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Decomposition kinetics of natural organic substances during the photocatalytic process with a semi-conductor TiO2 has been investigated. In the study, a laboratory reactor Heraeus and in a photocatalytic membrane reactor were used. Simulated solutions of deionized water, surface water and fulvic acids, differing in composition, were tested in the experiment. In order to determine reaction rate constants, the Langmuir–Hinshelwood kinetic model based on the first order reaction was applied. It was found that photocatalytic process enabled effective degradation of natural organic substances although its run was affected by inorganic ions, mainly those producing water hardness, present in water.
The effectiveness of co-treatment of leachates from an old site of municipal landfill with a dairy industry wastewater in a membrane bioreactor has been investigated. The subjects of the study were leachates collected at the municipal landfill in Tychy and dairy wastewaters from Dairy Plant in Bieruń. The determination of the most effective technological parameters of the process, i.e. activated sludge load and its concentration and types of COD fractions in the reactor influent was made. It was shown that the activated sludge load at the level of 0.06 g COD/(gDM·d) was the highest permissible one among all the investigated loads and the process run effectively within the whole investigated range of concentrations of activated sludge in a bioreactor. It was found that in the treated wastewater, the fraction of easily degradable organic compounds was the dominant one.
Bioconversion of H2S into elemental sulfur has been investigated using an airlift bioreactor with direct injection of the gas into the bioreactor. Almost complete removal of H2S has been achieved at its inlet concentrations lower than 25 000 ppm. Maximum bioconversion capacity of ca 111.3 g/(m3·h) and up to 93.5% conversion of the inlet sulfide to elemental sulfur was obtained. To further improve the bioreactor performance, factors influencing mass transfer and biological activity should be investigated in future studies.
Prowadzenie procesów biotransformacji przy optymalnym sterowaniu temperaturą jest bardziej korzystne aniżeli w przypadku zastosowania warunków izotermicznych. Aby to oszacować przeanalizowano proces z enzymem natywnym ulegającym zarówno dezaktywacji niezależnej od stężenia substratu jak i równoległej. Stosując klasyczną metodę rachunku wariacyjnego uzyskano równanie analityczne pozwalające odpowiedzieć na pytanie, ile enzymu można oszczędzić w procesie prowadzonym przy optymalnym sterowaniu temperaturą w porównaniu z jego przebiegiem w warunkach izotermicznych. Rozważono przy tym wpływ ilorazu energii aktywacji na uzyskane korzyści. Wykazano, że niskie końcowe aktywności enzymu, dla względnie wysokich wartości ilorazu energii aktywacji, powodują znaczące oszczędności enzymu, dwukrotne lub większe, gdy zamiast warunków izotermicznych zastosuje się optymalne sterowanie temperaturą.
It is known that the running of biotransformations at optimal temperature control is more profitable than in a case of isothermal conditions application. In order to quantify it, biotransformation process with native enzyme deactivation both parallel and independent of substrate concentration, running in a perfect batch reactor was analyzed. Making use of variational calculus method the analytical expression was derived enabling one to answer the question how much of enzyme can be saved if instead of commonly applied isothermal conditions the optimal temperature control is used. An effect of the activation energy quotient on the magnitude of such benefits was considered. It was proved that the lower catalyst activity for relatively high values of activation energy quotient caused significant enzyme savings - two or even more time greater than in a case of optimal temperature control application compared to isothermal process.
Iodinated contrast media compounds (ICM) have been identified in wastewater within the last 20 years. In this study, the biodiversity of activated sludge in anaerobic membrane bioreactors dealing with synthetic hospital wastewater with addition of ICM was investigated, using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). During the adaptation of microorganisms to anaerobic growth conditions and to ICM presence, differences in the content of Alpha- and Betaproteobacteria were noted and bioreactors showed higher biological diversity (H = 2.9), suggesting that ICM were not toxic to the bacteria. The long sludge age had the strongest influence on the composition of activated sludge biocenosis.
The fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) method is widely used to identify various types of cells. In comparison to cultivation dependent methods, identification of microbes by FISH is easier and generally takes several hours. A review of improvements to the FISH method has been presented, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as examples of application. Particular consideration was given to the efficiency of identification of microbes in samples taken from sewerage. The effectiveness of the method was confirmed by the results obtained in samples from the membrane bioreactor.
