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w słowach kluczowych:  analiza w czasie rzeczywistym
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Content available The concept of descriptive analytics
Purpose: The goal of the paper is to analyze the main features, benefits and problems with the descriptive analytics usage. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: The paper discusses the concept of descriptive analytics, which involves collecting, cleaning, and summarizing historical data from various sources to provide a clear and concise summary that can aid in decision-making. The paper explains the importance of descriptive analytics as the foundation for other types of data analytics, and highlights the steps involved in its implementation, including data collection, cleaning and preparation, exploration and visualization, analysis, interpretation, and reporting. The paper also mentions the advantages of descriptive analytics, such as identifying trends and patterns, optimizing processes, improving decision-making, and simplifying communication, while cautioning businesses about the potential pitfalls and challenges of this approach, such as limited predictive power, incomplete data, data privacy concerns, biased results, and overreliance on historical data. The paper emphasizes the importance of understanding these issues to ensure that the insights generated are relevant, accurate, and useful. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to the problems connected with the descriptive analytics.
Content available Functioning of real-time analytics in business
Purpose: The goal of the paper is to analyze the main features, benefits and problems with the real-time analytics usage. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: The paper focus on the advantages and disadvantages of real-time analytics. The ability to process and analyze data in real-time allows organizations to quickly identify trends and patterns, optimize their operations, and allocate resources more efficiently. Additionally, real-time analytics helps businesses identify new revenue opportunities and optimize their pricing strategies, monitor user behavior, detect security threats, and react without delay. However, real-time analytics can be expensive to implement, require technical expertise, and generate false positives. Proper data quality, security measures, and system scaling are also essential for effective implementation. The vague definition of real-time and the requirement to collect detailed requirements from all stakeholders can also present challenges to businesses. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to the problems connected with the real-time analytics.
The article presents how embedded systems can be used to collect data in the long-term traction of a car. It is assumed that the long period is the time of a travelled distance, e.g. a few thousands of kilometres, or a time, e.g. a month. Such data can be used to optimize the control systems and to diagnose unusual faults in mechatronic systems. The research paper presents how, with the use of very cheap devices, it is possible to collect data that quite often could not be collected even with the use of very expensive measuring devices. The possibility of simple analysis of signals in real time was also pointed out.
The creation of value in a factory is transforming. The spread of sensors, embedded systems, and the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) creates a multitude of possibilities relating to upcoming Real Time Analytics (RTA) application. However, already the topic of big data had rendered the use of analytical solutions related to a processing in real time. Now, the introduced methods and concepts can be transferred into the industrial area. This paper deals with the topic of the current state of RTA having the objective to identify applied methods. In addition, the paper also includes a classification of these methods and contains an outlook for the use of them within the area of the smart factory.
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