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The aim of the study was to determine whether it is possible to assess static balance on an unstable surface using center of pressure velocities obtained with a force platform when standing on a wobble board. Methods: The center of pressure velocities were recorded with a force platform within three days (four trials per day) in thirty young adults in three conditions: standing on a rigid surface, compliant surface, and on a wobble board. Reliability of mean velocities of the center of pressure was examined using intraclass correlation coefficients. Relationships between the three conditions were assessed with Pearson correlation coefficients. Results: Intra-session reliability was excellent for standing on a rigid surface and on a compliant surface and good for standing on a wobble board. Inter-session reliability was good for all parameters in all conditions, except for poor reliability in the anterior-posterior direction in standing on a wobble board. All correlations between the same parameter in different conditions were statistically significant (P < 0.05), except for velocity of the center of pressure in the anterior-posterior direction between stance on a rigid surface and stance on a wobble board. Conclusions: Centre of pressure velocity parameters obtained with a force plate when standing on a wobble board can provide valuable information about postural stability in unstable conditions.
Purpose: To evaluate the influence of two different heel heights on static balance and on limits of stability during functional reach test, with both the eyes open and eyes closed, in young women (age 22–27) who did not wear heeled shoes habitually. Methods: Thirtyone young women (age 22–27) performed balance tests on a stabilometric platform without footwear and in shoes with 4 cm and 10 cm heels. The center of pressure (COP) deviations range and velocity in anteroposterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) directions were assessed. The limits of stability were measured when the subject leaned the body in sagittal plane. Results: The ranges of COP deviations in AP and ML directions were already significantly higher in 4 cm heels in comparison to the barefoot condition. COP deviation velocity significantly raised with increasing heel height as well as when the eyes were closed. Conclusions: A more pronounced increase of COP deviation velocity than COP deviation range when measurement conditions become more difficult may indicate that young women anticipate postural corrections by stimulation of ankle proprioception when heeled shoes are worn. High-heeled shoes may lead to alterations in velocity feedback balance mechanism, which may increase the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. Observed in our study adverse effect of heeled footwear on balance may predispose women to falls and injuries. Permanent use of stiletto high heels should be avoided by women.
Purpose: Defining the influence of parameters of visual disorders on ability of balancing turns out to be an important process in effective diagnostics. Current diagnostic methods relating mainly to determination of the coefficient of BRUTM (Balance Rehabilitation Unit Trade Mark) depend on lots of tests carried out in a disturbed environment created by Virtual Reality Technology. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of the frequency of visual disturbances on stabilographic values in the virtual reality environment. Methods: The study was carried out involving one research group in Virtual Cave. There were induced visual disturbances with different frequencies and with the change of frequency during measuring the position of the center of pressure (COP) in the test. Before each test the reference test was performed. All tests were performed with disorders in two different sceneries: closed and open scenery. All measurements were carried out on an immobile Zebris platform which enables determination of feet pressure distribution. From the measured values of the position of the COP Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) was calculated. Results: The results of calculation are shown in graphs. Their analysis showed that changing the parameters of disorder frequency in world created using Virtual Reality Technology affects stabilographic parameters. The intensity of these changes is also affected by applied research scenery. Conclusions: Conditions have been set out to carry out similar studies in order to obtain reliable results. The study is the first step in a project to develop a system for diagnosis and rehabilitation of human movement using Virtual Reality Technology.
Steam locomotives are preserved on heritage railways and also occasionally used on mainline heritage trips, but since they are only partially balanced reciprocating piston engines, damage is made to the railway track by dynamic impact, also known as hammer blow. While causing a faster deterioration to the track on heritage railways, the steam locomotive may also cause deterioration to busy mainline tracks or tracks used by high speed trains. This raises the question whether heritage operations on mainline can be done safely and without influencing the operation of the railways. If the details of the dynamic interaction of the steam locomotive's components are examined with computerised calculations they show differences with the previous theories as the smaller components cannot be disregarded in some vibration modes. A particular narrow gauge steam locomotive Gr-319 was analyzed and it was found, that the locomotive exhibits large dynamic forces on the track, much larger than those given by design data, and the safety of the ride is impaired. Large unbalanced vibrations were found, affecting not only the fatigue resistance of the locomotive, but also influencing the crew and passengers in the train consist. Developed model and simulations were used to check several possible parameter variations of the locomotive, but the problems were found to be in the original design such that no serious improvements can be done in the space available for the running gear and therefore the running speed of the locomotive should be limited to reduce its impact upon the track. The developed theory and calculation model allows an assessment of locomotive's current design running behaviour, and can be used to evaluate possible improvements to steam locomotive dynamics.