The paper concerns an aerobic microbiological process occurring in a bubble tank bioreactor. If the process is inhibited by a carbonaceous substrate, then the steady states characteristics obtained using models without biofilm indicates a danger of irreversible washout of the biomass. It was shown that taking into account the biofilm immobilized on bioreactor’s walls and proper design of the bioreactor can lead to disappearance of the region of the multiple steady-states, i.e. to disappearance of the turning point at the steady state branches. Therefore, the operation of the bioreactor is safe in a wide range of feed flow rates, even those leading to the washout of the biomass from the liquid phase. This property was called apparent elimination of inhibition phenomenon.
Content available remote Moving bed technology as an alternative solution for reducing bioreactor volume
Impact of the amount of moving bed in the continuous flow bioreactor on the required bioreactor volume has been investigated with respect to conventional activated sludge bioreactors preceded with primary sedimentation or chemical precipitation. The investigation has been carried out for a fictitious plant of the size of 1999 people equivalent (PE). It was found that for the systems designed for removal of organic matter: the volume of the integrated fixed film activated sludge (IFAS) reactor with the 15% filling ratio is similar to the volume of the activated sludge reactor (ASR) preceded with primary settlement tanks operating at 2.0 h hydraulic retention time (HRT). The volume of the IFAS reactor with the 30% filling ratio is comparable with the volume of the ASR reactor preceded with an upstream chemical precipitation stage assumed to achieve 60% removal of organics.
In various biotechnological processes such as biodegradation of toxic organic compounds, microorganisms are immobilized on inert carriers. Three-phase fluidized-bed bioreactors and airlift apparata are examples of devices in which microorganisms are immobilized as a thin layer of biomass on fine pellets. Due to a spherical shape of the carrier, the resultant layer of microorganisms has also spherical geometry. In the paper, a quantitative assessment has been made of numerical methods for determining the distributions of reagent concentrations and the effectiveness factors of a biofilm in the form of spherical layers. Calculations have been done for aerobic biodegradation of phenol.
Content available remote The effect of a support material on the nitrification rate in biofilm reactors
The nitrification process in a Packed Bed Biofilm Reactor (PBBR) was investigated. The inert and carbonaceous materials were tested as the support materials. The results proved the feasibility of nitrification at pH value below 5.0. On the inert support material the bicarbonates and ammonia concentrations decreased simultaneously, but when the bicarbonates present in the bulk liquid were exhausted, the nitrification ceased. For the alkaline support media, the alkalinity in bulk liquid decreased to almost zero, but the carbonaceous support materials (marble, dolomite and Dofiltr™) react with the protons and buffer the system inside biofilm. If the marble or other carbonaceous support materials are used, the packed bed material due to dissolution controls the pH inside the fixed biofilm. In reactors, the mean residence time and the Peclet number were measured. On the basis of two models (dispersion model and reactors in series model) the nitrification constant rates in reactors were estimated.
Content available remote Removal of nitrates from brine using Haloferax Mediterranei archeon
The aim of the study was to optimize a saline brine denitrification by halophilic microorganisms Haloferax mediterranei. To define the optimum parameters of the process, the Latin square method was used (Statistica 6.0). The highest specific nitrate reduction rate was observed at a temperature of 37 °C and pH 7.0. There was no significant effect of NaCl on nitrate ion reduction at the concentration range from 2.5 to 3.5 M. During brine denitrification in a batch bioreactor the rates of specific nitrate reduction and nitrate reduction reached 100.5 mg N-NO3 - per 1 gram of dry mass during 24 h and 135 mg N-NO3/dm3 . day, respectively.
Content available remote Polimery wrażliwe na bodźce. Cz. 2, Zastosowanie
W publikacji (stanowiącej II cz. pracy przeglądowej dotyczącej polimerów wrażliwych na bodźce) przedstawiono możliwości zastosowania układów polimerowych reagujących na zmiany temperatury i pH. Szczegółowo omówiono następujące kierunki wykorzystania tego rodzaju materiałów: systemy kontrolowanego uwalniania substancji biologicznie aktywnych, hodowla i uwalnianie komórek, bioreaktory oraz budowa zaworów i czujników.
