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The paper relates to the changes in the content of various nitrogen forms, i.e. total nitrogen (TN), Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N), nitrite nitrogen (NO2-N), nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) and organic nitrogen (ON) at the subsequent operation stages of a mechanical-biological wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The obtained results indicate the correctness of nitrogen compounds transformations at the subsequent stages of sewage treatment; they are considered as typical for two-stages WWTPs, operating in the activated sludge technology. The analysis of multi-year data and the analysis for particular months show that nitrogen compounds in the form of NO3-N and NO2-N, were characterised by the greatest variability. Both the classical analysis of the nitrogen compounds content in each month of the year and the analysis using control cards prove that in the months characterised by a low temperature or by the impact of meltwater or rainwater, disturbances in the nitrification and denitrification processes can be expected, and thus, lower efficiency of nitrogen removal (winter months, the period between winter and spring, summer months). Knowledge on the transformation of nitrogen compounds at the subsequent stages of treatment can be useful both to improve the efficiency of the currently used processes and to model new solutions, which is particularly important in the case of biogenic compounds reduction.
Procesy zaawansowanego utleniania przed procesami biologicznego oczyszczania ścieków stosowane są w celu zwiększenia ilości frakcji biodegradowalnej, łatwo asymilowanej przez mikroorganizmy. W artykule przeanalizowano wpływ procesu H2O2/O3 zastosowanego w sekwencji z procesem biologicznego oczyszczania w bioreaktorach ze złożem ruchomym na zwiększenie efektywności oczyszczania ścieków z myjni samochodowej. W procesie H2O2/O3 zastosowano 3 dawki nadtlenku wodoru (27,5 mg/dm3, 82,5 mg/dm3, 137,5 mg/dm3) i stałą dawkę ozonu wynoszącą 100 mg/dm3. Po procesie utleniania ścieki kierowano do reaktorów w celu przeprowadzenia oczyszczania biologicznego ścieków. Czas pracy bioreaktorów wynosił 24 godziny, a próbki pobierano po 2 h, 6 h i 24 h. W ściekach oznaczano szereg parametrów fizyko-chemicznych, takich jak ChZT, BZT5, azot ogólny i fosfor ogólny, barwa i mętność, odczyn i przewodność elektryczna właściwa. Badania wykazały, że utlenienie ścieków z wykorzystaniem najmniejszej analizowanej dawki H2O2 w analizowanym procesie zaawansowanego utlenienia (27,5 mg H2O2/dm3, 100 mgO3/dm3) przyczyniło się do zwiększenia efektywności usuwania materii organicznej oraz azotu i fosforu ogólnego w procesie biologicznego ich oczyszczania.
Advanced oxidation processes before biological wastewater treatment processes are used to increase the amount of the biodegradable fraction, easily assimilated by microorganisms. The article analyzes the impact of the H2O2/O3 process used in sequence with the biological treatment process in moving bed bioreactors on increasing the efficiency of car wash wastewater treatment. In the H2O2/O3 process, 3 doses of hydrogen peroxide were used (27.5 mg/dm3, 82.5 mg/dm3, 137.5 mg/dm3) and a constant dose of ozone (100 mg/dm3). After the oxidation process, the wastewater was directed to reactors for biological wastewater treatment. The operating time of the bioreactors was 24 hours, and samples were taken after 2 h, 6 h and 24 h. A number of physico-chemical parameters were determined in the sewage, such as COD, BOD5, total nitrogen and total phosphorus, color and turbidity, pH and conductivity. The research showed that wastewater oxidation using the lowest analyzed dose of H2O2 in the analyzed advanced oxidation process (27.5 mg H2O2/dm3, 100 mgO3/dm3) contributed to increasing the efficiency of removal of organic matter, nitrogen and total phosphorus in the biological treatment process.
Microbiological biopreparations as biotechnological methods support wastewater treatment processes. Unfortunately, in conditions with a short hydraulic retention time (up to 22 hours) in wastewater treatment plants, biological treatment processes are not able to effectively reduce the concentrations of COD, BOD5, and nutrients in the sewage. The authors tested both biopreparations with consortia of autochthonous and allochthonous microorganisms, and in both cases, no significantly significant differences in treatment efficiency were found compared to the control group (without the addition of biopreparations).
Biopreparaty mikrobiologiczne jako metody biotechnologiczne wspomagają procesy oczyszczania. Niestety w warunkach oczyszczalni z krótkim HRT (do 22 godzin), procesy biologicznego oczyszczania nie są w stanie efektywnie redukować stężeń ChZT, BZT5, oraz biogenów w ściekach. Autorzy testowali zarówno biopreparaty z konsorcjami mikroorganizmów autochtonicznych oraz allochtonicznych, w obu przypadkach nie wykazano znacząco istotnych różnic w efektywności oczyszczania w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną (bez dodatku biopreparatów).
