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The study investigated the inter-annual and seasonal population dynamics, as well as the feeding habits of the western tubenose goby Proterorhinus semilunaris in an invaded river close to its natural range (Dnieper River basin). Material was collected monthly in 2015–2016 and 2018 at one sampling site located in the Stugna River, at a distance of 1100 m from the point where it enters the Kaniv reservoir. Catch-per-unit-efforts (CPUE) of this species at the sampling site varied considerably, both between different months within a given year and between the analyzed years, from 1.1 to 127.1 fish 100 m-2. Peak abundances were observed in July in both 2015 and 2018, and then dropped sharply in the following months. The western tubenose goby is characterized by a protracted spawning season, lasting from April to July. A total of 50 prey taxa were recorded in the diet of the western tubenose goby at the sampling site, among which chironomids were the most abundant and most frequently encountered, followed by cladocerans. This gobiid at the sampling site preyed mainly among submerged vegetation, where phytophilous chironomids were the most important prey.
Content available Biofouling on an Offshore Rig in the Baltic Sea
Biofouling is called “lessons from nature”. Currently, governments and industry spend more than 5.7 billion USD annually to control unwanted marine biofouling, aquatic flora and fauna on submerged construction leading to various technical, economical, and ecological problems. In turn, the Baltic Sea is defined as a “time machine” for the future coastal ocean, as processes occurring in the Baltic Sea are related to future changes. Our study describes the biofouling community at 12 sites located at different depths on the legs of the “Baltic Beta” oil platform that resulted in finding a maximum of 1,300 individuals on 400 cm2. We analyzed: spatial distribution of dominant marine organisms living on a steel platform surface, their abundance and mass. Our work showed no significant difference in the benthic samples mass among different depths or cardinal directions of the rig columns. Our research can help to predict offshore biofouling on other devices in the Baltic Sea, to control invasive species and to estimate environmental load.
Biofouling potocznie nazywany jest "lekcją od natury”. Obecnie rządy i przemysł wydają ponad 5,7 miliarda USD rocznie, aby kontrolować biofouling w morzach i oceanach, który stanowi nagromadzenie fauny i flory na podwodnych konstrukcjach, co w efekcie prowadzi do różnych problemów technicznych i ekologicznych. Natomiast Morze Bałtyckie jest definiowane jako "wehikuł czasu”, ponieważ zmiany w nim zachodzące aktualnie stanowią odzwierciedlenie przyszłych zmian środowiskowych w innych regionach morskich i oceanicznych. Nasze badania przedstawiają zbiorowiska makrobentosu pobranego z 12 lokalizacji położonych na różnych głębokościach nóg platformy wiertniczej "Baltic Beta”. Zidentyfikowaliśmy maksymalnie do 1300 osobników na 400 cm2. Przeanalizowaliśmy: przestrzenne rozmieszczenie dominujących organizmów morskich żyjących na stalowej powierzchni platformy, ich liczebność i masę. Badania nie wykazały znaczących różnic w masie próbek bentosowych pomiędzy różnymi głębokościami i kierunkami geograficznymi. Nasze badania mogą pomóc w przewidywaniu rozwoju biofoulingu na innych urządzeniach w Morzu Bałtyckim, identyfikacji występowania gatunków inwazyjnych i oszacowaniu obciążenia konstrukcji podwodnych.
The swordfish, Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758, is a fish that sporadically enters the Baltic Sea. The present paper describes the identification of a very rarely recorded and poorly studied copepod of the family Philichthyidae – Philichthys xiphiae Steenstrup, 1862 – in a dead swordfish found on a sea beach in Dźwirzyno (Poland) in 2016. Philichthyidae are parasites inhabiting the sensory canals in the lateral line and skull bones of marine fish. In the present case, two P. xiphiae females were found, which constitutes the first record of the species in the Baltic area.
This work is one of the first studies on the growth of Poecilia latipinna outside its natural habitat. The objective of our study was to investigate the growth parameters of the population of P. latipinna, which is an alien species in Oman (Wadi Al-Bahayes). The population structure of P. latipinna in Wadi Al-Bahayes (Oman; 23°40′47″N; 58°11′36″E) was studied in June and August 2020, using 124 fish. In the course of this study, the number of individuals of each sex, age, weight and size composition were determined. In addition, the total length–weight relationship (LRW) was calculated, as well as the von Bertalanffy growth equation. The mean growth performance (phi prime) and the condition factor were calculated. Males accounted for 37.10% and females for 62.90% of the population. The length–weight relationship and the von Bertalanffy growth equation were W = 0.0214 × L2.7889 R2 = 0.9212, Lt = 11.46 (1 – e−0.127 (t + 2.71)) for males and Lt = 14.51 (1 – e−0.072 (t + 3.98)) for females. The mean growth performance and the condition factor were calculated as 1.22 for males and 1.18 for females and 1.54 for all specimens.