Parowozy traktowane są na kolei jako jej dziedzictwo. Wykorzystuje się je okazjonalnie, głównie do wycieczek. Dzieje się tak ze względu na ich częściowe wyważenie silników tłokowych, które poprzez dynamiczne oddziaływanie na tory kolejowe przyczynia się do ich uszkodzeń. Tego typu działania mogą doprowadzić również do pogorszenia się stanu głównych linii kolejowych używanych przez pociągi dużych prędkości. Stąd właśnie rodzi się pytanie, czy możliwe jest wykorzystanie dziedzictwa jakim są parowozy w taki sposób, aby było to bezpieczne i nie wpływało na funkcjonowanie współczesnej kolei. Podczas badania oddziaływania dynamicznego elementów parowej lokomotywy, wyniki otrzymywane z obliczeń komputerowych pokazują różnice w teoriach. Analizie została poddana lokomotywa parowa Gr-319. Stwierdzono, że lokomotywa wykazuje duże wartości sił dynamicznych na torze, które są 16 D. Bušs o wiele większe niż podane w danych projektowych. W związku z tym bezpieczeństwo jazdy jest zmniejszone. Stwierdzone duże niesymetryczne wibracje wpływają nie tylko na wytrzymałość zmęczeniową lokomotywy, ale również mają znaczenie dla komfortu załogi i pasażerów znajdujących się w pociągu. Opracowany model i symulacje zostały wykorzystane do sprawdzenia kilku możliwych wariantów parametrów lokomotywy. Jednak problemy w pierwotnym projekcie okazały się takie, że żadne poważne ulepszenia nie mogą być wykonane w przestrzeniach dostępnych dla podwozia. Opracowana teoria i model obliczeniowy pozwalają na ocenę zachowania lokomotywy i mogą być wykorzystane do oceny ewentualnych ulepszeń jej pracy.
Taekwondo is famous for its powerful kicking techniques and the roundhouse kick is the most frequently used one. In earlier literature, the influence of a physical target (exiting or not) on kicking power generation has not been given much attention. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the kinematics of roundhouse kick execution and its factors related to power generation. 6 ITF taekwondo practitioners voluntarily participated in this study. They were asked to perform kicks with and without a physical target. The first kick aimed at breaking a board while the second one was a kick into the air. A Smart-D motion capture system (BTS S.p.A., Italy) was used to quantitatively determine their kinematic characteristics during each kick. The main findings showed that kicks aiming at a breaking board were significantly slower than kicks without a physical target (maximal kick-foot velocities were 10.61 ± 0.86 m/s and 14.61 ± 0.67 m/s, respectively, p < 0.01), but the kicking time of the former was shorter (0.58 ± 0.01 s and 0.67 ± 0.01, respectively, p < 0.01). The results suggest that a physical target will negatively influence the kick-foot velocity, which is not necessarily a disadvantage for creating a high quality kick. Possible motor control mechanisms are discussed for the phenomenon. The study made it clear: trainings with and without physical targets would develop different motor control patterns. More studies are needed for identifying the effectiveness of different controls and efficiencies of their training.
Purpose: The appearance of pathology in the lumbar spine, such as a previous episode of low disc herniation or non-specific low back pain contributes to improper activation of the hip muscles. The aim of the study was to detect alterations in hip strategy manifested by differences in balance parameters and rectus femoris and gluteus maximus activity in people with previous episode of pain radiation to one lower limb caused by low disc herniation or non-specific low back pain. Methods: We studied 11 patients with history of low-disc herniation, 9 patients with history of non-specific low back pain and 10 healthy subjects. Hip strategy alterations were detected by measuring rectus femoris and gluteus maximus activity in bilateral surface polyelectromyographic recordings and by stability measurements on a balance platform. Results: In the surface polyelectromyography study, in both patients' group the value of the average amplitude was higher and the amount of the fluctuations was lower than in healthy subjects. There were no significant differences in stability parameters. Conclusions: A changed pattern of hip muscles activity was detected in the patients without changes in stability parameters. Greater disorder occurs in people in with previous episode of pain radiation to one lower limb caused by low disc herniation than in people with non-specific low back pain.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę wyników otrzymywanych podczas obliczeń balansu linii montażowej dla problemu czasowo i kosztowo zorientowanego. Omówiono krótko ideę balansowania linii montażowej, następnie przedstawiono problem czasu i kosztów występujący podczas tworzenia harmonogramu i sekwencji zadań przydzielanych do linii. Przedstawiono również przykłady numeryczne, które pokazują różnicę w podejściu czasowym i kosztowym. Przeprowadzono analizę wyników i sformułowano wniosek, iż oba podejścia prowadzą czasem do różnych wyników.
