding of these processes a dual tracer field experiment with bromide (Br-) and deuterium (D2 O) was carried out some years ago. The aim of the present study is to use the results of this experiment to model tracer transport in the unsaturated zone via two different concepts, the classical deterministic advection-dispersion equation and a new stochastic approach. The advantage of the stochastic modelling method proposed here for field-scale tracer application is to produce reliable information about expected total solute fluxes from the unsaturated zone to groundwater and about mean transit times. Moreover, this allows one to evaluate the mass of solute in the soil profile and to determine the range of water velocity fluctuations. Field experiments should be concentrated on estimation of fluctuation of water flow velocity to make stochastic models more accurate. To summarize, this work contributes to new modelling methods for the simulation of water and solute transport in unsaturated sandy soils which are heavily affected by droughts and irregular hydrological processes in the subsurface.
Badano adsorpcję dynamiczną trzech barwników: oranżu metylowego (OM), oranżu II (OII) i błękitu metylenowego (BM) z roztworów wodnych na czterech materiałach węglowych. Były to: zredukowany tlenek grafenu (rGO) otrzymany metodą chemiczną, mikroporowaty węgiel otrzymany z prekursora polimerowego – sulfonowanej żywicy styrenowo-diwinylobenzenowej (AC-SDVB), mezoporowaty, uporządkowany materiał węglowy otrzymany metodą miękkiego odwzorowania z żywicy fenolowo-formaldehydowej (OMC-PF) oraz handlowy węgiel aktywny (AC-F400). W dynamicznych badaniach kolumnowych wyznaczono krzywe przebicia tych adsorbentów, a do opisu krzywych przebicia złoża węgla wykorzystano równania Thomasa oraz Yoona-Nelsona. Uzyskane wartości adsorpcji dynamicznej barwników były duże, szczególnie w przypadku mikroporowatego węgla AC-SDVB oraz zredukowanego tlenku grafenu. Stwierdzono, że największą adsorpcją dynamiczną charakteryzował się zredukowany tlenek grafenu, który adsorbował oranż II w ilości 706 mg/g. Wykorzystane równania Thomasa i Yoona-Nelsona dobrze opisywały krzywe przebicia złoża węgla (R2=0,97÷0,99).
Dynamic adsorption of three dyes was studied: methyl orange (OM), orange II (OII) and methylene blue (MB) from aqueous solutions on four carbon materials. These were: reduced graphene oxide (rGO) obtained by the chemical method, microporous carbon prepared from a polymeric precursor – sulfonated styrene-divinyl benzene resin (AC-SDVB), ordered mesoporous carbon material obtained by soft templating from phenol-formaldehyde resin (OMC-PF) and the commercial activated carbon (AC-F400). Breakthrough curves for the above adsorbents were determined in dynamic column experiments and Thomas and Yoon-Nelson equations were used to describe them. Dynamic dye adsorption values were high, especially for AC-SDVB microporous activated carbon and reduced graphene oxide. The highest dynamic adsorption was demonstrated for the reduced graphene oxide, rGO, which adsorbed 706 mg/g of orange II. The equations of Thomas and Yoon-Nelson well described the breakthrough curves for the carbon bed with correlation coefficients R2 = 0,97÷0,99.
The study examined the adsorption of propan-1-ol (1PN) vapour on Sorbonorit 4 (S4) activated carbon in cyclic Electrothermal Temperature Swing Adsorption (ETSA) process. Dynamic adsorption capacity and breakthrough time were determined based on column studies. Thomas model was used to describe experimental breakthrough curves. Adsorption isotherms for 1PN vapour on S4 activated carbon were tested at 293 to 413 K. The experimental data were examined by using three multi-temperature isotherm models: Toth, Sips and hybrid Langmuir-Sips. Results indicate that S4 activated carbon is a heterogeneous adsorbent and the hybrid Langmuir-Sips model provides the best-fit experimental data. The energy requirement for 1PN electrothermal desorption from S4 bed (ca. 170–200 kJ/mol) was about 3 to 3.5 times larger than the isosteric heat of adsorption (56.8 kJ/mol), which was calculated using Toth adsorption isotherm.
