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This study aims to optimize an economic procedure to produce biogas and bio-ethanol from different organic wastes such as sewage sludge (SS) and/or cattle dung (CD) and/or poultry manure (PM). The experiment was carried out at a wastewater treatment plant in Egypt. Each waste type was mixed with the starter, CaCO3, and water then loaded in a fermenter and kept for 35 days at 35° C under the anaerobic digestion. The evolved volume of the biogas and the content of methane CH4 were measured daily while the cellulase and protease enzymes were tested every four days. Results have indicated that the digester containing the SS has produced the greatest biogas volume (L) 27.45 Lb/D/d (liters biogas/digester/day), 0.61 Lb/D contents’ volume/d, and cumulative 606.30 Lb/D during the 16th day. Significant CH4 volume percentages produced during the 17th day were 72.07, 71.16, and 71.11% while the produced bio-ethanol alcohol was 2.47, 2.32, and 1.99% from the SS, CD, and PM, respectively. The procedure efficiency is prominent by the production of the biogases and in-situ activating enzymes all in one reactor that was periodically monitored for its reactants and product content. No need for the pre-treatment of wastes as raw materials or chemical additives and the fermented residue can be further tested for soil fertilization. These wastes can be promising for bio-energy production being economic and environment friendly.
The present study aimed to analyze the linear correlation between the production variables of biofuel based on cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) mucilage in the city of Calceta - Manabí. The issue addressed was the generation of waste from cocoa farming, leading to contamination of aquifers and the land surface. The CCN-51 cocoa variety was used for the research, following the guidelines of the Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with the proportion of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as the studied factor, in three quantities: 0.5 kg, 0.1 kg, and 0.025 kg, and two methods of sample dehydration: saline distillation and molecular sieves the interaction between factors generated six treatments, each of which was repeated three times. The study found significant differences in the variables of alcohol content and yield, while there were no differences in pH and ratio/biomass. Treatment T6 was identified as the most feasible for biofuel production, with a pH of 5.86, 83% alcohol content, 76.67 mL ratio/biomass, and 58.10% yield. Regarding the relationship between the production variables, the analysis of linear correlation revealed a strong, directly proportional correlation for all variables, with values ranging from 0.94 to 0.98.
The requirements to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from maritime transport require taking actions aimed at increasing the overall efficiency of the propulsion system, optimal and rational use of electricity and heat. Taking such actions is necessary in order to demonstrate the improvement of the energy efficiency index of a ship in operation or an already existing one (EEOI and EEXI), which will allow to obtain category A or B emissions for a given ship. Obtaining similar energy efficiency effects is also possible after switching to fuels containing less carbon in the molecule and the use of renewable energy. Attempts are made to create new configurations of combined energy systems so as to obtain maximum benefits related to the use of various energy sources in order to ensure the production of energy in quantities consistent with the current demand of the ship in the operating condition.
In these times of the climate crisis surrounding us, the improvement of technologies responsible for the emission of the largest amounts of greenhouse gases is necessary and increasingly required by top-down regulations. As the sector responsible to a large extent for global logistics and supply chains, the fuel sector is one of the most studied in terms of reducing its harmful impact. The development of the next generations of fuels and biofuels, produced by companies using increasingly modern, cleaner and sustainable technologies, is able to significantly reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. In this case, the most effective solution seems to be the use of closed loops. Due to their low, often zero emission balance and the possibility of using waste to produce materials that can be reused, a circular economy is used in many sectors of the economy, while ensuring the emission purity of technological processes. One of the innovative solutions proposed in recent years is the installation created as part of the BioRen project, implemented under the Horizon 2020 program. The cooperation of European institutes with companies from the SME sector has resulted in the creation of an experimental cycle of modern technologies for the production of second-generation biofuels. The project involves the processing of municipal solid waste into second-generation drop-in biofuels. The entire process scheme assumes, in addition to the production of biofuels, the processing of inorganic fractions, the production of carbon material for the production of thermal energy, and the simultaneous treatment of wastewater.
