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The paper describes a study of the blast wave energy absorption capabilities of sandwich ballistic shields. A comparative study of multilayer structures containing cores with different elementary cell shapes in their structure was performed. Energy-absorbing layers of different types of polymers were made. Tests of static and dynamic properties of the ballistic shield layers were carried out. The attenuation capabilities of these shields were determined by measuring the force acting on the base substrate of the shield.
W pracy zaprojektowano i wykonano osłony balistyczne typu sandwich oraz przeprowadzono badania zdolności absorbowania energii fali podmuchowej. Przeprowadzono porównawcze badania struktur wielowarstwowych zawierających w swojej strukturze rdzenie o różnych kształtach komórek elementarnych. W badaniach przygotowano warstwy wykonane z różnych typów materiałów. Przeprowadzono badania właściwości statycznych i dynamicznych zaprojektowanych warstw osłon balistycznych. Zdolność tłumiącą wytypowanych osłon określano poprzez pomiar siły działającej na podstawę osłony.
Content available Pomiary własności głowic odłamkowo-burzących
W pracy poruszono problemy pojawiające się w trakcie badań głowic odłamkowo-burzących średniego kalibru, polegające na oddziaływaniu fal uderzeniowych (FU) generowanych przez lecące odłamki na wyniki pomiarów prędkości FU wytwarzanej przez samą głowicę (FUG). Opisano zastosowany przez autorów sposób ochrony czujników pomiarowych przed niszczącym oddziaływaniem odłamków. Zbadano rozkład wytworzonych odłamków pod względem rozmiarów i w funkcji kąta rozlotu. Zmierzono średnią prędkość najszybszych odłamków (2100 m/s) na bazie początkowych 10 m. Zbadano rozkład prędkości FUG w funkcji promienia propagacji.
The paper deals with questions appearing at investigation of high explosive-fragmentation heads of medium calibre when the blast waves (BW) generated by the flying fragments affect the results of velocity of the BW generated by the head itself (HBW). A method used by the authors for protection of measurement sensors against destructive action of the fragments is described. Distribution of produced fragments regarding the sizes and in function of scattering angle was studied. Mean velocity of highest speed (2100 m/s) fragments was measured on the base of first 10 m. Distribution of HBW velocities in function of radius of propagation was measured.
In order to increase the stiffness anybody chassis in Wheeled Armoured Vehicle on impact of the shock wave, the space frame part in body shell was conducted. The aim of this action is to reduce deformation and damage as a result of the detonation of the mine or an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) under the vehicle. To verify the conducted modernization, numerical calculations of the system response to a blast wave effect were carried out. The mass of the detonated explosive was increased from 6 to 20 kg of TNT. An explosive material was detonated centrally under the vehicle front part according to NATO requirements [1, 2]. The results of the calculations allowed for a deformation assessment of the floor plate and its displacement before and after modernization. A model and numerical calculations were performed using the following software: CATIA, HyperMesh, LS-PrePost, LS-Dyna. CONWEP approach was used to describe an influence of a pressure wave on the structure.
A knowledge of blast wave parameters generated by detonating explosives is important for the evaluation of protective measures, modelling validation and post blast analysis. The relevant data are available for solid military explosives, but not for liquid or homemade explosives. In this contribution we present comparison of experimental incident blast wave parameters for bare charges, weighing from 100 g to 1 kg, of liquid esters of nitric acid, including propane-1,2,3-triyl trinitrate (NG), propane-1,2-diyl dinitrate (PGDN), ethane-1,2-diyl dinitrate (EGDN) and methyl nitrate (MeN), amongst themselves and with TNT charges of approximately the same size. The TNT equivalents, determined from both the incident overpressures and the impulse of the positive phase of the blast wave, were above 100% and showed relatively high scatter. The strongest blast wave parameters under otherwise identical conditions were observed for charges of methyl nitrate.