Notodiaphana atlantica and Liloa mongii are two cephalaspidean species described respectively from the Atlantic Ocean and the Red Sea, and considered widespread in their native ranges. Both species have also been recently recorded from the Mediterranean Sea, prompting some authors to consider them alien. Notwithstanding clear morphological differences in their shells, the two species have often been confused or misidentified in the literature, or specimens have been described with incorrect locality data. We hereby review the occurrence, distribution and status of both species in the Mediterranean Sea based on published data and examination of new material. Notodiaphana atlantica is considered a cryptogenic species with a range spanning from the western to eastern part of the basin. The presence of L. mongii in the Mediterranean is questioned until specimens that can be reliably assigned to this taxon or to any congeneric species are found in the area. Alien species inventories play an important role in regional policy and management decisions, thus requiring a high degree of confidence in the validity of species identification and their non-indigenous status. The present paper adds further evidence of the excess of “bibliographically introduced” alien records and reiterates the need for periodic re-evaluation of published data.
A specimen of the invasive Callinectes sapidus was recently found in the catchment basin of the Baltic Sea (Lake Dąbie, Poland). The discovery is significant because it indicates a widening of the crab's biogeographic range in northern Europe and confirms its expansion along European estuaries. The captured juvenile specimen from Lake Dąbie (estuary of the Oder River) had a carapace width (CW) of 125.58 mm, carapace length (CL) of 53.23 mm, and weight (w) of 100.19 g. This is the first record of this species in this part of the Baltic Sea catchment basin, following the discovery of a female caught in a plaice net northeast of Copenhagen (1951) and an adult male caught off Skagen, Northern Jutland, between the Kattegat and the Skagerrak (2007).
Praca prezentuje wpływ opanowywania (ekspansji) gatunków roślin obcego pochodzenia na krajobraz Lublina. Gatunki te mogą być cenne w miastach czy na terenach zdegradowanych, gdzie potrafią przetrwać w warunkach niesprzyjających gatunkom rodzimym. Ich nadmierne rozprzestrzenianie, negatywny wpływ na rodzime gatunki staje się niebezpieczne. W Lublinie sześć gatunków synantropijnych uznano za mające znaczenie w unifikacji krajobrazów roślinnych miasta. Zasięg występowania tych gatunków roślin obejmuje niemal wszystkie dzielnice poza Śródmieściem i Starym Miastem czyli ścisłym centrum miasta. Istotny wpływ odnotowano szczególnie w przypadku dwóch gatunków roślin z rodzaju nawłoć (Solidago gigantea i Solidago canadensis), które ekspansywnie opanowują tereny wcześniej porośnięte roślinnością naturalną i synantropijną. Powoduje to zmniejszenie różnorodności gatunkowej roślin, wypieranie roślinności cennej (murawowej) oraz ujednolicanie krajobrazów roślinnych miasta. Dlatego istnieje potrzeba rozpoznania tego zjawiska, podejmowania prób kontroli rozprzestrzeniania się gatunków obcych w krajobrazie oraz ochrona unikatowych zbiorowisk roślinnych i pełniejsze wykorzystanie elementów roślinności rodzimej na terenach zurbanizowanych.
This paper presents the influence of infestation (expansion) of alien plant species on the landscape of Lublin. Such species can be valuable in cities or in degraded terrains, where they can survive in conditions unfavourable to native species. Their excessive proliferation and negative impact on native species is becoming dangerous. In Lublin six synanthropic species were deemed pivotal in unifying the natural landscapes of the city. These plant species cover nearly all city districts, apart from “Śródmieście” and “Stare Miasto”, which are in direct city centre. A significant influence was noted especially in the case of two plant species from the goldenrod genus (Solidago gigantea and Solidago canadensis), which spread extensively over areas previously covered with natural and synanthropic vegetation. This causes a reduction in plant species diversity, displacement of valuable (grassland) plant life, and also homogenisation of natural landscapes in the city. Therefore, there is a need to identify this phenomenon, to attempt to control the spread of alien species within the landscape, and to protect unique plant communities, as well as to fully utilize elements of native vegetation in urban areas.
