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w słowach kluczowych:  bifilm
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Nowadays, the best castings’ manufacturers have to meet very demanding requirements and specifications applicable to mechanical properties and other characteristics. To fulfill those requirements, more and more sophisticated methods are being used to analyze the internal quality of castings. In many cases, the commonly used Non-Destructive Methods, like X-ray or ultrasonic testing, are not enough to ensure precise and unequivocal evaluation. Especially, when the properties of the casting only slightly fail the specification and the reasons for such failures are very subtle, thus difficult to find without the modern techniques. The paper presents some aspects of such an approach with the use of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to analyze internal defects that can critically decrease the performance of castings. The paper presents the so-called bifilm defects in ductile and chromium cast iron, near-surface corrosion caused by sulfur, micro-shrinkage located under the risers, lustrous carbon precipitates, and other microstructure features. The method used to find them, the results of their analysis, and the possible causes of the defects are presented. The conclusions prove the SEM is now a powerful tool not only for scientists but it is more and more often present in the R&D departments of the foundries.
Submitted work deals with the possibilities of reducing reoxidation by improved gating system design. The result of the reoxidation is the of furled oxide layers - bifilms. During experimental works, non-pressurized and naturally pressurized gating systems designs were introduced and evaluated. Mechanical properties, fracture area, hot tearing index, bifilm index and EDX analysis were used during evaluation. Paper aim is also to clarify the reoxidation phenomenon by visualization with the aid of ProCAST numerical simulation software. Achieved results clearly confirmed the positive effect of the naturally pressurized gating system, main emphasis needs to focus on finding the proper way to reduce the melt velocity. By using vortex element extension at the end of the runner was achieved positive results in term of reoxidation suppression.
Porosity is one of the major problems in casting operations and there are several discussions in the literature about the porosity formation in aluminum castings. Bifilms are the defects that are introduced into the melt by turbulence. They can be detected with reduced pressure test and presented numerically by measuring bifilm index. The measure of bifilm index is the sum of total oxide length given in millimeters from the cross-section of reduced pressure test sample solidified under 0.01 MPa. In this work, low pressure die casting (LPDC) unit was built in an attempt to enhance the producibility rate. The unit consists of a pump housing that was placed inside the melt in the melting furnace where the pressure was applied instead of the whole melt surface. It was observed that the melt quality of A356 alloy was deteriorated over time which had led to higher porosity. This was attributed to the increased oxide thickness of the bifilm by the consumption of air in between the folded oxides. A relationship was found between bifilm index and pore formation.
The melt cleaning is an important aspect in the production of high-quality aluminum castings. Specifically inclusions within the melt and an excessively high hydrogen content lead to defects and undesired porosity in the castings. Although it is possible to reduce the amount of hydrogen and oxidic inclusions by purge gas treatment and the use of melting salts, it is impossible toremove oxides (bifilms) created during filling of gating system. Paper deals with the effects of melt quality and the placement of a filter in the filling system on Al-7%Si-Mg alloy mechanical properties. Three different filters were used: (a) rectangular ceramic pressed filter with 3 mm thickness (b) cubical pressed ceramic filter with thickness 10 mm (c) cubical pressed ceramic filter with thickness 22 mm. The results showed that the highest tensile strength values were obtained from the filter with thickness of 22 mm. Numerical simulation analysis of the filling process showed that velocity reduction by filter is the major phenomenon affecting the mechanical properties. Another evaluated aspect during experiments was capability of filters to retain old bifilms. For this purpose multiply remelted alloy was prepared and analyzed. Results showed that filter efficiency increases with decreasing melt quality as a result of possibility to retain "old” bifilms better than small and thin "new” bifilms.
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