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Purpose: The purpose of this work is to draw future research directions on how to ease adoption of continuous delivery (CD) for business-to-business (b2b) critical infrastructure products. CD is a recognized software lifecycle management practice reducing go-to-market time, strengthening customer feedback loop, and improving product quality. Telecommunication networks, considered critical infrastructure, are sensitive to changes in delivery models. Design/methodology/approach: Literature review was performed by combining bibliometric analysis and the own model gauging telecom software vendors’ interest in shaping CD practices across the industry. Findings: The research is skewed toward engineering practices excellence. Little is spent on the customer challenges. Transformation slowdowns are attributed to product teams. Research limitations/implications: Some software vendors, especially smaller ones, may prefer not to publish the outcomes before validating them with the customers. This work looked at publicly available materials therefore not capturing the picture of internal corporate experimentation on continuous delivery. Practical implications: Scientists should seek access to customer perspective. Sales, services, and business managers may be invaluable proxies of such information. Originality/value: This work nudges the community to shift focus from R&D excellence to change management at customer interface, and to deal with CD model industrialization aspects.
Background: Estimating the effort required for software engineering tasks is incredibly tricky, but it is critical for project planning. Issue reports are frequently used in the agile community to describe tasks, and story points are used to estimate task effort. Aim: This paper proposes a machine learning regression model for estimating the number of story points needed to solve a task. The system can be trained from raw input data to predict outcomes without the need for manual feature engineering. Method: Hierarchical attention networks are used in the proposed model. It has two levels of attention mechanisms implemented at word and sentence levels. The model gradually constructs a document vector by grouping significant words into sentence vectors and then merging significant sentence vectors to create document vectors. Then, the document vectors are fed into a shallow neural network to predict the story point. Results: The experiments show that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art technique Deep-S which uses Recurrent Highway Networks. The proposed model has improved Mean Absolute Error (MAE) by an average of 16.6% and has improved Median Absolute Error (MdAE) by an average of 53%. Conclusion: An empirical evaluation shows that the proposed approach outperforms the previous work.
We are currently dealing with disruptions in supply chains. They come from faulty production systems, in poor organization of distribution processes or are related to external factors, often unseen. Consequently, it is necessary to build resistant chains. This article discusses this topic in the context of the basic types of supply chains, i.e. agile, lean and green. The aim of the study was to assess the types of chains in which the tested production entities are embedded and check if the proposed models of building resilience take this into account. The reason this should be investigated further, is to indicate relationships in areas that are rarely captured in research models. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used in the work. Interviews were conducted in over seventy subjects and a critical analysis of the literature on model of resilient supply chains was performed. As a result of the work undertaken, it can be concluded, inter alia, that in the economic reality, there are hybrid chains in which the characteristics of pro-saving chains prevail. It was also established that the proposed research models for resilient chains should take into account, to greater extent, accents compatible with the nature of the chains occurring an economic reality. It is also necessary to extend their content to include pro-environmental components. At the same time, it is not unequivocal that the chains with the advantage of agility-related attributes are more resistant than the chains in which the greater concentration is attributed to the attributes of lean or green chains. Determining this requires further research.
The globalized scenario of great competition in the corporate world and the use of new disruptive technologies, which are associated with a revolutionary innovation process, are leveraging current business models and awakening the latent need for companies to adapt definitively to this historic moment of transformation digital driven by the Pandemic of the new Coronavirus.In addition to the new commercial relationships using technology as a support base for all business processes, they are also highly dependent on the care with the privacy of the personal data used. Security incidents that occur with this data can drastically compromise the image of companies and also imply serious sanctions provided for in privacy laws such as the Brazilian LGPD - General Data Protection Law. Thus, this work aims to map state-of-the-art articles that address Digital Business Transformation Methodologies, aiming to understand how these methodologies can be replicated in companies to accelerate the reach of this new industrial revolution. A quasi-systematic review of the literature was carried out, involving the main methodologies created from the year 2011 and 127 studies were analyzed, and which 12 were considered relevant. The results show that the number of works related to Digital Transformation Methodologies is still very small and that it started to grow from 2017. The COVID-19 is one of the main reasons for last year's research. there is a diversity of countries studying the theme. Few articles refer to adequacy to the requirements of the privacy laws and protection of personal data existing in their countries.