A significant influence of explosive charge geometry is frequently observed during experimental testing.In this paper, the effect of explosive charge shape, along with its material properties, on the generatedblast waves is studied. The FEM analysis was conducted for six different explosive materials and threedifferent cylindrical shapes, with geometrical proportions of length L to diameter D varying between 2, 1and 0.25 and constant charge mass. We found that the blast wave generated by detonation is susceptibleto shape changes. However, the different explosive materials were influenced by the charge shape in almostthe same way, with only insignificant differences resulting from the material properties.
W pracy przedstawiono walidację eksperymentalną symulacji komputerowej oddziaływania impulsu ciśnienia pochodzącego od detonacji ładunku wybuchowego o masie 1,5 kg TNT na płytę. Przedmiotem badań była płyta stalowa o grubości 6 mm i wymiarach 500 mm x 500 mm wykonana ze stali S235JR. Badania eksperymentalne polegały na obciążeniu płyty oddziaływaniem dynamicznym wybuchu 1,5 kg TNT w odległości 400 mm od środka płyty. Głównym odniesieniem do wyników badań eksperymentalnych była trwała deformacja tylnej płaszczyzny płyty mierzona za pomocą naręcznego laserowego skanera. Model numeryczny wykorzystany do symulacji dynamicznej oddziaływania impulsu ciśnienia na płytę przygotowano w środowisku LS-Dyna. Płytę modelowano za pomocą elementów bryłowych/powłokowych. Oddziaływanie impulsu ciśnienia modelowano na dwa sposoby. W pierwszym przypadku zastosowano sprzężenie ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian). Taki sposób modelowania umożliwia interakcję pomiędzy ośrodkiem gazowym a badaną strukturą. Drugim sposobem modelowania było użycie funkcji CONWEP zaimplementowanej w środowisku LS-Dyna. W artykule porównano wyniki otrzymane obydwiema metodami z wartościami otrzymanymi eksperymentalnie. Uzyskano zadowalającą zgodność wyników analizy numerycznej z badaniami eksperymentalnymi.
The paper presents experimental validation of computer simulation of impact pulse pressure from detonation of 1.5 kilograms of TNT on the flat face. Subject of the research was 6 mm thick and 500 mm x 500 mm steel plate made of S235JR. During experiment a dynamic impact load was applied to plate by explosion of 1.5 kg TNT at a distance of 400 mm from the center of the front face. Deformation of the plate’s back face was measured using a handheld laser scanner. The numerical model used to simulate the dynamic impact of the pulse pressure to the plate was prepared in LS-Dyna software. The plate was modeled with solid or shell elements. The impact of the pressure pulse was simulated in two ways. In the first case, the coupling ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) was used. This way of modeling can be used to take into account the interaction between the fluid medium and the test structure. The second way was the CONWEP modeling functions implemented in LS-Dyna software. The article compared the results obtained by both methods with values obtained experimentally. Good agreement with the results of numerical analysis and experimental research was obtained.
W pracy przedstawiano wyniki analizy numerycznej układu mechanicznego pojazd-wybuch. Wybuch został zamodelowany funkcją CONWEP. Numerycznej analizy dokonano w oprogramowaniu LS-DYNA. Pojazd został opisany elementami Lagrange’a. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń numerycznych dla elementów struktury nośnej wozu bojowego obciążonej udarem wygenerowanym wybuchem dużego ładunku wybuchowego umieszczonego z boku. Ze względu na sposób obciążenia konstrukcji zastosowana metoda nie pozwala na uwzględnienie zjawisk zachodzących podczas odbicia fali od podłoża.
In this paper presents the results the numerical analysis of a mechanical system vehicle-explosion. The outbreak was modeled CONWEP function. Numerical analysis has been made in the software LS-DYNA. The vehicle was described Lagrange elements. The article presents the results of numerical calculations for the elements of the support structure of the combat vehicle loaded with explosive surges generated a large explosive device on the side. However, the method does not allow for consideration of the phenomena occurring during the wave reflections from the ground.
