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w słowach kluczowych:  analiza gazu
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Logistic regression (LR) approach for power transformer fault diagnosis, based on dissolved gas analysis (DGA) is presented in this paper. DGA methods proposed by actual standard IEC 60599, often identify wrong fault or cannot even recognize fault type. To overcome these problems, in recent years, several artificial intelligence (AI) approaches are proposed. In this paper LR is applied for the first time in multi-layer and multi class configuration models for transformer fault diagnosis. It is shown that the proposed approach gives a very good classification performance.
Przedstawiono metodę diagnostyki transformatora bazująca na analizie rozpuszczonego gazu metodą logistycznej regresji. Metoda ta umożliwia nie tylko wykrywanie uszkodzeń ale także ich klasyfikację.
Content available remote Gas evolution rate from heated moulding sands bonded with organic binders
This study is continuation of research on gas evolution rate from heated moulding sands used in the manufacture of foundry moulds. The first stage of the study described in [1] included bentonite-bonded sands. At the second stage, sands bonded with organic binders were tested. The composition of gases, evolved at a given temperature using mould heating system that simulates the process of mould pouring with molten metal, was determined. Metal was not used in these studies to prevent its reaction with gases formed as a result of moulding sand heating, since this effect would significantly impede the gas identification or even make it totally impossible.
W artykule przedstawiono przykładowe wyniki analizy gazu 12 wyłączników napowietrznych z izolacją SF6 na napięcie 123 kV, zainstalowanych na podstacjach sieci rozdzielczej 110 kV. Okres eksploatacji poszczególnych jednostek zawierał się w granicach 3-:10 lat od momentu zainstalowania. Wyłączniki te nie były poddawane przeglądom.
Results of analysis of gas in the 123 kV overhead circuit-breakers with SF6 insulation.
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