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Przedstawiono koncepcję oraz budowę fotobioreaktora rurowego do hodowli glonów. Zbudowany system składa się z czterech reaktorów rurowych, układu mieszania barbotażowego, modułu doświetlającego oraz modułu pomiarowo-sterującego. W ramach przeprowadzonych prac przygotowano testową hodowlę glonów Chlorella sp. w zbudowanym reaktorze. W czasie trwania eksperymentu z produkcyjnych ścieków mleczarskich, które stanowiły podłoże hodowlane, glony przyswoiły 36,6% N ogólnego oraz 98% P ogólnego. Przyrost komórek glonów monitorowany na podstawie pomiarów gęstości optycznej na koniec hodowli wynosił 1,046. Zaproponowane rozwiązanie pozwoli na zwiększenie skali produkcji biomasy glonów oraz zagospodarowanie większej ilości ścieków mleczarskich.
A four-section tubular photobioreactor for the removal of biogenic compds. from dairy industry wastewater using Chlorella sp. algae culture was developed and constructed. The efficiency of algae multiplication was monitored based on the content of biogenic elements (N and P) and optical d. measurements. During the experiment, the algae absorbed 36.6% of total N and 98% of total P from dairy wastewater. The proposed soln. allowed to increase the scale of algae biomass prodn. and managing a larger amt. of dairy wastewater.
The problem of estimation of unmeasured state variables and unknown reaction kinetic functions for selected biochemical processes modelled as a continuous stirred tank reactor is addressed in this paper. In particular, a new hierarchical (sequential) state observer is derived to generate stable and robust estimates of the state variables and kinetic functions. The developed hierarchical observer uses an adjusted asymptotic observer and an adopted super-twisting sliding mode observer. The stability of the proposed hierarchical observer is investigated under uncertainty in the system dynamics. The stability analysis of the estimation error dynamics is carried out based on the methodology associated with linear parameter-varying systems and sliding mode regimes. The developed hierarchical observer is implemented in the Matlab/Simulink environment and its performance is validated via simulation. The obtained satisfactory estimation results demonstrate high effectiveness of the devised hierarchical observer.
Proces kompostowania jest powszechnie stosowany w gospodarce odpadami jako metoda przekształcania lub stabilizacji odpadów organicznych. Ze względu na złożony, nieliniowy charakter zachodzących w nim zjawisk biologicznych oraz fizykochemicznych, jest on stosunkowo trudny z punktu widzenia predykcji oraz sterowania. Sterowanie procesem ma tu na celu uzyskiwanie w określonym horyzoncie czasowym produktu finalnego, czyli zwykle kompostu spełniającego określone wymagania jakościowe. W artykule zaprezentowano prosty model matematyczny procesu kompostowania z wymuszonym napowietrzaniem, potencjalnie umożliwiającym realizację wspomnianego celu sterowania. Opracowano model drugiego rzędu, z dwiema wielkościami wejściowymi reprezentującymi zewnętrzne oddziaływania na proces. Na podstawie modelu matematycznego przekształconego do postaci równań stanu, zbudowano w środowisku MATLAB/Simulink model komputerowy bioreaktora, który następnie wykorzystano do przeprowadzenia badań symulacyjnych. Pokazano, że możliwe jest oddziaływanie na proces za pomocą wymuszonego napowietrzania, bezpośrednio wpływającego na zmianę temperatury w bioreaktorze, a w konsekwencji również na czas otrzymania końcowego produktu reakcji. Wyniki analizy właściwości dynamicznych procesu, przeprowadzonej z wykorzystaniem modelu zlinearyzowanego wzdłuż wybranej, nominalnej trajektorii stanu, wskazują na zmienny charakter jego stabilności - począwszy od niestabilności w początkowych fazach reakcji, przez stabilizację w fazie pośredniej, aż do stabilności asymptotycznej, zakończonej osiągnięciem stanu równowagi.