Purpose: The aim of this article is to present the results of research aimed at identifying the most frequent risk factors of IT projects managed using the agile approach to project management. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted by means of in-depth structured interviews, on a sample of 111 project managers, leaders and project team members. The research included identification of risk factors and their assessment during project planning, as well as the most frequent risk factors in an agile-managed project. Findings: While carrying out a critical analysis of the literature, it can be observed that in the majority of publications concerning risk in projects managed in the agile way, the human factor is strongly underestimated, often excessively favouring procedures. However, when analysing the risk factors arising in IT projects managed in the agile way, except for the technology, equipment, system, or even the project schedule and cost, the project team is strongly accentuated. Research limitations/implications: The article presented recommendations to conduct supplementary research concerning the assessment of risk factors directly resulting from the specific nature of IT projects and the application of agile methodology to project management in terms of project team work organisation as well as potential project stakeholder groups. Originality/value: Software companies are one of the typical industries in which project management and the concept of teamwork are applied and the functioning of these teams is the dominant form of work organisation.
Artykuł przedstawia porównanie pod względem wymagań sprzętowych aplikacji wspierających wprowadzanie metodyk zwinnych do procesu wytwarzania oprogramowania. Przedmiotem badań były popularne aplikacje mobilne i internetowe wspomagające procesy Agile w przedsiębiorstwach. W celu określenia znaczenia poszczególnych wymagań technicznych dla użytkowników, przeprowadzono serię eksperymentów badawczych opartych na scenariuszach typowego i brzegowego użytkowania badanych systemów. Na potrzeby przeprowadzonej analizy została dodatkowo opracowana aplikacja wspierająca proces zwinnego wytwarzania oprogramowania. Wyniki pomiarów były rejestrowane za pomocą specjalistycznych narzędzi monitorujących pracę systemu i profilujących działanie przeglądarki internetowej. Rezultaty prac badawczych przedstawiono w formie tabel.
The article presents a comparison in terms of hardware requirements of applications that supports the agile software development processes. For research purposes, popular mobile and internet applications supporting agile software development were chosen. In order to determine the significance of individual technical requirements for end-users, a series of research experiments, based on scenarios of typical and boundary use was conducted. In addition to research, the application supporting agile software development process was implemented. The results of research were recorded by specialized monitoring and profiling tools. The results of performed work are presented in tabular form.
Information Technology (IT) is a complex domain. In order to properly manage IT related processes, several frameworks including ITIL (Information Technologies Infrastructure Library), COBIT (Control OBjectives for Information and related Technologies), IT Service CMMI (IT Service Capability Maturity Model) and many others have emerged in recent decades. Meanwhile, the prevalence of Agile methods has increased, posing the coexistence of Agile approach with different IT frameworks already adopted in organizations. More specifically, the pursuit of being agile in the area of digitalization pushes organizations to go for agile transformation while preserving full compliance to IT frameworks for the sake of their survival. The necessity for this coexistence, however, brings its own challenges and solutions for harmonizing the requirements of both parties. In this paper, we focus on harmonizing the requirements of COBIT and Scrum in a same organization, which is especially challenging when a full compliance to COBIT is expected. Therefore, this study aims to identifying the challenges of and possible solutions for the coexistence of Scrum and COBIT (version 4.1 in this case) in an organization, by considering two case studies: one from the literature and the case of Akbank delivered in this study. Thus, it extends the corresponding previous case study from two points: adds one more case study to enrich the results from the previous case study and provides more opportunity to make generalization by considering two independent cases.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę dostępnych materiałów poświęconych wykorzystaniu zwinnych metod zarządzania projektami w realizacji projektów z zakresu tematycznego wybiegajcego poza dziedzinę projektów informatycznych, zwracajc szczególną uwagę na niskoseryjną produkcję maszyn i urzdzeń. Przedstawiono definicję metod zwinnego wytwarzania oraz zasady ich działania i implementacji na przykładzie najpopularniejszej metodyki SCRUM. Zaprezentowano wyniki dotychczasowych prac dotyczących zagadnienia, streszczając wykorzystanie metodyki oraz przedstawiając podsumowanie wyników poszczególnych badań. Opracowano podsumowanie wyników dostępnych materiałów oraz wskazano obszary dalszych badań.