The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of industrial wastewater on the concentration of methanol in the considered section of the Ob River basin, present proposals for the implementation of a new treatment system and analyse the implementation results. On the basis of the results of the analysis of the known methods for reducing the concentration of methanol in water, a new technological scheme for post-treatment of effluents using biological treatment with methylotrophic Methylomonas methanica Dg bacteria was proposed. The calculation of the dilution of treated wastewater using the “NDS Ecolog” program was carried out on the basis of the detailed calculation method of Karaushev, the results of which showed a decrease in the concentration of methanol in the control section to 0.0954 mg∙dm-3 (permissible concentration is 0.1 mg∙dm-3). During the period of the flood of the Glukhaya channel, it ceases to be a separate water body and, in fact, becomes part of the flood channel of the Ob River. Certain parts of the flooded areas, due to elevation changes, communicate with the channel only during a short period of time when the water level rises, i.e. 3-5 weeks during the flood period, and in fact remain isolated reservoirs for the rest of the time, potentially acting as zones of accumulation and concentration of pollutants.
In recent years, the technical and economic feasibility of using microalgae and cyanobacteria has been explored for the removal and exploitation of domestic, agricultural and industrial residual effluents with high C, N and P compounds content. To contribute to the understanding of the process and its technical viability for microalgae growth, the article discusses monitoring, flow determination, and physicochemical characteristics of two types of effluents generated in an experimental farm located in the east of Colombia, before (R1) and after biological treatment (R2). In general, the results showed the reduction of different parameters, such as total dissolved solids (TDS), hardness, salinity and phosphates after treatment with activated sludge. However, the conductivity value obtained in R1 and R2 showed the presence of a pollutant load. These findings can be attributed to the highest concentration of fats and oils in the water during early hours of the day. Finally, although the concentration of nitrates increased from 46.63 to 225.21 mg∙dm-3 and phosphate decreased slightly from 9.65 to 6.21 mg∙dm-3,no inhibition was generated in the microalgae, as evidenced in the growth of the microalgal biomass in effluents after nitrate and phosphate removal above 80%.
The role of fibrous carrer in the formation of microbiocenosis, which provides purification of aquatic environments, was studied. The prospects of using the "Vija" fibrous carrer for cleaning the watercourses of mountainous areas were studied. The species composition, as well as the kinetics of periphyton formation on fibrous carrer, were established. The species composition of the microbiocenosis, which is formed on carrer in the mode of active aeration of landfill filtrates and the prospects of using the method of aerated lagoon for filtrate treatment were studied.
The discharge of wastewater containing both high salinity and high organic content without prior treatment is detrimental to aquatic life and water hygiene. In order to integrate the advantages of membrane treatment and biological treatment, and exert the phosphorus removal efficiency of dewatered alum sludge, in this study, an aerobic membrane reactor based on dehydrated alum sludge was used to treat mustard tuber wastewater with salinity of 6.8-7.3 % under the conditions of 30 °C, 20 kPa trans-membrane pressure (TMP) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 3300-3900 mg/L. Three replicate reactors were applied to assess the operational performance under different organic loading rate (OLR). The results showed that all reactors were effective in removing COD, ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N) and soluble phosphate (SP) under the conditions of 30 °C and 20 kPa of TMP. Meanwhile, the effluent concentration of COD, NH4+-N and SP all increased while OLR was changed from 1.0 to 3.0 kg COD/m3/day, and the effluent COD and NH4+-N concentration except for SP could reach the B-level of Chinese “Wastewater quality standards for discharge to municipal sewers” when OLR was less than 3.0 kg COD/m3/day. This indicates that dewatered alum sludge-based aerobic membrane reactor is a promising bio-measure for treating high salinity wastewater.
Badano różne osady ściekowe po biologicznym oczyszczaniu pod kątem występowania w nich mikroorganizmów utleniających amoniak: Archaea (AOA) i bakterii (AOB). Wyniki badań wykazały, że badane mikroorganizmy występują w ściekowym osadzie nadmiernym, osadzie po dezintegracji i osadzie przefermentowanym. Wyniki wskazują na możliwość izolacji i namnażania Archaea w warunkach oczyszczalni komunalnej.
