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With ever-increasing demand, social media platforms are rapidly developing to enable users to express and share their opinions on a variety of topics. Twitter is one such social media site. This platform enables a comprehensive view of the social media target setting, which may include products, social events, political scenarios, and administrative resolutions. The accessible tweets expressing the target audience’s perspective are frequently impacted by ambiguity caused by natural language processing (NLP) limitations. By classifying tweets according to their sentiment polarity, we can determine whether they express a good or negative point of view, a neutral opinion, or an input tweet that is irrelevant to the sentiment polarity context. Categorizing tweets according to their sentiment can assist future activities within the target domain in constructively evaluating the sentiment polarity and enabling improved decision-making based on the observed sentiment polarity. In this study, tweets that were previously categorized with one of the sentiment polarities were used to conduct predictive analytics of the new tweet to determine its sentiment polarity. The ambiguity of the tweets corpus utilized in the training phase is a critical limitation of the sentiment categorization procedure. While several recent models proposed sentiment classification algorithms, they confined themselves to two labels: positive and negative opinion, oblivious to the plague of ambiguity in the training corpus. In this regard, a novel multi-label classification of sentiment polarity called handling dimensionality of ambiguity using ensemble classification (HAD-EC) method, which diffuses ambiguity and thus minimizes false alerts, is proposed. The experimental assessment validates the HAD-EC approach by comparing the suggested model’s performance to other two existing models.
Content available „Wieża Babel” definicji w praktyce budowlanej
Rolą każdego uczestnika procesu budowlanego jest prawidłowe posługiwanie się terminami powszechnie stosowanymi w budownictwie, bez konieczności ich interpretacji. Brak wielu definicji legalnych lub brak stosownych wyjaśnień (odniesień) do terminów użytych w definicjach art. 3 ustawy Prawo budowlane stwarza poważne problemy w sprawnym i odpowiedzialnym poruszaniu się w procesie budowlanym, a także w kwalifikowaniu obiektów budowlanych lub tylko ich części, głównie do dwóch „kategorii”: budynku lub budowli. Wymusza to niejednokrotnie powoływanie się na wykładnię orzecznictwa sądowego, literaturę (przeważnie prawniczą) lub słownik języka polskiego. Przed polskim technikiem i inżynierem budownictwa stawiane są inne cele niż analiza niektórych (istotnych w ww. procesie) zapisów ustawy Prawo budowlane i przepisów wykonawczych.
The role of each participant in the construction process is, among other things, proper use of terms commonly used in construction industry, without the necessity of their interpretation. The lack of many legal definitions or the lack of relevant explanations (references) to the terms used in the definitions of Article 3 of the Building Law Act poses serious problems in efficient and responsible navigation through the construction process, as well as in classification of construction facilities or their parts, mainly regarding two "categories": building or structure. This often imposes a necessity to refer to interpretation of judicial decisions and literature (mainly legal literature) or dictionaries of the Polish language. Polish technicians and construction engineers have different goals than to analyse some provisions of the Building Law Act and executive regulations, which are nonetheless important in the abovementioned process.
Content available remote On the Number of Nonterminal Symbols in Unambiguous Conjunctive Grammars
Unambiguous conjunctive grammars with 1 nonterminal symbol are shown to be strictly weaker than the grammars with 2 nonterminal symbols, which are in turn strictly weaker that the grammars with 3 or more nonterminal symbols. This hierarchy is established by considering grammars over a one-symbol alphabet, for which it is shown that 1-nonterminal grammars describe only regular languages, 2-nonterminal grammars describe some non-regular languages, but all of them are in a certain sense sparse, whereas 3-nonterminal grammars may describe some non-regular languages of non-zero density. It is also proved that one can test a 2-nonterminal grammar for equivalence with a regular language, whereas the equivalence between a pair of 2-nonterminal grammars is undecidable.
Content available remote Relating Concrete Defeasible Reasoning Formalisms and Abstract Argumentation
There are a wide variety of formalisms for defeasible reasoning that can be seen as implementing concrete argumentation on defeasible rules. However there has been little work on the relationship between such languages and Dung’s abstract argumentation. In this paper we identify two small fragments of defeasible rule languages on which many concrete defeasible formalisms agree. The two fragments are closely related, as we show. Both arise as ways to express abstract argumentation frameworks in the concrete formalisms. Using these fragments, we establish a close relationship between abstract argumentation under semantics based on complete extensions, and ambiguity blocking logics in the framework of Antoniou et al. These results support a uniform approach to deriving complexity lower bounds for defeasible formalisms, where a lower bound is established for abstract argumentation and can then be extended “for free” to corresponding concrete defeasible formalisms.