W dobie otaczającego nas kryzysu klimatycznego udoskonalanie technologii odpowiedzialnych za emisję największych ilości gazów cieplarnianych jest konieczne i coraz częściej wymagane odgórnymi regulacjami. Sektor paliwowy, jako ten odpowiedzialny w dużej mierze za światową logistykę i łańcuchy dostaw, jest jednym z najbardziej badanych pod względem ograniczania jego szkodliwego wpływu. Rozwój kolejnych generacji paliw i biopaliw, produkowanych przez firmy stosujące coraz nowocześniejsze, czystsze emisyjnie i zrównoważone technologie jest w stanie znacząco wpłynąć na obniżenie ilości gazów cieplarnianych do atmosfery. Najefektywniejszym rozwiązaniem wydaje się w tym wypadku zastosowanie obiegów zamkniętych. Ze względu na ich niski, często zerowy, bilans emisyjny oraz możliwość wykorzystania odpadów do produkcji materiałów, które mogą zostać ponownie wykorzystane, obiegi zamknięte znajdują zastosowanie w wielu sektorach gospodarki, zapewniając jednocześnie czystość emisyjną procesów technologicznych. Jednym z innowacyjnych rozwiązań, zaproponowanych w ostatnich latach, jest instalacja powstała w ramach projektu BioRen, realizowanego w ramach programu Horyzont 2020. Współpraca europejskich instytutów z firmami sektora MŚP zaowocowała powstaniem eksperymentalnego cyklu nowoczesnych technologii produkcji biopaliw drugiej generacji. Projekt zakłada przetwarzanie stałych odpadów komunalnych w biopaliwa II generacji typu drop-in. Cały schemat procesu zakłada, oprócz produkcji biopaliwa, przetwarzanie frakcji nieorganicznych, produkcję materiału węglowego do produkcji energii cieplnej a także jednoczesne oczyszczanie ścieków.
Energia uzyskiwana ze źródeł odnawialnych (w tym biopaliw, biopłynów i biopaliw z biomasy) jest jednym z najważniejszych czynników koniecznych do zmniejszenia emisji gazów cieplarnianych. Przedstawiono szereg dokumentów, które z poziomu UE (dyrektywy) oraz krajowego (ustawy) regulują wymagania w zakresie spełnienia kryteriów zrównoważonego rozwoju, do których muszą być dostosowane paliwa odnawialne wprowadzane na rynek. Kluczowa w tym aspekcie jest dyrektywa 2018/2001 (RED II) w sprawie promowania stosowania energii ze źródeł odnawialnych, która w sposób szczegółowy reguluje kwestie formalno-prawne związane ze stosowaniem paliw ze źródeł odnawialnych. W głównej części pracy na podstawie dyrektywy RED II, a także wytycznych zawartych w dokumentach systemu certyfikacji KZR INiG przedstawiono sposób obliczania ograniczenia emisji gazów cieplarnianych GHG dla biopaliw, biopłynów i paliw z biomasy i innych produktów odnawialnych. Określenie ograniczenia emisji GHG pozwala na zweryfikowanie, czy dane paliwo odnawialne spełnia obowiązujące kryteria zrównoważonego rozwoju. Przedstawiono również wytyczne do prowadzenia obliczeń emisji GHG dla paliw odnawialnych, wskazując w nich sposób postępowania i zakres niezbędnych danych, które muszą zostać uzyskane w celu przeprowadzenia prawidłowych obliczeń. Dane te można pozyskać z oficjalnych publikacji organów unijnych i rządowych (dyrektywy, ustawy) lub innych zweryfikowanych źródeł. Każdą metodę wytwarzania danego biopaliwa, biopłynu czy paliwa z biomasy należy analizować w sposób indywidualny, tak aby prawidłowo zinwentaryzować wszystkie procesy i dane niezbędne do przeprowadzenia obliczeń emisji GHG.