The article presents an analysis of available literature on the application of agile project management methods in the implementation of projects going beyond the field of IT projects, with particular attention given to short series manufacture of machinery and equipment. The definition of agile manufacturing methods as well as the principles of their application and implementation are presented and exemplified by the most popular SCRUM methodology. The results of previous works on the subject are presented, summarizing the use of the methodology and presenting a summary of the results of individual studies. A summary of the available documents is presented and areas for further research are indicated.
Content available remote The use of agile project management methodologies in non-it applications
The article presents an analysis of available literature on the application of agile project management methods in the implementation of projects going beyond the field of IT projects, with particular attention given to short series manufacture of machinery and equipment. The definition of agile manufacturing methods as well as the principles of their application and implementation are presented and exemplified by the most popular SCRUM methodology. The results of previous works on the subject are presented, summarizing the use of the methodology and presenting a summary of the results of individual studies. A summary of the available documents is presented and areas for further research are indicated.
Koncepcja Zarządzania 3.0 opiera się na kierowaniu zespołami z wykorzystaniem metodyk zarządzania zwinnego i wywodzi się z informatyki. Była ona eksplorowana w stosunku do przedsiębiorstw (organizacji komercyjnych nastawionych na zysk). W literaturze przedmiotu brakuje badań odnoszących się do przydatności koncepcji zarządzania 3,0 do opisu funkcjonowania organizacji non profit. W artykule przedstawiono specyfikę funkcjonowania jednostki Ochotniczej Straży Pożarnej (OSP), a na tym tle, opisano cechy, które wskazują, że analizowana organizacja non profit w małym stopniu znamiona organizacji zarządzanej zgodnie z koncepcją zarządzania 3.0. Stanowi to przesłankę do dalszych badań, podejmujących problematykę możliwości i zasadności stosowania nowoczesnych koncepcji zarządzania w stosunku do organizacji niebędących przedsiębiorstwami (organizacji non-profit, organów administracji lub ich związków). Celem pracy jest ukazanie koncepcji zarządzania 3.0, jako inspirującej poznawczo koncepcji doskonalenia zarządzania w jednostkach Ochotniczej Straży Pożarnej.
The Management 3.0 concept is based on team management using agile management methodologies and derives from information technology. It was explored in relation to enterprises (commercial organizations focused on profit). The literature on the subject lacks research relating to the usefulness of the management concept 3.0 to describe the functioning of non-profit organizations. The article presents the specific nature of the operation of the Volunteer Fire Brigade unit (VFB), and on this background, features have been described which indicate that the analysed non-profit organization is to a small extent characterized by an organization managed in accordance with the management concept 3.0. This is a prerequisite for further research, addressing the possibility and legitimacy of using modern management concepts in relation to non-enterprise organizations (non-profit organizations, administrative bodies or their associations). The aim of the work is to present the concept of management 3.0, as a cognitively inspirational concept of improving management in units of the Volunteer Fire Brigade.
Firmy programistyczne są typową branżą, w której stosuje się zarządzanie projektami i koncepcję pracy w zespołach. Funkcjonowanie tych zespołów stanowi dominującą formę organizacji pracy programistów, w wyniku czego realizuje się złożone, innowacyjne projekty obarczone wysokim stopniem ryzyka. Celem niniejszego artykułu są rozważania teoretyczne dotyczące wpływu funkcjonowania zespołów projektowych w zwinnym podejściu do zarządzania projektami na kształtowanie się ryzyka projektu. W artykule omówiono zarówno czynniki ryzyka wynikające bezpośrednio ze specyfikacji projektów informatycznych, a także interesariuszy oraz zespołu projektowego.
