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The present article focuses predominantly on sandy deposits that occur within the Middle Miocene lignite seam at the Tomisławice opencast mine, owned by the Konin Lignite Mine. As a result of mining activity, these siliciclastics were available for direct observation in 2015–2016. They are situated between two lignite benches over a distance of ~500 m in the lower part and ~200 m in the higher part of the exploitation levels. The maximum thickness of these sandy sediments, of a lenticular structure in a S–N cross section, is up to 1.8 m. With the exception of a thin lignite intercalation, these siliciclastics comprise mainly by fine-grained and well-sorted sands, and only their basal and top layers are enriched with silt particles and organic matter. Based on a detailed analysis of the sediments studied (i.e., their architecture and textural-structural features), I present a discussion of their genesis and then propose a model of their formation. These siliciclastics most likely formed during at least two flood events in the overbank area of a Middle Miocene meandering or anastomosing river. Following breaching of the natural river levee, the sandy particles (derived mainly from the main river channel and levees) were deposited on the mire (backswamp) surface in the form of crevasse splays. After each flooding event, vegetation developed on the top of these siliciclastics; hence, two crevasse-splay bodies (here referred to as the older and younger) came into existence. As a result, the first Mid-Polish lignite seam at the Tomisławice opencast mine is currently divided in two by relatively thick siliciclastics, which prevents a significant portion of this seam from being used for industrial purposes.
This study is a detailed lithofacies analysis of the Wiar and Leszczyny members of the deep-marine Ropianka Formation (Campanian–Paleocene) exposed in the Hucisko Jawornickie section of the Skole Nappe, Polish Carpathian Flysch. The sedimentary succession (>400 m thick) represents a channelized lobe complex that prograded at the base of submarine slope. Seven sedimentary facies are recognized as a record of the principal modes of sediment deposition. Based on their stratigraphic grouping and grain-size trends, six facies associations are distinguished as representing specific sub-environments of the depositional system: distributary channels, channel-mouth lobes, channel levees, crevasses and interlobe basin plain with crevasse splays. The individual facies associations are characterized statistically and their internal facies organization is analysed by the method of embedded Markov chains to reveal the time pattern of depositional processes. The environmental changes indicated by the vertical succession of facies associations are attributed to the autogenic processes of the distributary channel shifting within an aggrading lobe area and the lateral switching of depositional lobes. Eustatic influences are likely, but difficult to ascertain with poor biostratigraphic data. The bulk basinward advance of the base-of-slope system was probably due to a pulse of the tectonic narrowing of the synclinal Skole Basin.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza facjalna utworów terenewu, stanowiących najniższą część sukcesji kambryjskiej wschodniej części bloku górnośląskiego. W silikoklastycznym profilu zdefiniowano systemy depozycyjne dolnego i górnego odbrzeża, zdominowane przez facje iłowcowe z licznymi fodinichnia osadożerców oraz system depozycyjny przybrzeża reprezentowany przez piaskowce. W strefie górnego odbrzeża wyróżniono część dystalną i proksymalną.
The article is presents a facies analysis of Terreneuvian (lowermost Cambrian) deposits in the eastern part of the Upper Silesian Block. The Terreneuvian siliciclastic succession consists of the lower and upper offshore depositional system dominated by claystone facies, and the shoreface system represented by sandstones. Numerous trace fossils, represented mainly by fodinichnia of deposit feeders occur in this part of the offshore system. In the upper offshore zone, distal and proximal parts have been distinguished.