Energy obtained from renewable sources (including biofuels, bioliquids and biofuels from biomass) is one of the most important factors necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A number of documents have been presented that regulate the requirements regarding the fulfillment of sustainable development criteria, which must be met by renewable fuels placed on the market, both at the EU (directive) and national (acts) level. The key in this aspect is Directive 2018/2001 (RED II) promoting the use of energy from renewable sources, which regulates in detail formal and legal issues related to the use of renewable fuels. The main part of the work, based on the RED II Directive as well as the guidelines presented in the documents of the KZR INiG certification system, presents the method of calculating the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for biofuels, bioliquids and fuels from biomass and other renewable products. The determination of GHG emissions reduction enables verification whether a given renewable fuel meets the applicable sustainability criteria. Guidelines for calculations of GHG emissions for renewable fuels, indicating the procedure and the scope of necessary data that must be obtained in order to carry out the correct calculations, are also presented. This data can be obtained from official publications of EU and government bodies (directives, acts) or other verified sources. Each method of producing a given biofuel, bioliquid or fuel from biomass should be analyzed individually, so as to properly inventory all processes and data necessary to carry out calculations of GHG emissions.
Future options for addressing the depletion of fossil fuels and reducing pollution from internal combustion engines may include biofuel as an alternative fuel. This study aims to experimentally and statistically assess the effect of using diesel-biofuel blends on the emissions of a single-cylinder direct-injection engine. Using recycled olive oil, a chemical Tran’s esterification process was used to create biofuel. The experimental results were contrasted with those of a one-dimensional engine model for exhaust emissions and torque, which showed high agreement between test and numerical data. In order to comprehend the factors that affect the engine’s reaction to variations in fuel composition, the thermodynamic characteristics of the engine for various blends were also supplied. According to the investigation, a mixture with 20% of the volume fraction of oleic acid methyl ester olive-based biofuel and 80% of the volume fraction of pure diesel can be an effective fuel alternative for cleaner exhaust emissions while offering almost the same performance.
Content available remote Niezawodność uszczelek PTFE w instalacjach biopaliwowych - badania i prognozy
Biopaliwa zaliczane są do grona odnawialnych źródeł energii. Produkcja biopaliw do celów wykorzystania w silnikach spalinowych może zapewnić ich rozwój technologiczny oraz mieć wpływ ekonomiczny na sektor OZE i przemysł rolniczy, jednak ich wykorzystanie nadal stanowi istotny problem w eksploatacji tych silników. W artykule zbadano interakcję wybranych biopaliw z uszczelkami. Badane biopaliwa wyprodukowano z surowców odpadowych przemysłu spożywczego - tłuszczów i olejów. W artykule przedstawiono wpływ biopaliw na uszczelki złączy kołnierzowych, podczas badań trwałościowych. Materiał uszczelek (PTFE) został przetestowany zgodnie z normami DIN 28090-3:2014-11 i DIN28091-2. W czasie 1000 godzin badań w temperaturze 353 K mierzono ubytek masy biopaliwa oraz zmianę wydłużenia (naprężenia rozciągającego) śrub kołnierzowych. Określono stopień wycieku paliwa. Po badaniach sprawdzono uszczelkę i nie stwierdzono rozwarstwień. Wartość emisji lotnych biopaliw oraz stopień wycieku paliwa po 1000 godzinach odpowiadały normom DIN. Stwierdzono, że badane materiały uszczelniające mogą mieć kontakt z mieszaniną benzyna - etanol oraz mieszaniną oleju napędowego i estrów metylowych i etylowych.
The biofuels are concerned as one of the Renewable Sources of Energy. Production of biofuels for transportation purposes may provide additional technological development and economical impact on agricultural industry, but their usage is still a vital problem for vehicle exploitation. In this paper an interaction between chosen biofuels and gaskets was researched. Tested biofuels were produced using waste materials from food industry - fats and oils. Biofuels influence on pipes and especially gaskets and its materials during durability tests are shown in this paper. PTFE gasket materials were tested in accordance with DIN 28090-3: 2014-11 and DIN28091-2. During 1000 hours of tests at 353 K, the weight loss of the biofuel and the change in elongation (tensile stress) of the flange bolts were measured. Fuel leakage rate was determined. After tests the gasket was checked and no delamination was observed. The value of volatile biofuels emission and fuel leakage rate after 1000 hours met the DIN standards. It was concluded that researched gasket materials may be allowed for contact with gasoline - ethanol mixture and mixture of diesel and methyl and ethyl esters.
