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Content available remote Ekologistyka ale jaka?
Antropocen rozwija się wykładniczo w funkcji rosnącej populacji ludzkiej oraz jej rozwoju cywilizacyjnego XXI wieku. Obok licznych udogodnień, niesie to szereg zagrożeń społeczno-ekonomicznych i środowiskowych. Celem opracowania jest zaakcentowanie wagi zakotwiczania wiedzy i kultury działania ludzkiego w rozwiązywaniu problemów zagrożenia dla środowiska przyrodniczego. W publikacji opisano także niektóre komponenty realizacji przedmiotu „Ekologistyka” na kierunku „Logistyka w sektorze rolno-spożywczym” na Uniwersytecie Rzeszowskim. Na podstawie własnego doświadczenia, dyskusji ze studentami i wyników ankiety zestawiono wyobrażenie zakresu treści tego przedmiotu oczami studentów.
The Anthropocene is developing exponentially as a function of the growing human population and its civilizational development in the 21st century. In addition to numerous amenities, it carries a number of socio-economic and environmental risks. The aim of the study is to emphasize the importance of anchoring people's knowledge and culture of human activity in problems of threats to the natural environment. The publication also describes some components of the implementation of the subject "Ecologistics" in the field of "Logistics in the agricultural and food sector" at the University of Rzeszów. On the basis of own experience, discussions with students and the results of the survey, an idea of the content of this subject through the eyes of students was compiled.
In the Solar System, the coming into existence of a peculiar, fully developed atmosphere on Earth was determined by the ‘Great Oxidation Event’ at the turn of the Proterozoic and Palaeozoic. Within about 600 million years, there were large changes in oxygen concentrations in this atmosphere, ranging from 15 to 35 per cent, having been determined by a combination of cosmic-climatic, tectonic-volcanic and biological phenomena. A particular environmental change occurred at the beginning of the 19th century, as a result of the overlap of the end of the natural Little Ice Age and the beginning of anthropogenic warming of the ‘industrial revolution’. According to the author, the rate of human impact on environmental changes is estimated at about 15 per cent. The appearance of mankind brought new changes in the natural environment, including the oxygen content of the air. The current scale of anthropogenic impact justifies the introduction of a new time slice in the planet’s history - the Anthropocene. The functioning of civilisation is conditioned by meeting energy needs, to be implemented by creating a system of energy generators, among which the heat of the Earth should be an important component. The energy generated from this inexhaustible and cost-free geo-resource should be seen as the most ecological among all currently used energy carriers.
Content available Epistemologiczne aspekty dyskursu o uniwersytecie
The subject of the article oscillates around selected topics of science and technology studies in relation to the university space of institutionalization of science. The present proposition to extend metascience so that it comprises studies on the university and the anthropocene discourse is combined with an attempt to present these studies in the perspective of deep humanities, through consilience and the outline of the socio-cultural history of the university. Hence, I present here the view of social epistemology in the science in context discourse (in the style of Alvin Goldman rather than Thomas Kuhn), understood as a science about the social dimensions of knowledge, with an emphasis on epistemic processes and practices that provide space for the main factors influencing our beliefs, especially acts of communication and institutional structures. In this respect, this text can also be treated as a gloss to the contemporary dispute about the university and a reminder that this dispute should also be a reference point for the theory of social knowledge, taking into account the different contexts of interactions and their institutional complexity in which scientific facts (and most cognitive acts) are made.