The composting process is commonly used in waste management as a method of converting or stabilizing organic waste. Due to the complex, non-linear nature of biological and physicochemical phenomena involved, this process is relatively difficult to predict and control. The control is usually aimed at obtaining the final product, that is, the compost that meets legal standards. The article presents a simple mathematical model of the composting process with forced aeration, which will potentially facilitate the control task. A second order model was developed, with two inputs signals. Based on the mathematical model in the form of the state equations, the computer model of the bioreactor was built in the MATLAB/Simulink environment, which was then used to conduct different simulation tests. It was shown that it is possible to control the process using forced aeration, directly influencing the temperature changes in the bioreactor, and consequently also the time of obtaining the final product of the reaction. The analysis of the dynamic properties of the process performed using its model linearized about some nominal state trajectory shows the changes in its internal stability - starting from the unstable character in the initial phases of the reaction, through stabilization in its intermediate phase, up to the asymptotic stability, ending in the stable equilibrium state.
The activity and growth of microorganisms for renewable energy production are still influenced by the dead zones created in bioreactors. These areas form a nutrient and thermal gradient, causing an abundance of food in certain areas compared to famines in other areas of same bioreactor. The current study is a step in identifying those dead zones, followed by another step in improving the flow of media inside the reactor. The results indicated that the inner parts of the bioreactor may be a crucial factor in the creation and spread of such dead zones. For example, the position of the disc-type diffuser contributes to the generation of those areas at the bottom of the reactor. It was inferred from the fluid movement in reactors using the annular-type diffuser proposed in the current study. The bubble size, gas mass flux, and radiuses of fillet, as the most important factors, were examined in both bioreactors. The results revealed a noticeable improvement in these parameters in this area of the reactor when the disc diffuser was replaced by the annular diffuser. For example, the average liquid velocity was recorded in the lower part of the modernized reactor at 0.0198 m/s, while the velocity was recorded in the conventional reactor at 0.00077 m/s under same bubbles diameter used in both reactors (0.125 mm). The inclusion of the effect of the presence of microorganisms in mathematical models was also addressed in the current study. The results showed that the amount of oxygen remaining at the bottom of the reactor after bio-consumption in the presence of the annular diffuser was higher than that in the conventional reactor. This clearly emphasizes the importance of the design of the internal parts of the bioreactor.
In this paper study results of selected production methods for agricultural biogas are shown and technical and technological aspects of these methods are described for monosubstrate bioreactors. Based on the available literature, modelling of mixing in bioreactors using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was is demonstrated. As part of the research, the numerical simulation method was used with a tool that contains CFD codes. The model k-ε is used to simulate the mean flow characteristics under turbulent flow conditions. This is a two-equation model that gives a general description of turbulence. The work presents the results of numerical studies that make it possible to understand the characteristics of fluid flow in the adhesive bed used for the production of agricultural biogas. The tests showed that in the core of the adhesive bed there is a flow of 0.19 m∙s-1 , while in the outer part of the bed there is a flow in the range 0.01-0.02 m∙s-1. Taking into account the substrate inflow of 0.17 m∙s-1 (in the upper part of the fermentor), it was observed that the Klinkenberg effect for autocyclic movement (from bottom to top) takes place. The novelty in the article is the observation of the dominant flow in the core of the bed and the autocyclic flow in the opposite direction in the peripheral areas of the adhesive bed.
Zaostrzające się wymogi, dotyczące jakości ścieków odprowadzanych do odbiornika, doprowadziły do opracowania wielu urządzeń wykorzystywanych podczas biologicznego oczyszczania. Obecne badania prowadzone w sektorze wodno-ściekowym skupiają się często na poszukiwaniu efektywnych energetycznie rozwiązań technicznych i technologicznych, wywierających jak najmniej negatywny wpływ na środowisko „przy jednoczesnym obniżeniu kosztów eksploatacyjnych. W systemach oczyszczania powszechnie wykorzystuje się właściwości struktur mikroorganizmów w postaci kłaczków osadu czynnego, które usuwają organiczne i biogenne związki zawarte w ściekach. Ważnym elementem powyższego rozwiązania jest zastosowanie układu mieszania i napowietrzania bioreaktorów w odpowiedniej konfiguracji. W oczyszczalni ścieków, z częścią biologiczną, działającej w technologii SBR, stosuje się wiele rodzajów urządzeń do mieszania. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie innowacyjnego wolnoobrotowego systemu mieszania w sekwencyjnych bioreaktorach porcjowych, w których czynnikiem procesowym jest osad czynny.