The influence of the elements of cultivation technology on the productivity of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) as a feedstock for further processing is gaining relevance. The study was conducted in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine at the Bila Tserkva Experimental Breeding Station of the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beets in the years 2016–2019. The studied factors were seed and sowings treatment with a growth regulator containing a complex of water-soluble fulvic acids, enzymes, vitamins, and phytohormones. The highest yield of grain (7.1 t/ha), biomass (35.9 t/ha), bioethanol (2.37 t/ha), solid biofuel (11.14 t/ha), and estimated energy output (240.65 GJ/ha) from biomass were obtained in the treatment where both seeds and sowings were treated with a growth regulator. A close relationship between yield and energy performance is found.
The article presents the question of the effect of the effectiveness of various elements of cultivation technologies on the competitiveness of Camelina sativa and the profitability of its cultivation on acidic, low–fertility sod-podzolic soils. Fertilizers are one of the fast-acting and effective factors in increasing the yield of Camelina sativa. It was established that introduction of mineral fertilizers had a significant impact on competitiveness of Camelina sativa seeds. Dependence of productivity elements and yielding capacity on crops has been determined. It was established that spring cruciferous crops had different seed productivity. According to the results of conducted research, it was found that the highest seed yielding capacity among spring cruciferous crops had spring Brassica napus L., but the oil content in Camelina sativa seeds was 46.53%, which is 4.08% more than in Brassica napus L. Therefore, oil outcome from the yield of Brassica napus L. and Camelina sativa was almost the same.
The particle size distribution of woodworking residues influences the quality of the biofuels made of these materials. Hence, it is essential to investigate the fractional composition of raw materials for pellet production. Tested materials originated from ten parquet manufacturing facilities located in western Poland. The research material consisted of uncontaminated oak (Quercus spp.) wood particles. The tested material had a moisture content ranging from 8.8% to 11.4% and a density of 210.7 ± 1.79 kg/m3. A sieve analysis method segregated the tested material into four distinct size fractions (<1.0 mm, 1.0-2.5 mm, 2.5-5.0 mm, and >5 mm). The average mass shares in these fractions were 53.72 ±0.51%, 35.14 ±0.27%, 9.59 ±0.36%, and 1.55% ±0.11%, respectively. The particle size distributions of wood particles generated in all the facilities demonstrate remarkable similarity. No substantial differences were observed in terms of tilt angle and calorific value. Factors such as variations in raw material species, geographical origins, density, humidity, and technological processes appear to have minimal influence on the sieve-size distributions of the generated sawdust. All these solid wood processing residues can undergo processing into high-quality solid biofuel production.
The aim of the research was to analyse the possibility of using neural networks to determine the parameters of the chemical composition of exhaust gases as a function of engine performance parameters obtained from the on-board diagnostics system such as crankshaft speed and engine load index. The subject of the study was a Fiat Panda car equipped with a 1.3 Multijet diesel engine and powered by pure diesel. The tests used the MAHA MET 6.3 exhaust gas analyser and the on-board diagnostics system OBD II. The obtained values of NOx,O2,CO2 and PM measured behind the DPF were analysed. For the purpose of building a neural network model, preliminary studies were carried out in non-urban traffic (high-speed route). Based on the data obtained, processes of learning neural network structures with approximate properties with backward propagation of errors were carried out. Subsequently, tests were carried out on the operational parameters of the vehicle and the chemical composition of exhaust gases in urban traffic. Analysis of the obtained values of the average parameters obtained during the measurement and obtained on the basis of the prepared neural models allows to determine the relative differences at the level of not more than 10 percent.
