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The extensive nature of natural resource use in the Siret River basin in recent years has led to a significant depletion of its water resources and deterioration of the ecological state of surface waters. The following paper presents the results of assessing the degree of water pollution of the Siret River. A number of biotic water quality indices were used for this purpose. In particular, the Trent Biotic Index (TBI) and the Biological Monitoring Working Party Index (BMWP), both of which use the density ratio of different macroinvertebrate taxa in the aquatic communities, and the Pantlé and Bucca saprobility index, which uses the absolute density and saprobility of indicator species of aquatic organisms. A comprehensive assessment of the aquatic ecosystem of the watercourse was carried out using the water pollution index (WPI). The biological indices were calculated on the basis of data on zooperiphyton communities formed on an artificial fibre media of the «VIYA» type. The VIYA fibre carrier was used for more accurate determination of the species composition and quantitative characteristics of zooperiphyton communities in the studied river sections. The TBI index ranged from 5 to 6 (which corresponds to a water quality assessment of 'satisfactory'). The BMWP index ranged from 8 (very poor) to 32 (good), and the saprobicity index from 1.52 to 1.95 (good water quality). The WPI index at the control sites in the Siret River ranged from 4.6 (which corresponds to a water quality assessment of 'polluted') to 8.1 (which corresponds to a water quality assessment of 'extremely polluted'). Significant differences in the results of the assessment by different biotic indices indicate that these indices cannot be used as indicators for an exhaustive assessment of water quality using zooperiphyton. They can only be used as relative indicators for comparing the state of water pollution at different locations. The values of hydrochemical indicators of water quality at two observation posts of the river were analysed. The maximum permissible concentrations of nitrite ions, ammonium ions and suspended solids in the control sections of the river were found to be exceeded.
As part of the monitoring of water quality of Soueir river, two sampling companions were conducted from April to February during the two periods 2016/2017 and 2018/2019. The study consists of measuring 14 physico-chemical parameters and establishing the inventory of benthic macroinvertebrates upstream and downstream of Soueir river. The physico-chemical parameters were used to calculate the water quality index (WQI) and the exploitation of the results of the fauna inventory allowed us to determine the Shannon - Weiner diversity index (H’) and the Belgian biological index (BBI). The comparative study of the results of the two periods shows that during the two sampling periods, the recorded values of the physico-chemical parameters are lower than the admitted standards, except for nitrates and ammonium which present high levels during certain periods of the year, sometimes exceeding the Moroccan standards. These high concentrations can be explained by the excessive use of chemical fertilizers in the activity and the decrease of the water flow. The calculation of the water quality index (WQI) reveals that the water quality varies with a tendency towards degradation from upstream to downstream, the water becomes of poor quality or even non-drinkable. The values of the BBI indicate that the water of Soueir river is not very polluted, and that the quality of the water decreases during the winter period due to the erosion of the substrate and the increase of the matter in suspension. The diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates is greater downstream, due to the diversity of habitats and substrates.The second sampling period reveals a slight improvement in the physico-chemical and biological qualities of the waters of Soueir river, which can be attributed to climatic conditions that were more favorable to the development cycles of benthic macro-invertebrates.
The major impacts on aquatic ecosystems worldwide caused by land use lead to changes in their natural conditions and limitation of water use for various needs. This paper presents the results of the study of the physical and chemical parameters and macroinvertebrate assemblage in the White Drin River (or: the Drim River, Alb. the Drini i Bardhë River) basin, the largest in Kosovo. Macroinvertebrate sampled at 11 sites in the river resulted in 5946 collected benthic organisms, which in taxonomic terms belong to 12 orders and 51 families. Of the total number of organisms, 72.28% were Insects, 25.39% Amphipoda crustaceans and 2.33% were Annelide worms and Mollusk. The used biotic indices Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP), Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT), average score per taxon (ASPT) and Stroud Water Research Center (SWRC) classify water quality in excellent category in the sampling site S1 near the source of the White Drin River, whereas in other sampling sites, as a result of pollution, water quality varies on category II–IV. The Pearson's correlation analyses shown that the physical and chemical parameters affect the water quality and the composition of macroinvertebrates. Our results show that the parameters that adversely affect the BMWP, EPT and ASPT biotic indices as well as the Shannon–Wiener, Mergalef and Menhinik diversity indices are: pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total suspended solids (TSS), nitrates (NO3–) and chlorides (Cl–). We can conclude that the anthropogenic impact on White Drin basin affects the physical, chemical and biological parameters of the water therefore these parameters should be constantly included in Biomonitoring and Management plans for water resources in Kosovo.
