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Systemy pozycjonowania satelitarnego stanowią obecnie jedną z niezbędnych gałęzi rozwiązań logistycznych, pozwalając na realizację takich funkcjonalności jak wyznaczanie tras, analiza ruchu czy monitoring w czasie rzeczywistym. Możliwości takich systemów są jednak w pewien sposób ograniczone możliwościami odbiorników.
W ostatnich latach jest przebudowywana i rozbudowywana infrastruktura drogowa we Wrocławiu. Jest dużo związanych z tym przedsięwzięć, które mają na celu zachęcić mieszkańców do korzystania z transportu publicznego, a także poprawić warunki ruchu w obrębie miasta i dostosować je do dzisiejszych standardów. Artykuł odnosi się do analizy oddziaływania nowo wybudowanej trasy tramwajowo - autobusowej "TAT" etap I we Wrocławiu na warunki ruchu w obrębie pl. Orląt Lwowskich. Skupiono się również na elementach, które zostały przebudowane nie tylko z powodu nowej linii tramwajowej, ale także na wymagane zmiany ze względu na bezpieczeństwo i zwiększenie przepustowości. Przeanalizowano stan przed przebudową oraz wdrożone zmiany i przedstawiono inne propozycje, jakie można by zastosować. W podsumowaniu artykułu opisano wady i zalety poszczególnych rozwiązań, wraz z ich opisem.
For some years road infrastructure has been beeing rebuilt and expanded in Wrocław. There are a lot of enterprises connected with it which aim is to encourage citizens to use public transport and also improve traffic conditions in the area of the whole city and adjust it to modern standards. This article refers to the analysis of the influence of the newly built. "TAT" rout level 1 in Wrocław on conditions in The Orląt Lwowskich square area. All elements which were rebuit, not only because of the new tramway but also because of regarded changes due to safety and increasing of road capacity, were taken under considaration. The condition before rebuilding, implemented changes and other ideas which could be applied were analysed. In the summary of this article advantages and disadvantages of individual solutions were presented with their description.
Content available remote Computer – aided method for lower limbs kinematic analysis
The aim of this paper is to propose a novel method that enables kinematic analysis of motion capture (MoCap) data of lower limbs activities by comparison of body joints trajectories to the reference template. We propose an appropriate human body kinematic model, MoCap aligning procedure and heuristic evaluation with Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) - based approach. In contrast to other state-of-the-art papers, where analysis is performed on the single joint on the selected two-dimensional plane, we performed three-dimensional evaluation of human body by analyzing the whole kinematic chain jointly. This approach allows us to find which body joints affected the difference between the input and reference recordings the most. This is valuable information that a person who evaluates MoCap data expects to find. We have also performed kinematic analysis applying commonly used kinematic parameters proposed in state-of-the-art researches in order to show that in our case, when there is no restriction on speed or dynamic of action to be analyzed, those parameters cannot be used to draw valuable conclusions. We have tested our method on a dataset consisting recordings of four karate athletes with various experience in Shorin Ryu karate school. While comparing our algorithm’s results to experts evaluation the true positive rate equals 0.93 while negative rate 0.96.
W pracy zaproponowano nową metodę analizy kinematyki kończyn dolnych przy pomocy nagrań motion capture (MoCap). Zaproponowane rozwiązanie pozwala na kompleksową analize całosci łańcucha kinematycznego. Przetestowaliśmy zaproponowany algorytm na zbiorze danych zawierającym nagrania czterech zawodników Shorin Ryu karate uzyskując zadawalające wyniki w porównaniu do analogicznej ewaluacji przeprowadzonej przez eksperta.
Purpose: A novel portable system has been used to evaluate spatial knee movement, but its accuracy and repeatability is not known. The aim of this study was to investigate the accuracy and repeatability of the measurement. Methods: Ten healthy participants were included, and the knee motion trajectory during walking were assessed. Six evaluations were conducted (three days by two raters) for each participant. The motion parameters at the key points and the range of motion were statistically analyzed. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), standard error of the measurement (SEM), and the Bland–Altman method were used. Results: For intra-rater repeatability, 1) the ICC values range from 0.75 to 0.9 for rotations; and 0.64 to 0.96 for translations. Among the ICC values, 100% of rotations and 90% of translations were not less than 0.70; 2) among the SEM values, 100% of rotations were not more than 5°, while 73.3% of translations were less than 3 mm. For inter-rater repeatability, 1) the ICC values range from 0.68 to 0.99 for rotations; and 0.57 to 0.93 for translations. Among the ICC values, 95.6% of rotations and 82.2% of translations were not less than 0.70; 2) among the SEM values, 100% of rotations were not more than 5°, and 48.9% of translations were less than 3 mm. The Bland–Altman plots showed good agreement for intra- and inter-repeatability. Conclusions: The results indicated that the accuracy and repeatability of the measurement were acceptable, except for the inter-rater repeatability for translation. This may help researchers and physicians better interpret the measurement data.