Fruits, vegetables and yeast contain numerous biologically active compounds called "phytonutrients". The phytonutrients can include phenolic compounds, minerals and vitamins. Conventional techniques used to extract these nutrients suffer from several disadvantages. These methods are characterized by poor efficiency of the extraction process, high energy and solvent consumption, long processing times and the formation of thermal decomposition by products. For this reason, scientists together with food engineers are looking for a safe and efficient extraction of bioactive compounds. In recent years, several modern techniques to support the extraction process have been proposed. One of them is the pulsed electric field (PEF). Pulsed electric field is one of the non-thermal methods used to control microbiological safety and change the properties (nutritional, sensory and physicochemical) of food products. The principle of operation of PEF is based on the formation of pores in the cell membrane under the influence of short bursts of electricity, which increases its permeability. Due to the formation of pores, various components, such as ions, molecules and other more complex compounds, such as vitamins or lipids, can flow freely through the cell membrane. The use of PEF for extraction reduces the process time, increases the efficiency of the process and is characterized by a low processing temperature. This review shows the use of a pulsed electric field as a process supporting the extraction of biological compounds from algae, vegetables, fruits and in the brewing industry. The optimal conditions of the pulsed electric field, which may affect the extraction efficiency, e.g. electric field strength, number of pulses and pulse width, are also discussed. Based on the collected literature data, it was found that the pulsed electric field contributes to the increase of the extraction efficiency.
The development of the modern economic system is becoming increasingly dependent on the sufficient provision of quality energy resources due to the intensification and transformation of the mechanization and automation of all industries. The growth of the energy needs of society is parallel to the awareness of the need to ensure the environmentally friendly development of society. There are a number of reasons for the search for new energy sources, including the limited reserves of traditional sources, dependence on oil-exporting countries, the greenhouse effect due to the entry of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and air pollution by harmful gases. The biofuel sector offers the potential for both the development of national agriculture and for increasing its energy independence. Global trends in the rapid development of bioenergy in combination with the systemic crisis of the energy sector in Ukraine have necessitated a detailed study on the possibility of increasing the yield of biofuels from crops. The economic and mathematical modeling of the possibility of increasing the yield of bioethanol and vegetable oil from agricultural crops has been carried out. An economic optimization model has been formed, which made it possible to study an increase in the yield of bioethanol from sugar-containing and starch-containing crops and vegetable oil from oil crops from 1 ton per 1 hectare of area. Also, an assessment of the lost yield for the investigated crops has been carried out using the method of analysis of the functioning environment (Farrell’s method).
Rozwój nowoczesnego systemu gospodarczego staje się coraz bardziej uzależniony od zapewnienia wystarczających zasobów energetycznych wysokiej jakości w związku z intensyfikacją i transformacją mechanizacji i automatyzacji wszystkich gałęzi przemysłu. Wzrost potrzeb energetycznych społeczeństwa idzie w parze ze świadomością konieczności zapewnienia przyjaznego środowisku rozwoju. Powodów poszukiwania nowych źródeł energii jest wiele, m.in. ograniczone zasoby źródeł tradycyjnych, uzależnienie od krajów-eksporterów ropy naftowej, efekt cieplarniany spowodowany emisją dwutlenku węgla do atmosfery, a także zanieczyszczenie powietrza szkodliwymi gazami. Sektor biopaliw oferuje potencjał zarówno dla rozwoju krajowego rolnictwa, jak i zwiększenia niezależności energetycznej kraju. Światowe trendy w szybkim rozwoju bioenergii w połączeniu z systemowym kryzysem sektora energetycznego w Ukrainie wymusiły konieczność szczegółowego zbadania możliwości zwiększenia wydajności biopaliw z upraw. Przeprowadzono modelowanie ekonomiczne i matematyczne, w którym zbadano możliwości zwiększenia wydajności bioetanolu i oleju roślinnego z upraw rolniczych. Powstał model optymalizacji ekonomicznej, który umożliwił zbadanie wzrostu uzysku bioetanolu z upraw cukrowych i skrobiowych oraz oleju roślinnego z roślin oleistych z 1 tony na 1 ha powierzchni.
Content available Legal regulations of biofuel production in Ukraine
The global biofuel industry is characterized by a wide range of legislative and regulatory measures for the development of bioenergy. In order to stimulate the production of biofuels, a set of measures has been developed, including legislative regulation, indicative planning of production volumes, preferential taxation and budget support. Ukraine is among the top ten largest consuming countries of energy resources. Weak and inconsistent state policy in the sphere of biofuels as well as inconsistent legislative provisions regulating activities in the field of production, circulation and use of biofuels, impede the effective development of the biofuel market in Ukraine. The purpose of this article is to determine the components of the system of state regulation of bioenergy and to identify effective mechanisms with regard to improving the legal regulation of the biofuel market in Ukraine. The management processes discussed in this article are provided by several methods, which particularly relate to the functioning of power structures and the end results or goals of the public administration system. Currently, there are significant inconsistencies in the formation and further functioning of the regulatory framework with the legislation of the European Union on the rational use of fuel and energy resources, the limitations of which increase due to inconsistencies between centralized and regional distribution. Therefore, further processes of effective economic development of Ukraine will largely depend on solving the problem of the sustainable provision of available renewable energy resources. Future development of the biofuels market in Ukraine will strongly depend on the institutional and legal conditions in the field of production, circulation and use of biofuels.