Content available remote Ambiguity of the Multiple Interpretations on Regular Languages
A multiple interpretation scheme is an ordered sequence of morphisms. The ordered multiple interpretation of a word is obtained by concatenating the images of that word in the given order of morphisms. The arbitrary multiple interpretation of a word is the semigroup generated by the images of that word. These interpretations are naturally extended to languages. Four types of ambiguity of multiple interpretation schemata on a language are defined: o-ambiguity, internal ambiguity, weakly external ambiguity and strongly external ambiguity. We investigate the problem of deciding whether a multiple interpretation scheme is ambiguous on regular languages.
Content available Niejednoznaczność transformacji UML-GML
Uchwalenie w Polsce ustawy o infrastrukturze informacji przestrzennej, która jest transpozycją Dyrektywy INSPIRE spowodowało konieczność nowelizacji wielu ustaw i przepisów prawnych, w tym ustawy prawo geodezyjne i kartograficzne. Postanowiono zastąpić instrukcje i wytyczne rozporządzeniami Rady Ministrów lub odpowiedniego ministra, które z jednej strony stanowią załączniki do ustawy prawo geodezyjne i kartograficzne, a z drugiej strony wprowadzają w życie niektóre zalecenia Dyrektywy INSPIRE. Integralną częścią opracowywanych w Głównym Urzędzie Geodezji i Kartografii rozporządzeń są schematy aplikacyjne UML oraz GML, które definiują strukturę informacyjną baz danych, odpowiednich dla danego rozporządzenia. Jednak, mimo iż schematy te zostały przygotowane zgodnie z normami ISO serii 19100 w dziedzinie informacji geograficznej, w trakcie ich tworzenia napotkano wiele problemów technicznych związanych z transformacją UML-GML. W artykule, na przykładzie schematów aplikacyjnych UML i GML opracowanych w ramach prac GUGiK związanych z implementacją postanowień Dyrektywy INSPIRE, omówiono niejednoznaczności związane z przekształcaniem UML na GML oraz związane z tym błędy i anomalia. Rozważono również, jak zaradzić tego typu niejednoznacznościom, jak zapewnić jedną drogę przekształcania schematu aplikacyjnego UML na odpowiadający mu schemat aplikacyjny GML.
Passing the “Spatial Information Infrastructure Law” in Poland, that is a transposition of the INSPIRE Directive, involved the necessity of many secondary acts and corresponding changes in other Laws, among others the “Geodetic and Cartographic Law”. Decision was made to replace the existing instructions and guidelines by regulations of the Council of Ministers or relevant minister that, on the one hand, become annexes to the “Geodetic and Cartographic Law” and, on the other hand, implement the recommendations of the INSPIRE Directive. An integral part of these regulations elaborated in the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography in Poland are the UML and GML application schemas that define information structures of databases, corresponding to each regulation. Although these schemas were worked out according to the ISO 19100 series of International Standards in the Geographic Information (Geoinformation/Geomatics) domain, many technical problems connected with UML-GML transformation were identified during their preparation. In this paper, on examples of UML and GML application schemas prepared in the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography in Poland within the INSPIRE Directive implementation works, some ambiguities concerning UML to GML transformation were discussed as well as some errors and anomalies connected with this issues. Questions how to resolve this ambiguity and how to ensure single way in changing UML application schema into corresponding GML application schema were also considered.
Single Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) survey was carried out in the Manor and Park Complex in Nowa Huta (Krakow Branice, Poland). It was applied at a small distance and parallel to the longer wall of a monumental building containing an empty 3 m deep basement. Analogue modelling was performed in order to recreate the field study at the proper scale. The laboratory set-up consisted of a water tank where electrodes were mounted to the particular plate, which rested on water surface. The basement model was made out of a non-conducting material. The default and robust inversions were tested and these variants were also considered with the use of numerical modelling. Laboratory experiments have confirmed that zones visible in the interpreted field section are caused by the influence of the building cellar located next to the survey line. Zones of this kind are additionally disturbed by the local geological structure. The experiment has pointed out, among others, that as the distance between the survey line and the underground body increases, the inversion results are still burdened by an object influence. Thus, similar situations can be verified with the use of analogue modelling presented in this paper or 3D numerical one.
Content available remote Ambiguity of Fuzzy Quantities and a New Proposal for their Ranking
We deal with the problem of evaluating and ranking fuzzy quantities. We call fuzzy quantity any non-normal and non-convex fuzzy set, defined as the union of two, or more, generalized fuzzy numbers. For this purpose we suggest an evaluation defined by a pair index based on "value" & "ambiguity". Either value or ambiguity depend on two parameters connected the first with the optimistic/pessimistic point of view of the decision maker and the second on an additive measure that can be used to express the decision maker's preferences.