Introduction/background; Aim of the paper: Management of employee health is extremely important in the context of anthropogenic climate change. We examined the costs and benefits of implementing employee health management programs in the case of the vector-borne disease Lyme disease and its comorbidities (encephalitis, myelitis, and encephalomyelitis), taking sensitivity analysis into account. We have also examined the economic burden of these diseases and their comorbidities. Materials and methods: In order to estimate the costs and benefits of implementing employee health management programs in the case of vector-borne diseases as well as the economic burden of these diseases, the following data were used: data from the National Health Fund (NFZ) with related etiological fraction calculus and sensitivity analysis; and datasets from the Social Insurance Institution and the Central Statistical Office, using the human capital method (which includes, among others, the number of sick days). Results and conclusions: The total cost of Lyme disease and its complications, taking into account sensitivity analysis, amounts to EUR 16.2-16.3 million. The implementation of employee health management solutions would reduce the costs of Lyme disease’s complications by at least EUR 2.5 million and decrease employer losses. The results of this study show that treatment costs for patients with complications are higher than those for patients with well-controlled diseases (without complications). Moreover, the conducted analysis indicates that the implementation of employee health management solutions similar to solutions implemented by the Polish National Forest Holding is associated with a reduction in the incidence and costs of serious complications.
Content available Ecological art and its main thesis
The article deals with the topic of ecological art, the thesis of which is the necessity to protect the planet from climate and ecological disaster. The question the author poses in the study is: why, despite the great significance of the problem and its place in public (at least Western) debate, eco-art seems to occupy a rather mediocre place? The difficulty of ecological art is, among others, that it must convince its recipients that the future fate of the world is, after all, their own, although the effects of the creeping ecological disaster which takes place in our time will be felt only by future generations. One of the important reasons for the disproportion between the importance of the issue, which is the threat of ecological disaster, the huge financial resources and political efforts undertaken to reduce the devastation, as well as the fairly marginal position of eco-art is a certain paradox (the author refers to it as Nietzschean paradox) - eco-art, on the one hand, shifts the focus from human subject matter to the environment, in which man is only one of the actors, on the other hand, like every type of art, it must remain human. For only the special position of homo sapiens can justify denying and inhibiting man’s aspirations in the name of their “leadership” and species chauvinism.
Content available Okruchowe (antropogeniczne) złoża kopalin
W zwałach i osadnikach pozostawianych po robotach górniczych znajduje się często materiał skalny posiadający cechy kopaliny, różniącej się od występującej w złożu tylko tym, że występuje ona w stanie rozdrobnionym lub jest zubożona w niektóre składniki mineralne. Stanowić one mogą źródło surowców, takich samych jak w złożu naturalnym lub w niewielkim stopniu zmienionych. Zasoby zwałów rud oraz produktów ich hutniczego przetwarzania były dokumentowane do 1975 r., a zwałów kopalin wapiennych w latach 1994-2001, na podstawie obowiązujących wówczas przepisów prawa geologicznego i górniczego i były one wykazywane w krajowym bilansie zasobów. Nagromadzenia kopalin w zwałach i osadnikach powstałe w holocenie i antropocenie stają się składnikiem środowiska naturalnego jako produkt geologicznej działalności ludzkiej i powinny być traktowane jako antropogeniczne okruchowe złoża osadowe. Proponuje się odpowiednie zmodyfikowanie definicji złoża kopaliny w prawie geologicznym i górniczym, oraz systematyczne ich dokumentowanie i ewidencjonowanie.
The dumps formed due to mineral deposits mining contain often the rock material of the same composition as occurring in parent deposit, or depleted in some mineral compounds due to the beneficiation. They may be the source of valuable mineral raw materials. The ore resources in dumps were systematically reported up to the year 1975 and of crushed limestones since 1994 to 2001. The mineral materials accumulated in dumps during the late Holocene and Anthropocene becomes the compounds of environment as a product of human activity. They should be considered as the clastic sedimentary anthropogenic deposits. The appropriate modification of legal definition of mineral deposit in Geological and Mining Law is proposed, as well as systematical reporting of anthropogenic mineral resources.