Światowy przemysł biopaliw charakteryzuje się szeroką gamą środków legislacyjnych i regulacyjnych dotyczących rozwoju bioenergii. W celu pobudzenia produkcji biopaliw opracowano zestaw środków, w tym regulacje prawne, orientacyjne planowanie wielkości produkcji, preferencyjne opodatkowanie i wsparcie budżetowe. Ukraina znajduje się w pierwszej dziesiątce krajów o największym zużyciu surowców energetycznych. Słaba i niekonsekwentna polityka państwa w sferze biopaliw oraz niespójne przepisy prawne regulujące działania w zakresie produkcji, obrotu i wykorzystania biopaliw utrudniają efektywny rozwój rynku biopaliw w Ukrainie. Celem artykułu jest określenie elementów systemu państwowej regulacji bioenergii oraz wskazanie skutecznych mechanizmów w zakresie poprawy prawnej regulacji rynku biopaliw w Ukrainie. Omawiane w niniejszym artykule procesy zarządzania są przedstawione kilkoma metodami, które w szczególności odnoszą się do funkcjonowania struktur władzy oraz końcowych rezultatów lub celów systemu administracji publicznej. Obecnie występują znaczne niespójności w kształtowaniu i dalszym funkcjonowaniu ram regulacyjnych z prawodawstwem Unii Europejskiej w zakresie racjonalnego wykorzystania zasobów paliw i energii, których ograniczenia narastają ze względu na niespójność pomiędzy dystrybucją scentralizowaną a regionalną. Dlatego dalsze procesy efektywnego rozwoju gospodarczego Ukrainy będą w dużej mierze zależeć od rozwiązania problemu zrównoważonego zaopatrzenia w dostępne zasoby energii odnawialnej. Przyszły rozwój rynku biopaliw w Ukrainie będzie silnie zależał od uwarunkowań instytucjonalnych i prawnych w zakresie produkcji, obrotu i wykorzystania biopaliw.
Mając na względzie globalny trend poszukiwania paliw przyjaznych dla środowiska, w szczególności paliw niskoemisyjnych, zwrócono uwagę na technologię konwersji metanu do wodoru. W artykule przedstawiono sposób obliczania emisji GHG w cyklu życia biowodoru produkowanego poprzez pirolizę (bio)metanu. Technologia ta wydaje się przyszłościowa ze względu na fakt, że pozwala uzyskać zeroemisyjne paliwo. Podczas tego procesu otrzymuje się czysty wodór i stały węgiel. Węgiel może być wykorzystany przez wiele różnych gałęzi przemysłu, niekoniecznie jako paliwo. Zgodnie z dyrektywą 2018/2001 biopaliwo musi wykazać spełnienie założonego progu redukcji emisji GHG. Dlatego jest niezmiernie ważne, aby oceniać każdą nową technologię pod kątem emisyjności produktu. Obliczenia zostały przeprowadzone zgodnie z metodyką ustanowioną w dyrektywie 2018/2001, a w szczególności zgodnie z dokumentacją systemu KZR INiG. Do przeprowadzenia oceny przyjęto następujące założenia: model jednostki przetwórczej oraz dane wejściowe do tego etapu zaczerpnięto z danych literaturowych; przyjęto, że surowiec stanowi biometan produkowany z bioodpadów; obliczenia dla etapu pirolizy przeprowadzono jako obliczenia wartości rzeczywistych, natomiast dla pozostałych etapów cyklu życia biowodoru przyjęto wartości standardowe z dyrektywy 2018/2001. Badania wykazały, że wodór może osiągnąć poziom 69% redukcji emisji GHG w porównaniu z paliwem kopalnym (jako odpowiednik paliwa kopalnego wykorzystano wartość 94 gCO2eq/MJ). Jest to niewiele więcej niż wymagany próg 65%. Oznacza to, że podczas prac nad rozwojem tej technologii aspekty emisji GHG muszą być mocno brane pod uwagę.