In the paper the analysis of result of time-oriented assembly line balancig problem and cost oriented assembly line balancing problem is presented. Short description of assembly line balancing problem is given. Then the problem of time and costs in assembly systems is shown. The idea of cost-oriented algorithm is presented, too. Two examples are calculated and the results are discussed. As a conclusion an important note is given, that using of methods of time and cost oriented can lead to different results.
W artykule została rozważona zawartość informacyjna chromosomu dla problemu balansowania linii montażowej (BLM). Streszczono problem BLM, a następnie przedstawiono metody wykorzystywane do rozwiązania rozważanego problemu. Skupiono się nad algorytmem genetycznym, a w szczególności nad budową chromosomu i jego różnej zawartości informacyjnej. Różnorodność informacji zawartej w chromosomie wykorzystano do oceny otrzymywanych rozwiązań.
In the paper information content of chromosome in simple assembly line balancing problem (SALBP) is presented. First the SALBP is described and next different methods for discussed problem are considered. Especial genetic algorithms are shown and the construction of chromosome is presented. Different information content of chromosome is used for estimation of given results.
W artykule omówiono metody heurystyczne stosowane w balansowaniu linii montażowej. Algorytmy oparte na metodach heurystycznych cechują się łatwością implementacji, dużą elastycznością i liniową złożonością obliczeniową, co w praktyce pozwala rozwiązać każdy problem w bardzo krótkim czasie. Jednak wadą tych metod jest generowanie rozwiązań przybliżonych, które mogą się znacznie różnić od rozwiązań optymalnych. Autorzy porównali 18 statycznych reguł heurystycznych i dwa sposoby przyporządkowania operacji do balansowania linii montażowej. Analizę wykonano dla 14 różnych zadań liczących od 29 do 297 operacji; łącznie przeanalizowano ponad 8700 rozwiązań. Uzyskane wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej, na podstawie której określono skuteczność poszczególnych reguł heurystycznych. Najlepsze rozwiązania, średnio o 2,2% gorsze od rozwiązań optymalnych, generowała heurystyka MaxPW.
A comparative analysis of eighteen different heuristics of assembly line balancing problem is considered in the paper. Heuristics are one of method used for solve line balancing problem. Algorithms based on heuristics are flexible, easy to implementation and because of liner complexity provided to very quickly solution, but often they could provide not effective solution. Fourteen problems, form 29 to 297 operation each, with different cycle times are used to comparative heuristics, total over 8700 solution was considered. This solution has been analysed by statistical method. The best solution was generated by MaxPW heuristics, average error for this heuristic was 2.2% worse than optimal solution.
Content available remote Balansowanie linii montażowej z wykorzystaniem algorytmów ewolucyjnych
Algorytmy ewolucyjne są metodą coraz częściej stosowaną do rozwiązywania problemów kombinatorycznych. Intencją autorów było zbudowanie algorytmu ewolucyjnego rozwiązującego problem balansowania linii montażowej. Algorytm został zaimplementowany za pomocą systemu Delphi 6.0. Przedstawiono wyniki działania programu dla czterech różnych zadań: Lutzl, Lutz2, TongeTO oraz Wee-Mag. Otrzymane rezultaty porównano z rozwiązaniami dokładnymi i w wielu przypadkach otrzymano rozwiązania tożsame z optymalnymi, średnia efektywność algorytmu dla zadań testowych wyniosła ponad 98%.
Evolution algorithms are an example of the use of a random element within an algorithm for combinatorial problems. In this paper, a genetic algorithm to solve assembly line balancing problems is proposed. The developed genetic algorithm is coded in Delphi 6.0 and compared with optimal solution for four different problems: Lutzl, Lutz2, TongeTO and Wee-Mag. It is found that the proposed genetic algorithm could found a lot of optimal solution, with its medium efficiency more than 98 per cent.
Content available remote Balancing of a car assembly line by means of a heuristic algorithm
The paper presents a task involved in assembly line balancing on an example of a car assembly line. The hitherto structure of a car assembly process, together with a development of a graph of sequence restrictions as well as an algorithm of operation of software developed in order to opti-mise pace and the number of stands are discussed. The final part presents results and conclusions from the conducted simulations and analyses.
W artykule przedstawiono zadanie balansowania linii montażowej na przykładzie samochodu osobowego. Omówiono dotychczasową strukturę procesu montażu samochodu, opracowano graf ograniczeń kolejnościowych oraz algorytm działania opracowanego programu komputerowego pozwalającego optymalizować takt oraz liczbę stanowisk linii. W końcowej części przedstawiono wyniki przeprowadzonych symulacji i analiz.
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