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W artykule przedstawiono przegląd stosowanych rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych bomb szybujących. Bardziej szczegółowo potraktowano rodzaje bomb, które są lub były intensywnie użytkowane przez siły powietrzne, w tym były wykorzystywane w konfliktach zbrojnych. Uwzględniono także dostępne autorom modele i prototypy bomb przewidziane do wprowadzenia do uzbrojenia w najbliższych latach. Uzyskane w trakcie opracowania publikacji zbiory danych pozwoliły określić aktualną strategię oraz priorytety walki z przeciwnikiem. Przedstawiono propozycję nowoczesnego sposobu wykorzystania bomby szybującej do efektywnego (także pod względem ekonomicznym) ataku na przewidywanym polu walki. Przedstawione rozwiązanie pokazuje ciągłe powstawanie nowego typu uzbrojenia gwarantując przy tym niski koszt, wysoką skuteczność oraz jak najmniejsze ryzyko dla obsługującego system personelu wojskowego.
Some designs of gliding bombs are reviewed in the paper. The types of bombs which have been intensely used by the air forces, especially those used in military conflicts, are presented in more detailed way. Moreover the models and prototypes of bombs accessible for authors and planned to enter into the inventory of the ordnance in the near future are considered. Data bases prepared at elaboration of the paper allowed above all to identify current strategy and priorities for engaging an enemy. Additionally the paper presents an option for modern use of gliding bombs to effective attacks (including also economical aspects) on predicted battlefield. Presented solution illustrates a continuous process of creation of a new type of ordnance which provides high efficiency at low costs and low level of risk for the military personnel servicing the system.
W dniu 8 listopada 2006 r. w bazie lotniczej Poznań– Krzesiny wylądował pierwszy samolot F-16. Dzień ten wyznaczył nowy rozdział w historii polskiego lotnictwa wojskowego. Można sobie zadać pytanie, czy samolot ten jest lepszy od dotychczas eksploatowanych samolotów produkcji radzieckiej? Na pewno jest inny, wymaga innego podejścia i innej kultury technicznej. Personel techniczny i logistyczny musiał opanować zupełnie nowe procedury obsługowe by utrzymać w pełnej sprawności technicznej samoloty i całą infrastrukturę z tym związaną. Mniejszy problem z opanowaniem samolotu mieli piloci, którzy przeszli pełny cykl szkolenia w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Technicy musieli opanować wiele instrukcji, które dostępne były tylko w języku angielskim. Patrząc z perspektywy lat można uznać, że zadanie to wykonali wzorowo i nigdy nie doszło o poważnego incydentu z winy personelu technicznego, czy też logistycznego. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja wybranych procedur związanych obsługą techniczną samolotu F-16. Autorzy poruszyli tylko wybrane procedury jako, że cały proces obsługi technicznej i logistycznej jest dość złożony.
Content available Dominacja w powietrzu i z powietrza
Traditional roles of air forces in combat involve the subjugation of air space and the maintaining of superiority / domination in the skies in order to create favourable conditions to conduct successful land and naval operations. They are, thus, a component supporting other forces in joint military operations. Nowadays, air forces sometimes take the role of the dominant force (a component supported by other forces) and then the joint operations of armed forces are conducted in a way (as called in the article) of dominance from the air. This allows, especially in the so-called asymmetric conflicts, to obtain the military and political goals of the war without land or naval invasion. This is a new phenomenon in the Art of War, which the author of the article tries to identify, describe and systematise. To make waging a war through dominance from the air possible, airforces must have absolute freedom to use the air space in the whole area of a conflict and in the whole territory of an opponent. The current terminology related to dominance (superiority / domination) in the air and the theory of war in the air does not provide (describe) such a situation. In this article, the views in this respect, which were in force in NATO and the Warsaw Pact and are still in force in the US Armed Forces, NATO and the Russian Federation, are critically evaluated and a new terminology taxonomy for dominance in the air is suggested.