Increasing demands on the quality of wastewater discharged to the receiving water have led to the development of many biological treatment devices. Current research in the water and wastewater sector often focuses on finding energy-efficient solutions that have the least negative impact on the environment while reducing operating costs. In wastewater treatment systems, it is common to utilize the properties of microbial structures in the form of activated sludge flocs that remove organic compounds and biogenic contained in wastewater. An important part of the solution is the mixing and aeration system configuration used. In the treatment plant operating in the SBR technology, there are many types of mixing devices that are used in the process of wastewater treatment. This paper presents the application of an innovative slow-speed mixing system in sequential batch bioreactors in which activated sludge is a process factor.
The practical applications of bacteriophages are associated with the problems related to the intensification, optimization of process production of this biomaterial and the search for new methods of production. The production of bacteriophages requires a fine balance between the dynamic growth of the bacteriophage and the host. The electromagnetic field (EMF) is a promising biotechnological method for the process production of bacteriophages. This study evaluates the use of various types of EMF to enhance the process. It was found that the process production of bacteriophages is divided into two stages. In the first stage, the influence of various types of EMF on the proliferation process of bacteria (host) was analyzed. Secondly, the process production of bacteriophage was implemented for the optimal infection conditions under the action of the various types of EMF. Moreover, the study demonstrated that the most effective bacteriophage production was the process with the application of the rotating magnetic field (RMF), pulsed magnetic field (PMF) and the static magnetic field (SMF) with negative polarity.
Biotrickling filters are one of the most effective methods of air bio-purification, this bioremediation process if of high efficiency in pollution reduction. It is an eco-friendly process and economically viable. The technology of biotrickling filters includes Compact Trickle Bed Bioreactors (CTBB), which are currently used in an increasingly wide range. The aim of this work will be an objective assessment of the implementation potential of the CTBB technology to various industries, including the municipal sector. The paper briefly discusses the characteristics and operating parameters of biotrickling filters, a review of their applications as an effective method of VOC and odor removal including sources of their emissions, as well as the characteristics of CTBB and implementation possibilities to various industries. It was concluded that CTBB are promising solution for the future, as it combines the high degradation efficiency of a wide range of pollutants with cost-effectiveness and ecology. According to the analyzed data and results, this technology can be successfully used to remove VOCs and odors from various industrie.
Biohydrogen production in agricultural enterprises is an urgent matter. It is appropriate to utilize two methods of biohydrogen production: a thermochemical method – from crop-based biomass and anaerobic digestion (fermentation) method – from animal-based biomass.. It is appropriate to use gasifiers for the thermochemical method and bioreactors for fermentation method. The theoretical potential of biohydrogen was established with due regard to the amount of biomass which is necessary for utilization in livestock agriculture, for fields fertilization as well as with the consideration of the coefficients of concordance with hydrogen equivalent and loss factor under biohydrogen production. The theoretical potential of biohydrogen from crop-based biomass in Ukraine amounts to 77 billion m3 , during the period of three years (on average 25.6 billion m3 per year).