The effectiveness of the whip-like coordination in throwing might be influenced by the inertial properties of the athlete’s arm. This preliminary study investigated the acute effect of attaching mass to the upper arm on the distance achieved in a modified javelin throw. The aim was to identify the optimum upper arm mass that maximizes throw distance. Methods: Three well-trained adult male athletes performed maximum-effort throws with an 800-g javelin training ball. A wide range of masses (0–1.5 kg) were attached to the upper arm and a 2D video analysis was used to obtain measures of the projection variables for each attached mass. Results: All three athletes showed an effect of attached arm mass on throw distance, and with the optimum mass the athlete’s throw distance was increased by 2.2 m, 1.2 m, and 0 m (7%, 4%, and 0%), respectively. The optimum mass was specific to the athlete (0.6 kg, 0.2 kg, and 0 kg) and changes in throw distance were mostly due to changes in release velocity rather than changes in release angle or release height. The experimental results were broadly similar to those obtained using a simple 2D mathematical model of throwing. Conclusions: These results indicate that some javelin throwers might see an increase in throwing performance when a mass is attached to their upper arm. However, the relationship between upper arm mass and throwing performance should be investigated further with studies on more athletes, projectiles of different mass, and other throwing events.
Content available Rejestracja ruchu żuchwy względem podstawy czaszki
W pracy przedstawiono metodę badawczą pozwalającą na wyznaczenie krzywych opisujących ruch żuchwy względem podstawy czaszki człowieka bazującą na wideo-analizie. Do pomiaru wykorzystuje się markery pasywne odbijające promieniowanie podczerwone, które umieszczane są na nakładkach mocowanych do tkanek twardych osoby badanej.
The study presents a research method for determining movement curves of the human mandible in relation to the base of the skull. The method is based on video analysis of passive markers reflecting IR radiation. Markers are placed on the personalized overlays fastened to the hard tissues of the examined person.
Many manmade machines and mechanisms, including robots, function based on the concept of nature-inspired design, so that they can perform their intended duties by mimicking the working mechanisms of animals and insects. Accordingly, walking machines (robots) use wheels and tracks to cross rough terrain efficiently and in a more stable way than conventional robots. Legged walking robots in particular remain in a discontinuous contact with the ground that provides them with the capability to select routes to avoid obstacles or holes. This article reports a study conducted on kinematic modelling and analysis of a walking machine (robot) leg mechanism that can operate on rough terrain. Its kinematic mechanisms were analyzed using the Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) convention approach. Symbolic computations are also implemented to parametrically optimize the motion parameters of the robot leg mechanism. The equation of motion was derived from the dynamic analysis using the Euler-Lagrange method which involves kinetic and potential energy expressions. In order to validate the performance of the robot leg mechanism and motion behaviors, the kinematic motion analysis was performed in SolidWorks and MATLAB. The leg mechanism used is effective for rough terrain areas because it is capable of walking on the terrain with different amplitudes in terms of surface roughness and aerodynamics.
W artykule przedstawiono metodę obliczania miar ruchu dla inteligentnej analizy wideo. Obliczane są cztery miary: dwukierunkowa długość-łuku, kierunek-w-przód, kierunek-wstecz oraz krawędzie segmentów-ruchu. Wszystkie miary bazują na mapie przepływu obliczonej przy użyciu algorytmu przepływu optycznego. Segmenty-ruchu wykorzystują pola typu finite-time Lyapunov exponent (FTLE). Przeprowadzono eksperymentalne testy dla nagrań wideo z ruchem ludzi. Sprawdzono także czasochłonność obliczeń poszczególnych etapów proponowanego rozwiązania.