Autorzy w artykule przedstawili podstawy nowej koncepcji oraz zasadnicze kierunki rozwoju walki elektronicznej w NATO. Na wstępie omówili nową terminologię oraz nowo utworzone komórki WE Sojuszu. Następnie zaprezentowali wymagania stawiane współczesnym systemom WE, a także zasadnicze kierunki rozwoju w zakresie prowadzenia WE przez siły powietrzne. Autorzy uzupełnili rozważania teoretyczne i doktrynalne przykładami najnowszych prac koncepcyjnych i badawczych oraz wymagań długoterminowych dotyczących uniemożliwienia dostępu do spektrum elektromagnetycznego, tworzenia sieci platform walki elektronicznej oraz osłony statków powietrznych.
Summary In the article a novel concept as well as the main developments in the electronic warfare within NATO are presented. At the beginning the new terminology and recently established allied electronic warfare cells are discussed. This is followed by general description of requirements for modem electronic warfare systems and development trends related to the conduct of electronic warfare by the air force. The authors exemplify theoretical and doctrinal considerations with some examples of the latest research programmes and long-term capability requirements concerning not only electromagnetic spectrum denial, but also the creation of the network of electronic warfare platforms as well as aircraft protection.
Przemiany polityczne ostatniego dziesięciolecia XX wieku oraz powiązane z nimi nasilenie wewnętrznych i międzypaństwowych konfliktów zapoczątkowało proces wzmacniania systemu interwencji pokojowych. Głębokim przewartościowaniom uległy funkcje sił zbrojnych i weryfikowane są strategie obronne wielkich mocarstw i sojuszy. Z członkostwa Polski w UE wynika konieczność rozwoju sojuszniczej interoperacyjności, zapewnienia zdolności w ramach ustalonej specjalizacji narodowej oraz gotowości do budowy zdolności obronnych. Dlatego też, Siły Zbrojne RP biorą czynny udział w kształtowanie bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego poprzez udział w militarnych działaniach stabilizacyjnych. Nieopisaną rolę w tych działaniach odgrywają Siły Powietrzne (SP). Obecnie realizują one głównie zadania transportowe jednakże w bliskiej perspektywie spektrum zadań ulegnie znacznemu rozszerzeniu włącznie z realizacją zadań stricte bojowych. Możliwe to będzie dzięki rozszerzeniu naszych narodowych deklaracji zaangażowania nowoczesnego potencjału bojowego. Stąd głównym celem autora artykułu jest określenie możliwości wykorzystania potencjału SP RP w przyszłych operacjach UE.
The European Union has the ambition to be an effective contributor to global stability and security. So far the EU has undertaken 17 successful operations 5 of which are military. The EU action is appreciated on international level and the EU has become an appreciated partner of the UN or NATO. However, the EU must be capable of growth and flexibility and be prepared for new capabilities, especially to utilize asymmetric strategies to defend against emerging and unpredictable threats. An aviation plays undeniable and inestimable role in all crisis situations. The air power can quickly concentrate on or above any point on the surface; using its inherent speed, range and flexibility to attack any facet of an enemy’s power in support of national or coalition strategic objectives; theatre or regional operational objectives; or more localized tactical objectives in any order chosen by political or military leaders. So that is way the Polish Air Force (POLAF) should be considered as indispensable element of strengthening the UE military capability. The main aim of the article is to establish new concept of using the POLAF in the future UE crisis operations.
The article presents general research results relating to the way points of gravity are perceived in war operation theory and practice, drawing particular attention to two opposing combat systems, i.e. potential enemy’s air defence and air forces. According to the author’s methodology the scope of reality is described corresponding to the current theoretical knowledge in the area of the points of gravity essence, their types and methods of establishing them in the aspect of classic war operations and operations other than war. In addition, attention is paid to views’ shaping that refer to the points of gravity identification basing on historical development of the art of war, modern operations including, such as two wars in the Persian Gulf.