Bearing in mind the global trend of looking for environmental friendly fuels, in particular low carbon fuels, methaneto-hydrogen conversion technology was noticed. The process of calculation of life cycle GHG emissions from biohydrogen produced via (bio)methane pyrolysis was presented in the article. This technology seems to be future-proof in that it produces zero-carbon fuel. During this process, pure hydrogen and solid carbon are received. Carbon can be used in various branches of industry, not necessarily as fuel. According to the 2018/2001 Directive, biofuel has to achieve set GHG emission threshold. Thus it is extremely important to assess each new technology in terms of the emissivity of the product. The calculations were performed according to the methodology set out in the 2018/2001 Directive in particular according to the KZR INiG System documents. In order to carry out the assessment, the following assumptions were made: the model of the conversion unit and input data for this stage were obtained from literature data; the raw material was biomethane obtained from bio-waste; calculations for the pyrolysis stage were performed as actual values for the remaining stages of the life cycle of biohydrogen, the standard values from the 2018/2001 Directive were adopted. The research showed that hydrogen can reach 69% GHG emission saving in comparison to the fossil fuel (for the fossil fuel comparator the 94 gCO2eq/MJ values was used). This value is slightly higher the required threshold of 65%. It means that GHG emission aspects need to be carefully taken into account when developing this technology.
The use of fossil fuel sourced diesel underground has various associated health and environmental hazards, and additional energy demand and costs associated with necessary ventilation. One way to reduce these impacts is by utilizing a biodiesel-blend, which generates lower levels of harmful emissions from underground equipment and can be produced regionally, reducing the impact of transportation. Furthermore, this would help allow use of existing machinery during transition towards more widespread electrification underground. Therefore, the concept of an integrated supply and use chain within the mining industry is examined based on biodiesel from acidophilic photosynthetic microalgae cultivated using CO 2 in smelter off-gas. A life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted to compare the environmental impacts of production, transportation, and end-use of fossil fuel sourced diesel to biodiesel-blended fuel across four underground metal ore mine sites (Canada, Poland, Zambia, and Australia). The outcomes from assessing four key environmental impact potentials (global warming, eutrophication, acidification and human toxicity) demonstrate the advantages of using biodiesel-blends. The integration of biodiesel resulted in changes of -22.5 to +22.8% (global warming), -6.1 to +27.3% (eutrophication), -18.9 to +26.3% (acidification), and -21.0 to -3.6% (human toxicity). The results showed reduction across all potentials for two mines and reduction in human toxicity potential for all sites.
All three Baltic States have reached good figures regarding the change in total greenhouse gas emissions from transport during 1990-2017. Particularly successful is Lithuania, showing a negative value of -2.7%. Latvia considerably lags behind Estonia (+15.1% vs. +1.5%). Amid the achievement of Latvian scientists, engineers and merchants, the authors point out the work of Lithuanian engineers who investigated how gaseous hydrogen affects the parameters of diesel internal combustion engine. Important to note that in the Baltic States, the activities of inland waterway vessels and the shunting locomotives are concentrated in only a few main cities. Regarding that, Baltic scientists and environment specialists nowadays are developing plans also for local air pollution decreasing, which can be carried out in particular cities or industrial areas, thereby allowing for improvements in air cleanliness and the ecological situation in concerned local area. A numerical estimation shows that applying the NYSMART technology, introduced in this paper, will make areas of active action of the high-volume diesels cleaner in the same amount as gained by photosynthesis of the urban green flora. In recent years, the developed technology of hydraulic piston compression allows producing numerous different vehicle fueling appliances for the CNG/bio-CNG fuel. The further development of this technology means the producing of various solutions, applicable at biogas/biomethane production sites, for CNG/bio-CNG compression, transportation and fast natural gas vehicles refueling in a cost effective and convenient way. The hydraulic piston compression and NYSMART have a potential in small and medium-scale technologies and therefore need to be developed further for applications with hydrogen. Production of biomethane and green hydrogen is delayed by the lack of state aid programmes in the Baltic States. Lithuania is on the way to change the situation in the coming years, with one of the first biomethane gas production plants due to be built near Panevėžys, in Šilagalys near the Via Baltica motorway. Summing up all aspects, the preconditions for the use of alternative fuels in the Baltic States are similar, allowing one to learn from other’s experience and to consider joint projects.