Software companies are a typical industry, which uses the project management and the concept of working in teams. Functioning of these teams is the dominant organization form of work of programmers, resulting in a realized complex, innovative projects burdened with a high degree of risk. The main goal of this article is theoretical overview regarding the impact of the functioning of project teams in agile project management on the risk of the project. The article discusses both the risks arising directly from the specification of projects, but also the stakeholders and the project team.
Cel niniejszego artykułu to rozważania teoretyczne dotyczące wpływu czynnika ludzkiego, zespołu projektowego na kształtowanie się ryzyka projektu w zwinnym podejściu do zarządzania projektami. W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe procesy zarządzania ryzykiem oraz omówiono jego główne czynniki. Wskazano również czynniki bezpośrednio związane z interesariuszami, funkcjonowaniem zespołu projektowego oraz odniesiono je do wyników badań The Standish Group w raporcie Chaos Manifesto.
The main goal of this article is theoretical overview regarding the impact of the human factor, the project team on the development of project risks in agile project management. The article presents the basic processes of risk management and discusses the main risk factors. It also identifies factors arising directly from stakeholders and operation of the project team and reference them to the results of The Standish Group’s in Chaos Manifesto Report.
The boundaries between traditional and agile approach methods are disappearing. A significant number of software projects require a continuous implementation of tasks without dividing them into sprints or strict project phases. Customers expect more flexibility and responsiveness from software vendors in response to the ever-changing business environment. To achieve better results in this field, Capgemini has begun using the Lean philosophy and Kanban techniques. The following article illustrates examples of different uses of Kanban and the main stakeholder of the process. The article presents the main advantages of transparency and ways to improve the customer co-operation as well as stakeholder relationships. The Authors try to visualise all of the elements in the context of the project. There is also a discussion of different approaches in two software projects. The article fokuses on the main challenges and the evolutionary approach used. An attempt is made to answer the question how to convince both the team as well as the customer, and how to optimise ways to achieve great results.
Planowanie projektu to nie tylko określenie czynności, które należy wykonać i ich ustrukturyzowanie, ale również identyfikacja czynników ryzyka, mogących mieć wpływ na przebieg projektu. W artykule omówiono procesy zarządzania ryzykiem w ramach metodyk tradycyjnych (klasycznych) oraz zwinnych (agile) w zarządzaniu projektami, zarówno w podejściu lekkim, jak i twardym. Ponadto przedstawiono rekomendacje dalszych badań, dotyczących opracowania odpowiednich procesów zarządzania ryzykiem dla projektów zarządzanych zwinnie.
Project planning is not only to determine the activities which have to be performed and structurized, but also to identify risk factors that may have an impact on progress of the project. The article discusses the risk management processes in project management methods within the traditional and agile, both in the approach of light and space. Furthermore recommendations for further studies on the development of appropriate risk management processes for projects managed agile are given.
Content available Modern Methods of Software Development
Software development methods consist of such activities like analysis, planning, development, testing, deployment, maintenance and retirement. All of them can be divided into two main categories – traditional and agile. The objective of this paper is to review some of the most popular traditional, agile and open source development methods. Special attention was paid to the common stages of all methods – testing and maintenance.
nr 4
4806--4815, CD2
Projektowanie i wytwarzanie informatycznych systemów dla branży TSL (Transport–Spedycja–Logistyka) jest procesem zazwyczaj złożonym i długotrwałym. Potrzebna jest do tego dobra znajomość dziedziny, technologii, standardów i przepisów prawnych związanych z projektowanym obszarem. Wdrożony system musi spełniać oczekiwania użytkowników a jednocześnie powinien być ergonomiczny, elastyczny i skalowalny. Sposobów zarządzania przedsięwzięciami informatycznymi jest bardzo wiele. Mają swoje wady i zalety. Można zastosować gotową metodykę (formalną lub agile) lub wybrać najlepsze praktyki z różnych metodyk i dostosować do projektu. Wybór metodyki zarządzania projektem informatycznym zależy od wielu czynników. W pracy przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z projektowaniem systemów TSL ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem metodyki Scrum.
