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Content available remote Complex Object-Based Multidimensional Modeling and Cube Construction
This paper presents a multidimensional model and a language to construct cubes for the purpose of on-line analytical processing. Both the multidimensional model and the cube model are based on the concept of complex object which models complex entities of real world. The multidimensional model is presented at two layers: the class diagram layer and the package layer. Both layers are used by a projection operation that aims at extracting cubes: at the package diagram layer, the projection dynamically assigns the roles of fact and dimensions to the complex objects of the multidimensional model whereas at the class diagram layer, it allows designing the measures. We also provide operations that optimize the construction of new cubes by using existing ones. The set of operations for cube construction are expressed by formal operators, thus forming a language. To show the feasibility of our multidimensional model and operators, we present implementation details of a real case study.
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