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w słowach kluczowych:  analysis of road accidents driving ability
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W artykule omówiony został nowy sposób wykorzystywania nowych informacji użytecznych w analizie zdarzeń drogowych pochodzących ze zdjęć satelitarnych i z zapisów video z kamer zainstalowanych w pojazdach lub na obiektach znajdujących się w pobliżu miejsca zdarzenia.
In the analysis of road accidents (collisions and accidents), the reconstructions are based on various information gathered in the process of preparing the proper documentation. So far, this information included: circumstances given in the explanations or testimonies of participants and witnesses of the incident, material evidence located in place of the incident, injuries of the victims taking part, the image of the vehicles ‘damage. Currently, due to development of a new technology, new information is available, such as: satellite images of the event, as well as video recording from cameras placed inside vehicles or other cameras located on the objects next to the scene of the incident (e.x.: monitoring). The article describes few examples how the usage of new technology and information obtained influences the analysis of road accidents, e.g. determining the duration of “state of threat” or the actual reaction time of the driver.
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