Content available Ecology and society. Impacted ecosystems. Part I
The Earth has existed for more than four billion years and has sustained life for three billion. Human beings have existed for just 200,000 years, yet our impact on the planet is so great that scientists around the world are calling for our period in the Earth’s history to be named ‘the Anthropocene’ - the age of humans. The changes we are now making have exacted a heavy toll on the natural world around us, and now threaten the planet’s ability to provide for us all. Problems of Ecology and Society in the new geological era as the Anthropocene - ‘the age of humans’ - are overviewed. The name is widely recognized as a useful classification of the period in which human activity has created and continues to generate deep and lasting effects on the Earth and its living systems. Examples of the interrelated effects of exponential population growth and massively expanding consumption of natural resources called Great Acceleration are given. Updated ‘planetary dashboard’ of environmental, economic and social indicators charts the trajectory of the Anthropocene are briefly summarized.
Ziemia istnieje od ponad czterech miliardów lat i podtrzymuje życie przez trzy miliardy. Istoty ludzkie istnieją od 200 000 lat, ale obecnie nasz wpływ na planetę jest tak wielki, że naukowcy na całym świecie przekonują, by ten okres w historii Ziemi nazwano „antropocenem” - epoką ludzi. Zmiany, które teraz wprowadzamy, spowodowały ogromne straty w naturalnym świecie wokół nas, a obecnie zagrażają zdolności planety do zapewnienia nam wszystkim życia. W artykule pokazano problemy ekologii i społeczeństwa w nowej epoce geologicznej - antropocenie - „wieku ludzi”. Nazwa ta jest powszechnie uznawana za właściwą nazwę okresu, w którym działalność człowieka wpływała i nadal wpływa w istotny sposób na Ziemię i jej żywe systemy. Podano przykłady powiązanych ze sobą skutków wykładniczego wzrostu populacji i masowo rosnącej konsumpcji zasobów naturalnych, zwanej wielką akceleracją. Zaktualizowano „planetarną tablicę rozdzielczą” wskaźników środowiskowych, gospodarczych i społecznych, a następnie krótko podsumowano trajektorię antropocenu.
Artykuł analizuje filozoficzne, etyczne i pojęciowe aspekty współczesnych dyskursów antropocenu. Antropocen to nowa epoka geologiczna, określona przez intensywne interwencje człowieka w systemy planetarne, które powodują nieodwracalne straty, destabilizację klimatu, masowe wymieranie i przekraczanie granic planetarnych. W tekście pada pytanie, jak powinniśmy rozmawiać o problemie rozwoju społecznego w antropocenie? Czy możliwa jest korekta klimatyczna nauk humanistycznych, dotycząca wewnętrznych problemów letargu polityki środowiskowej i impasu klimatycznego w XXI wieku? Jak sobie poradzić z jednoczesną problematyzacją kategorii przyrody i silną krytyką wcześniejszej arogancji zawartej w antropocentryzmie?
The article analyses philosophical, ethical and notional aspects of the contemporary discourses of the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene is a new geological epoch, defined by the intense human interventions into the planetary systems that cause irreversible losses, climate destabilization, the mass extinction and crossing the planetary boundaries. The text asks how we should discuss the problem of social development in the Anthropocene? Is the climatic correction of the humanities possible, concerning intrinsic problems of the lethargy of environmental politics and a climate impasse in the 21st century? How we can cope with the simultaneous problematization of the category of nature and the strong criticism of a former arrogance included in anthropocentrism?
Content available Antropocen : nowa epoka geologiczna?
The Anthropocene is a new epoch proposed by Crutzen and Stoermer (2000), with a base at 1950 AD or 1800 AD. The present author doubts its value while studying Quaternary stratigraphic columns, as its base signal (Holocene/Anthropocene) might be unrecognizable in field sections. The usage of the Anthropocene epoch would probably be restricted to areas of massive direct negative human impact on Nature, predominantly in the Northern Hemisphere. In much less affected Southern Hemisphere deserts (Australia), mountain chains (the Andes), the near-pristine glaciated Antarctic continent and Subantarctic islands, separation of the Anthropocene time-unit (as a formal epoch) from the Holocene epoch would be artificial, even useless. On the other hand, the informal term might be useful for economic geographers, planners, sociologists, and Nature- protectionists.
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