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The article demonstrates the results of a study of the landscape structure of the Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve (Ukr.: Chornobylskyi radiatsiino-ekolohichnyi biosfernyi zapovidnyk - ChREBR). Because of radioactive pollution, a sharp drop in human activity, and the granting of the territory the status of a protected object, the process of area rewilding took on certain characteristics and led to the return of ecosystems’ natural processes. The studies cover a 7-year period from 2016 to 2022, i.e., from the moment this territory was granted protected status. That territory was abandoned by people more than 37 years ago and the former rural and urban landscapes have either already been transformed or are in the process of being transformed into natural ones. The scale of forest massifs has changed during the previous seven years, which has caused increased pasture overgrowth. huge forest massifs have been lost because of enormous forest fires and floods, particularly along the Pripet and Uzh rivers. Semi-natural successions occur in the gardens, and wooden homes are almost extinct. From orbit, a number of communities no longer resemble settlements. They are cloaked in bushes and trees instead. For places that have been ploughed, the same holds true. The last seven years show that change is happening more slowly than in the decades before. The pattern of natural processes in ecosystems, including periodic fires, the blocking of reclamation channels, and other factors, is the primary driver of changes in the composition of the land cover.
Art. 20 ust. 1 ustawy z dnia 3 lutego 1995 r. o ochronie gruntów rolnych i leśnych jest jasny: osoba powodująca utratę albo ograniczenie wartości użytkowej gruntów jest obowiązana do ich rekultywacji na własny koszt.
Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu ocenę jakości scalenia gruntów we wsi Rzymkowice, gmina Korfantów, a przede wszystkim uwypuklenie jego pozytywnych efektów. Zasadnym jest stwierdzenie, że scalenie gruntów we wsi Rzymkowice pozwoliło osiągnąć zamierzoną poprawę struktury przestrzennej wsi. Uporządkowaną, spójną i kompletną dokumentację geodezyjną ujawniono w ewidencji gruntów i budynków. Dzięki zagospodarowaniu poscaleniowemu, rolnicy będą mogli korzystać z przebudowanej infrastruktury drogowej. W artykule szczegółowo opisano elementy, które zostały poprawione dzięki postępowaniu scaleniowemu, a dodatkowo aby to zobrazować, przedstawiono graficznie przestrzenne rozmieszczenie gruntów czterech gospodarstw, które najwięcej zyskały w procesie scalenia gruntów.
This article aims to assess the quality of land consolidation in the village of Rzymkowice, Korfonów commune, and, above all, to highlight its positive effects. It is justified to state that the consolidation of land in the village of Rzymkowice allowed to achieve the intended improvement of the spatial structure of the village. Geodetic documentation was organized, coherent and complete, disclosed in the land and building records. Thanks to post-consolidation development, farmers will be able to use the rebuilt road infrastructure. The article describes in detail the elements that were improved thanks to the land consolidation procedure, and to illustrate it, the spatial distribution of land of four farms that gained the most in the land consolidation process is presented graphically.
The study of changes in grassland was conducted on the territory of individual counties of the West Pomeranian Voivodship. Based on data collected in the Valorisation of the Agricultural Production Space of Poland and spatial data (an electronic 1:5000 soil and agricultural map) the basic information on the use of agricultural land in the 70s of the 20th century. Changes in use over time were analysed based on data the Statistics Poland (Pol.: Główny Urząd Statystyczny - GUS), General Geographic Database and The Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture Crop Register (Pol.: Agencja Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa - ARiMR). The studies showed that in the West Pomeranian Voivodship, a successive decrease in the share of permanent grasslands (0.9%) and arable lands (1.4%) is observed. There is a spatial variation in the share of permanent grassland in the province’s counties, with a distinction between northern and southern counties. The main direction of change in grassland area is arable land, which applies to counties with the highest share of permanent grassland (PG) and counties with a high share of the best soils and forest direction. Land quality was the main factor determining the direction of grassland changes, with the best PG converted to arable land or for investment purposes. In contrast, the weakest were converted to forestry or spontaneously wooded through abandonment. The main reasons for changes in grassland areas in the West Pomeranian Voivodship were: conversion of use to arable land, afforestation of grasslands, land use for urban planning purposes, leaving land fallow and conversion for constructing fishponds.