Samples of concd. activated sludge (both non-disintegrated and disintegrated) were subjected to semi-quant. detection of selected genes using the polymerase chain reaction method, carried out in a thermocycler. The sludges were tested for the presence of archaea and bacteria oxidizing NH₃. The tested microorganisms were present in excess sewage sludge, sludge after disintegration and fermented sludge. The results indicated the possibility of isolation and multiplication of archaea in the conditions of a municipal sewage treatment plant.
The paper presents examples of installations for the mechanical and biological treatment of municipal waste in Poland. Each of the presented installations is defined as a regional municipal waste treatment installation (RIPOK). Their technological solutions and work efficiency have been compared in this study. In addition, the loss of waste mass as a result of processes occurring in the biological part of individual installations was calculated in the research. The paper refers to the National Waste Management Plan (KPGO 2022) regarding the circular economy. As intended by the circular economy, MBP installations will be transformed into installations that will treat selectively collected municipal waste and become Regional Recycling Centers (RCR).
The effectiveness of the coagulation process in removing contaminants from biologically treated leachates from a municipal waste landfill was investigated. The biologically treated leachates were characterized by a low concentration of NH4+-N (16.08 mg N L-1), and TKN (168 mg N L-1). The organic matter concentration, expressed as BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) was 50 mg O2 L-1, the concentration of hard-to-break COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) organic compounds was 3390 mg O2 L-1. The coagulation process was carried out in laboratory conditions, using variable doses of aluminium coagulants: polyaluminium chloride, aluminium sulphate, sodium aluminate and iron: iron (III) chloride. The maximum doses were 0.8-1.0 g Me L-1. The process was maintained between 5.93-6.97. The removal effect of the organic matter (COD) was obtained at 60-63% for aluminium coagulants and 37% for iron (III) chloride. The colour reduction occurred in 90% and the total phosphorus concentration was reduced to a maximum of 97%.
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań skuteczności procesu koagulacji w usuwaniu zanieczyszczeń z podczyszczonych biologicznie odcieków pochodzących ze składowiska odpadów komunalnych. Odcieki podczyszczone biologicznie charakteryzowały się niskim stężeniem NH4+-N (16,08 mg N L-1), oraz TKN (167,8 mg N L-1). Zawartość substancji organicznej wyrażonej jako BZT5 wynosiła 50 mg O2 L-1, stężenie związków organicznych trudno rozkładalnych ChZT wynosiło 3390 mg O2 L-1. Proces koagulacji prowadzono w warunkach laboratoryjnych, przy zastosowaniu zmiennych dawek koagulantów glinowych: polyaluminium chloride, aluminium sulfate, sodium aluminate oraz żelazowego: iron (III) chloride. Maksymalne dawki wynosiły 0,8-1,0 g Me L-1. pH procesu utrzymywało się w granicach 5,93-6,97. Efekt usunięcia substancji organiczniej (ChZT) uzyskano na poziomie 60-63% dla koagulantów glinowych oraz 37% dla iron (III) chloride. Zmniejszenie barwy nastąpiło o 90%, a zawartość fosforu całkowitego obniżona została maksymalnie o 97%.
Stale rosnące wymagania dotyczące jakości oczyszczonych ścieków komunalnych zwiększają ilości uciążliwych osadów i odcieków ściekowych, które wymagają zagospodarowania. Na przykład w 2012 r. w Polsce powstało 533 t suchej masy osadów. Wykazano, że uciążliwe osady ściekowe mogą również być źródłem cennych bioproduktów i odnawialnej energii. Na podstawie przeglądu literatury, własnych badań oraz obliczeń przeprowadzonych dla danych uzyskanych z oczyszczalni ścieków komunalnych Płaszów w Krakowie wykazano, że z osadów ściekowych generowanych w polskich oczyszczalniach, w procesie ich metanowej fermentacji można otrzymać biogaz, który po usunięciu CO2 i innych zanieczyszczeń daje czysty biometan (95-98%), mogący zaspokoić w przybliżeniu 25% krajowego zapotrzebowania na metan. Jednocześnie odcieki osadów przefermentowanych, po odpowiedniej przeróbce, mogą być dobrym źródłem substancji humusowych pozbawionych patogenów i metali ciężkich. Można je wykorzystać do nawożenia nieużytków, terenów leśnych, ogrodniczych a także w rolnictwie.
A review, with 22 refs., of methods for sewage sludge gasification and biogas processing.
Due to continuous economic development and an increase of the amount of the produced wastes the main purpose of the word waste management is to decrease the amount of the municipal wastes destined to landfills. It refers mainly to biodegradable wastes. Since the participation of organic components in the municipal wastes constitutes approximately 40%, the aim is to introduce them again into natural circulation. Hence, the significance of biological transformation of wastes by composting increases. It is the most ecological way, and the least detrimental to the environment. The main direction in the recovery of the wastes is production of organic manures and components for making composts. The purpose of tests carried out on selected composts from the green waste was to determine their fertilizing properties in the light of suitability for fertilizing soil, reclamation of post-industrial areas and arranging urban greenery.
