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The protists notably ciliates and testate amoebas in the conditions of modernized wastewater treatment plants "Hajdow" (Lublin, Poland) and the nitrogen removal efficiency were studied. Sampling took place every week during the period of August-September 2010. The total of 31 taxa of ciliates and 3 taxa of testate amoebas were identified. Most of the species were registered during the whole research period. Significant abundance reached the following species: Acineria uncinata, Aspidisca cicada, Aspidisca lynceus, Vorticella aquadulcis, Vorticella infusionum, Arcella vulgaris, Euglypha acanthophora and Pyxidicula operculata. In September increase in efficiency of nitrogen removal process was registered. The research shows that the increase of nitrogen reduction efficiency was accompanied by increase of ciliates quantity, mainly due to peritrichid ciliates.
Przedstawiono analizę zgrupowań pierwotniaków obejmującą orzęski oraz ameby skorupkowe, zasiedlające kolejne urządzenia głównego ciągu technologicznego oczyszczalni ścieków "Hajdów" na tle zmian w stężeniach związków azotu. Badania prowadzono po modernizacji części biologicznej realizowanej w celu podniesienia skuteczności usuwania ze ścieków związków biogennych, a w szczególności związków azotu. Pobór próbek prowadzony był raz w tygodniu w okresie sierpień-wrzesień 2010 roku. W badanym materiale biologicznym wyodrębniono 31 gatunków orzęsków oraz 3 gatunki ameb skorupkowych. Większość ze wspomnianych gatunków pierwotniaków odnotowywana była przez cały okres badań. Najbardziej licznie w analizowanym materiale biologicznym reprezentowane były następujące gatunki: Acineria uncinata, Aspidisca cicada, Aspidisca lynceus, Vorticella aquadulcis, Vorticella infusionum, Arcella vulgaris, Euglypha acanthophora i Pyxidicula operculata. We wrześniu odnotowany został wzrost skuteczności procesu usuwania związków azotu. Prezentowane badania wskazują, iż wzrostowi stopnia usuwania ze ścieków związków azotu towarzyszył wzrost ilości orzęsków odnoszący się głównie do form peritricha.
Testate amoebae consist of a group of protists producing protective external coats (tests), which potentially allows them to be used in palaeoecological studies. They are known to be good indicators of several ecological parameters such as water chemistry, moisture and water table level in substrate, and especially peat moisture. Because of their strong dependence on environmental variables it is assumed that each bog microform (e.g. hummock, hollow) is characterized by a different assemblage of testate amoebae. The distribution of testate amoebae assemblages in peat bog of north-eastern Estonia was studied along the gradient from hummock to hollow in the upper 30 cm of the peat layer along a transect of 10 m. The composition and abundance of testate amoebae communities were analyzed in the samples collected (peat sampler, 5 cm diameter) from each sample point (at a distance of 2.5 m from each other) from hummock to hollow. Indicatory species specific to certain bog microforms (representing a set of environmental variables) were found, as well as other species typical for individual environment variables such as depth, peat decomposition degree, and distance to water table or local vegetation. Data analysis showed that distinct bog microforms are better described by abundance of particular testate amoebae species in peat than by species proportions in total abundance of the assemblage. The frequency of occurrence of species with dry environment preference correlates well with arboreal and Calluna vulgaris pollen and high degree of decomposition of peat; it all indicates a dryer environment and possibly is referring to a hummock microform. Amphitrema flavum correlates well with Sphagnum; this correlation increases with the A. flavum shift downwards from Sphagnum up to 4 cm. Testate amoebae assemblages in different bog microforms, even within 10 m, are distinctly different. To pay attention to possible changes of bog microforms in time is therefore crucialfor reconstructing the palaeohydrological history of bogs.