Content available remote Kierunki rozwoju technicznych środków dowodzenia siłami powietrznymi
The basis of Air Forces commanding is to have reliable, prompt and current information concerning both the enemy (their potential and real capabilities) as well as conditions to conduct operations and own forces’ potential. Modern systems of command allow fast acquisition and collection of information and its analysis and transformation. They support commanders in the decision making process. Moreover, they enable transferring tasks to their executors. The growing engagement of the alliance’s armed forces and other organisations in crisis response operations enforces the increase of interoperability in the area of armed forces' command, the air forces including. Serious challenges for the air forces commanding result from the centric network fighting concept. It assumes the operational capabilities growth of forces smaller in number resulting from information advantage and common situational awareness of all participants of the operations. Using forces in centric network battlefield will require effective process of command. It will be conditioned by the access to technologically advanced means. These means are technical devices and equipment that are to ensure an efficient and permanent flow of information necessary to command subordinate forces. They supply the system of command with information acquired, transformed, sent, collected and presented. In the literature of the subject, these means are divided into 5 basic groups: reconnaissance, communication, information transformation, information imagery, personnel and transport assignment assets. The aim of the article is to present the development directions of technical means of commanding in the Air Forces. Technical and operational aspects of their development have been analysed. The article is divided into parts reflecting the division of technical means of commanding into reconnaissance, communication, information transformation and imagery and means of relocation the personnel and transport.
Content available remote Bombardowania lotnicze z perspektywy prawa międzynarodowego
In the light of the most commonly accepted social norm, the land warfare law regulations apply to aerial warfare in case when the air forces operate in airspace above a land or in favour of land forces. Naval warfare law regulations apply in case of air force operation over a sea or in favour of naval forces. Therefore aerial bombardment is regulated by the same law provisions of international humanitarian law of armed conflicts as bombardment carried out in land or naval warfare. Targets, facilities, weapons and the way of attacking are subjected to these regulations. Additional restrictions imposed only on air forces concern the use of incendiary weapons and cluster bombs. The recent military operations practice, especially lessons learned from Allied Force operation show the need of further aerial warfare law development.
The subject of article is to present civil-military co-ordination of the air traffic management in the process of preparation and conducting of air exercises. This process can have a national or international character, depending on the extent, nature or command level responsible for its performance. Coordination procedures based on many years’ experience and implemented by the NATO Air Traffic Management Committee (NATMC) are now commonly used by the air forces of NATO Member States in air training practice. That means, that the representatives of civil air navigation service providers participate as early as practical during the military planning and organization of an air exercise. Experience has shown that such a close civil-military co-operation enables designation of required airspace structure, establishment of the rules of the operations carried out in the airspace and resolving any air traffic management problems. It also helps to maintain the flight safety at the high level and to conduct exercises in an effective manner by the military aviation. Moreover, application of the civil-military co-ordination procedures minimizes a negative influence of the military flights on the general air traffic (GAT) while the number of air operations in the controlled and uncontrolled European airspace is constantly growing.
Content available remote Kierunki rozwoju technicznych środków dowodzenia siłami powietrznymi
The basis to command and control air forces is to have reliable, on time and current information concerning the enemy (its potential and real capabilities), conditions to carry out operations, and also own forces’ potential. Contemporary command and control systems enable prompt acquisition and collection of information, as well as its analysis and processing. They support commanders in the decision making process. Furthermore, they enable transferring tasks to their executors. Wider and wider engagement of the allied and other organisations’ armed forces in crisis response operations enforces increasing the interoperability level of armed forces’ command and control, the air forces including. Serious challenges for the air force command and control result from the network centric fighting. This concept stipulates the operational capabilities increase of forces smaller in strength which result from information advantage and common situational awareness of all participants in the operation. Using forces in conditions of network centric battlefield will require effective process of commanding. It will be conditioned by, among others, access to technologically advanced assets such as technical devices (equipment) which are to ensure efficient and durable information flow, necessary to command and control subordinated forces. They supply the command and control system with information which they receive, process, gather and present. In literature these means are divided into five basic groups. These are: reconnaissance, communication, information processing, information imagery and location of the personnel and equipment. The aim of the article is to present development directions of technical means to command and control air forces. Technical and operational aspects of their development have been analysed. The article is divided into parts reflecting the division of technical command and control means into reconnaissance, communication, information processing, information imagery and location of the personnel and equipment.