Kwestię produkcji biowodoru w przedsiębiorstwach rolniczych należy traktować jako pilną. Powinno się stosować dwie metody produkcji biowodoru: metodę termiczno-chemiczną z biomasy rolniczej i metodę fermentacji beztlenowej z biomasy pochodzenia zwierzęcego. W przypadku metody termiczno-chemicznej odpowiednie jest zastosowanie generatora gazu, a w przypadku metody fermentacji – bioreaktora. Teoretyczny potencjał biowodoru został określony biorąc pod uwagę ilość biomasy potrzebnej do hodowli zwierząt, do nawożenia pól, a także przy uwzględnieniu współczynników zgodności z odpowiednikiem wodoru i współczynnika strat w produkcji biowodoru. Teoretyczny potencjał biowodoru z biomasy pochodzenia roślinnego na terenie Ukrainy wynosi 77 miliardów m3 w ciągu trzech lat (średnio 25,6 miliarda m3 na rok).
The main goal of this article is to develop a model for space heating system (BIORACTOR) that would: be cheaper in operating costs than traditional one; had a source of energy that wont inpact the natural environment; be an additional source of hot water for domestic use; be able to solve the problem of burning fallen leaves, branches and organic debris on the ground; be at the end of the heating action would become an organic fertilizer.
The potential of organic wastes in Ukraine for biogas production and the prospects of using the family-type biogas plants for this purpose are shown. In the biogas laboratory of the Ukrainian National Forestry University the efficiency of the anaerobic mesophilic digestion of chicken manure of Poltava poultry farm, Kamianets-Podilsky poultry farm and sewage sludge from Lviv wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was investigated. Different integral indicators of the biogas production and significantly different dynamics of its formation over time were obtained for three investigated substrates. The value of average specific biogas production from the sewage sludge of Lviv WWTP is 0.494 dm3∙(day∙kg FM)–1, which is 5.1 times more comparing the chicken manure of Kamianets-Podilsky poultry farm and 8.0 times more than for the chicken manure of Poltava poultry farm. Strong negative effect of antibiotic treatment of chickens on methane content in the obtained biogas was established experimentally.
As for geology, Zlatý Chlum is a highly varied locality with frequent metaquarzit, amphibolite, quartz as well as deposits of sulphide ores. This work deals with the use of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans to bioleach polymetallic ores (Cu, al, Zn, and Fe) from this locality. Leaching lasted for 5 weeks in a bioreactor that ensured optimal conditions for bioleaching. The results imply that the experiments were successful, leaching 54% of Fe, 28% of Cu and 47% of Al.
Geologicznie Zlatý Chlum jest bardzo zróżnicowanym złożem z częstymi meta-kwarcytami, amfibolitami, kwarcem oraz poli-metalicznymi rudami siarczkowymi. Artykuł dotyczy zastosowania bakterii Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans do ługowania bakteryjnego rud polimetalicznych (Cu, Al, Zn i Fe) z tej miejscowości. Ługowanie trwało 5 tygodni w bioreaktorze, który zapewniał optymalne warunki do bioługowania. Wyniki pokazują, że eksperymenty zakończyły się powodzeniem, uzyskano stopień wyługowania 54% Fe, 28% Cu i 47% Al.
The article presents the developed anaerobic-aerobic wastewater treatment technologies. These technologies aimed at removing the organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus by means of microorganisms immobilized on fibrous carrier surfaces. The results of the laboratory research show the high efficiency of milk wastewater treatment. The following degrees of reduction were achieved for the pollutant indicators: COD -86.7-93 %, total nitrogen - 96.9-97.9 %. Compared to the traditional treatment technologies applied in Ukraine, these values are high. The concentration of organic matters and biomass of not attached bacteria decreased in bioreactor chambers. When the purification process ends, a small amount of excess biomass remains; therefore, its self-oxidation and self-regulation occurs as a result of consumption by the organisms occupying higher levels of trophic chains. The use of anaerobic-aerobic bioreactors system for the treatment of wastewater enables achieving high outflow quality and prevents the suspended substances from slipping. Immobilization of microorganisms on the first stage of the technology prevents the formation of big amount of excessive sludge and removes biomass from the bioreactor, which allows the technology even for the heavily polluted wastewater. In reactors containing immobilized microorganisms, the organic matter compounds used in subsequent reactors for phosphate accumulation are split. The presented biotechnology saves electric energy, provides sufficient quality of treatment, and ensure the compliance of treated wastewater with the effluent standards.