The aim of the study was to determine the environmental potential impact of the palm shell biofuel production process using life cycle assessment (LCA) through gate to gate approach. The environmental impact of each scenario was assessed using ISO 14040 (2006), which includes goal and scope definition, life cycle inventory (LCI), life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) and interpretation. The simapro v.9 software with ecoinvent 3.5 database was utilized to assess the environmental effect. The impact analysis method used is Impact 2002+. Functional units were used to show environmental references in damage assessment and characterization, such as energy use and global warming potential. The results show that the environmental impact evaluation obtained through LCA for the entire biofuel production process stated that the thermal cracking stage resulted in the highest global warming impact, compared to other processes, which was 118.374 kg CO2 eq. For the categories of human health, ecosystem quality, and climate change, each has a value of 0.0001 DALY; 15.708 PDF•m2•yr; and 335.233 kg CO2 eq where this value is the total damage assessment of the entire biofuel production process. From the results of the analysis by utilizing the networking graph on the simapro application, it can be seen that the environmental hotspot of the thermal cracking process of biofuel production is due to the use of electricity from the State Electricity Company (PLN) and the release of chemical substances from the process. To improve the environmental performance of biofuel production process, additional development steps are required to increase biofuel yield, purification efficiency of biofuel to obtain pure liquid fuel, and the use of renewable energy sources to generate electricity. Additionally, more particular data would be required for a more precise LCA study result.
The article presents the laboratory tests results of the influence of the diesel oil content in a mixture with rapeseed oil on the operating parameters of a diesel engine with the CommonRail fuel supply system. Fuel mixtures with a rapeseed content of 0%, 50%, 70%, 100% were used. The article presents the results of tests carried out for various configurations of the object. The measurements included tests of exhaust gases: the content of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides as well as specific fuel consumption and exhaust gas temperature. As a result of the research, it was noticed that the use of rapeseed oil causes a significant increase in fuel consumption and an increase in emissions. At a crankshaft speed of 2500 rpm and a torque generated by the engine crankshaft of 12 Nm, the specific fuel consumption for a 0% rapeseed content is 310 g/kWh. For the same engine operating conditions and the same rapeseed content of the fuel, the fuel consumption for 100% rapeseed content is 330 g/kWh. For the same engine operating parameters, analysis of the carbon dioxide content in the exhaust gas yields a value of 7.8x104 ppm for a rapeseed content of 0%. For the same engine operating conditions and for the oilseed rape content in the fuel is 100% 8.4x104 ppm. The mathematical models describing the effects of engine operating parameters and rapeseed oil content in the mixture on the observed values were created with the Scilab program. The degree of agreement of the determined mathematical models was checked by calculating the coefficient of determination (R2). The results are shown in 3D figures.
Content available Exhaust emissions of jet engines powered by biofuel
Biofuel use is one of the basic strategies to reduce the negative impact of aviation on the environment. Over the past two decades, a number of biofuels produced from plants, lubricants and maintenance products have been developed and introduced. New fuels must have specific physicochemical parameters and meet stringent standards. his article presents a comparative analysis of the exhaust emissions measurement results from jet engines powered by traditional aviation kerosene and its blends with ATJ (Alcohol to Jet) biofuel. The concentrations of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons were measured. Measurements were conducted in laboratory conditions for various engine load values. Based on the analysis, it was found that the use of biofuel increases the concentration of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons in the exhaust gas relative to aviation kerosene. The use of biofuel did not result in an increase in fuel consumption and related carbon dioxide emissions. Based on the conducted research, it was found that biofuel use did not affect the ecological properties of the engine significantly. In addition, a correlation analysis of the measurement results from both engines was carried out.
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