Over the past few decades, Ponto-Caspian gammarids Pontogammarus robustoides, Obesogammarus crassus and Dikerogammarus haemobaphes have colonized the European inland and coastal brackish waters. Previous experimental studies of P. robustoides, O. crassus and D. haemobaphes indicated that the salinity optimum for the species is about 7 PSU. We examined whether salinities below 5 PSU in the Vistula estuary – the Vistula Lagoon and the Vistula Delta, create a favorable environment and have a positive effect on Ponto-Caspian gammarids. The objective of this work was to determine the population parameters (size structure) and biological indicators (condition) of the studied gammarid species at a low salinity level. Length–weight relationships can be considered as their body condition in the environment. These relationships were calculated for each gammarid species according to the exponential equation y = axb, where: y – wet weight, x – total length, a – intercept, b – slope. The results clearly show responses of Ponto-Caspian gammarids to the low salinity habitat and indicate that such environment provides excellent conditions. The results of analysis show that the condition of gammarids is good. The optimal strategy of the examined alien gammarids may help them to maintain a strong competitive position in the environment and affect the colonization process in non-native waters with low salinity.
The paper reports on the first record of Sinelobus vanhaareni, a non-native tanaid, in the Polish coastal waters (Gulf of Gdansk, southern Baltic Sea). The species was found in the port of Gdynia in 2014, while in 2015–2017 it already colonized the western part of the Gulf of Gdansk, inhabiting mainly hard substrates, including both natural (e.g. boulders) and anthropogenic ones (e.g. vertical concrete piles or walls of offshore structures and breakwaters, horizontal PVC plates and oyster shells used as filling in habitat collectors). During the survey period, S. vanhaareni was found in different seasons of the year (from winter and early spring to autumn), which, combined with the presence of ovigerous females as well as high abundance (up to tens of thousands of individuals per square meter), allows us to assume that the species has already established a population in the Gulf of Gdansk.
So far in Poland, the Asian clam Corbicula fluminea has been reported from the Oder (Odra) and Vistula River. Its new population has been discovered in the Warta-Gopło Canal in Konin (central Poland), where water temperature can reach 34°C, as the canal is a part of a power plant lake cooling system. The spatial distribution of C. fluminea was found to be very uneven and that is probably why this species was not found during earlier research. The highest density of C. fluminea was 78 ind.·m-2 at the site where water flow was the fastest (2.49 m·s-1), providing sufficient oxygenation of the water. The results suggest that existing information about the distribution of C. fluminea may be far from complete because the clam can be present also in the habitats that were not regarded as suitable for the species according to earlier reports, and therefore have not been monitored for its presence.
Content available remote Obce gatunki mszyc w Polsce (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea)
W Polsce stwierdzono występowanie około 800 gatunków i podgatunków mszyc (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea), z których prawie 40 taksonów jest obcych dla rodzimej fauny. Liczba nowych gatunków wzrasta, fitofagi te często są transportowane przypadkowo, z roślinami sprowadzanymi do Polski. Wzrost średniej rocznej temperatury przyczynia się do poszerzania zasięgów występowania ciepłolubnych gatunków mszyc, wpływa na cykle życiowe oraz na ich bionomię.
There are around 800 species and subspecies of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea), of which nearly 40 are alien to the local fauna. The number of new species has been growing, with phytophages often transferred accidentally with plants imported to Poland. Increase in the average annual temperature contributes to the widening of the occurrence range of thermophilic species of aphids influencing their life cycle and bionomy.
Learning mechanisms determining fish reproduction are particularly beneficial in the case of experimental work on juvenile forms of fish making research independent of the season of the year. This paper describes the reproduction method of the round goby, Neogobius melanostomus, under controlled conditions. This species is not native to the ichthyofauna of the Gulf of Gdańsk and was discovered here for the first time in 1990. In the case of pre-seasonal reproduction of the round goby, the first spawning took place 5 weeks after the beginning of thermal stimulation. On the other hand, artificial reproduction of the fish caught in the spring was possible after only a week of being kept in a temperature of 17-19°C. The spawn incubation period ranged from 17 to 22 days, depending on the temperature. For natural spawning, the period from spawning to hatching was 18-19 days, at a constant temperature of 20°C.