Increasing the production of high-quality agricultural products with minimal negative impact on environmental components is one of the priority tasks of modern agriculture. Due to the global world trends aimed at ensuring a sustainable and safe economy and reducing the use of chemical protection agents, it is predicted that the share of alternative biological methods in the European agricultural sector will increase to 10%, the area of agricultural land for organic farming will increase by 50%. Under the conditions of intensification of agricultural production, a comprehensive approach to the use of microelements and microbial biological preparations, which enhance growth processes, anti-stress, protective effect and increase the yield of agricultural crops, becomes expedient. The article deals with the effects of biological growth-regulating preparations on winter wheat, sunflower hybrids, and vegetable peas. It was established that when processing winter wheat with the “Grainactive-C” preparation, the greatest increase in grain yield was observed under the conditions of 3-fold treatment of crops in the phase of tillering, flag leaf, and grain filling (3.2 t/ha, or 18%). At the same time, the greatest effect was recorded when treating crops in the tillering phase, where the yield increase was 2.9 c/ha, or +16% compared to the control. It has been studied that the effectiveness of the preparation “Nano-Agro” when applied to sunflower hybrids also depends on the time of its application. The same increase – 0.9 t/ha of seeds (+12% compared to the control) was observed during pre-sowing treatment of seeds and during the vegetation phase (before flowering), but the yield increase when treating sunflower after flowering phase was only 0.32 t/ha (4%). In order to restore disturbed soils and increase the efficiency of agricultural production, the introduction of leguminous crops into the crop rotation becomes important, after harvesting them up to 80 kg/ha of biological nitrogen remains and humus accumulates in the arable layer of the soil up to 10.8 t/ha. Treatment of vegetable peas seeds with Rhizohumin contributed to the accumulation of humus by 3.96 t/ha. Through field studies, the article proves the positive effect of growth-regulating preparations on agricultural crops under the conditions of the Steppe zone of Ukraine.
The intensive development of industry generates a number of negative consequences, which leads to an ecological crisis. As a result, the soil on which plant products are grown is polluted by radionuclides, heavy metals, pesticides, and chemicals. That is why in the early 1960s, the alternative farming, which is also called biological, biodynamic or organic, began to develop in Europe. The movement for alternative farming is widely developing in industrialized countries with a high level of chemization of agriculture. Therefore, the proposed topic is extremely relevant in terms of rational nature use, ensuring the sustainable development of territories, as well as food security in Ukraine. The article deals with agroecological assessment of suitability of agricultural land of the Steppe Zone of Ukraine for ecological farming and bases on the modern data from the Kherson branch of the state institution “Institute of Soil Protection of Ukraine”. Spatial modeling of the presence of nutrients in the steppe soil of Ukraine was made by the means of ArcGIS 10.1 product. Taking into account the obtained data and spatial modeling, the territories with soils of limited suitability for ecological farming occupy 67.2% (1194.5 thousand hectares) of the Kherson region, unsuitable soils are located on 16.7% (297.4 thousand hectares) of agricultural land of the Steppe Zone of Ukraine and suitable lands were detected on 16.1% (286.2 thousand hectares) of the territory of the studied lands. The conclusion was made that with the actual availability of lands occupied under ecological farming (4.3% or 75.9 thousand hectares), the territory of the Steppe Zone of Ukraine has a prime potential to increase the area under ecological farming by 4.2 times. Therefore, the article paid attention to ecological farming, taking into account the specifics of the content of trace elements in the steppe soils and their compliance with the methodology for determining whether soils belong to the categories of suitable, limited-suitability and unsuitable for ecological farming.