The presence of chironomids and/or oligochaetes is generally considered to be an indication of poor status of freshwater. Non-chironomid dipterans show unclear trends. The abundance and percentage of these groups are rarely used as potential indicators. We attempted to determine whether these metrics reveal freshwater quality in lowland streams and lake littoral (Northern Europe, Baltic ecoregion, Estonia). The water quality was assessed based either on the water itself or on macroinvertebrates, fish, macrophytes, phytobenthos (in streams only) and/or phytoplankton (in lakes only). As expected, the high abundance and high percentage of chironomids and ceratopogonids indicated low quality of water in lakes. The high percentage of chironomids indicated low water quality also in streams. The high percentage of oligochaetes indicated low water quality in lakes. However, their high abundance (but not the percentage) was unexpectedly a symptom of high water quality in streams and to a lesser extent in lakes. In these cases, oligochaetes were represented by rheophilic, rather than saprophilic species. The abundance of simuliids (but not the percentage) and the richness of dipteran families indicated high water quality in streams. We suggest that the obtained results will allow better use of the indicative potential of freshwater macroinvertebrates.
Ochrona zasobów wodnych jest szczególnie istotna z uwagi na to, że Polska jest krajem ubogim w wodę, zarówno pod względem ilościowym, jak i jakościowym [7]. Natomiast Wielkopolska uchodzi za jeden z najbardziej deficytowych w wodę obszarów w Polsce, a co gorsza deficyt ten ulega ciągłemu, systematycznemu pogłębieniu. Cechy klimatu tego regionu - stosunkowo niskie wartości opadów, wysokie wartości parowania terenowego oraz niekorzystny ich rozkład w ciągu roku decydują o szczególnie niekorzystnym kształtowaniu się zasobów wodnych [2]. Należy również dodać, że na niekorzystny bilans wodny istotny wpływ miała działalność człowieka. Ważnym elementem wpływającym na prawidłowe kształtowanie się gospodarki wodnej zlewni odgrywa stopień lesistości. Obszary leśne zajmują około 29,3% powierzchni Polski [4]. Niezwykle istotna rola lasu, z punktu widzenia ochrony i odnowy zasobów wodnych, wynikająca z dużych zdolności retencyjnych niektórych typów siedliskowych lasu, przejawia się głównie w wyrównaniu wielkości odpływu wody w ciekach, co powoduje zmniejszenie groźby powstania powodzi, a także zwiększenie przepływów minimalnych. Elementem decydującym o prawidłowym rozwoju drzewostanów w poszczególnych siedliskach leśnych jest właściwe kształtowanie gospodarki wodnej tych siedlisk. Jednym z podstawowych czynników mających wpływ na gospodarkę wodną zlewni leśnych jest przebieg oraz wahania stanów wód podziemnych i związane z nimi zdolności retencyjne tych siedlisk. Przeprowadzone w latach wcześniejszych na obszarach omawianych zlewni wstępne badania wykazały, że zdolności retencyjne siedlisk leśnych są zasadniczym elementem gospodarki wodnej i odgrywają niezwykle ważną rolę w kształtowaniu się bilansów wodnych zlewni leśnych [3]. Warunki klimatyczne takie jak opady atmosferyczne i temperatury powietrza są głównym czynnikiem wpływającym na głębokość zalegania wód gruntowych i decydującym o wielkości i kształtowaniu się zapasów wody w siedliskach leśnych. Zdaniem Palucha [5] największą dynamiką charakteryzują się płytkie wody gruntowe zwane wodami zaskórnymi, które zalegają pod powierzchnią użytków rolnych i leśnych. Wzrost głębokości zalegania zwierciadła wody gruntowej od powierzchni terenu powoduje, że dynamika ta ulega zmniejszeniu. Poziom wody gruntowej wywiera istotny wpływ na czynną warstwę gleby i zachodzące w niej procesy, a tym samym na rozwój korzeni drzew. Wysoki poziom wody gruntowej ogranicza miąższość czynnej warstwy gleby i strefy korzeniowej. Natomiast niski poziom wody gruntowej umożliwia przewietrzenie gleby i wytworzenie prawidłowego systemu korzeniowego drzew [1]. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena dynamiki zmian stanów wód gruntowych oraz uwilgotnienia gleb wybranych siedlisk leśnych w zlewni cieku Hutka.