Ciągły rozwój gospodarczy oraz wzrost ilości wytwarzanych odpadów sprawiają, że głównym celem w światowej gospodarce odpadami jest zmniejszenie ilości masy odpadów komunalnych kierowanych do składowania. Dotyczy to głównie odpadów ulegających biodegradacji. Udział składników organicznych w odpadach komunalnych stanowi około 40%, dlatego dąży się do powtórnego wprowadzania ich do naturalnego obiegu. Rośnie zatem znaczenie biologicznego przetwarzania odpadów poprzez kompostowanie, które jest najbardziej ekologiczne oraz najmniej uciążliwe dla środowiska. Głównym kierunkiem w odzysku odpadów jest produkcja nawozów organicznych oraz komponentów do otrzymywania kompostu. Badania przeprowadzone na wybranych kompostach z odpadów zielonych, miały na celu określenie ich właściwości nawozowych. Oznaczenia wykonano pod kątem przydatności do celów rolniczych.
Przedstawiono wyniki wdrożenia reaktorów membranowych do biologicznego oczyszczania ścieków miejskich, otrzymane na świecie i w Polsce. Zebrane i porównane dane eksploatacyjne dotyczą różnych rodzajów membran i różnych warunków ich eksploatacji. Przeprowadzono również analizę energetyczną jako ważnego czynnika decydującego o wyborze systemu.
A review, with 18 refs., of the membrane reactor constructions and operating parameters.
The possibility of biological treatment of sewage from the production of organic polymers was assessed. The chemical quality of raw and treated sewage (CODCr, BOD5 , ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, total suspension, pH, chlorides and sulfates) was analyzed. The level of reduction in the analysed sewage quality indicators (%), sewage biodegradability (α) and the technical efficiency of treatment (Psw) were determined. It was shown that the limited effectiveness of the treatment process results from the excessively high load of organic contaminants. The analysed sewage contains substances which do not biodegrade easily, negatively influencing the conditions for activated sludge processes in the bioreactor. The activated sludge is characterized by low biodiversity and has an insufficient structure. The treatment process requires an introduction of technological changes which will lead to a decrease in the load of sewage entering the bioreactor.
One of the most frequently applied methods of mixed municipal solid waste biological treatment in mechanical-biological treatment installations (MBT) is their disposal in aerobic biostabilization process. The process comprises an intensive phase and maturation phase. The intensive phase relies on waste heating in result of organic matter breakdown conducted by microorganisms settling the wastes. Microorganisms living in wastes have optimal conditions for development, i.e. a considerable space volume, optimal material fragmentation and organic matter availability. The aim of the aerobic biostabilization process is stabilizing and hygienization of wastes, so that they become a valuable raw material for other recovery processes (e.g. RDF production, Refuse-Derived Fuel) or their disposal is safe for the environment and do not pose any epidemiological hazard for people employed in waste treatment plants. Analyses presented in the paper aimed to determine the number and species composition of vegetative and endospore bacteria, mold fungi, actinomycetes and pathogenic microorganisms, i.e. Staphylococcus spp., E. coli, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., E. faecalis, C. perfringens, settling municipal wastes prior to and after aerobic stabilization process. The aerobic stabilization process (intensive phase) was conducted in a laboratory BKB 100 bioreactor using the wastes, characterized by low share of biodegradable wastes (<40%), obtained from MBT installation during the period from December 2015 to February 2016. The temperature, loss on ignition, waste density, ash content, moisture and pH were monitored during the analyses. The research was conducted on the undersize and oversize fraction separated from mixed municipal wastes on MBT installation. The maximal temperature reached in the bioreactor, between c.a. 40 and 55°C, persisting for many hours is insufficient for efficient elimination of the determined microorganism groups. Paradoxically, the conditions created in the bioreactor proved convenient for the microorganisms, therefore an increase in their number was observed. Only in one case, when the share of biodegradable wastes exceed the value of 45 % it was observed, that the aerobic stabilization process of these wastes was going correctly and caused among others a decrease in loss on ignition.