Design and development of IT systems for the TFL (Transport-Shipping-Logistics) industry is a process that is usually complex and lengthy. It requires good knowledge of the subject matter, as well as the technology, standards and legislation related to the proposed area. The implemented system must meet user expectations and at the same time should be ergonomic, flexible and scalable. There are many ways of managing IT projects, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. One can use an off-the-shelf methodology (formal or agile), or choose from a variety of best practices and methodologies adapted to the project. The choice of IT project management methodology depends on many factors. The paper presents issues related to the design of TSL systems, with particular emphasis on Scrum.
Content available remote Nowe metodyki prowadzenia projektu
W pracy opisano metodologię i podstawowe zasady prowadzenia projektu z wykorzystaniem metodyki Scrum.
The paper describe the methodology and way of using Scrum framework in project management.
Background: The authors made multi-dimensional review of production and logistic strategies in order to prove their coherence in shaping internal and external supply chain. The paper is concluded with definition of production-logistic system as an object of modeling in transformation of business systems of manufacturing companies. Material and methods: The paper is based on analysis of state of the art presented in the literature on the subject of production and logistics strategies. Publications of key importance were selected to identify genesis and basic assumptions of strategies and their functioning. Comparative synthesis of logistic and production strategies identified is developed with respect to authors' experience in application of predefined tools and methods characteristic for strategies identified. Results: The result of the work conducted is consolidation of production and logistic strategies according to multi-variant customer service and original definition of production and logistic system. Conclusions: Production system and logistic system can and should be treated as equal elements in context of material flows management in internal and external supply chains. Such approach enables modeling of both systems as coherent elements realizing selected strategy of customer service.
Metody: Artykuł oparto o analizę literaturową strategii produkcyjnych oraz logistycznych. Przeanalizowano wybrane kluczowe publikacje związane z genezą powstania strategii oraz podstawowych założeń ich funkcjonowania. Syntezę porównawczą strategii logistycznych i produkcyjnych dokonano na podstawie doświadczeń autorów w kwestii zastosowania wybranych narzędzi i metod charakterystycznych dla omawianych strategii. Wyniki: Rezultatem prac jest konsolidacja strategii produkcyjnych i logistycznych zgodnie z orientacją na wielowariantową obsługę klienta oraz autorska definicja systemu produkcyjno-logistycznego. Wnioski: System produkcyjny i system logistyczny można traktować jako równorzędne elementy w kontekście zarządzania przepływem strumieni materiałowych w wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych łańcuchach dostaw. Tak określone podejście pozwala modelować oba systemy jako spójne elementy realizujące wybraną strategię obsługi klienta.
Content available remote Relating Reflection Workshop Results with Team Goals
Agile software development promotes constant learning from experience. Consequently, the feedback of project team members helps to improve and adapt to new future challenges. A reflection workshop is one of the methods that aim to introduce this concept. However, there still exists the question of how to handle reflection results so that the gathered feedback is addressed. In this paper we present our approach, called RefGoal. It aims to treat the results of reflection workshops in a systematic manner. The core of our idea is to align these results with the goals of the organization in which the project is being run. Thereafter, we report the results of our exploratory case study. Its goal was to preliminarily evaluate feasibility of the proposed idea in the context of three software development teams working on tailor-made web applications. The results show that the cost of using RefGoal for reflection workshops is about the same as that of a typical workshop (at max. 1.5 h), and that there exists a considerable number of insights that lead to valuable updates of team goals. Based on the results, we also uncovered some open questions, regarding handling reflection workshop results, which require addressing in the near future.
This article examines, describes and compares new trends in strategic supply chain management of industrial companies. The increasing globalization and increased uncertainty and risks in the business environment gave birth to new approaches intended to protect the supply chain and to exploit new market opportunities. The basic trends include agile and resilient supply chains. Both of these concepts are trying to complement and enhance the heavily used approach of lean supply chain that starts facing problems in the above described conditions.
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