W wyniku eksplozji pod pojazdem militarnym wzrasta ryzyko zagrożenia życia i zdrowia załogi. Rozpatrywanie tego zdarzenia pod kątem bezpieczeństwa żołnierzy sprowadza się do złożonej analizy wzajemnych oddziaływań ciała żołnierza, siedziska i elementów konstrukcji pojazdu. W efekcie działania fali uderzeniowej występują oddziaływania powodujące drgania wynikające z wibracji konstrukcji oraz przyspieszenie ciała pasażera. W pracy podjęto próbę analizy wpływu eksplozji improwizowanego ładunku wybuchowego (IED) pod pojazdem militarnym na ryzyko powstania urazów kręgosłupa szyjnego żołnierzy. Analiza została wykonana z wykorzystaniem metod numerycznych w programie LS-DYNA i prowadzona była uwzględniając zmienne wartości przemieszczenia oraz przyspieszenia rejestrowane podczas wybuchu.
Risk of danger for military vehicle crew life and health increases when explosion under vehicle appears. Consideration of this phenomenon in the aspect of soldiers safety is based on coupled analysis of soldier's body, car seat and vehicle construction elements. As the effect of blast wave interaction the vibrations of construction and passenger body acceleration appear. In the paper the analysis of improvised explosive device (IED) detonation under the military vehicle was carried out in the aspect of soldier neck spine injury. The analysis was made with the usage of numerical methods in LS Dyna computer code and considered the changeble values of displacement and acceleration registered during detonation.
Omówiono modelowanie zjawiska wybuchu i związanych z nim oddziaływań na budynki jako wynik propagacji fali uderzeniowej od eksplozji. Na podstawie analizy literatury dokonano syntezy empirycznych metod wyznaczania parametrów fali uderzeniowej od detonacji ładunków zewnętrznych. Wyniki uzyskane z podejścia analitycznego porównano z wynikami eksperymentu w małej skali i analizy numerycznej.
This paper focuses on issues related to modelling of blast phenomenon and related actions on buildings as a result of blast wave propagation. On the basis of the state-of-the-art review, empirical methods for determining of basic blast wave characteristics of external explosions were presented. Results arising from the application of analytical approach were confronted with those obtained from a small-scale natural experiment and numerical analysis.
Artykuł przedstawienia wyniki analiz numerycznych wybuchu w powietrzu ładunku materiału wybuchowego typu saletrole, przy użyciu programu Ansys LS-Dyna. Wyniki analiz numerycznych odniesione zostały do rzeczywistego efektu wybuchu w badaniach poligonowych. Badania symulacyjne i poligonowe wykonano dla ładunku cylindrycznego o średnicy 45 mm i długości 250 mm. Z pomiarem ciśnienia fali podmuchowej w trzech charakterystycznych kierunkach względem ładunku wykonano jednocześnie test Helda, w którym określono gęstości impulsu fali podmuchowej.
This paper presents the results of saletrole cylindrical explosive charge detonation in the air, using Ansys LS-Dyna program. Results of numerical analyzes were referenced to the actual effects of detonation in proving ground researches. Simulation and experimental researches were performed for cylindrical charges having a diameter 45 mm and length 250 mm. Additionally the measurements of the blast wave intensity were conducted by using Held’s Method, and measurements of the blast wave overpressure in three characteristic directions relative to the charge are also discussed.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wybranych parametrów detonacyjnych materiałów wybuchowych emulsyjnych o niskiej gęstości. Jako środki zmniejszające gęstość stosowano mikrobalony wykonane z tworzyw sztucznych. Uzyskano mieszaninę wybuchową o gęstości poniżej 0,6 g/cm3. Przeprowadzono badania zależności prędkości detonacji i intensywności powietrznej fali od zawartości mikrobalonów
The paper presents the results of selected detonation parameters of low density emulsion explosives. Microballoons made of plastic materials were used in the research as a factor of reducing the density. Obtained explosive mixture had a density below 0.6 g/cm3. We conducted the studies on the dependence of the detonation velocity and intensity of the blast wave from the microballoons content.