The recent deterioration of the ecological condition of agricultural lands, the tendency of reducing soil fertility, and the production of plant products, mostly of low quality, necessitate an understanding of the role of trace elements in the process of plant formation. The content of trace elements in soils affects the efficiency of absorption of basic nutrients by plants. Deficiency of iron, manganese and zinc reduces the supply of nitrogen to plants. Copper and calcium promote the absorption of phosphorus by plants, but excess of iron inhibits it. Excess of copper and molybdenum reduces the transfer of potassium to plants. Due to high yields of agricultural crops, a significant amount of trace elements is removed from the soil, so the introduction of the optimal amount of trace elements against the background of high agricultural technology is an additional measure to increase the yields and quality of agricultural products. Heavy metals are an important environmental factor, which, on the one hand, is necessary for living organisms, and on the other (with increasing concentration of these elements in the environment) constitutes a negative factor in their lives. The activities of industrial enterprises, car exhausts and other attributes of civilization, increase the content of heavy metals in soils and as a consequence negatively affect their quality. The term “heavy metals” is used for the metals with a specific gravity exceeding 5 g/cm3 or an atomic number of more than 20. Among them, lead and cadmium are considered the most dangerous. Therefore, modeling the content of trace elements and heavy metals in the Steppe soils of Ukraine is an additional mechanism for quality control of agricultural land and, as a consequence, of obtaining quality products to ensure food security of the state.
Content available Land Consolidation Considering Natural Afforestation
The article highlights the problem of natural agricultural-land afforestation with insufficient forest cover of the area. The article purports to substantiate land consolidation aimed at the rationalisation of agricultural and forest land management in such conditions. The authors identify the main approaches to the issue of natural agricultural land afforestation. The afforested areas of agricultural land are suggested for redesignation as a forest resource as a result of a swap and reallotment of land plots. As an example, consolidation of available land, in the conditions of natural afforestation, has been accomplished based on a number of land masses in Chernihiv Oblast’, Ukraine. Resulting from the project implementation, better configuration and improved layout of agricultural land plots have been achieved, while the length and placement of country lanes have been optimized. The reforested agricultural areas within the specific land mass have been redesignated as a forest resource. The advantages and disadvantages of natural afforestation in land consolidation are identified in contrast to alternative approaches. The research findings can be used by territorial communities in the upgrade of land management practices, laying out and redesign of landscape parks and other nature conservation areas that include areas of business activity.
Content available remote Bezład po polsku
Municipal solid waste landfills are mostly bordering on rural areas and may to cause the environmental degradation. Therefore, the issue of monitoring and assessment of negative landfill impact on bordering areas, including agricultural land, is relevant. The aim of the study is monitoring and assessment of landfill impact on air pollution, soil contamination, pollutants content of leachate from landfills. Monitoring of air pollution was measured on the soil sites situated at the landfill, at the border between landfill and agricultural areas, at the distance of 200 m from the landfill. The following pollutants were investigated: CO2 , NO2 , NH3 , H2S, C7H8, C8H10 dust. Monitoring of soil contamination was measured at the border between landfill and agricultural areas; at the distance of 50, 100, 200 and 500 m from the landfill. The following pollutants were investigated: Pb, Hg, Cu, Zn, petroleum products. Monitoring of leachate pollution was conducted by following pollutants: NO2-, NO3-, NH4, SO42-, Cl-, Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, PO43-, petroleum products, surface active substance. Sampling of the leachate was carried out at the territory of the landfill. The results of our study show that 90% of studied landfills are in close proximity to agricultural land and have technogenic impact on the bordering areas. The assessment of landfill impact on atmospheric air established the exceeding of MPC of all investigated pollutants at the border between landfill and agricultural land. Exceeding of the MPC of pollutants in atmospheric air at a distance of 200 m and more have not been established. The assessment of landfill impact on soil contamination established the exceeding of MPC of heavy metals and petroleum products at the border between landfill and agricultural land and at a distance of 50 m and 100 m from landfills. Exceeding of the MPC of heavy metals and petroleum products in the soil at a distance of 200 m and more has not been established. The results of the assessment of leachate from landfill sites show the exceeding of MPC of investigated pollutants for 60% studied areas. This creates an additional chemical load on groundwater, soils and can lead to decreasing the quality of agricultural products which grown in technogenic pressured areas. Thus, our research confirmed the existence of a threat to environmental and food security on areas, bordering on the landfills.
