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Background: Detecting the plants as objects of interest in any vision-based input sequence is highly complex due to nonlinear background objects such as rocks, shadows,etc. Therefore, it is a difficult task and an emerging one with the development of precision agriculture systems. The nonlinear variations of pixel intensity with illuminationand other causes such as blurs and poor video quality also make the object detection taskchallenging. To detect the object of interest, background subtraction (BS) is widely usedin many plant disease identification systems, and its detection rate largely depends on thenumber of features used to suppress and isolate the foreground region and its sensitivitytoward image nonlinearity. Methodology: A hybrid invariant texture and color gradient-based approach is proposed to model the background for dynamic BS, and its performance is validated byvarious real-time video captures covering different kinds of complex backgrounds and various illumination changes. Based on the experimental results, a simple multimodal featureattribute, which includes several invariant texture measures and color attributes, yieldsfinite precision accuracy compared with other state-of-art detection methods. Experimental evaluation of two datasets shows that the new model achieves superior performanceover existing results in spectral-domain disease identification model. 5G assistance: After successful identification of tobacco plant and its analysis, the finalresults are stored in a cloud-assisted server as a database that allows all kinds of 5G servicessuch as IoT and edge computing terminals for data access with valid authentication fordetailed analysis and references.
Automatyczna obróbka obrazu w czasie rzeczywistym jest kluczowa dla wielu rozwiązań monitoringu wykorzystywanych w celach bezpieczeństwa. Często jednym z ważniejszych etapów obróbki jest oddzielenie tła od obiektów na pierwszym planie, tak aby wykluczyć wszystkie nieistotne informacje z obrazu. Celem pracy jest podsumowanie doświadczenia zdobytego podczas śledzenia pływaków oraz pokazanie możliwości skutecznego automatycznego nadzoru wideo osób korzystających z basenu. Porównano skuteczność działania dwóch wybranych algorytmów (MOG i KNN) przy użyciu różnych odwzorowań kolorów oraz omówiono zalety i wady analizowanych metod.
Automatic real-time image processing is crucial for many (video surveillance) monitoring solutions used, among others for security purposes. Often one of the most important stages of computer vision processing is separating the background from the objects in the foreground, so as to exclude all irrelevant information from the image. The aim of this work is to summarize the experience gained while tracking swimmers and to show the possibility of effective automatic video surveillance of people using a swimming pool. The effectiveness of two selected algorithms (MOG and KNN) is compared using different color mappings and the advantages and disadvantages of the analyzed methods are discussed.
The article deals with the problem of correct detection of moving objects when they are monitored by the monitoring system that operates in the visible range of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. Based on the analysis of existing methods, for detection of moving objects there is proposed an algorithm that is adaptive to destabilizing factors. This algorithm makes it possible to increase the accuracy of moving objects detection. The algorithm takes into account the presence of noise and its heterogeneity, both in space and time, and also removes the influence of moving shadows. The correctness of the algorithms described in this article is confirmed by their software implementation and modelling. In the process of modelling, the accuracy of object detection, proposed by the algorithm under different observation conditions, and the motion parameters of the objects were estimated.
Artykuł porusza problem prawidłowego wykrywania poruszających się obiektów, gdy są one monitorowane przez system monitorujący działający w widzialnym zakresie spektrum promieniowania elektromagnetycznego. Na podstawie analizy istniejących metod zaproponowano adaptacyjny algorytm uwzględniający czynniki destabilizujące. Algorytm ten umożliwia zwiększenie dokładności wykrywania poruszających się obiektów. Uwzględnia on obecność szumu i jego niejednorodność, zarówno w przestrzeni, jak i w czasie, a także eliminuje wpływ ruchomych cieni. Poprawność algorytmów, opisanych w tym artykule, potwierdzono w czasie ich realizacji i modelowania. W trakcie symulacji przeprowadzono oszacowanie dokładności detekcji obiektów według zaproponowanego algorytmu w różnych warunkach obserwacji i dla różnych parametrów ruchu obiektu.
Content available remote Overview of Object Detection and Tracking based on Block Matching Techniques
Object tracking is one of the vital fields of computer vision that detects the moving object from a video sequence. Object detection is used to detect the object present in the video and to find the exact location of that object. The object tracking can be applied in various fields that include video surveillance, robot vision, traffic monitoring, automated civil or military surveillance system, traffic monitoring, human-computer interaction, vehicle navigation, biomedical image analysis, medical imaging and much more. The object tracking algorithm requires tracking the object in each frame of the video. A common approach is to use the background subtraction, which eliminates the common static background, resulting into foreground region showing the presence of the desired object. Block matching technique is the most popular technique for computing the motion vectors between the two frames of video sequences and different searching techniques are available to compute motion vectors between frames. Still, there is a scope for improvement in modifying or developing a new shape pattern for block matching motion estimation to find out and track the object in the video. This paper presents the several object detection and tracking methods and how block matching can be used to track object from a video.