The paper presents the main problems and their solutions in the reconstruction of treatment facilities in the Russian Federation. The results of research aimed the use of the stable system, which is based on nitrification activated sludge appliance, when the sludge contains bacteria-heterotrophic-nitrificators, are shown. The working process after the reconstruction was high effective (about 98% organic compounds removing, and about 99% ammonium nitrogen removing). Analysis of the treatment facilities after reconstruction proves theoretical assumptions about the system. These data confirm the stability of the developed technological schemes and give reasons to recommend it for further implementation of the reconstruction of treatment facilities
The object of the study presented by authors was wastewater treatment plant (W.W.T.P.) in Bialystok. This plant started to operate with aerobic sludge activated system nearly 18 years ago and now it is utilizing high efficiency system for C, N, and P removal from municipal wastewater. Flow capacity is about 70000 m3 per day. Nitrogen and phosphorus contained in treated wastewater are responsible for eutrophication process. High efficiency of its removal is very important to protect the environment. Improvement of denitrification process can be realized by using external source of carbon. To confirm usefulness and efficiency of Brenntaplus VP as an external source of carbon the cycle of research was performed in Bialystok municipal W.W.T.P. Brenntaplus VP is based on alcohol, sugar and proteins. It is safe and completely biodegradable. The process of dosing preparation is continued all year without period with temperature lower than 12°C. Research was performed from mid April till the end of October 2011. Results shown in this paper were obtained in October 2011. Samples were taken from pre-denitrification, phosphorus removal, denitrification and nitrification chambers. It was found that BOD5/COD ratio was 1,86 in raw wastewater. The study confirmed the positive impact of Brenntaplus VP1 on denitrification process. External carbon source increases the amount of nitrogen removed from wastewater and allows to achieve nitrogen concentration in the treated wastewater below 10 mg N/dm3. Final concentration of nitrogen was dependent with wastewater temperature. Obtained results also proved short adaptation time for activated sludge with Brenntaplus VP1.
The impact of applying Proradix WP (Pseudomonas spp. bacteria) and FZB24 WG (Bacillus subtilis bacteria) - biological treatments - on the infection of potato tubers by the fungus Rhizoctonia solani and the bacterium Streptomyces scabiei has been studied in the years 2011-2013. The experiment was conducted in a randomized split-block method, in 3 repetitions. Infection rate of tubers by Rhizoctonia solani, after applying the Proradix WP seed treatment, was significantly lower than in case of not treated ones. However, after applying the FZB24 WG seed treatment the infection rate was similar in both treated and not treated tubers. The infection rate of tubers by Streptomyces scabiei did not depend on tested biological treatments, the cultivar of the plant, or the weather conditions during the years of research. However, the weather conditions in 2012 had a significant impact on the occurrence of a higher percentage of tubers with symptoms of Rhizoctonia solani infection. Three potato cultivars did not differ in terms of infection by Rhizoctonia solani. In contrast, the percentage of tubers of Finezja cultivar infected by Streptomyces scabiei was significantly lower than in case of the Cyprian cultivar.
W latach 2011-2013 badano wpływ dwóch zapraw biologicznych Proradix WP (szczepy bakterii Pseudomonas spp.) i FZB24 WG (szczepy bakterii Bacillus subtilis) na porażenie bulw trzech odmian ziemniaka przez grzyb Rhizoctonia solani i bakterie Streptomyces scabiei. Doświadczenie przeprowadzono metodą losowanych podbloków, w 3 powtórzeniach. Porażenie bulw przez Rhizoctonia solani po zastosowaniu zaprawy Proradix WP było istotnie niższe niż bulw niezaprawionych. Natomiast po zastosowaniu zaprawy FZB24 WG porażenie bulw przez tego patogena było podobne, jak bulw niezaprawionych. Porażenie bulw przez Streptomyces scabiei nie zależało od zastosowanych zapraw biologicznych, badanych odmian oraz warunków pogodowych w latach 2011-2013. Warunki pogodowe w 2012 roku wpłynęły istotnie na wyższy procent bulw z objawami Rhizoctonia solani. Trzy badane odmiany ziemniaka nie były zróżnicowane pod względem porażenia przez Rhizoctonia solani. Natomiast procent bulw odmiany Finezja porażonych przez Streptomyces scabiei był istotnie niższy niż odmiany Cyprian.
Influence of composition of raw wastewater on the efficiency of organic matter and nitrogen removal in multistage treatment wetlands has been examined. Commonly used indicators, like COD/BOD5 and BOD5/TN ratio, determining wastewater susceptibility to biodegradation in conventional treatment technologies were assessed. It was confirmed that multistage treatment wetland may be used for treatment of wastewater with high loads of organic pollutants and unfavorable composition for a biological treatment expressed by the ratio of COD/BOD5 and BOD5/TN equal to 2.7 and 0.7, respectively.
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