An agroanalysis was carried out, which showed that there is a natural connection between the gross content of nutrients and their mobile nitrogen compounds in the soil. A comparison of the content of gross and mobile forms of phosphorus in the soil showed that in ordinary chernozems the content of gross forms of phosphorus is 0.11–0.13%. The content of gross potassium in soils varies between 1.7–2.4% and the content of mobile from medium to very high degree of security. The study area in terms of the organic matter content of carbon has a rate of 0.9–3.2% (compared to background soils – 3.12%). The results of the research will serve as a starting point for substantiating the alleged contaminated agricultural land, which will contribute to the constant monitoring of areas, the basis of which is to control the condition of the soil cover of agricultural land.
The purpose of this study is to analyse the use of agricultural land on the territory of united communities and their individual districts of Zhytomyr region as the smallest units of the administrative territorial division of Ukraine. The relevance of this study, due to current changes in national land relations, dictates the need to have information about agricultural lands, their owners, tenants and the lands status for planning agricultural production, the land-leases development, sale of land. The analysis of land use was carried out according to the following indicators: location of land plots of all owners within the community district and the whole community; their area; monetary evaluation; status of documents for each land plot, in particular the availability of lease, land cultivation presence. The initial data of the researches is the data of the state land cadastre database, and data of the real property rights register, both in general access and in need of special access. As a result of the research there were defined areas and location of lands of some landowners, who leased their lands and areas of lands not leased, also there were defined areas of lands, used illegally, without any documents on land use, defined areas of lands, used or owned by agricultural producers (farms, physical persons, legal entities). A cartographic core was created for the purpose of convenient planning of agricultural land use and land management within selected districts on the territory of the community.
The article is devoted to a topical scientific problem in modern conditions – valuation of land in Ukraine. The imperfection of the existing approaches requires further research on the changing conditions of land use and their impact on land pricing. A methodology for determining the market value of reclaimed land based on a differentiated assessment of its productivity through crop yields is proposed, taking into account natural and climatic zones and other conditions of a particular region. The basis of the methodology is the application of long-term forecast and a set of forecast and simulation models, in particular the model of area climatic conditions and the model of water regime and water regulation technologies on reclaimed land. At that the crop yield model as a complex multiplicative type model takes into account all main factors influencing crop yield formation: weather, climatic and soil conditions, cultivation techniques, water regime of reclaimed land, etc. The proposed approaches were tested by the method of large-scale machine experiment using a land plot in the zone of Western Polissya of Ukraine as the example. The obtained results indicate that there is a differentiation in land value, which is a proportional derivative of the yield of cultivated crops depending on the conditions of their cultivation. The variation range of the studied indicators in relative form by the ratio of maximum and minimum values to the weighted average value is for cultivated crops – 393%, and for the above soils – 44.6%. Thus, within one object, the estimated value of land in view of available soils and cultivated crops varies from USD2456∙ha–1 to USD4005 ∙ ha–1, averaging USD3522 ∙ ha–1 .
Extension of the forest area in Ukraine is one of the indicators confirming achievement of the goals of sustainable development. Therefore, the issue of protection, restoration and rational use of forest ecosystems is rather actual. The process of self- afforestation taking place on agricultural land, which are not used according to their intention because of their investment unattractiveness, due to lack of funds or other reasons, and thus, they are self-sown with forest plants, is one of the ways of the forest- covered area extension in Ukraine. There is no reliable information on the number of land plots with self-sown forests on agricultural land. Therefore, it is expedient to make inventory of them by using the tools of satellite remote sensing and field surveys. The author of the work suggests a conceptual model of planning the use of agricultural land with self-sown forests on the base of the inventory data. To make the best-possible decisions on the use of the land plots with self-sown forests, at the local level it is important to determine the rational direction of the self-sown forest use in the process of spatial planning on the base of the data of analysis of the soil and plant cover layer quality. Therefore, it is recommended to make zoning of the land by the kinds of land use (agricultural, forestry, recreational, nature protection). Basing on the zoning data and considering the potential ecosystem benefits from forests, it is necessary to develop measures on the self-sown forest use and protection.