The paper is the second part of a review concerning stimuli-sensitive polymers. In this part the possible applications of polymers sensitive to temperature or pH are presented. The following application directions of such materials are discussed in detail: systems of controlled release of biologically active substances, cell culture and release, bioreactors, constructions of valves and sensors.
Content available remote Enrichment and molecular diversity of anammox bacteria in uasb reaktor
Anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria were successfully enriched in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket bioreactor. In this balanceable ecosystem, the proportion between the conversion of ammonium and nitrite and the production of nitrate was found to be 1: 1.30: 0.29, and the removal efficiency of TN reached 90.35%. The microbial community and its diversity in enrichment cultures have been characterized using microscopy and molecular biotechnology. Based on 16S rRNA and phylogenetic analysis, we found four strains in the amplified DNA fragments. Three new species of anammox bacteria were found in this ecosystem.
W pracy omówiono podział i zastosowanie bioreaktorów, zestawiono równania bilansu materiałowego dla poszczególnych bioreaktorów. Następnie omówiono jedną z metod biologicznego oczyszczania ścieków -metodę osadu czynnego. Dla dostępnych w literaturze danych wykonano obliczenia projektowe dla komory osadu czynnego dla różnego wieku osadu czynnego.
At work a division and applying bioreactors were discussed, equations of material balance were put together for individual bioreactors. Next was one of methods of biological cleaning waste discussed - method of active deposit. For approachable in the literature of data design calculations were carried out for the chamber of active deposit for the different age of active deposit.
The efficiency of BOD5 removal in a bioreactor using conventional activated sludge technology was compared to BOD5 removal in a hybrid reactor. The comparison was based on mathematical models of both bioreactors considering substrate diffusion into the biofilm and growth kinetics of mi-croorganisms in the activated sludge. The results from the simulation show that a greater reduction of organic substances occurs in the hybrid bioreactor compared to the reactor using conventional acti-vated sludge. Moreover, it was demonstrated that a greater number of packets per filter bed and an increase in sewage recirculation from the secondary settlement tank lead to an improved efficiency of BOD5 removal from wastewater.
Porównano efektywność redukcji BZT5 w bioreaktorze pracującym w klasycznej technologii osadu czynnego i w bioreaktorze hybrydowym, opierając się na modelach matematycznych obu bioreaktorów. W modelach tych uwzględniono dyfuzję substratu do wnętrza błony biologicznej i kinetykę wzrostu mikroorganizmów w osadzie czynnym. Wyniki otrzymane dzięki symulacji pozwalają stwierdzić, że bioreaktor hybrydowy zapewnia większą redukcję substancji organicznej niż klasyczna metoda osadu czynnego. Wykazano ponadto, że zwiększenie zarówno liczby pakietów w złożu, jak i stopnia recyrkulacji osadu z osadnika wtórnego sprzyja lepszej efektywności usuwania BZT5 ze ścieków
Content available remote Metody badań tribologicznych parametrów w inteligentnych bioreaktorach
Tematem przeprowadzonych badań oraz uzyskanych wniosków jest uzasadnienie doboru odpowiednich metod badawczych do wyznaczania parametrów tribologicznych występujących w bioreaktorach w trakcie hodowania chrząstki stawowej lub poszczególnych chondrocytów na potrzeby transplantacji. Badane są zależności wpływu własności mechanicznych warstwy wierzchniej opływanego ciała na lepkość cieczy w cienkiej warstewce przyściennej oraz na powstające w niej siły tarcia. Niniejsza praca charakteryzuje przeprowadzone badania zarówno w aspekcie analitycznym, numerycznym, jak również i doświadczalnym. Autorzy sugerują, że przedstawiony model badawczy ma charakter unikalny, mający nie tylko znaczenie poznawcze, ale i wysoce utylitarne. Badanie zachowania chondrocytów pod wpływem płynów ustrojowych, a zwłaszcza pochodzących z przestrzeni śródstawowej, stanowi całkowite novum mogące odkryć przyczynę nie tylko wielu schorzeń chondropatycznych, ale także spowodować rozwój terapii transplantacyjnej.
