This article presents the results of work related to the power supply system for 10kW electric, rental go-kart. The research took into account a few types of battery cells. For the case study, the best option was chosen taking into account the restrictions included in the multicriteria analysis for further application. Chosen BLDC motor and battery type were tested on test stands and simulated in MATLAB/Simulink. Simulation model allowed to compare the characteristics from test stands and simulation and next tune the model. Minimum capacity of the batteries had to allow for at least 20 minutes of drive. Chosen elements: electric motor, motor controller, battery cells, BMS allowed to build the first prototype. Tests in real conditions showed the difference between simulation and research system. We could notice what to improve to tune the simulation model and the kart power supply system.
Nowadays, laboratory forensic examinations are based on elaborated and verified protocols, allowing for quite precise identification of the type of explosive used in post blast residues. Non-degraded explosives persist in trace quantities mainly on the broken components of explosive devices. Due to this, special care must be taken in order to prevent destruction of minute quantities of explosive material during examination. Apparently quite a big problem is caused by components of electrical cells being the source of reactive chemical compounds that affect the level of identified traces of explosives. The present paper describes the influence of substances present in alkaline batteries cells and Leclanché cells on the decomposition of trace amounts of TNT. Reaction of TNT with battery components was conducted in solution at room as well as the temperature of boiling methanol. Quantitative analysis of the decrease in TNT levels in methanol extracts was carried out by means of GC/MS.
Due to the increasing demand for connecting cells in packets to power electric tools, bicycles and electric cars, the issue of the quality of battery cells with busbars joints with the use of external heat electrodes is particularly important. The paper presents the conditions of the joining process and modelling results using the DC source. Modelling was performed using commercially available Sorpas 3D software. It included checking the influence of the busbar shape, clamping force, electrode material, the shape of electrode face, the length of the tungsten inserts in the welding electrodes on the amount of heat and the diameter of the connections. Modelling results revealed in particular increased heat generation and connection diameters for electrodes with a smaller work surface, however, industrial practice shows that the electrode face diameter durability is limited and that the electrodes flatten - the electrode face diameter increases.
Z uwagi na wzrastające zapotrzebowanie na łączenie ogniw w pakiety do zasilania elektronarzędzi, rowerów i samochodów elektrycznych, kwestia jakości połączeń baterii z łącznikami z użyciem elektrod doprowadzających ciepło z zewnątrz jest szczególnie istotna. W opracowaniu przedstawiono warunki procesu łączenia oraz wyniki modelowania z użyciem źródła prądu stałego DC. Modelowanie przeprowadzono z użyciem komercyjnie dostępnego oprogramowania Sorpas 3D. Obejmowało ono sprawdzenie wpływu kształtu łącznika, siły docisku, materiału elektrod, kształtu części roboczej elektrod, długości wkładek wolframowych w elektrodach zgrzewających na ilość ciepła i średnicę połączeń (zgrzein). Wyniki modelowania ujawniły w szczególności zwiększoną generację ciepła i średnice połączeń dla elektrod o mniejszej powierzchni roboczej, jednak z praktyki przemysłowej wynika, iż trwałość zakończenia jest ograniczona i następuje spłaszczanie elektrod - powiększenie średnicy roboczej.
W artykule zostały przedstawione przykłady zagadnień projektowych związanych z doborem typu ogniw akumulatorowych stosowanych w przestrzeniach zagrożonych wybuchem i sposoby podejścia do ich realizacji.
The article presents examples of design issues related to the selection of the type of battery cells used in potentially explosive atmospheres and approaches to their implementation.
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