Content available remote Użycie sił powietrznych w wojnach nieregularnych
The author of the article explains the idea of an irregular war, shows crucial differences between an irregular and conventional war and defines probable tasks that may be conducted by contemporary air forces. That required finding an answer to the question and the general problem of the article: what is the nature of an irregular war and what kind of role air power may play in counter-insurgency operations. The basis for further considerations concerning the use of air power in operations aiming at combating insurgency was to explain the idea of an irregular war, presenting its characteristic features and also commenting on notions directly connected with this type of war, such as counter-insurgency operations.
Content available remote Kierunki rozwoju struktury systemu dowodzenia siłami powietrznymi
This article discusses the future air force command and control structures’ development process. The author describes and explains the process due to the following criteria: the span of control, initiative, situation responsiveness and tactical flexibility. Recommendations for change of air force command and control structures include an influence of the new approach to the command and control methods and to the level of air force command centralization flexibility on the structures.
W artykule przedstawiono wnioski z badań kwalifikacyjnych Zautomatyzowanego Systemu Dowodzenia i Kierowania Rozpoznaniem Elektronicznym Sił Powietrznych, kryptonim „WOŁCZENICA”, który instalowany będzie na bazie batalionu radioelektronicznego (brel) i Ośrodka Radioelektronicznego (ORel).
Some conclusions of the qualification tests on the Air Forces eleetronic reconnaissance automatic command and control system named "Wolczenica" are presented in the paper. The system is predicted to be integrated into the Air Forces structure.
Content available remote Wybrane aspekty użycia sił powietrznych w sojuszniczych operacjach humanitarnych
In the last decade of the 20th century and in the beginning of the 21st century the air forces were frequently used in humanitarian operations, which were aimed at bringing help to the civil population being oppressed. Even though the air forces-like the other services-are theoretically only a supporting element in comparison to the activities of civil international organisations. This is consistent with NATO’s doctrinal assumptions on one hand, but on the hand air forces frequently play a more important role. Lessons learned from various operations confirm that the missions of airforces can be adjusted to the situation in the crisis area while the aim is always set by political decision makers. Thanks to researches linked to the recent operations it became possible to specify general assumptions concerning future operations. Expected results will be connected with efficient help to persecuted civilians. Having in mind such situation, it is possible to specify two kinds of operations - humanitarian operations and humanitarian interventions. According to the author the considerations presented in the article do not exhaust the whole spectrum of the problem, but on the other hand the intention of the author is to encourage the reader to familiarise with the results of the study entitled Air Force Missions in Humanitarian Operations at the Beginning of the 21st Century. The necessity of continuing the scientific penetration of this complicated issue is connected with the need to achieve a common attitude to the problem as far as the main participants of this operations are concerned. In such case civil components, governmental and non-governmental organisations are being discussed on the hand, and on the other - the military component with the air force being included.
Content available remote Targeting dynamiczny w siłach powietrznych XXI wieku
Targeting is a notion that in a certain simplification means the process of designating and hierarchizing the targets to be destroyed, the selection of activities directed against them, estimating the needed level of damage and assessing the effects. The success of activities against high manoeuvrability targets of strategic and operation importance, which is the subject of dynamic targeting, depends on the time between the target detection and reaching the destruction capabilities Basing on the conclusions from dynamic targeting analyses in selected military operations, the author states a thesis that additional possibilities to shorten the dynamic targeting cycle and raising its effectiveness in this century will be achieved by improving the targeting organisation, new technologies of acquiring, processing and distributing reconnaissance information and the development of precision weapon insensitive to atmospheric conditions. The author claims that properly selected and well trained targeting personnel eligible for decision making and located in the air component’s centre of air operations is a reliable solution that gives future prospects in the area of dynamic targeting. Modern constructions using improved radar techniques will dominate the area of reconnaissance, whereas weapons guided by satellite navigation systems will dominate the combat assets area.