This paper presents comparison of numerical testing methods of an impulse loading which comes from a detonation process, i.e. blast wave propagation in a gas medium. Investigations were carried out using an analytical and numerical model based on the Finite Element Method. In order to reduce computational time, the substitute analytical model with one degree of freedom was implemented, which replaced a chosen actual system (I-section steel column). For structure modelling, the constitutive model was used, which included the strain rate effect. From the performed analyses, an acceptable similarity was noticed, although the discrete model due to greater forces gave inflated results. Nevertheless, it should be pointed out that simplified methods do not take any wave and flow around effects into consideration, which have an influence on the dynamical response of the structure and are possible to implement in the gas medium coupling.
Threats for military personnel during combat missions nowadays are of different sources. Further development of methods for neutralization of mines or improvised explosive devices (IED) explosions must be preceded by identification of the impact phenomenon on crew of the military vehicle. Large accelerations cause injury to a person located in the interior of the vehicle and may lead to permanent disability exempting soldiers from the battlefield. Information about overload coming from the explosion of IEDs on humans are difficult to access or not sufficiently detailed. Therefore, the basis for their acquisition is conducting experimental research and modelling. The paper is presents finite element analysis of blast wave effects on a human body simulated by a numerical 50th percentile HYBRID III dummy. Coupled Euler and Lagrange (ALE) formulations are used in the finite element analysis of such problems to accurately represent the detonation phenomenon. Numerical model was developed in LS-PrePost software. All the computational analyses were carried out using an explicit LS-DYNA solver on multiprocessor cluster. Data such as hip and knee moment of inertia, femoral force, and foot acceleration are collected from the numerical dummy, which simulates the occupant’s response. These data are then compared to injury threshold values from various references to assess survivability
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań parametrów fal podmuchowych generowanych w powietrzu w wyniku detonacji dihydratu 4,4',5,5'-tetranitro-2,2'-biimidazolu (TNBIź2H2O) i 3,3'-diaminoazoksyfurazanu (DAAF). Oba związki użyte w badaniach zostały wytworzone w Zakładzie Materiałów Wybuchowych Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej. Jako materiały odniesienia zastosowano 2,4,6-trinitrotoluen (trotyl) oraz 1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetraazacyklooktan (oktogen). Wykazano doświadczalnie, że TNBIź2H2O generuje fale podmuchowe o parametrach zbliżonych do oktogenu.
The paper presents the results of studies covering the assessment of blast waves generated in the air by the detonation of 4,4',5,5'-tetranitro-2,2'-biimidazole dihydrate (TNBIź2H2O) and 3,3'-diamino-4,4'-azoxyfurazan (DAAF). Both compounds used in the studies have been produced at the Department of Explosives of the Military University of Technology. As the reference material 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and 1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetraaza-cyklooctane (octogen) were used. It has been experimentally proven that TNBIź2H2O generates burst waves with parameters similar to the waves generated by octogen (HMX).
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki weryfikacji oddziaływania fali ciśnienia pochodzącej z detonacji ładunku wybuchowego TNT na wielowarstwowy panel energochłonny zawierający warstwę piany aluminiowej. Na podstawie tych wyników określono obszar zmian, które powstały w panelu na skutek wymuszenia. W badaniach rozważono przypadki oddziaływania fali ciśnienia o różnej intensywności. Na początku przeprowadzono badania doświadczalne, a następnie, na ich podstawie, dokonano walidacji modelu numerycznego opisującego zjawisko oddziaływania fali. Do analiz zjawisk szybkozmiennych użyto nieliniowej metody elementów skończonych zawartej w programie LS-Dyna.
