Purpose: The purpose of the article was to broaden the knowledge about the behavior of Fibonacci superlattices as filters electromagnetic waves. Design/methodology/approach: Simulations of multi-layer systems is usually carried out by using two complementary methods. The first, matrix method which allows the study of the properties of structures using transmission maps and the second method used is the Finite-Difference Time Domain (FDTD) algorithm allows on the study of electromagnetic wave propagation in the structure. Findings: It can be seen that the lighting of the filter with monochromatic light in the wavelength range of the band gap filter at the output causes propagation of low intensity in the range other than the wavelength of the incident beam. Research limitations/implications: The simulation was not considered the impact of losses in the material. Practical implications: Present clear differences depending on the polarization allow the use of superlattices as polarizers for specific ranges of wavelengths and angles of incidence. Originality/value: Fibonacci superlattices have been pre-tested in. The purpose of the article was to broaden the knowledge about the behavior of these structures as filters electromagnetic waves with a wavelength range from the near infrared, the effect of the material surrounding the transmission and increasing knowledge of the formation of band gaps.
Referat dotyczy rozproszonego monitoringu i zbierania danych w dużych obiektach przemysłowych, takich jak walcownie. Monitorowane są zarówno wielkości analogowe - szybkozmienne oraz wolnozmienne, jak i sygnały dwustanowe oraz ciągi impulsów. Dane te są zbierane i zapamiętywane w buforach kołowych sterowników lub koncentratorów danych (zwanych logerami), z wybranym okresem próbkowania (np.: 1 ms). W zależności od typu danych wybierane są odpowiednie okresy, np. 1 s, z których próbki danych są periodycznie przesyłane przez sieć do nadrzędnego systemu. Natomiast w przypadku wystąpienia określonego zdarzenia zachodzi potrzeba przesłania do systemu nadrzędnego bardzo dużej ilości danych z otoczenia momentu wystąpienia tego zdarzenia z rozdzielczością wynikającą z częstotliwości ich próbkowania. Przedmiotem referatu jest próba optymalizacji tego zadania.
The paper deals with distributed monitoring and data acquisition in large industrial plants like rolling mills. Monitored quantities are analogue: fast-changing and slow-changing as well as bistable signals and pulse series. These data are acquired with a selected sampling interval (e.g.: 1 ms) and stored in circular buffers of controllers or data concentrators referred to as loggers. Depending on the data type adequate periods are chosen (e.g.: 1 s), over which the data samples are periodically transmitted via network to a supervisory system. In case of a specific event there is a need of transmitting to the supervisory system a large quantity of data, stored in particular concentrators from the neighborhood of this event with a resolution resulting from sampling frequency. An attempt of optimization of this task is the subject of this paper.
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