This paper presents a calculation of the motion measures for intelligent video analysis. Four measures are proposed: bidirectional length, forward direction, backward direction and motion edges. All measures are based on a flow map obtained with the use of the optical flow algorithm. Motion edges utilizes finite-time Lyapunov exponent (FTLE) fields. Experimental tests were performed for video recordings with the people movement. The computation times of particular steps of the proposed solution were also checked.
Vehicles reposition analysis is a key feature in a process of forming the traffic behaviors and managing the specific urban area issues. The anti-congestion or anti-incident activities contribute to the improvement of living conditions in modern cities. In cases when preventing the adverse incidents is impossible, it is essential to correctly evaluate the scale of a problem and take the best decisions in terms of the traffic. The purpose of the study is analyzing the possibilities of road safety improvement and refining the process of managing or modeling the traffic and infrastructure by using the UAV’s.
Analiza sposobów przemieszczania się jest istotnym czynnikiem w procesie kształtowania zachowań komunikacyjnych oraz w procesie rozwiązywania problemów funkcjonowania obszarów zurbanizowanych. Działania zapobiegające kongestii czy niepożądanym zdarzeniom, przyczynią się przede wszystkim to polepszenia warunków życia mieszkańców miast. W przypadku, gdy zapobiegnięcie niepożądanej sytuacji jest niemożliwe, niezbędne jest prawidłowe oszacowanie skali problemu oraz podjęcie właściwych decyzji z punktu widzenia zarządzania ruchem. Celem artykułu jest analiza możliwości poprawy bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego oraz usprawnienie zarządzania infrastrukturą, poprzez wykorzystanie badań zrealizowanych przy pomocy UAV.
The article presents an analysis of the impact of transport on heavy urban traffic on Wharf Kwiatkowski using program PTV Vissim. The data for analysis were taken from the Road and Greenery in Gdynia from program PTV Visum. Attention has been focused on vehicle traffic in the afternoon the top of its intensity. Model of Kwiatkowskiego Wharf, made entirely in the PTV VISSIM, was used for microscopic simulation of traffic. With its help, it was possible to find and analyze the behavior of each autonomous vehicle and interactions on the Web. For the analysis was used as a program of traffic lights currency at these junctions. The analysis results of simulation in the PTV VISSIM are related to the movement of the two structures. The first assumes that the route will move cars and trucks, taking into account their share in the network based on the intensity of traffic during peak hours of the afternoon, the second consisted only of cars. The results presented are based on measuring the time of travel and delays on specific relationships and the average length of queues at selected inlets. The results of analysis and simulation tests were subjected to statistical analysis.
W artykule przedstawiona została analiza oddziaływania transportu ciężkiego na ruch miejski na Estakadzie Kwiatkowskiego z zastosowaniem programu PTV Vissim firmy PTV AG. Dane do wykonania analizy zostały uzyskane z Zarządu Dróg i Zieleni w Gdyni. Analiza dotyczyła ruchu pojazdów w popołudniowym szczycie jego natężenia w aspekcie oddziaływania ruchu pojazdów ciężkich. W badaniach zastosowano model symulacyjny wykonany w programie PTV Vissim. Model Estakady Kwiatkowskiego służył do mikroskopowej symulacji ruchu drogowego. Za jego pomocą, możliwe było znalezienie i przeanalizowanie zachowania każdego autonomicznego pojazdu jak i interakcji zachodzących w sieci. Do wykonania analizy został użyty program sygnalizacji świetlnej obowiązujący na poszczególnych skrzyżowaniach.
Content available remote Frictional Sound Analysis by Simulating the Human Arm Movement
Fabric noise generated by fabric-to-fabric friction is considered as one of the auditory disturbances that can have an impact on the quality of some textile products. For this reason, an instrument has been developed to analyse this phenomenon. The instrument is designed to simulate the relative movement of a human arm when walking. In order to understand the nature of the relative motion of a human arm, films of the upper half of the human body were taken. These films help to define the parameters required for movement simulation. These parameters are movement trajectory, movement velocity, arm pressure applied on the lateral part of the trunk and the friction area. After creating the instrument, a set of soundtracks related to the noise generated by fabric-to-fabric friction was recorded. The recordings were treated with a specific software to extract the sound parameters and the acoustic imprints of fabric were obtained.