Content available remote Kadra w przyszłych siłach powietrznych
The specific character of air forces results in the fact that the training process is long and expensive. Transformations of organisational structures, command procedures, military equipment and military education, which took place in the last decades, influenced the functioning of air force personnel. In consequence, there appeared their high fluctuation and problems related to air force combat capabilities. In the new reality the air force personnel perform a number of tasks both in Poland and abroad. Great air force saturation with the state-of-the-art technology and personnel’s high specialisation make their selection and education crucial. Using the potential of air force equipment largely depends on the personnel’s qualifications and their attitude to work Broad and progressive automation causes the increase of demands towards them. Therefore the air force future combines their excellent equipment, high mobility and also high level of the personnel’s professionalism.
At the turn of the century air force was relatively frequently used to solve international and domestic crises. The most widespread "area” of its activity comprises operations to enforce no-fly zones and other zones of denied access. The no-fly zones enforcement operations conducted over northern and southern Iraq, Bosnia and Herzegovina are permanently engraved in the air force history of NATO, the USA, Great Britain, France and Turkey. However, the article stresses that the way of air force activities in this type of operations derives from colonial wars of the 1920s and 1930s. The airspace control implemented by the Royal Air Force (RAF) was accepted as a model development. In the operations discussed in the article such as "Provide Comfort”, “Northern Watch”, Southern Watch”, Deny Flight’’, and "Deliberate Force”, the attention was drawn to the most important events connected with using air force that, according to the author, greatly influenced the course of peacekeeping process in Bosnia, Herzegovina and keeping a stable situation in the Persian Gulf. There have been shown different tasks and political and military conditions of these operations and also the influence of these factors on the size, structure and tasks of the air forces conducting these operations. The effectiveness of the air force performance in these, mostly long lasting, operations has also been discussed. In the conclusions, the author has presented some regularities appearing in the no-fly zone enforcement operations described above. Thus the thesis has been confirmed that air force is a perfect tool to support international organisations in keeping international security and world peace.
In the article the author pays attention to an increasing role of air force activity. He states that it can be an effective measure in fighting for to take over the enemy. He presents the problem of implementing new technologies what is connected with developing new concepts, principles and forms to use air force, methods of actions and decision making procedures. The author states that the development of air force and aviation must be directed to implementing new organisational structures and techniques concerning decision making process and conducting operations. A particular attention is drawn to a significant role of Network Centric Systems that enable not only carrying out precise air strikes on the enemy but also the necessity to employ unmanned aerial vehicles carrying home-guidance and guided missiles and manned multipurpose aircraft. The numerous advantages of their use have been presented. The author also adds that basing on the analysis of the air force use in the armed conflicts at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, one can state that the existing conventional armament appeared to be insufficient. He believes that in future the air force will be the only armed forces’ branch that due to its actions may contribute not only to the limitation but even physical contact of other armed forces branches. Consequently, the airforce’s capabilities will continue to develop.
The practice of command – staff exercises carried out at the University of National Defence and Polish Armed Forces allows stating that risk has become one of the most important criteria that the decision-makers use while taking decisions. The subjective character of this criterion interpretation that has been noticed and the intuition character of its measuring provokes some considerations that the author of the article would like to share; in particular to signal the possibility to express risk in numbers to evaluate the variants of air force tactical operations.
Both contributing to the Alliance collective defence and the need of active participation in allied multinational operations of crisis management seems impossible without other countries’ forces co-operation, logistic co-operation including. This, in turn, requires reaching and maintaining an appropriate range and level of interoperability. Hence wherever certain types of armament are used by more than one country’s forces, the Alliance recommends a co-ordinated approach to logistics supplies. Special capabilities are created by the consolidation of supply assets and needs to maintain them in use. In case of Polish Air Force, one of the measures facilitating to reach this goal is Aircraft Cross-servicing (ACS). Its main aim is to increase NATO Rapid Reaction Forces flexibility in the area of base changing, recreating deployment effectiveness, preparing for the next take-off and accomplishing tasks by tactical air force by gaining a possibility to conduct operations from airports other than main operational bases and new base airfields.
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