Poznanie mechanizmów warunkujących rozród ryb jest szczególnie korzystne w przypadku prac doświadczalnych na formach juwenilnych ryb, gdyż uniezależnia prowadzenie badań od pory roku. Praca opisuje metodę rozrodu babki byczej N. melanostomus w warunkach kontrolowanych. Gatunek ten nie jest rodzimym składnikiem ichtiofauny Zatoki Gdańskiej i został tu po raz pierwszy stwierdzony w 1990 roku. W przypadku przedsezonowego rozrodu babki byczej pierwszego tarła doszło po 5 tygodniach od rozpoczęcia stymulacji termicznej. Sztuczny rozród ryb odłowionych na wiosnę był natomiast możliwy już po tygodniu przetrzymywania w temperaturze 17-19 °C. Okres inkubacji ikry wynosił od 17 do 22 dni w zależności od temperatury. Dla tarła naturalnego czas od tarła do wylęgu wynosił 18-19 dni przy stałej temperaturze 20 °C.
The signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852) of North American origin was introduced to Europe (to Scandinavia) in the 1960s. Since that time due to translocation to many countries, biological features and ecological plasticity, it became widespread, invasive and displaced native species. The paper reports first multi- point colonization of P. leniusculus in the Polish rivers. The aim of the study was to determine the current distribution of the signal crayfish in the coastal Baltic tributary (the River Wieprza) after 20 years of deliberate releases in its drainage area. During sampling at 28 sites with use of the “Pirate” crayfish traps and hand collection methods in spring and summer 2014, 127 P. leniusculus individuals were found at 8 sites in the Wieprza and its two tributaries, both away from and close to known sites of their introduction in 1995 and 1996 in the Wieprza River drainage area. The species spreads via the Wieprza River towards the Baltic brackish waters. With such expansion of this species, it is expected to be found in Polish coastal waters of the Baltic Sea and in other coastal rivers in the near future. The conflict between legal aspects of the signal crayfish farming, colonization by the species of the natural aquatic ecosystems and the expectations of consumers is discussed.
A new locality of the Asian thermophilic aquatic oligochaete Branchiura sowerbyi Beddard, 1892 (Oligochaeta, Naididae) was recorded in the Upper Oder River. Until now, this species has been only noted in a few localities in Poland: in the Szczecin Lagoon at the mouth of Oder River to Baltic Sea, in the heated Konin lake system (West Poland) and in the middle course of the Oder River. In our study, B. sowerbyi was found on one site (108 km of the river course) that is located more than 400 km from its previous recordings in the Oder River. This finding may show that B. sowerbyi has spread upstream. It should be noted that, as a rule, low abundance of this species may be the reason for the small number of its recordings, so further studies related to distribution and impact of B. sowerbyi on native oligochaetes are needed.
Mytilopsis leucophaeata (Conrad, 1831) is native to the western Atlantic coast of North America. It has been reported in many regions outside its home range, including the Gulf of Gdańsk (the southern Baltic Sea). Although the conditions in the area seem to be favorable for the species, there have been no reports about its presence elsewhere in the gulf. However, the data probably did not reflect its actual distribution in the region, as the species can be easily misidentified for other bivalves living in the area, and it prefers hard substrates, which have not been studied as extensively as soft substrates. Our study was aimed at determining the actual distribution of M. leucophaeata in the Gulf of Gdańsk, the Vistula Delta and the Vistula Lagoon. The results showed that the species was not widely distributed in the Gulf of Gdańsk and was absent in the Vistula Lagoon. The only new records come from the Vistula Delta where the abundance of M. leucophaeata was up to 69 ind. m-2, i.e. significantly higher than in the Gulf of Gdańsk. Individuals found in the Vistula Delta were also significantly larger, with the length of shells reaching 22-23 mm, which is considered to be the maximum for the species.
Pleodorina indica (Iyengar) H. Nozaki is a rare species from the Volvocaceae family (Chlorophyta, Volvocales), which naturally occurs in aquatic ecosystems of the tropical climate zones. This is the first record of this species I in Poland in a flow-through man-made reservoir on the Olechówka River in Łódź. The sampling site of P. indica in Łódź is the northernmost site in Europe. Among other records, the species has been also reported from Austria in 1996 and the Czech Republic in 2003. During the summer of 2015, abundant occurrence of this species was observed at the sampling site, at extremely high air and water temperatures. Physical parameters in the reservoir and the duration of the P. indica bloom were measured. In addition, morphological features of the species were observed with the use of light and confocal microscopy.