The paper presents modeling and simulation results of the operation of a three-phase fluidized bedbioreactorwith partial recirculation of biomass. The proposed quantitative description of the bioreactortakes into account biomass growth on inert carriers, microorganisms decay and interphase biomasstransfer. Stationary characteristicsof the bioreactorand local stability of steady-states were determined.The influence of microbiological growth kinetics on the multiplicity of steady-states was discussed.The relationship between biofilm growth and boundaries of fluidized bed existence was shown
In this study, batch fermentation of glucose to ethanol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ATCC 7754) was carried out using 2.5 dm3 BioFlo®115 bioreactor. The main objective of this study was to investigate the kinetics of ethanol fermentation by means of the non-structured model. The fermentation process was carried out for 72 h. Samples were collected every 4 h and then yeast growth concentration of ethanol and glucose were measured. The mathematical model was composed of three equations, which represented the changes of biomass, substrate and ethanol concentrations. The mathematical model of bioprocess was solved by means of Matlab/SimulinkTM environment. The obtained results from the proposed model showed good agreement with the experimental data, thus it was concluded that this model can be used for the mathematical modeling of ethanol production.
W pracy przedstawiono konstrukcję niskokosztowego bioreaktora badawczego wyposażonego w system kontroli i regulacji pH. Zaprezentowano jego wykorzystanie do badania produkcji wodoru w procesie fermentacji ciemnej z zastosowaniem Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC 13048. W pracy porównano wyniki uzyskane przy prowadzeniu procesu bez i z regulacją pH dla różnych materiałów wsadowych: glukozy, hydrolizatów topoli energetycznej, serwatki kwaśnej i glicerolu. Wykazano, że wykorzystanie zaproponowanej konstrukcji bioreaktora do badania procesu fermentacji ciemnej jest w pełni zasadne i celowe. Zaobserwowano również, że zastosowanie regulacji pH powoduje wydłużenie fazy wzrostu wykładniczego o około 12 godzin, co pozwala na zwiększenie ilości wytworzonego wodoru.
The work presents the construction of a low-cost research bioreactor equipped with a pH control system. Its use was presented for the study of hydrogen production in the dark fermentation process using Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC 13048. Presented paper compares the results obtained during the process without and with pH regulation for different fees materials: glucose, energetic poplar hydrolysates, acid whey and glycerol. It has been shown that the use of the proposed bioreactor design to study the dark fermentation process is fully justified and purposeful. It has also been observed that the use of pH regulation resulted in a longer log phase of about 12 hours, which increased the amount of hydrogen produced.
It is particularly difficult to control a biotechnological process because of significant sensitivity of living organisms cultured in bioreactors to process parameters and environmental conditions. Varying conditions of the process are also significant (a change in the chemical composition of the substrate or a change in the mass exchange conditions resulting from the modification of rheological parameters). The industrial biomass cultivation processes require the optimal biomass growth rate. In order to ensure it, it is necessary to analyze input variables, find the most representative output variables, and design an adequate automated control strategy, which should be tailored to a given bioprocess. The article analyzes selected automated control systems in fed-batch biomass cultivation bioprocesses presented in reference publications concerning bioprocess control. Open-loop and closed-loop control systems were taken into consideration. The research showed that open-loop control systems could not respond to process disturbances such as unexpected variations in input variables. Therefore, the authors analyzed closed-loop control systems in more detail, especially the feedback control systems with proportional-integral (PI) control action, which were used to stabilize the specific growth rate at a desired level. The authors presented equations which enable the online estimation of the specific growth rate on the basis of cellular metabolic heat. It has been noticed that the quality of automated control of bioprocesses can be further improved through improvement of control systems with a feedback.