The dynamics of development of transport systems in cities makes it harder to control the proper traffic management. It happens that decisions on the reorganization of the traffic and utilization of automated control are made on the basis of insufficient principles. Due to that, the costs of the technical implementations are spent without a simultaneous traffic improvement. For this reason, it is necessary to use tools allowing an efficient analysis of the current and future situation of the road. Utilization of a computer simulation seems to be most effective. The paper is focused on an example of computer simulation analyses of the two integrated cross roads in Szczecin. Based on the simulation model, the assessments of the planned implementation solutions were realized. It includes the analysis of the appropriateness of traffic lights utilization for the analyzed road sections.
Crashes at isolated rural intersections, particularly those involving vehicles traveling perpendicularly to each other, are especially dangerous due to the high speeds involved. Consequently, transportation agencies are interested in reducing the occurrence of this crash type. Many engineering treatments exist to improve safety at isolated, high-speed, signalized intersections. Intuitively, it is critical to know which safety treatments are the most effective for a given set of selection criteria at a particular intersection. Without a well-defined decision making methodology, it is difficult to decide which safety countermeasure, or set of countermeasures, is the best option. Additionally, because of the large number of possible intersection configurations, traffic volumes, and vehicle types, it would be impossible to develop a set of guidelines that could be applied to all signalized intersections. Therefore, a methodology was developed in this paper whereby common countermeasures could be modeled and analyzed prior to being implemented in the field. Due to the dynamic and stochastic nature of the problem, the choice was made to employ microsimulation tools, such as VISSIM, to analyze the studied countermeasures. A calibrated and validated microsimulation model of a signalized intersection was used to model two common safety countermeasures. The methodology was demonstrated on a test site located just outside of Lincoln, Nebraska. The model was calibrated to the distribution of observed speeds collected at the test site. It was concluded that the methodology could be used for the preliminary analysis of safety treatments based on select safety and operational measures of effectiveness.
This paper is devoted to human motion analysis and comparison of chosen kinematics parameters during normal gait with and without additional load in a form of backpack. A stability in both cases were compared in both frontal and sagittal planes, by applying a video tracking system. Experimental tests performed on treadmill, passive markers, placed on volunteers bare skin were used. Additionally, an infra-red camera was employed to evaluate muscle activity and its groups involved in the movement. The change of body temperature and distribution of the thermal maps were observed. Analysing these thermograms, loading of different muscle groups was evaluated. During the experiment, an attempt to correlate a results obtained from a thermal imaging camera and video tracking system were made. It is shown that thermal imaging can help to evaluate an asymmetry in muscle load and in some cases can help to detect pathological cases, what was confirmed with motion analysis. Advantages and disadvantages of this method were also described.
W ramach badań opracowano model przykładowego silnika z wirującym tłokiem oraz przeprowadzono analizy dynamiki ruchu poszczególnych jego elementów w celu identyfikacji ewentualnych problemów eksploatacyjnych wynikających z przemieszczenia translacyjnego wkładki uszczelniacza rotora.
The rotary engine model was designed within the research. Moreover the analysis of dynamics of engine components were performed in order to identify the possible exploitation problems concerning displacement of rotor sealer insert.
Artykuł dotyczy opracowania sposobu budowy modelu trójwymiarowego mięśnia dwugłowego ramienia człowieka tak aby mięsień wyglądał i zachowywał się realistycznie podczas animacji. Dane do animacji są pozyskiwane przez systemy akwizycji ruchu - Motion Capture. Do zaprojektowania modelu bryły wykorzystano oprogramowanie Blender v.2.76. Na jego podstawie możliwe jest przeprowadzanie badań dotyczących analizy ruchu ramienia z wykorzystaniem danych zapisanych w plikach BVH.
The article concerns the development of three-dimensional model of how to build biceps human with the muscle looked and behaved realistically when animation. Data for animation are obtained by acquisition systems Motion - Motion Capture. Blender software v.2.76 was used to design a solid model. On this basis it is possible to carry out research on the analysis of the movement of the arm using data stored in BVH files.
Transportation science and integrated logistics of passengers in the cities provide a detailed study of the movements both on entry to the urban areas than within them. Parking lots are, very often, places of exchange between the motorized and the pedestrian or cycling mode, or between individual and collective motorized modes. As the modern urban civilization is known by its impetuous car parking expansion it becomes essential to design the parking lots bearing in mind the needs of those who will really use them and not referring to the political lobbies in the city administration. The study of parking lot in terms of business and financial design, planning and management after the construction needs is a more accurate determination of the experimental parameters, which enable choice of the model to minimize the uncertainty of the data that will define the revenues according to the Project Financing procedures.
