The article concerns the issue of using imagery reconnaissance sensors for the identification of geological-engineering conditions in river channels, in the aspect of evaluating the forcing of a water obstacle. It discusses the issues associated with using air platforms (manned and unmanned) in remote sensing surveying of selected fragments of the Vistula and Bug river channels and the correct interpretation of the obtained results, through their verification using bathymetric tests conducted directly in the river channels.
Artykuł dotyczy problematyki wykorzystania sensorów rozpoznania obrazowego do identyfikacji warunków geologiczno-inżynierskich w korytach rzek w aspekcie oceny możliwości forsowania przeszkody wodnej. Omówione zostały zagadnienia wykorzystania platform powietrznych (pilotowanych i bezpilotowych) w badaniach teledetekcyjnych wybranych fragmentów koryt Wisły i Bugu oraz poprawność interpretacji uzyskanych wyników poprzez ich weryfikację badaniami batymetrycznymi wykonanymi bezpośrednio w korytach rzek.
The accuracy of bathymetric maps, especially in the coastal zone, is very important from the point of view of safety of navigation and transport. Due to the continuous change in shape of the seabed, these maps are fast becoming outdated for precise navigation. Therefore, it is necessary to perform periodical bathymetric measurements to keep them updated on a current basis. At present, none of the institutions in Poland (maritime offices, Hydrographic Office of the Polish Navy) which are responsible for implementation of this type of measurements has at their disposal a hydrographic vessel capable of carrying out measurements for shallow waters (at depths below 1 m). This results in emergence of large areas for which no measurement data have been obtained and, consequently, the maps in the coastal zones are rather unreliable. The article presents the concept of bathymetric measurements for shallow waters with the use of an autonomous, unmanned survey vessel (ASV/USV). For this purpose, the authors modernized a typical ASV/USV unit with standard radio remote control system to the fully autonomous mode. As part of the modernization, the route planning software was created. The developed software works based on, alternatively, GNSS measurements of the coastline, or satellite images. The system was supplemented by an own autopilot (adapted for flying drones). Moreover, the method of controlling electric motors was changed thanks to the use of own electronic circuit. The modernized ASV/USV measuring system was verified by performing bathymetric measurements of the retention reservoir in Gdansk, Poland. Then, the obtained measurement data were used to create a digital bottom model and a bathymetric map of the reservoir.
Zbiornik Koronowski należy do grupy większych zbiorników retencyjnych położonych na polskich rzekach nizinnych. Badania wykonano w celu opracowania jego aktualnego planu batymetrycznego. Prowadzono je z wykorzysta-niem nowoczesnych technik i narzędzi. Sondowania przeprowadzono za pomocą sondy hydrograficznej z pozycjonowan-iem GPS. Mapę batymetryczną, będącą efektem końcowym, stworzono w oprogramowaniu GIS. Stwierdzono, iż Zbiornik Koronowski cechuje się silnie urozmaiconą morfometrią. Obejmuje on podpiętrzone jeziora wraz z licznymi zatokami, wyspami oraz zalane doliny cieków. Obliczono wybrane wskaźniki morfometryczne, umożliwiające uszczegółowienie charakterystyki hydromorfometrycznej analizowanego zbiornika. Określono strefy o charakterze limnicznym i fluwial-nym. Analiza porównawcza aktualnej pojemności Zbiornika Koronowskiego z danymi archiwalnymi, umożliwiła określe-nie jego tempa zamulenia.
The Koronowski Reservoir is one of the largest reservoirs located on the Polish lowland rivers. The research was conducted in order to develop its current bathymetric plan. The study was performed using modern techniques and instruments. Soundings were carried out using a hydrographic echosounder with GPS positioning. Bathymetric map, being the final result, was created in GIS software. It was found that the Koronowski Reservoir is characterized by a con-siderably diverse morphometry, featuring numerous impounded lakes with many bays, islands and flooded river valleys. Selected morphometric indicators were calculated, enabling the detailing of hydro-morphological characteristics of the analyzed reservoir. The limnic and fluvial parts were defined. Analysis of the current capacity of the Koronowski Reservoir against historical data allowed for determining the rate of siltation.
Przedstawiono koncepcję bezzałogowego dronu pływającego po wodach powierzchniowych, ułatwiającego i przyspieszającego wykonywanie pomiarów batymetrycznych. Jest to zdalnie sterowane i w pełni zautomatyzowane urządzenie, będące w fazie testowania. Prezentacja możliwości zastosowania pływającego dronu i pokaz prototypu wzbudziły zainteresowanie na Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej Budownictwa Innowacyjnego Doktorantów i Studentów "InBuild 2013".
The article presents the concept of an unmanned floating drone, facilitating and accelerating realisation of bathymetric measurements. This fully automated, remotely operated device is currently in the phase of tests. Presentation of the floating drone applications and demonstration of a prototype aroused much interest during the International Scientific Conference of lnnovative Construction for Phd and Msc Students „InBuild 2013”.
The paper presents application of real time RTK/GPS positioning technique for determination of water level changes during bathymetric measurements on Lake Kamienne – the upper water reservoir of the Pumped-Storage Power Station in Żydowo. The bathymetric measurements were carried out on the bases of GPS/RTK satellite positioning using the Ashtech X-Treme receivers while hydroacoustic sounding was conducted using the Simrad EA501P single beam hydroacoustic system. The article describes the basic stages of the work and methods for water level determination during bathymetric surveys.
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