The study is dedicated to land reallotment in the course of land use alteration in Ukraine. The case of the development of an individual residential block in an agricultural area is considered. The issue of the alteration of the spatial characteristics of land plots and changes in their designated use have been highlighted. The objective of the article is the substantiation of land reallotment at the level of an individual residential block on agricultural land which is privately owned by a number of landowners. The preconditions for the development of land reallotment in a rural type settlement in the suburban area of a big city have been substantiated. Alternative approaches to land reallotment have been suggested. A comparative analysis of the suggested approaches and their practical approbation have been carried out. The change of land plot spatial characteristics in the course of reallotment by means of various reallotment scenarios has been analysed. Land plot value after reallotment in each scenario has been specified. The practicability of each approach depending on the initial conditions has been substantiated. The research can be used in the course of rural settlement development planning, the coordination of measures on land use type alteration with landowners and land users, with private landowners or the implementation of local community initiatives.
Content available remote Fikcja na ziemi
The increasing risk of wind erosion in the context of climate change represents a highly pressing issue. This increase is a result of the growing occurrence of droughts and elevated temperatures in the intensively farmed areas. Effective protection against the wind erosion can be provided by windbreaks, especially during the period when the soil is not protected by the vegetation cover of crops. In this report, the authors wanted to compare the methods defining the windbreak protection zones. The optical porosity and the windbreak height were the basic parameters for defining the protection area. The various methods differ among themselves by using the windbreak height parameter or not. The optical porosity of the windbreaks was determined based on photographic documentation. For the comparison, the cadastral area of Micmanice was selected due to the wide network of windbreaks in this locality. A database of windbreak height and optical porosity for each windbreak was set up. Our report thus presents the application of the new knowledge aimed at updating the methods and procedures for assessing the vulnerability of the area by wind erosion. The application of the method involving the optical porosity and windbreak height parameters resulted in a significant reduction of the windbreak protection zone compared to the method omitting the windbreak height.
Agricultural land is a basic resource for the livelihood of the Bulgarian population. However, its management is unstable and is connected with many unresolved or wrongly resolved problems which make it difficult to exercise its underlying function. This is mainly due to fragmented land legislation that has a number of disadvantages: the transformation of agricultural land into urban land is easy, control of land quality is poor, and there is a deficiency of agricultural spatial planning regulations. One of the specific tools for preserving the natural function of agricultural land is spatial planning, subject to the strategic documents of the country. According to a newly elaborated concept on agricultural territory planning, this process is two staged: on the municipal and on farm level. The objectives of the paper are: 1) to analyze the effectiveness of national legislation in regard to preserving the natural function of agricultural land; 2) to defend the necessity of the normative framework completion with precise spatial planning rules for agricultural land, and finally; 3) to draw attention to a new concept on agricultural territory planning by presenting the basic cadastral and specific data for performing spatial GIS analyses and elaborating spatial plans. Data from national statistical institutions were used, and methods of analysis and synthesis were applied. The data needed for GIS analyses and elaboration spatial plans for agricultural territory are listed. The paper asserts that spatial planning is a tool for regulating agricultural land use, for setting territory conditions for preserving and improving land quality, for protecting land tenure rights and for developing successful and high income agribusiness.