The purpose of the research work was to estimate the dynamics of the water content in soils variation in the drainage catchment of Hutka watercourse to Huta Pusta section in hydrologic year 2008. Considered afforested drainage catchment, size of 0.52 km2, is placed in the central part of Wielkopolska in Puszcza Zielonka. The Hutka catchment is of a typical forest character and presents high retentional capabilities. During the research detailed analyses were made for the dynamics of the groundwater level and water storage in 50 cm, and 100 cm soil layer. Measurements of water level were taken in 13 measuring wells, the water reserves in two measurement profiles. The results of water content in soils, were elaborated by using the ECH2O sounder. The research proved, that the dynamics of the water content in soils variation and ground water level in analyzed drainage catchment is described by similar cyclicity and depends mostly on the course of meteorological conditions, especially on the distribution and dimension of rain-falls. It was confirmed that the low level of groundwater table in the vegetation season does not affect significantly the water reserves of the surface layer of soil. Additional elements affecting the level of groundwater are also: the distance between measurement wells and the watercourse, site type and the layout of the land. The unfavourable distribution of precipitation, high air temperature and high evapotranspiration, which occurred in June resulted in a significant decrease in water supplies in the investigated soil profiles and also in both analyzed layers. During this period, lowest values of water storage below the limit of permanent wilting and changing in a 0.5-meter layer from 8 mm (profile 4) to 19 mm (profile 13), in a 1-meter layer from 11 mm (profile 4) to 25 mm (profile 13) were recorded.
W pracy zastosowano wybrane systemy biotyczne do oceny jakości wody w stawach infiltracyjnych na terenach wodonośnych we Wrocławiu oraz w graniczącym z nimi starorzeczu Oławy. Wykorzystane indeksy biotyczne opierają się na zoobentosie, którego skład gatunkowy ulega zmianie wraz ze wzrastającym zanieczyszczeniem środowiska wodnego. Jakość wody powierzchniowej została oceniona z zastosowaniem systemów biotycznych BMWP-PL, ASPT-PL, FBI, EPT, BBI, TBI i CBS. Otrzymane wyniki porównano między sobą oraz z wybranymi wskaźnikami fizyczno-chemicznymi wody, co umożliwiło ocenę przydatności analizowanych systemów biotycznych. Oceniono także bioróżnorodność wody na badanym obszarze. W tym celu obliczono dominację oraz frekwencję poszczególnych gatunków i rodzin na stanowiskach badawczych oraz obliczono wartości wskaźników bioróżnorodności Hurlberta i Margalefa. Zarówno wskaźniki fizyczno-chemiczne, jak i biologiczne potwierdziły ogólnie złą jakość wody na terenach wodonośnych. Nawet na stanowiskach o dużej bioróżnorodności stwierdzono występowanie gatunków pospolitych, stosunkowo odpornych na zanieczyszczenia. Woda we wszystkich badanych stawach została sklasyfikowana jako jedynie zadowalającej, a w niektórych przypadkach nawet niezadowalającej jakości. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdziły zasadność stosowania systemu biotycznego BMWP-PL na szerszą skalę w Polsce.
For the purpose of this study, seven biotic systems were chosen to assess the quality of wet pond water within the aquifer of Wroclaw and in the bordering old Olawa river basin: BMWP-PL, ASPT, BBI, FBI, TBI, CBS and EPT. They all entail zoobenthic communities, whose composition changes with increasing pollution of the aquatic environment. The results obtained were compared with the values of some physicochemical parameters of the water, which enabled the applicability of the biotic systems to be evaluated. The water within the area under study was also analyzed for biodiversity. For this purpose calculations were performed to determine the domination and frequency of particular species and families at the sampling sites, as well as to establish the values of the Hurlbert and Margalef biodiversity indices. Both physicochemical and biological parameters make it clear that water quality in the area of the aquiferous layers is generally poor: species of comparatively high resistance to water pollutants were found to occur even at sampling sites characterized by great biodiversity. Water quality in all of the wet ponds examined has been classified either as acceptable or in some instances even as unacceptable. The results obtained support the applicability of the BMWP-PL index and recommend its use on a larger scale in Poland.
