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Deterministic analysis does not provide a comprehensive model for concrete dam response under multi-hazard risk. Thus, the use of probabilistic approach is usually recommended which is problematic due to high computational demand. This paper presents a simplified reliability analysis framework for gravity dams subjected to flooding, earthquakes, and aging. A group of time-variant degradation models are proposed for different random variables. Response of the dam is presented by explicit limit state functions. The probability of failure is directly computed by either classical Monte Carlo simulation or the refined importance sampling technique. Next, three machine learning techniques (i.e., K-nearest neighbor, support vector machine, and naive Bayes classifier) are adopted for binary classification of the structural results. These methods are then demonstrated in terms of accuracy, applicability and computational time for prediction of the failure probability. Results are then generalized for different dam classes (based on the height-to-width ratio), various water levels, earthquake intensity, degradation rate, and cross-correlation between the random variables. Finally, a sigmoid-type function is proposed for analytical calculation of the failure probability for different classes of gravity dams. This function is then specialized for the hydrological hazard and the failure surface is presented as a direct function of the dam's height and width.
W artykule przedstawiono informacje o największych wiosenno-letnich wezbraniach na Bobrze w Żaganiu w XIX, XX i XXI wieku. Na podstawie analizy danych hydrologicznych stwierdzono, że wezbrania powodziowe w dorzeczu Bobru pojawiają się średnio co 3-5 lat i są one charakterystyczną cechą klimatu Polski. O wielkości i rozmiarach wezbrań decyduje przede wszystkim natężenie deszczu oraz jego rozkład przestrzenny.
In the article it was presented information about the biggest spring-summer swelling in the Bóbr in Żagań in XIX, XX and XXIst centuries. Based on hydrological data it was stated, that the flood situations in the Bóbr river basin appear every 3-5 years being the characteristic feature of the climate of Poland. Straining the rain and its spatial distribution are deciding on the flood situations.
Content available remote Rozwój hydrologii Magurskiego Parku Narodowego
Praca omawia monitoring jakości wód powierzchniowych i wód na potrzeby bytowania ryb. Przedstawiono badania hydrologiczne wybranych źródeł Magurskiego Parku Narodowego (MPN). Ochrona zasobów przyrodniczych jest możliwa, gdy zostanie zapewniona właściwa kontrola nad ich stanem. Pozwala na to odpowiednio zaprojektowana i wykonana sieć pomiarowa, gromadząca informacje o stanie środowiska przyrodniczego w parku i o procesach zachodzących na jego obszarze. W MPN podczas badań hydrologicznych przeprowadza się: monitoring jakości wód powierzchniowych, monitoring wód na potrzeby bytowania ryb, badania hydrogeologiczne wybranych źródeł, inwentaryzacja źródeł, monitoring warunków klimatycznych. Monitoring jakości wód powierzchniowych obejmuje badania i ocenę jakości wód, osadów wodnych rzek i jezior oraz wód zbiorników zaporowych. Celem badań jest stworzenie podstaw do podejmowania działań na rzecz poprawy stanu wód i ich ochrony przed zanieczyszczeniem, w tym ochrony przed eutrofizacją powodowaną ściekami komunalnymi i zanieczyszczeniami pochodzącymi z rolnictwa, oraz ochrony przed zanieczyszczeniami przemysłowymi, a zwłaszcza substancjami szczególnie szkodliwymi dla środowiska wodnego. Badania wykazały, że wody rzeki Wisłoki spełniały wymagania ustalone dla wód będących środowiskiem życia ryb karpiowatych. Wskaźnikami degradującymi wody był: tlen rozpuszczony, azotyny, fosfor ogólny. W 2011 roku zostały spełnione kryteria określone w rozporządzeniu, zgodnie z którymi wody rzeki Wisłoki w punkcie pomiarowo-kontrolnym Krempna–Kotań są przydatne do bytowania ryb łososiowatych. Warunki hydrogeologiczne na terenie MPN są bezpośrednio związane z budową geologiczno-strukturalną. Wody podziemne występują tutaj w dwóch horyzontach wodonośnych: trzeciorzędowym i czwartorzędowym. Należy podjąć kompleksowy monitoring w MPN, który pozwoliłby oprócz analizy indywidualnych cech klimatu i mikroklimatów zbadać emisję zanieczyszczeń powietrza, określić szkody w zbiorowiskach roślinnych wywołane kwaśnymi deszczami oraz podjąć działania zapobiegające ujemnym skutkom tych zjawisk.
