The paper concerns the results of simulation of a certain approach, in which estimation of object state associated with the decentralization of calculations. It is realized by dividing the optimization problem into sub-problems of smaller dimensionality. The main idea of the method is to assign individual quality indicators to each sub-object and to carry out the synthesis of estimators in a sequential manner, starting with the last sub-object. Implementation of the estimation process requires knowledge about the measurements of the individual sub-objects. The parameters of the filter sequential gains are calculated based on Riccati equation solutions for subobjects and certain bilinear equations for cross-linkage connections. In the simulation tests the influence of types of connection between the sub-objects, the intensity disturbances of measurements and system on the values of coefficients of gains, as well as the estimation errors is presented.
Artykuł dotyczy zdecentralizowanego podejścia do syntezy estymacji stanu obiektu złożonego poprzez rozdzielenie problemu optymalizacyjnego na podproblemy o mniejszej wymiarowości. Główna idea metody polega na przyporządkowaniu podobiektom indywidualnych wskaźników jakości i prowadzeniu syntezy estymatorów w sposób sekwencyjny. Wzmocnienia filtru złożonego wyznacza się rozwiązując problemy małej wymiarowości (wymiarowość podobiektów). Uzyskuje się strukturę odpowiadającą lokalnemu, klasycznemu filtrowi Kalmana oraz sprzężeń skrośnych.
The paper concerns the presentation of a certain approach, in which decentralization of calculations associated with the synthesis of object state estimation is presented. It is realized by dividing the optimization problem into sub-problems of smaller dimensionality. For this purpose, a differential Nash game for objects with a serial structure was utilized. The main idea of the method is to assign individual quality indicators to each sub-object and to carry out the synthesis of estimators in a sequential manner, starting with the last sub-object. Implementation of the estimation process requires knowledge about the measurements of the individual sub-objects. Parameters of local controllers are calculated based on the individual Riccati equations for sub-objects. Strengthening cross-linkage connections was established based on the solutions of certain bilinear equations. The presented method leads to a structure that fits the local classical Kalman filter and cross-coupling.
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