Identyfikacja parametrów sorpcji zanieczyszczeń w środowisku gruntowo-wodnym jest niezbędnym elementem oceny szybkości ich migracji do wód podziemnych. W artykule omówiono wykorzystanie metody przepływowych badań kolumnowych do określenia parametrów sorpcji azotu amonowego i azotanów w gruncie piaszczystym. Badania kolumnowe wykonano w aparacie Trautwein z zachowaniem stałego gradientu, wykorzystując dwa roztwory modelowe stanowiące znaczniki – konserwatywny (chlorki) oraz reagujący (saletra amonowa). W szczególności wyznaczono wartości współczynnika opóźnienia oraz dynamicznej pojemności sorpcyjnej. Na podstawie krzywych przejścia, obrazujących zależność stężenia danego zanieczyszczenia w funkcji czasu, określono, ilokrotnie prędkość migracji zanieczyszczenia ulegającego procesowi sorpcji w gruncie (NH4+ i NO3–) była mniejsza od prędkości przepływu wody podziemnej i zanieczyszczeń konserwatywnych (Cl–). Na podstawie otrzymanych krzywych przejścia wyznaczono wartości pojemności sorpcyjnej badanych gruntów (pył piaszczysty i piasek średni) w punkcie przejścia (C=0,05Co) oraz w punkcie wyczerpania pojemności sorpcyjnej (C=0,95Co).
Identification of contaminant sorption parameters in a soil-water environment is crucial to assessment of their migration velocity to groundwater. In the studies, flow-through column tests were applied in order to determine sorption parameters of ammonium and nitrates in loam and sandy soils. The column testing was conducted in a Trautwein apparatus at a constant head with the use of two tracer solutions: conservative (chlorides) and reactive (ammonium nitrate). In particular, the retardation factor (parameter R) and dynamic sorption capacity were determined. On the basis of breakthrough curves, illustrating correlation between contaminant concentration and time, velocity of a solution undergoing sorption in soil (NH4+ and NO3–) and velocity of groundwater or conservative tracers (Cl–) were compared and retardation factors calculated. In addition, values of dynamic sorption capacity of the tested soils (loam and medium sand) at the breakthrough (C=0.05Co) and exhaustion (C=0.95Co) points were determined.
W pracy zbadano przydatność uproszczonych modeli dynamiki adsorpcji Thomasa, Yoon-Nelsona, Wheeler-Jonasa i Wolborskiej do przewidywania krzywych przebicia w adsorberach o różnych skalach. Analizę przeprowadzono dla adsorpcji par propan-2-olu na nieruchomym złożu węgla Sorbonorit B4. Stwierdzono, że model Thomasa najlepiej opisuje krzywe doświadczalne w kolumnach o zbliżonej skali, umożliwia też prawidłowe określania pojemności adsorpcyjnej złoża.
The Thomas, Yoon-Nelson, Wheeler-Jonas and Wolborska equations were applied for modelling the experimental breakthrough curves on Sorbonorit B4 fixed beds. Thomas model was the most suitable for the entire breakthrough curves description. The parameters obtained from experimental data fitting to the Thomas model were used in prediction of breakthrough curves and in determination of column characteristics parameters.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań adsorpcji izopropanolu w kolumnie ze nieruchomym złożem węgla aktywnego Sorbonorit 4. Do analizy wyników badań zastosowano teorię przenoszenia frontu adsorpcji. Równowagi adsorpcji opisano nieliniowymi izotermami adsorpcji Langmuira i Freundlicha. Zbadano wpływ prędkości przepływu gazu i stężenia początkowego na przebieg krzywych przebicia, czas przebicia, czas stechiometryczny i współczynnik przenikania masy.
Experimental results dealing with investigations of isopropanol adsorption in a column with the activated carbon bed were analyzed using the wave propagation theory. Sorption isotherms were described by the non-linear Langmuir and Freundlich equations. On basis of experimental and computation results the breakthrough curves were estimated. The influence of inlet concentration and superficial velocity on breakthrough curves’ shape, volumetric mass transfer coefficient and half breakthrough time was presented and discussed.
Kształt krzywej przejścia znacznika przez kolumnę filtracyjną jest zdeterminowany przez udział różnych mechanizmów migracji, zachodzących podczas transportu danej substancji. Na podstawie interpretacji krzywej przejścia można rozpoznać wartości parametrów filtracji i migracji znacznika przez próbkę gruntu, tj. dokonać kalibracji modelu. Celem badań opisanych w artykule była analiza zależności kształtu krzywej przejścia od procesów zachodzących w kolumnie i wartości parametrów filtracji i migracji. Opracowano model matematyczny eksperymentu kolumnowego i napisano kod dla jego rozwiązania metodą elementów skończonych w środowisku obliczeniowym MATLAB. Na podstawie analizy parametrycznej modelu zbadano zależność kształtu krzywej przejścia od parametrów procesów filtracji i migracji. Analizę parametryczną przeprowadzono dla parametrów występujących w makroskopowym opisie matematycznym procesu migracji uwzględniając mechanizmy adwekcji, dyfuzji i dyspersji. Proces sorpcji opisano równowagowymi modelami Henry’ego, Freundlicha lub Langmuira lub liniowym modelem kinetycznym sorpcji odwracalnej lub nieodwracalnej. Obliczenia przeprowadzono przy założeniu, że na wejściu do kolumny znacznik jest iniekowany przez krótki czas, co można traktować jako superpozycję dwóch impulsów Heaviside’a o przeciwnych amplitudach, przesuniętych w czasie. Zakres zmienności parametrów dobierano uwzględniając podawane w literaturze dane dotyczące parametrów migracji w warunkach laboratoryjnych.