Peatbogs have both horizontal and vertical differences in moisture, pH, light and nutrient availability. Micro-distribution of testate amoebae taxa has been observed along the Sphagnum stem but there is no data concerning the vertical micro-distribution of protozoa in water column under the peatbog surface and in the interstitial waters. The research was made in a small (ca 16 ha) peatbog complex in the eastern Poland. Vertical microzonation of testate amoebae and ciliates in relation to physical, chemical and biological parameters (peat porosity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a, TN, TP, DOC and TOC) in Sphagnum hollows, mud bottom hollows and interstitial waters in peatbog were studied. Samples were taken once a month from April to November 2009 from three layers: free water mass up to 10 cm (FW), bottom water (BW) and interstitial, pore water - IW (water between particles of peat on depth 20-25 cm). During each sampling occasion 3 samples were collected from each site. At each type of micro-habitat and each sampling date water was sampled using a plexiglass core. The water column sampled from the top surface to the bottom was 25 cm high. Interstitial waters were collected from mini-piezometers located into the peat. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, chlorophyll a and nutrients contents were always lower in interstitial water than in free and bottom waters. The highest numbers of testate amoebae and ciliates taxa occurred in the bottom water (31 and 13 taxa, respectively) and became much lower in interstitial water (17 and 5 taxa, respectively). The density and biomass of protozoa differed significantly between the studied layers, with the lowest numbers in the interstitial water and the highest in the bottom water. Ordination analysis indicated that chlorophyll a, TOC and TP can strongly regulate the abundance and species composition of protozoa. The RDA ordination showed that the testate amoebae species can be divided into three groups associated with: 1) free water mass, 2) bottom water and 3) interstitial water, while the ciliate species into two groups associated with: 1) interstitial water and 2) free water mass and bottom waters. The free water mass and bottom water were dominated by mixotrophic taxa, whereas the deepest layer showed the increase of the contribution of small, bacterivorous species. In all the examined micro-habitats the highest abundance and biomass of these microorganisms occurred in early spring and late autumn, while the lowest values were recorded in late summer.
Testate amoebae (or testaceans, Testacea, Arcellaceans) are unicellular eukaryotic organisms living in freshwater or most terrestrial habitats such as soils, mosses, lakes, rivers, as well as brackish habitats such as estuaries. They are very abundant in Sphagnum mosses, where they live in the top part of mosses and the oxygenated part of the peat. The tests (shells) of Testacea are well preserved in peat and to a lesser extent in lake sediments. Efforts should be concentrated on constructing reliable regional transfer functions (mathematical representation of relation of species to environmental variables - presence of particular taxa in fossil material is the function of past environmental parameters), as they exist for some world areas, and there is a complete lack of them for central Europe. Polish data are exceptionally important because Poland is under several contrasted climatic influences - from oceanic to continental. The comparison of our data on climatic tendencies with those from Western Europe and the rest of the world will show how similar or different the responses of Polish peatlands might be. The paper has three aims: (a) to present the need for ecological studies on testate amoebae in Central Europe, (b) to show the potential of reconstruction of past environment on the basis of multiproxy studies that include testate amoebae as an integral part of the palaeoecology toolbox and (c) to put our research efforts on testate amoebae in Poland in a more global perspective.
Ameby skorupkowe (Testacea) to jednokomórkowe organizmy, które żyją w środowiskach słodkowodnych, w większości siedlisk lądowych (glebie, mszakach, jeziorach, rzekach) oraz w siedliskach słonawych (np. w ujściowych partiach rzek). Testacea występują licznie w mchach torfowcach (Sphagnum), gdzie zasiedlają ich górną część oraz natleniony stropowy fragment torfu. Skorupki ameb dobrze zachowują sie w torfie oraz w mniejszym stopniu w osadach jeziornych. Główny wysiłek powinien być skoncentrowany na budowaniu regionalnych funkcji transferu (transfer function; matematyczny obraz relacji organizmu w stosunku do środowiska -obecność poszczególnych taksonów w materiale kopalnym jest funkcją przeszłych parametrów środowiskowych). Dla kilku obszarów już one powstały, ale brak tego rodzaju danych dla centralnej części Europy. Polskie dane są wyjątkowo istotne, ponieważ obszar ten znajduje się pod wpływem różnych wpływów klimatycznych - od klimatu oceanicznego do kontynentalnego. Porównanie naszych danych z informacjami z innych stanowisk w Europie i na świecie może wykazać, w jak odmienny sposób reagują polskie torfowiska na zmiany klimatyczne. Artykuł ma trzy cele: (a) zaprezentowanie potrzeby badań ekologii ameb skorupkowych w Europie centralnej, (b) przedstawienie potencjału rekonstrukcji paleośrodowisk na bazie wielu wskaźników, gdzie ameby skorupkowe stanowią integralną część metod badań paleoekologii i (c) zaprezentowanie naszych badań nad Testacea w Polsce w szerszej, globalnej perspektywie.
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