In recent years adverse processes of suburbanization have been observed in cities. It has become a serious challenge for urban and transport planners, as it influences largely the quality of space, the quality of life, and the cost of running the city. This paper is dedicated to travel models in areas serviced by a railway system, and is based on a real-life survey example of the Błonie community, a district belonging to the Warsaw metropolitan area. Research carried out in 2014 focused on combined travels behaviors recorded using GPS locators as well as quantitative research (volumes of users across various transport systems).
Referat poświęcono modelom podróży w obszarach obsługiwanych koleją a jako poligon doświadczalny wybrano gminę Błonie będącą częścią Obszaru Metropolitarnego Warszawy (OMW). W referacie przedstawiono wyniki badań wykonanych w roku 2014 w godzinach szczytu porannego, w szczególności: badania funkcjonowania przystanków kolejowych i autobusowych, badania ilościowe (natężenia użytkowników w poszczególny systemach transportowych) oraz szczegółowe badania podróży złożonych z wykorzystaniem lokalizatorów GPS.
Purpose: Pregnancy is characterized by many musculoskeletal changes that affect daily living activities and walking. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of pregnancy on pelvic and trunk kinematics, and their relationship during the three pregnancy trimesters. Methods: Three-dimensional pelvis and trunk motions were measured using Qualisys Gait Analysis System in the first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy. The maximum anterior pelvic tilt and maximum trunk flexion during stance phase, pelvic tilt, obliquity and rotation, as well as trunk flexion-extension, lateral bending and rotation were measured. Results: Repeated-measures analysis of variance showed a significant increase in the maximum anterior pelvic tilt during stance phase (p=0.005), and a significant decrease in the pelvic obliquity (p=0.011), maximum trunk flexion during stance phase (p=0.0006), trunk lateral bending (p=0.005) and trunk rotation (p=0.004). A significant negative correlation was found between maximum anterior pelvic tilt and maximum trunk flexion in the first (r=-0.72, p=0.008), second (r=-0.61, p=0.03), and third (r=-0.61,p=0.03) trimesters of pregnancy. Also, there was a significant positive correlation found between pelvic obliquity and trunk lateral bending in the first (r=0.76, p=0.04), second (r=0.59, p=0.04), and third (r=0.59, p=0.04) trimesters of pregnancy. Conclusions: The pregnant women walk with an increased maximum anterior pelvic tilt, a decreased maximum trunk flexion, a decreased pelvic obliquity, as well as a decreased trunk lateral bending and rotation. Pregnancy does not affect the relationship between pelvis and trunk motions.
Airport business models have evolved at rapid pace and shall be adjusted in accordance with the traffic struc-ture and demand. As highlighted in this article the airport business models differ from country to country with the fundamental goal of serving the demand generated by the air traffic. The volume of passenger traffic, traffic structure, aircraft usage, environmental impact and service level development has a correlated influence on the airport business models. The traffic trend analysis directly supports that the future number of passenger aircraft movements will be reduced due to usage of aircraft with higher capacities, thereby providing direct evidence of future change in the operational management at the airports, hence altering their business models.
Modele biznesowe lotnisk ewoluowały w szybkim tempie i powinny być dopasowane do istniejącej struktury ruchu oraz popytu. Jak podkreślono w tym artykule, modele biznesowe lotnisko różnią się w zależności od kraju, poza podstawowym celem, jakim jest obsłużenie wygenerowanego przez ruch lotniczy popytu. Wielkość ruchu pasażerskiego, jego struktura, a także wyko-rzystanie samolotów, ich wpływ na środowisko oraz rozwój usług w regionie to czynniki, które mają skorelowany wpływ na model biznesowy lotniska. Analiza trendu ruchu lotniczego w bezpośredni sposób popiera fakt, iż przyszła liczba pasażerskich operacji lotniczych zostanie zmniejszona z powodu wykorzystania samolotów o większej pojemności, co zapewnia bezpośredni dowód na przyszłe zmiany w operacjach na lotniskach, i przełożenie na model biznesowy.
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