W artykule zaproponowano nową metodę oceny wartości rozmytych (fuzzy). Proponuje się parę oznaczeń – wartość i noiejednoznaczność.
W artykule przedstawiony opracowany przez autorów sposób poszukiwania całkowitych wartości nieoznaczoności pomiaru fazowego. Sposób ten jest pewną numeryczną techniką poszukiwania optymalnego rozwiązania w teorii estymacji wartości całkowitych metodą najmniejszych kwadratów (theory of integer least squares). Zaprezentowano podstawy teoretyczne oraz przykłady numeryczne ilustrujące działanie metody.
The self developed by authors approach of integer value of ambiguity search for phase’s measurements is presented in the paper. This approach is one of the numeric techniques of optimal solution search in theory of integer least squares. Theoretical bases as well as numeric examples illustrating of method are presented.
Content available remote On Some Problems of Mateescu Concerning Subword Occurrences
The paper investigates inference based on quantities |w|u, the number of occurrences of a word u as a scattered subword of w. Parikh matrices recently introduced are useful tools for such investigations. We introduce and study universal languages for Parikh matrices. We also obtain results concerning the inference from numbers |w|u to w, as well as from certain entries of a Parikh matrix to other entries.
Content available remote Injectivity of the Parikh Matrix Mappings Revisited
We deal with the notion of M-unambiguity [5] in connection with the Parikh matrix mapping introduced by Mateescu and others in [7]. M-unambiguity is studied both in terms of words and matrices and several sufficient criteria for M-unambiguity are provided in both cases, nontrivially generalizing the criteria based on the g-property introduced by Salomaa in [15]. Also, the notion of M-unambiguity with respect to a word is defined in connection with the extended Parikh matrix morphism [16] and some of the M-unambiguity criteria are lifted from the classical setting to the extended one.
Content available remote On the Injectivity of Parikh Matrix Mappings
We investigate the number of (scattered) subword occurrences and Parikh matrices, especially the case where the matrix determines the word uniquely. A condition introduced in this paper, called g-property, turns out to be a powerful tool for such unambiguous matrices. Interconnections with the general theory of subword histories are also pointed out.
Content available remote Przemiany języka architektury : Znaczenia wybrane
Mówiąc o przemianach języka architektury, które doprowadziły go do dzisiejszej postaci, należy zapoznać się z tendencjami rządzącymi tą dziedziną począwszy od epoki odrodzenia. Od przeciwstawienia renesansowego modelu idealnego gotyckiej sztuce emocji, przez dalsze dążenie do absolutu i manierystyczny dualizm, przez powrót kultu obrazu w baroku i racjonalistyczną typizację w oświeceniu, zbliżamy się do momentu, kiedy trendy architektoniczne ulegają rozspojeniu. Romantyczny historyzm i jego posługiwanie się zróżnicowanymi emblematami, dalej ekspresjonizm czy secesja, podkreślające indywidualizm rozwiązań, są przeciwstawne rodzącemu się stylowi międzynarodowemu, opierającemu się na zasadach czystego funkcjonalizmu i nowoczesności. W tym miejscu bierze początek współczesna dowolność, oscylująca pomiędzy zabawą a pełnym powagi poszukiwaniem sensu. Dzisiejsza architektura nie ma już narzuconego stylu; nie ma też jednolitego języka, który mogliby zrozumieć wszyscy.
When discussing the transformations into the language of architecture that have brought it about its present shape, all the tendencies which were in charge of this art, dating back to Renaissance, need to be taken under consideration. Starting with opposition of Renaissance ideal model to Gothic emotional art, through continuation of the ideal in drifting towards the absolute and manneristic dualism, through cult of picture in baroque and Enlightenment rational type; the considerations reache certain point in which the architectural tendencies start to dissolve. Romantic historism and its utilisation of diverse emblems, expressionism or Art Nouveau that emphesize individualism exist opposite the novelty of international style, supported by the ideology of functionalism and modernity. From that situation derives current ambiguity or arbitrariness, which oscillates between the game and the serious research of sense.The contemporary architecture has neither a mandatory style nor an universal language that everyone could understand.
Rozpatrzono przypadek radaru pracującego przemiennie z dwiema częstotliwościami powtarzania impulsów. Podano wzory obliczeniowe określające jednoznacznie częstotliwość dopplerowską.
A radar system employing two different pulse repetition frequencies is considered. Formulae enabling the unambiguous calculation of Doppler frequency are presented.
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