Grunty rolne są dla ludności bułgarskiej podstawowym źródłem utrzymania. Mimo to zarządzanie nimi jest nieusystematyzowane, co wiąże się z wieloma nierozwiązanymi lub źle rozwiązanymi problemami, które utrudniają wykorzystanie tych gruntów zgodnie z ich podstawowymi funkcjami. Wynika to głównie z rozproszonego ustawodawstwa, które ma szereg wad: przekształcanie gruntów rolnych w grunty miejskie jest łatwe, kontrola jakości gruntów jest słaba, a przepisy dotyczące planowania przestrzennego obszarów rolnych są niewystarczające. Jednym ze szczególnych narzędzi służących zachowaniu naturalnej funkcji gruntów rolnych jest planowanie przestrzenne podlegające regulacjom zawartym w dokumentach strategicznych kraju. Zgodnie z nowo opracowaną koncepcją planowania przestrzennego obszarów rolnych proces ten jest dwuetapowy: na poziomie gminy i na poziomie gospodarstwa rolne go. Cele niniejszego opracowania są następujące: 1) analiza skuteczności ustawodawstwa krajowego w zakresie zachowania funkcji przyrodniczej gruntów rolnych; 2) uzasadnienie konieczności uzupełnienia ram prawnych o precyzyjne zasady planowania przestrzennego dla gruntów rolnych; 3) zwrócenie uwagi na nową koncepcję planowania przestrzennego, która wykorzystywać powinna dane katastralne do wykonania analiz przestrzennych GIS i opracowania miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Aby je zrealizować, wykorzystano dane z krajowych urzędów statystycznych oraz zastosowano metody analizy i syntezy. Wymieniono dane potrzebne do analiz GIS i opracowania miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego dla obszarów użytkowanych rolniczo. W artykule stwierdzono, że planowanie przestrzenne jest narzędziem do regulowania użytkowania gruntów rolnych, ustalania warunków dla zachowania i poprawy jakości gruntów, ochrony praw własności gruntów oraz rozwoju udanego i dochodowego agrobiznesu.
The main aim of the work is to present legal procedures related to the transformation of agricultural land into non-agricultural land in Poland. Based on the analysis of selected legal regulations, activities and steps to be taken to start non-agricultural land use have been described. Both stages related to the transformation, i.e. change of land use and exclusion of land from agricultural production, have been extensively discussed. Interpretation of selected legal regulations made it possible to organize information on the procedure for transforming agricultural land into non-agricultural purposes. Moreover, on the basis of selected statistical data, the legal aspect has been supplemented with information on the current level of conversion of agricultural land in Poland.
Podstawowym celem pracy jest przedstawienie procedur prawnych związanych z przekształcaniem gruntów rolnych na cele nierolnicze w Polsce. Na podstawie analizy obowiązujących regulacji prawnych wskazano i opisano czynności, jakie należy podjąć, aby móc rozpocząć nierolnicze użytkowanie gruntu. Omówiono zarówno zmianę przeznaczenia gruntów, jak również wyłączenie gruntów z produkcji rolnej. Interpretacja wybranych przepisów prawa umożliwiła uporządkowanie procedury przekształcania gruntów rolnych na cele nierolnicze. Dodatkowo, na podstawie wybranych danych statystycznych, aspekt prawny uzupełniono informacjami na temat aktualnego poziomu „odralniania” gruntów w Polsce.
W sześcioletnich badaniach lizymetrycznych nie wykazano nadmiernego wymywania makroskładników z gleby lekkiej nawożonej osadem ściekowym. Stężenia tych składników w odciekach z gleby mieściły się w granicach dopuszczalnych dla I i II klasy jakości wód podziemnych. Wyjątkiem było stężenie azotanów w odciekach w pierwszym roku po posadzeniu miskanta olbrzymiego (Miscanthus × giganteus Greef et Deu.), czyli w fazie słabego plonowania. Konieczne jest dostosowanie dawek azotu zawartego w osadzie ściekowym do wieku i stopnia rozwoju roślin. Nawożenie gleby osadem ściekowym wpłynęło na polepszenie jej właściwości fizyczno-chemicznych poprzez zwiększenie składników pokarmowych roślin oraz pojemności wodnej gleby.
A content of the main plant nutrients (N, P, K, Mg, Ca) in leachates from marginal light soil not fertilized and fertilized with sewage sludge from municipal boil. treatment plant from rural areas was detd. in 2008-2013. The concns. of macronutrients in the effluents from the soil were within the limits acceptable for class I and II of groundwater quality. The exception was the increase of nitrates concn. in leachates in the first year after planting Miscanthus × giganteus Greef et Deu. because of its low yield. The soil fertilization resulted in an improvement of its physicochem. properties by increasing plant nutrients and soil water capacity.
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