A method which allows to improve object detection abilities of conventional difference-based back-ground subtraction algorithm has been presented in this paper. The algorithm is a hybrid method consisting of the background subtraction method and the Contour Histogram Displacement Calculation (C-HDC) algorithm. Background subtraction method processes a grey scale image, while C-HDC calculates displacement values basing on its contour histograms. Tracking ratios before, and after merging with C-HDC have been measured and presented.
Coastal zones are not only the fundaments for local economics based on trade, shipping and transport services, but also a source of food, energy, and resources. Apart from offering diverse opportunities for recreation and tourism, coastal zones provide protection against storms and other meteorological disturbances. Environmental information is also essential because of the direct influence on a country’s maritime zones, which are territorial sea and exclusive economic zones. Keeping local communities and ecosystems healthy requires monitoring and assessing of all the vital changes of territorial sea and its baseline. The paper presents a method and a concept of a system that provides an efficient means of automatic analysis of spatial data provided by satellite observation systems (optical Landsat 8 and SAR Sentinel 1) in order to monitor, and detect, changes in the coastline. The proposed methodology is based on a set of algorithms that enable one to trace and detect changes in coastline shape, and eventual damage to marine infrastructure, such as breakwaters and harbours, relying on high resolution satellite observational products.
Together with the development of effective and efficient people identification algorithms, biometric authentication systems become increasingly popular and widespread, leading to a significant growth in the number of institutions interested in implementing and using such systems. Although, several research works focused their efforts on these type of solutions, none of the commonly available systems provide a non-cooperative approach to object identification. For this reason, they are not suitable for use in some specific situations, such as people entering the stadium. Therefore, we decided to go up against these limitations and develop biometric identification system for less constrained scenarios. In this paper, we present an evaluation of different algorithms suitable for human silhouette detection in such environment. We focus on investigating their effectiveness and performance under unconstrained conditions, such as different lighting.
Implementation of the background subtraction algorithm on parallel GPUs is presented. The algorithm processes video streams and extracts foreground pixels. The work focuses on optimizing parallel algorithm implementation by taking into account specific features of the GPU architecture, such as memory access, data transfers and work group organization. The algorithm is implemented in OpenCL and CUDA. Various optimizations of the algorithm are presented and tested using devices with varying processing power, including desktop PC graphic cards, ultrabooks and the Tegra mobile processor. The aim of the work is to determine if the optimized algorithm, run on currently available GPUs, is able to perform on-line processing of high resolution video streams.
W artykule przedstawiono implementację algorytmu odejmowania tła na procesorach równoległych GPU. Algorytm przetwarza strumienie obrazu z kamer i wyodrębnia piksele nie należące do tła. Praca skupia się na optymalizacji równoległego przetwarzania obrazu z uwzględnieniem architektury procesorów GPU. Algorytm został zaimplementowany w systemach OpenCL i CUDA. Przedstawiono różne techniki optymalizacji i wyniki testów wykonanych na procesorach GPU w urządzeniach o różnej mocy obliczeniowej. Celem pracy jest określenie czy zoptymalizowany algorytm uruchomiony na dostępnych obecnie urządzeniach GPU jest w stanie przetwarzać strumienie obrazu w trybie online.
The article presents a hardware implementation of the foreground object detection algorithm PBAS (Pixel-Based Adaptive Segmenter) with a scene analysis module. A mechanism for static object detection is proposed, which is based on consecutive frame differencing. The method allows to distinguish stopped foreground objects (e.g. a car at the intersection, abandoned luggage) from false detections (so-called ghosts) using edge similarity. The improved algorithm was compared with the original version on popular test sequences from the dataset. The obtained results indicate that the proposed approach allows to improve the performance of the method for sequences with the stopped objects. The algorithm has been implemented and successfully verified on a hardware platform with Virtex 7 FPGA device. The PBAS segmentation, consecutive frame differencing, Sobel edge detection and advanced one-pass connected component analysis modules were designed. The system is capable of processing 50 frames with a resolution of 720×576 pixels per second.
W artykule zaprezentowano implementację sprzętową nowatorskiego algorytmu odejmowania tła ViBe (ang. VIsual Background Extractor) w układzie rekonfigurowalnym FPGA. Metoda ta opiera się na odmiennej od dotychczas opisywanych i realizowanych koncepcji modelowania tła. W pracy dokonano oceny możliwości przeniesienia algorytmu na platformę sprzętową, pokazano dwie modyfikacje, które pozwoliły poprawić działanie metody oraz omówiono zrealizowany system sprzętowy. Według wiedzy autorów jest to pierwszy opis implementacji tego algorytmu w układzie FPGA.