The killer shrimp Dikerogammarus villosus was recorded for the first time in Lithuanian waters in 2015. The species was detected in three sites in the Curonian Lagoon (on two buoys in the lagoon strait and the harbour, and one littoral sampling site) and in the mouth of the Šventoji River. The species presence in the buoy fouling suggests the involvement of shipping in species introduction. Most likely D. villosus has arrived to the Curonian Lagoon with commercial ships, while the invasion into the mouth of the Šventoji River may be associated with leisure shipping as the port situated therein is not currently functioning. Further northward expansion of the killer shrimp in the Baltic Sea basin seems very probable. As the species is highly aggressive, alterations of local macroinvertebrate assemblages can also be predicted.
Water and sediment in ships’ ballast tanks provide habitats for various organisms, and thus facilitate alien species introductions. Ballast tank water and sediment of 19 ships docked in the GRYFIA Szczecin Ship Repair Yard (Szczecin, Poland) located in an area connected with the River Odra estuary (Southern Baltic), were sampled in 2009–2011 to find out if the ships could be vectors of species introductions to the estuary, already known for the presence of non-indigenous taxa. This study showed the ballast water of the ships examined to house rotifers, copepods, cladocerans, and bivalve and cirriped larvae – common constituents of zooplankton assemblages in coastal waters. The ballast tank sediment supported meiobenthic foraminiferans, nematodes, harpacticoid copepods, turbellarians, bivalves, polychaetes, and chironomid and cirriped larvae. It is not possible at this stage to judge what meiofaunal taxa constitute an alien component in the estuary biota. Macrobenthos in the ships’ ballast tank sediment examined was represented mainly by nereid polychaetes. Although the unintended “biological cargo” examined proved quite diverse and abundant, it contained few identified alien taxa. It does not seem likely than any of them could pose a threat of a biological invasion in the River Odra estuary. However, numerous species remained unidentified, and therefore assessment of the risk of alien species introduction and invasion contains a large measure of uncertainty. On the other hand, the risk as such remains, since the density of ballast water-borne organisms in all ships exceeded the allowed limits.
Content available remote Biocontamination of the western Vistula Lagoon (south-eastern Baltic Sea, Poland)
Non-native species exert considerable pressure on aquatic ecosystems; accordingly, they are treated as biopollutants. The Vistula Lagoon, one of the largest brackish water bodies in the Baltic, has become a part of the central corridor for hydrobionts migrating in the direction of western Europe and species expanding in inshore waters. Ten non-indigenous species of benthic invertebrates from five different biogeographical regions have been found in the western part of the Lagoon. Their considerable abundance relative to the numbers and abundance of native species testifies to the high level of biopollution there. The integrated biological contamination index (IBC) calculated for the macrobenthos in the western Vistula Lagoon was 4 and corresponds to the Lagoon's poor ecological status.
Content available remote Road-side herbaceous vegetation : life history groups and habitat preferences
The study examine s the vegetation diversity (235 herbaceous species) in variable road-site types in terms of life history components (life traits) like life form, type of pollination, seed dispersal, spreading ability, life strategy according to Grime's classification, and in terms of habitat preferences using Ellenberg's indicator value (in relation to light, temperature, moisture, nitrogen, soil pH and soil salinity). Plants registered as alien species were evaluated also according to invasive status, level of abundance, introduction mode and land use habitat. Study localities (9 sites) were situated in the Ceskomoravska highlands and the South Bohemian regions (Czech Republic). The plant species were recorded in the bands (width in range of 1.5-3.0 m) along the verge of two types of roads (motorways with median stripes) and secondary roads (II and III classes). In total - road length of about 15 km and the total area of roadside vegetation of about 8 ha were surveyed. The annual/therophyte species with a tendency to seed dispersed by wind, preferring a light and dry habitat, and having the RC (competitiveruderal) life strategy were mainly found along the motorways. It means that road verges along motorways are quite insolated and constitute the dry habitats, probably suitable for ruderal, weedy, non-native, and invasive species. On the contrary, species with a tendency to vegetative reproduction and the C (competitive) strategy occur mainly along the secondary roads. It seems that the secondary roads are alternative habitats for grassland flora. Species occurred on the verges of the secondary roads do not belong to the particular group of the life traits. The salt tolerant species Puccinellia distans (Jacq.) Parl. was found along all types of roads. Almost 24% of all recorded herbaceous species growing in road-sites were alien species.
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