The shape of a breakthrough curve charactering tracer migration in a filtration column is determined by several migration processes that occur during the transport of the tracer. The research presented in this paper was based on the interpretation of a breakthrough curve. This interpretation was performed in order to establish the parameters of water flow and tracer migration in a sample of soil. The relationship between the shape of a breakthrough curve and the processes that occur in the filtration column, as well as the parameters of water flow and tracer migration, were characterized. A mathematical model of a column experiment was formulated and solved using the MATLAB computational environment. Based on the sensitivity test executed for the model, the relation between the curve’s shape and the parameters of water flow and tracer migration was established. The sensitivity test was used for the parameters included in the mathematical equation of water flow and the following migration processes: advection, diffusion, dispersion, and sorption described by the Henry, Freundlich and Langmuir equations, as well as kinetic models of sorption. Calculations were performed assuming that the tracer is briefly injected at the input of the column. Such procedure creates conditions which resemble the superposition of two Heaviside impulses shifted in time and of opposite amplitudes. The variability range of the analyzed parameters was selected in accordance with data reported in the literature on migration parameters in laboratory conditions.
High chemical concentration of contaminants in aquifers, with reached or exceeded threshold trigger values, can have negative effects on ecological systems and is liable to cause hazards to human health. Permeable reactive barriers (PRB) represent a promising technology for groundwater protection. The zeolite-sand mixture is proposed as a reactive material filling PRB in the neighborhood of municipal and industrial waste disposal sites. To understand the processes which occur during the contact of reactive materials and polluted groundwater, in situ and laboratory tests are usually recommended. The tests of contaminant migration through the attenuation zone can be interpreted using the POLLUTEv.6 program, which solves one-dimensional advection-dispersion equation. In this study hydraulic (Darcy velocity and dispersion coefficient) and sorption parameters (partitioning coefficient) were determined for zeolite-sand mixtures.
A novel method was used to describe adsorption equilibria of nonideal mixtures. The two-dimensional virial equation of state was used for the prediction and correlation of binary adsorption equilibrium of toluene and water vapor on activated carbon at 313.15 K. In this method contributions of single components were separated from those of mixed components. A predictive approach was proposed to calculate cross virial coefficients by using semi-empirical mixing rules. Experimental results were reported from a series of isothermal, fixed bed adsorption dynamics experiments involving mixtures of water and toluene. Breakthrough curves were measured for pure water, toluene, toluene - water mixture and from the mass balance adequate equilibrium points were determined. The experiments were conducted at constant relative humidity (phi(Win} = 0.5). A comparison of the computed results with experimental data for the system toluene - water - activated carbon at 313.15 K was done and fairly good agreement was stated.
The results of column investigations on adsorptive drying of liquid n-butanol on molecular sieves 4A have been presented. The experimental results were analyzed using the wave propagation theory and the Langmuir isotherm. On a basis of experimental and computation results the breakthrough curves have been estimated. The effects of mass-transfer resistances and axial dispersion on a shape of breakthrough curves have been presented and discussed.
Adsorption of bovine serum albumin (BSA) at different pHs on carbon supported microfiltration (MF) inorganic membranes was measured by using breakthrough (BT) curves derived from liquid frontal chromatography. Adsorption was quantified in the presence of permeation through the membrane thickness at a constant flow rate. Using the method described, it was confirmed that BSA adsorption is dependent on pH and its maximum is near the BSA isoelectric point ( i.e. pH 4.9). Using Langmuir’s equation, monolayer capacities were determined. It was found that adsorption is of monomolecular type. Analysis of the methods ( called algorithms) used for adsorption calculation was carried out. Monolayer capacities found were generally lower than theoretical BSA monolayer capacity in side-on orientation. It was concluded that such effects as pore blocking, deposition of aggregates inside the membrane or slow formation of dimers were not the main mechanisms of BSA uptake by the MF membranes studied during BT curve formation.
W pracy porównano krzywe przebicia wyznaczone na podstawie modelu matematycznego adsorpcji w kolumnie, z krzywymi wyznaczonymi eksperymentalnie. Zgodność krzywych występuje dla Pe = 7. Stosowany model matematyczny uwzględnia opory dyfuzyjne w obu fazach układu oraz nieliniowość równowagi adsorpcyjnej.
This paper presents a comparison between the breakthrough curves obtained by a mathematical model of adsorption in a column and experimental curves. The results are satisfactory for Pe = 7. The considered model takes into account mass transfer resistances in both phases and a non-linear equilibrium.
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