TThe Polish Carpathian Foredeep Basin (PCFB) is the northern compartment of a foreland basin system that surrounds the Carpathian orogenic belt. The axis of the eastern part of the PCFB plunges gently towards SE, where the Miocene basin-fill succession exceeds 2000 metres in thickness. The Miocene succession developed in shallow marine ramp settings and is subdivided into 3 lithostratigraphic units: sub-evaporitic (onshore-to-nearshore), evaporitic, and supra-evaporitic (offshore-to-estuarine). The upper unit includes a siliciclastic series (Upper Badenian–Sarmatian), which constitutes the main segment of the succession. It displays an asymmetric, shallowing-up trend, expressed by the following sequence: hemipelagic-turbiditic-deltaic-low-energy nearshore-to-estuarine facies associations. Sediment accummulation in the basin has been significantly overprinted by higher-frequency cyclicity and encloses several genetic stratigraphic sequences bounded by MFS surfaces. An early phase of the basin development was characterised by high-rate subsidence and slow-rate sedimentation (hemipelagic facies). The turbiditic facies association identified within the Sieniawa–Rudka area resulted from southward progradation of a submarine fan/prodeltaic depositional system, mainly fed from the northern and north–western continental margins of the basin. An overall SE–ward palaeoslope inclination controlled the main phase of the deltaic progradation, which had gradually replaced the turbiditic systems. The late deltaic phase was characterised by ENE palaeotransport directions. The final phase of the basin filling took place in shallow-water, low-energy, nearshore-to-estuarine environments. In the early stage of the basin development, a complex system of NW–SE elongated basement pop-ups and flower structures in the Miocene succession were produced by reactivation and inversion of Mesozoic basement faults. The growth of these positive structures modified local subsidence patterns and affected the organisation of depositional systems of the siliciclastic series. A narrow elevation of the RyszkowaWola High (RWH) gradually grew above one of the pop-up structures. Complex structural-stratigraphic hydrocarbon traps developed along the RWH, due to interaction between the growth of local faults and the development of the successive depositional systems. Tidally-modified delta-top and estuarine facies are the most common hydrocarbon hosts within individual sequences of the „deltaic” segment of the succession..
The author attempts at formulating a synthetic description of geological and geomorphological effects of theWartanian ice-sheet deglaciation in the eastern part of the Łódź region, taking their spatial variability into consideration. Characteristic features of Wartanian Glaciation sediments occur in this area, and their lithofacial diversity and spatial distribution needed interpretation. The deposits document the complex processes of deglaciation, which developed here across an unusually broad area in the scale of the Polish Lowland. The best developed deglaciation sediments occur in the eastern part of the Łódź Heights, between the Mroga and Rawka rivers, as structural components of different types of kames and glaciofluvial covers. In locations where glacial till is elevated they include mainly sediments of braided rivers and alluvial cones, whereas in areas of wide depressions of till and, thus, of the ice-sheet bedrock — glaciolimnic sediments prevail. The highest and most diverse western part of the Łódź Heights is characterised by the occurrence of thin and discontinuous deglaciation sediments, because this area was shaped mainly during the ice-sheet transgression. During deglaciation, ablation waters left mainly traces of erosion, whereas the glaciofluvial accumulation series are not well developed. In the Rawa Interfluve, deglaciation sediments accumulated predominantly at the early deglaciation stage in sparesely distributed broad basins of kame sedimentation. In the Piotrków Plain, deglaciation deposits are thin; ice-sheet disintegration proceeded without major blockages of ablation waters, resulting in a less diverse interfluvial landscape.
Zróżnicowanie litologiczno-strukturalne i zmiany składu chemicznego soli kamiennych (wiek: górny perm, trias, miocen) z obszaru Polski, pozwoliły wyróżnić i scharakteryzować szereg litofacji solnych, reprezentujących różne morskie i lądowe subśrodowiska ewaporatowe. Zmiany cech o znaczeniu surowcowym (np. występowanie domieszek, udział inkluzji; miąższość) w poszczególnych litofacjach w obrębie soli górnopermskich umożliwiły wydzielenie 4 kategorii solnych litofacji surowcowych, określających przydatność typów facjalnych soli dla różnych form zagospodarowania (eksploatacja, magazynowanie i składowanie). Obszary o różnej użyteczności wyznaczono na terenie pokładowo zalegających formacji solnych górnego permu w rejonie Zatoki Puckiej i na monoklinie przedsudeckiej (Lubińsko-Głogowski Okręg Miedziowy).