Four commonly employed biotic indices based on macrofauna composition: BMWP (British Monitoring Working Party score system), ASPT (Average Score Per Taxon), DSFI (Danish Stream Fauna Index) and FBI (Family level Biotic Index) were used to assess environmental quality of six small slow-flowing lowland streams (Masurian Lakeland, North-eastern Poland). Their efficiencies in determining the level of degradation, assessed by the simoultaneous measuring of the main abiotic parameters of water, were tested. The search for relationships between both abundance and percentages of invertebrate taxa and values of the main abiotic parameters with multiple regression analysis resulted in determining an indicative value for certain taxa. Results of discriminant function analysis show, that environmental quality can be predicted accurately on the basis of macrofauna composition in 94-100% of the sites. However, none of tested indices classified the sites to particular classes of degradation with with sufficient accuracy. The relationships between the values of all tested indices and the values of Cumulative Index of Environmental Quality (CIEQ) based on abiotic parameters, expressed as coefficients of linear regression, were very low and ranged between 0.006 and 0.068. Therefore, a new regional, macrofauna-based biotic index, APODEMAC, is proposed as a better tool for environmental quality assessment. Values of APODEMAC are strongly dependent on values of CIEQ (R^2 = 0.641), and their seasonal variance is lower than that of other indices. Coefficient of linear regression between CIEQ values and APODEMAC was 9 to almost 100 times higher than for other tested biotic indices. The selection of indicator taxa used in APODEMAC procedure was based on comparisons between the taxa densities at sampling sites differing in terms of environmental quality and on the results of multiple regression and discriminant analysis. The importance of certain taxa of molluscs, leeches and dipterans in this procedure is much higher, while the importance of mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies is much lower than in BMWP, ASPT, FBI and DSFI. The occurrence of the various larval insects in the studied environments seems to be limited rather by substrate type than by the chemical quality of stream water. Application of simple regional biotic indices like APODEMAC is suggested as an, in some cases, easier, cheaper and less time-consuming way of biological assessment compared to complicated and time-consuming implementation of the existing indices.
Przedstawiono współcześnie stosowane w Polsce i innych krajach metody biologicznej oceny jakości wód powierzchniowych oraz kierunek ich ewolucji. W zwięzłej charakterystyce uwzględniono zarówno zalety metodyk, jak też ograniczenia w ich powszechnym (światowym) zastosowaniu. Wiąże się to z pracami podjętymi w 1993 r. przez Instytut Ochrony Środowiska nad dostosowaniem przepisów polskich do wymagań europejskich w zakresie oceny jakości i klasyfikacji wód. Prace te uwzględniają zmianę metodyki oceny jakości wód powierzchniowych płynących.
The paper presents the biological surface water quality assessment methods used to-day in Poland and other countries as well as a direction of their evolution. A brief characteristic includes both advantages of the methods and limitations in their prevailing (world-wide) application. This is connected with works, undertaken in 1993 by the Institute of Environmental Protection, on the adaptation of Polish regulations concerning water quality assessment and classification to the European requirements. The works take into account change of the method of running water quality assessment, among others.
The results of chemical and biological analyses of water of the lower Nysa Kłodzka river in relation to geomorphological and anthropogenic factors were presented. 14 physical and chemical variables, as well as saprobic and biotic (BBI, BMWP) incides were used to evaluate water quality. The usefulness of the biotic index methodology was accentuated in the running water quality assessment
Przedstawiono wyniki chemicznej i biologicznej analizy wód dolnego biegu rzeki Nysy Kłodzkiej w odniesieniu do czynników geomorfologicznych i antropogennych. Do przeprowadzenia oceny jakości wód wykorzystano 14 parametrów fizycznych i chemicznych, index saprobowy i indeksy biotyczne (BBI, BMWP). Podkreślona została użyteczność stosowania metodyki indeksu biotycznego w badaniach jakości wód plynących
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