The comparison between numerical and experimental results of a blast wave originating from detonation of a TNT explosive charge on the multilayered energy absorbing panel containing a layer of aluminum foam were presented in the paper. Deformation of the panel forced by the pressure wave was determined based on these results. The influence of pressure intensity on the investigation results was considered. At the beginning, experimental studies were performed, and then, on this basis, validation of the numerical model describing the phenomenon of fluid structure interaction was carried out. A nonlinear finite element method implemented in LS-Dyna software was used in dynamic phenomena analysis.
Dynamic response of an I-beam supporting structure subjected to shock wave produced by the detonation of high explosive materials is presented in this paper. Dynamic response of structural components in different load cases-with multimaterial panel protection and without protection, subjected to blast wave from various charge weight and various distance stand-off was determined. LS-DYNA, a 3-D explicit, finite element computer code with Lagrangian-Eulerian coupling was used to study this behaviour. Also initial static load was taken into account as pre-stress field present in the column obtained using dynamic relaxation procedure. The protective panel is composed of fibreglass composite and aluminium foam. The composite orthotropic properties and the failure criteria for fibre and matrix damage as well as the stress-volumetric strain curve for metallic foam were taken into account. The previous study shows that critical to the structure durability are the plastic strains and the structure failure caused by high deformation. Results of the analyses indicate that application of the blast panel around the supporting structure increase the resistance and significantly reduce the plastic deformation of the structure. The pillar without protection can be destroyed by 2 kg TNT placed close to the structure. Analysed beam covered by the blast panel can resist over three times bigger charge without significant deformation of the structure.
One of the most endangering and challenging threats during recent warfare are explosions of Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) and their destructive influence on a light armoured vehicle. Providing sufficient protection is the most challenging issue which can be achieved thanks to complex studies and a proper design process. The article presents preliminary numerical analyses of side explosion near a special military vehicle with regards to newdeveloped standards. The results were used to modify the existing hull and enhance its protection capabilities against critical charge to provide better protection for personnel inside the vehicle. A numerical model was developed in LSPrePost software. All the computational analyses were carried out using an explicit LS-Dyna solver, where material properties of finite elements were described by the Johnson-Cook material model with the basic parameters specified in the standard tensile tests. Due to time consuming simulations, the Linux-based computational cluster was adopted. The setup (mass of the explosive, distance between explosive charge and vehicle, etc.) was taken from military codes. In their computational research, the authors performed also a kind of a sensitivity study changing some of parameters. Pressure, stress distribution and plastic deformations vehicle structure were analyzed.
The phenomenon of high-energy explosion of a substance such as the mixture of flammable gases, explosives, etc. is highly exothermic chemical reaction that causes a blast wave consisting of hot gases at high pressure. Very complex nature of the phenomenon of detonation, affects the need for advanced methods of analysis. In the present work analysis of two steel columns (I-section and tubular section) subjected to the blast wave are presented. The columns have similar values of the moments of inertia and mass per unit length. To describe the complex phenomena occurring in gas medium the Eulerian formulation was used. The steel structures were described using Lagrangian formulation. Interaction between domains was achieved by numerical coupling algorithm with implemented penalty function. From the results from all the analysis cases, the dynamic response of structural elements was obtained. Permanent deformation and the amount of absorbed energy are of special interest in this study. The resultant velocity vectors were also presented to illustrate the characteristic of blast wave propagation.
The paper presents the results of computer simulation and experimental investigation of blast wave action arising from a small explosive charge on a metal pyramid with a square base. This explicit finite element has been used to perform numerical analyses. This method is included in the Ls-Dyna software for modelling the behaviour of the pyramid exposed to the action of a pressure wave arising from the detonation of an explosive charge. The detonation process was described in programming bubble structure interaction was used to describe an influence of a blast wave on the structure.
The paper presents numerical and experimental analysis of combined multilayer protective panels. The developed structures are prospective solutions for enhancing protection of military vehicles and crucial elements of pipelines especially in places like river crossings.
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