Variability of lithology, structure and chemical composition of rock salts (age: Upper Permian, Triassic, Miocene) from Poland enabled to distinguish and characterise several salt lithofacies, representing various marine and continental evaporitic subenvironments. Variations of resource/economic features (i.e. admixtures occurrence, inclusions content, thickness) of each sedimentary lithofacies from the Upper Permian salts allowed to define 4 categories of economic salt lithofacies, precising usefulness of salt facies for various management forms (salt mining, storage and waste deposition). Areas predestined for various managements were contoured in the stratiform Upper Permian salt formations located at the Puck Bay and on the Fore-Sudetic Monocline (the Lubin-Głogów Copper Region).
W obrębie osadów górnego czerwonego spągowca wydzielono kilkanaście litofacji oraz określono środowiska ich depozycji. Na podstawie przestrzennej analizy powiązanych ze sobą genetycznie litofacji opisano następstwo środowisk sedymentacyjnych w czasie i przestrzeni oraz czynników warunkujących ich rozwój. Było to podstawą do scharakteryzowania systemów depozycyjnych oraz opisu rozwoju sedymentacji górnego czerwonego spągowca na badanym obszarze. Rozpoznano dwa systemy depozycyjne: eoliczny i fluwialny. Ich rozwój i rozprzestrzenienie były kontrolowane przez procesy o charakterze tektonicznym oraz zmiany klimatyczne. Przeprowadzone badania pozwalają na dokładniejsze przeanalizowanie paleogeografii permskiej w trakcie sedymentacji osadów górnego czerwonego spągowca.
Several lithofacies and their sedimentary environments were recognised within Upper Rotliegend deposits. Spatial analysis of genetically related lithofacies, allowed to descrite the sequence of sedimentary environments and factors controlling their evolution. It was the basis to characterise the depositional systems of the Upper Rotliegendes in the eastern Wielkopolska area. Two depositional systems were recognised: aeolian and fluvial. Their evolution was controlled by tectonic and climatic factors. This study permits a refinement ofpaleogeographic interpretation of the Upper Rotliegendes deposits.
The Rotliegend deposits have been drilled in following boreholes: Unisław 2, Unisław 4, Unisław IG1, Unisław IG2 and Wałdowo Królewskie 1. In studied area these sediments constitue a differentiated lithological complex, being a product of varied depositional conditions, controlled mainly by tectonics and paleoclimatic factors. Two general facies associations: lacustrine and fluvial ones have been distinguished. Lacustrine facies is dominated by claystones, siltstones and fine sandstones originated in seasonally dried lake basin but fluvial sediments are represented by varigrained sandstones accumulated as channel and sheet flood deposits. Two phases of Rotliegend deposition were defined: the first one of a fluvial character and the second one with expansion of lacustrine facies. Evolution of porosity was controlled by cementation processes and low reservoir properties of lacustrine deposits are a consequence of their development and rich matrix content. Fluvial sediments are considered as a potential reservoir rock, with higher reservoir characteristics.
Utwory czerwonego spągowca przewiercono w otworach wiertniczych Unisław 2, Unisław 4, Unisław IG1, Unisław IG2 oraz Wałdowo Królewskie 1. Na omawianym obszarze stanowią one zróżnicowany kompleks litofacjalny będący efektem zmiennych warunków depozycji, na które decydujący wpływ miały tektonika i warunki paleoklimatyczne. Opisano następujące zespoły facjalne: zespół osadów jeziornych i zespół osadów fluwialnych. Wśród osadów jeziornych dominują iłowce, mułowce i piaskowce drobnoziarniste powstałe w okresowo wysychającym zbiorniku jeziornym, natomiast osady fluwialne reprezentowane są przez różnoziarniste piaskowce powstałe w facjach korytowych oraz jako pozakorytowe zalewy warstwowe. Depozycja utworów czerwonego spągowca przebiegała w dwóch etapach. W pierwszym dominowała działalność fluwialna, w drugim etapie obserwujemy przekraczające występowanie osadów zbiornika jeziornego. Stwierdzono dominujący wpływ procesów cementacji w modelowaniu przestrzeni porowej. Niskie własności zbiornikowe osadów jeziornych związane są z ich wykształceniem oraz obecnością obfitego matriks. Osady fluwialne są potencjalną skałą zbiornikową, posiadają wyższe własności zbiornikowe.
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