The topic of presented research is the substantiation of the proper selection of research methods to the tribological parameters determination occurring in bioreactors during the joint cartilage or articular cells cultivation. The investigations are performed as well in analytical, numerical and in experimental form. After authors suggestion the presented research model has uniqueness character thus has not only cognitive but also the utilitarian meaning. The investigations of behave of chondrocytes (cells) under the organism liquid influence particularly descending from intra-articular space, institute the entirety novelty which can be discover not only the matter of many chondropathy disease but also can be develop the transplantation therapy. The basic method for solving the described scientific problems is the application of the analytical and numerical models to non- Newtonian liquid hydrodynamic flows in thin boundary layers considered on micro- and nano-level. Ranges of the flows are limited by the hyper-elastically and hypo-elastically deformed surfaces. Geometrical features of the surfaces are measured with the use of laser sensors and the atomic force microscope. The analytical models which describe the realistic unsteady hydrodynamic and tribological effects occurring in the non Newtonian liquid flows around cells in the realistic time ranges of nano-seconds and micro-seconds are transformed into the tasks in which the models are represented in time ranges of second. Such models enable to investigate the realistic changes of hydrodynamic effects in very short time periods. Such measurements are very expensive and often not possible to be performed by using present laboratory equipment. The region of flow around the cells and joint cartilages are divided on the three zones. The first zone is of a few dozen nanometers in height and contains the liquid of dynamic viscosity depending on material coefficient of the cells or joint cartilage. In the region of perfused cartilage body or near the cells the flows in micro- canals of the diameter smaller than one micrometer are taken into consideration. The second zone is the thin viscous liquid layer of a few dozen micrometer in height. Here the changes of liquid velocity vector in the direction of layer height prevail over the changes of liquid velocity vector in the plane of the flow. To characterize of mechanical properties of joint cartilage and its cells, classical measurement methods as well as new ones with the use of atomic forces microscopy, are applied. Measurements of geometrical structure of the cell surfaces are performed on nano- level. Values of the hyper-elastic, elastic and visco-elastic material coefficients of the cells and cartilages are measured by taking into account rheological features. Experiments are performed under dynamic loads. Simultaneously, measurements of friction forces and friction coefficients are made by using an oscillation micro-tribo-meter. To measure values of above mentioned material coefficients will be used two kinds of hardness tester, namely a micro-hardness tester with the diameter 350 micrometers and a nano- hardness tester with the diameter of 20 nanometers. The depth of pits during the measurements was about 2 micrometers and 10 nanometers, respectively. This fact enables to estimate the features of boundary layer on the body. The forces and stresses in boundary layer are measured by using laser- beam method. Regardless of the above described measurement methods applied to cell bodies, the measurements of thin layer features of osmotic and pharmacological liquids flowing around the cells, are also assumed. Such liquids have non-Newtonian and anisotropic features with different properties in different directions. During the measurements the atomic force microscope will be used. Measurements in three static-dynamic states are provided for. The first of them is based on the fact that hardness tester is in static- dynamic motion. The second state is characterized by the two- directional motion of the groundwork on which the liquid rests. The third state is assumed for the provoked motion of the liquid inside the thin boundary layer resting on the static, motionless groundwork. The measurements are performed in such thermal conditions as to bring them nearer the human body temperature. The performed cells during the cultivation in bioreactors. Additionally, gain of many tribological and biophysical parameters indispensable for cells cultivation, is expected. For fully successful realization of the presented tasks it is necessary to build the mini-bioreactor coupled with the atomic force microscope. By using this microscope it is possible to control many data on biological liquid flow and temperature during the performed measurements and cell cultivation. To solve analytically sets of non linear differential equations is not possible in each case. In such situations the numerical methods must be applied. To achieve the numerical solutions of the presented problems the method of finite differences is applied. In this method the partial derivatives are replaced with the finite differences. The application of difference schemas in the difference method permits to convert the differential equations into the difference equations where the numerical solutions are executed on the ground of the calculated nets. Topology of the nets is optimized by using the least distances between the nods of the nets in the a properly selected metric space to assure stability and convergence of the numerical solutions. The numerical calculations are performed by using Matlab 7.3 Program. The values determined in the numerical way will be verified experimentally in mini-bioreactors. Experimental verification of the analytical and numerical models for nutrient liquid flows during the cells cultivation will be also performed in mini-bioreactors. Also, distributions of liquid velocity and friction forces in thin layers will be verified.