This paper presents a hardware implementation in the FPGA reconfigurable device of ViBe - a novel background subtraction algorithm. The method is based on a different, from those previously described and implemented, background modelling concept. It partly uses random numbers, which allowed us to significantly reduce the buffer size in relation to the standard methods like mean or median form a buffer. A detailed description of ViBe can be found in papers [6, 7, 8]. In this paper the role of background generation algorithms in image processing and analysis systems, with particular emphasis on hardware implementations is discussed (Section 1). The ViBe algorithm is described in Section 2. Then an analysis of the possibility of implementing ViBe in FPGA is presented (Section 3). Section 4 describes two proposed modifications: the use of the CIE Lab colour space and the enhanced flashing pixels detection method. Their desirability has been confirmed quantitatively using the "ChangeDetection" database [9]. A detailed description of the designed ViBe hardware module and image processing system is presented in Section 5. The scheme of the ViBe module is shown in Figure 5 and the whole system in Figure 4. Table 3 summarizes the hardware resource utilization. The proposed solution enables the detection of objects using the method ViBe and enables realtime processing of a colour 640 x 480 video stream at 60 frames per second. The obtained results confirm the high usefulness of FPGA in the implementation of advanced image processing and analysis algorithms.
The article presents the concept of real-time implementation computing tasks in video surveillance systems. A pipeline implementation of a multimodal background generation algorithm for colour video stream and a moving objects segmentation based on brightness, colour and textural information in reconfigurable resources of FPGA device is described. System architecture, resource usage and segmentation results are presented.
W artykule zaprezentowano koncepcję implementacji zadań obliczeniowych wykorzystywanych w systemach nadzoru wizyjnego w czasie rzeczywistym. Opisano implementację wielomodalnej metody generacji tła dla sekwencji wideo zarejestrowanych w kolorze oraz segmentację obiektów ruchomych z wykorzystaniem informacji o jasności, kolorze i teksturze w zasobach rekonfigurowalnych układów FPGA. Zaprezentowano architekturę systemu, zużycie zasobów i przykładowe rezultaty segmentacji.
W artykule opisano implementację systemu detekcji obiektów ruchomych składającego się z kamery cyfrowej, układu FPGA Spartan 6 oraz monitora LCD. Zastosowano metodę detekcji obiektów opartą na obrazach różnicowych, stosując następujące algorytmy: generacja tła, odejmowanie tła i usuwanie cieni. Dokonano modyfikacji i adaptacji algorytmów do potrzeb implementacji FPGA. Podstawą działania systemu są moduły zaimplementowane w języku VHDL: wielowariantowej generacji tła oraz segmentacji obiektów ruchomych na podstawie analizy wartości jasności, koloru i tekstury. Dodatkowo opisano budowę, zaimplementowanych w języku Verilog, modułów umożliwiających komunikację z kamerą, wykonanie transformacji Bayera, konwersji przestrzeni barw RGB na CIE Lab oraz szybkiego interfejsu do zewnętrznej pamięci RAM DDR3. Ponadto w pracy zaprezentowano zużycie zasobów FPGA dla poszczególnych modułów oraz wyniki testów wykonanego systemu.
The article describes an implementation of a moving object detection system consisting of a digital camera, a Spartan 6 FPGA device and a LCD monitor. The object detection method is based on differential images. It uses the following algorithms: background generation, background subtraction and shadow removal. The basis of the system are two modules designed in VHDL: advanced background generation and moving objects segmentation based on brightness, colour and texture analysis. In addition the construction of modules allowing communication with the camera, execution of the Bayer transform, RGB to CIE Lab colour space conversion and fast interface to the external DDR3 RAM is described. The paper also presents the usage of FPGA resources and tests results of the proposed system.
W artykule poruszono zagadnienia, które są istotne przy wyborze metody detekcji obiektów ruchomych dla systemu monitoringu przestrzeni publicznej. Przebadano, jak wybór przestrzeni barw wpływa na rezultaty detekcji, oraz zmierzono i zaprezentowano czasy konwersji pomiędzy przestrzeniami barw. Przeanalizowano i przetestowano szereg algorytmów generacji tła, zwracając szczególną uwagę na takie cechy, jak: zdolność do poprawnej inicjalizacji tła, odporność na nagłe zmiany oświetlenia i multimodalność tła. Dodatkowo wyniki eksperymentów wskazują, że wykorzystanie informacji o ruchu, uzyskanej poprzez wyznaczenie przepływu optycznego, może poprawić wyniki segmentacji oraz działanie generacji tła.
This paper deals with important issues when choosing a moving object detection method for a video surveillance system. It was investigated, how the choice of colour space affects the segmentation results. Also conversion times between different colour spaces were measured and presented. Several baekground generation algorithms were analyzed and tested. Particular attention was paid to such features as the ability to correctly initialize the background model, the resilience to sudden changes in lighting and background multimodality. In addition, experimental results indicate that the use of motion information, obtained by calculating optical flow, may enhance the segmentation and performanee of background generation.
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