Kontrola przebiegu procesu biotechnologicznego jest szczególnie trudna ze względu na dużą wrażliwość hodowanych w bioreaktorach żywych organizmów – zarówno na parametry procesowe, jak i warunki środowiskowe. Nie bez znaczenia są również dynamicznie zmieniające się warunki prowadzenia procesu (zmiana składu chemicznego podłoża czy zmiana warunków wymiany masy jako efekt zmieniających się parametrów reologicznych). Procesy przemysłowej hodowli biomasy narzucają konieczność zapewnienia optymalnej szybkości wzrostu biomasy. Aby to zrealizować, niezbędne są: analiza wielkości wejściowych bioprocesu, znalezienie najbardziej reprezentatywnych wielkości wyjściowych oraz opracowanie odpowiedniej strategii sterowania automatycznego, która powinna być indywidualnie dobranado danego bioprocesu. W artykule poddano analizie wybrane systemy sterowania automatycznego procesem hodowli biomasy prowadzonej metodą okresową z zasilaniem – przedstawione w ostatnich latach w literaturze przedmiotu. Uwzględniono układy sterowania zarówno otwarte, jak i zamknięte. Stwierdzono, że sterowanie w układzie otwartym nie radzi sobie z zakłóceniami działającymi na bioprocess, takimi jak niespodziewane zmiany wartości wielkości wejściowych procesu. Dlatego autorzy z większą uwagą analizowali zamknięte układy sterowania, w szczególności te ze sprzężeniem zwrotnym wykorzystujące człon proporcjonalno-całkujący (PI), który posłużył do stabilizowania szybkości wzrostu biomasy na założonym poziomie. W pracy przedstawiono równania umożliwiające obliczanie on-line właściwej szybkości wzrostu biomasy na podstawie ciepła metabolizmu komórkowego. Zauważono, że możliwa jest dalsza poprawa jakości automatycznego sterowania bioprocesami poprzez doskonalenie systemów sterowania ze sprzężeniem zwrotnym.
The cities of Iraq in general and the city of Al Diwaniyah in particular are characterized by the fact that the majority of households use septic tank to dispose of sewage, leading to contamination of ground and surface water and a disturbance to the environment. The objective of this study is to protect the water and soil sources from the risk of pollution, eliminate the process of perfusion and thus, reduce costs, maintain public health, as well as design and implement the proposed purification unit for domestic wastewater treatment. A domestic wastewater treatment unit has been improved to meet the standard specifications for the quality of the effluent wastewater. In this study, a compact non-electric sewage treatment unit was improved and implemented. Treatment is based on an effective modern biological purification process. Experimental verification and analysis of results were performed to demonstrate the improvement of physical and chemical parameters. The performance of the septic tanks-bioreactor gave satisfactory results. The removal efficiencies of Total Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), NH4-N, Total Nitrogen and Total Suspended Solid (TSS) were 96.9%, 84.6%, 78.8%, 79.9% and 95.3%, respectively.
W artykule przedstawiono wdrożenie systemu sterowania napowietrzaniem od azotu amonowego z modułem optymalizującym ilość dostarczonego powietrza w oczyszczalni ścieków Przedsiębiorstwa Gospodarki Komunalnej i Mieszkaniowej w Sandomierzu Sp. z o.o. w 2017/2018 roku. Z uwagi, iż zadaniem oczyszczalni ścieków jest rozłożenie substancji biogennych w stopniu spełniającym pozwolenie wodnoprawne, nasunęła się koncepcja sterowania napowietrzaniem, które wylicza w sposób ciągły wartość referencyjną tlenu, dążąc do jej minimalizacji. Wartość ta została uzależniona od stężenia azotu amonowego mierzonego na końcu komory napowietrzania.
This paper the results of the stationary characteristics of CSTR bioreactor cascades with a modifiable structure, obtained by the way of numerical experiments. As a technological example, the biodegradation of phenol was chosen.
W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę stacjonarną kaskady bioreaktorów z idealnym wymieszaniem o modyfikowalnej strukturze, uzyskaną w wyniku eksperymentów numerycznych. Jako modelowy przypadek przyjęto biodegradację fenolu.
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