The paper represents monitoring quality of the surface waters, and also those necessary for fish farming. There has been conducted hydrological research of the selected water springs. Protection of natural resources is possible when will be appropriate control of their condition. This task should allow for appropriate to project and made measuring network, gathering information about the state of natural environment in the Park and about processes occurring in the area. The Park services are mentioned of the Nature Conservation Act. In MPN, in extent hydrological research carry out following types of monitoring: surface water quality monitoring, water fish habitat monitoring, hydrological studies of selected sources, sources inventory, the climatic conditions monitoring. Surface water quality monitoring includes research and of water quality assessment, water sediments of rivers, lakes and water and protection from pollution, including protection from eutrophication caused by municipal wastewater and pollution comes from agricultural and protection against industrial pollution in particular substances particulary harmful to the aquatic environment. Studies have shown that the Wisłoka River water meet the requirements established for the waters of carp fish habitat. Indicators degrading water was: dissolved oxygen, nitrite, total phosphorus. Whereas in 2011 the criteria set out in Regulation have been met water from Wisłoka River in point measurement control Krempna–Kotań are useful for salmonid habitat. Hydrological conditions in the Magura National Park are directly related to the geological and structural construction. Groundwater are presents here into aquifers horizons: tertiary and quaternary. Should a comprehensive monitoring in MPN undertake with would allow besides examination of the individual nature of the climate and microclimates, explore emission of air pollution, identify the damage implant communities caused by acid rain and take measures to prevent the adverse effects of the phenomenal.
Drogi kołowe, ale również i kolejowe są sytuowane bardzo często równolegle do płynących rzek, przekraczają je pod kątem zbliżonym do prostego lub biegną przez tereny zalewowe i dopływy rzek. Projektowanie takich dróg wiąże się, szczególnie w rejonie najbliższym doliny rzecznej, z zagrożeniem powodzią i możliwością większych lub mniejszych zniszczeń obiektów drogowo-mostowych.
Content available remote Symulacja zasięgu zalewu powodziowego doliny rzecznej
Flood studies and forecasts are concentrated on a peak flow Q(max) and flood hydrograph Q(t) calculations. In this study a hydraulic flood routing model has been integrated with geographic information system containing digital elevation model of the valley floor. This allows to display the mo-deling results of both deterministic Q(x, y, t), and probabilistic Q(x, y, p), approach. Model has been tested on a data from Skora river (A=273 km2) located on a footslope of the Sudety Mountain in southwest part of Poland. A detailed study has been performed on a 15.2 km long river reach between gauges Zagrodno (A=162 km2) and Chojnow (A=270 km2). Leveling survey of the 50 floodplain cross-sections has been performed in the summer of 1999. This data has been used for proper description of the river channel geometry and weight average Manning roughness coefficients on a floodplain. For a river channel flood routing a numerical model based on the balance Saint-Venant equation has been applied (program name is SiReN). The boundary conditions in the numerical solution were flood hydrograph Q(t) at the inlet gauge Zagrodno, and stage graph H(t), rating curve Q(H) at the outlet gauge Chojnow. A numerical implicit Preissman scheme of finite differences method has been used for solving equations. At the flood passage a lateral runoff from a side catchments has al-so been considered. Manning roughness coefficients have been in addition optimized using the calculated versus observed flood hydrographs. Digital elevation model has been calculated using the digitized contour data from topographic maps in a scale 1:10 000 and surveying data from river channel cross-sections leveling. A regular grid of 10m x 10m resolution with elevation points has been obtained by the inverse distance interpolation method available in Surfer program. Matrix of elevation points has been converted to a raster image in which pixel number corresponds to a grid node value. Integration of the DEM model with other thematic maps showing landuse of the river valley floor and water surface in the channel has been done in ILWIS program. Visualization of the flood range has been done for the peak flows of 10, 1 and 0.1% probability.
In the geographic research, for example classification and mathematical modelling, division of the research area onto network of basic spatial units (quasi-homogenous) is applied. An often applied is division of research area onto regular geometric units. The question, which has not been solved yet, is a determination of an optimal size of a basic spatial units. Two objective methods of the research area division into the basic units network are presented in the paper. Górna Wilga watershed has been used for comparing effects of the watershed division on the basic fields, which are obtained from the geometrical and geostatistical methods. Application of the geometrical methods enables to obtain the optimal basic field size from in-formation on dimension of research area. This method can be used in the investigation in the regional scale, where researches and results are more generalised. Application of geostatistical methods (semivariance and nearest-neighbour analysis) enables to obtain the celi size of the quasi-homogenous fields' network from the spatial variability of environmental conditions and from the measure points localisation. Geostatistical methods can be used in the investigations on small areas (for example small watersheds), where the greater detailing of data and results is required.
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