Dużą szybkość fermentacji metanowej można uzyskać w wyniku zwiększenia stężenia aktywnej biomasy drobnoustrojów w reaktorze. Efekt ten można osiągnąć w różny sposób. W pracy przedstawiono reaktory do prowadzenia fermentacji metanowej. Klasyfikacji dokonano z uwagi na formę, w jakiej występują w reaktorze drobnoustroje. Wyróżniono reaktory z osadem rozproszonym, reaktory z biomasą unieruchomioną na nośnikach tworzących nieruchome lub ruchome złoże i reaktory z osadem zawieszonym, najczęściej występującym w formie granulek lub łatwo sedymentujących agregatów. Porównano charakterystyczne parametry pracy najczęściej stosowanych reaktorów i omówiono czynniki określające wybór bioreaktora.
Modern high-rate anaerobic digestion systems retain a high amount of active biomass. The effect is obtained in different ways. This papers reviews the development of high-rate bioreactors in anaerobic digestion. Fermenters have been ciassified three main groups, taking into account the form in which the active biomass occurs in a reactor. These are reactors with a dispersed biomass, reactors with an immobilized biomass creating a fixed or fluidized bed, and reactors with highly settieable sludge aggregates or granules. The characteristics of commoniy used bioreactors and factors governing the choice of the reactor have also been discussed.
Content available remote The possibility of composting animal waste products
This article presents the research project, the realization of which was started in 2006. Its gist refers to the pussibilities of composting animal waste products. Animal waste products intended to compost within the confines of research project are the material of category III, especially food waste products from the households as well as waste products from the butcheries. The process of composting the above-mentioned waste products has been prepared on basis of closed technology with modified bioreactor. Biodegradable plant waste has been the input mass of such a rector. In order to modify the process in bioreactor, an intensive decomposition was completed with an intensive hygiene improvement as a result of placing in work space of bioreactor the monitoring system of temperature with time. The article has described the research method and the results expected.
Przedstawiono badania, których realizację rozpoczęto w 2006 roku, a których problematyka dotyczy możliwości kompostowania ubocznych produktów pochodzenia zwierzęcego. Odpady pochodzenia zwierzęcego przeznaczone do kompostowania to materiał kategorii III, a w szczególności odpady żywnościowe z gospodarstw domowych oraz odpady pochodzące z zakładów mięsnych. Proces kompostowania tych odpadów został oparty na technologii zamkniętej z wykorzystaniem zmodyfikowanego bioreaktora, którego dotychczas masą wsadową były roślinne odpady biodegradowalne. Modyfikacja pracy bioreaktora polegała na dodaniu do procesu intensywnego rozkładu kolejnej fazy - intensywnej higienizacji i umieszczenia w przestrzeni roboczej bioreaktora systemu monitoringu temperatury w czasie. Opisano budowę systemu pomiarowego oraz wstępnie przyjętą metodykę badań.
Content available remote VIII Ogólnopolska Konferencja Przepływów Wielofazowych
This paper presents the main ideas behind a Transfer of Knowledge (ToK) project funded by European Commission, called "BioBearing". BioBearing is designed to be run for the period of 2005-2008. The main field of research is tribology of tissue. Tissue is considered as a histotribological element. Particularly, lubrication of human joints by non-Newtonian synovial fluids in unsteady state condition is considered. In this relation, stochastic behavior of cartilage deformation in human joints is described. Additionally, the cultivation process of cartilage tissues of human joints in bioreactors and possibility of shear force and shear rate control during this process will be investigated.
Autorzy przedstawiają zarys głównych celów badawczych podjętych w unijnym projekcie badawczym zatwierdzonym przez komisję Europejską do realizacji w latach 2005-2008. Koordynatorem projektu jest K. Wierzcholski, autor niniejszego artykułu. Badania teoretyczne, numeryczne i eksperymentalne dotyczyć będą problemów tribologii tkanek jako elementów histotribologii a w szczególności smarowania stawów nienewtonowskimi cieczami synowialnymi w warunkach nieustalonych z uwzględnieniem deformacji chrząstki stawowej w opisie stochastycznym. Ponadto rozpatrywany będzie problem hodowli chrząstki stawowej w bioreaktorze z uwzględnieniem możliwości sterowania siłami tarcia.
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