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w słowach kluczowych:  aeroacoustics
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This article focuses on a noise of aerodynamic origin, generated by the flow over single and multiple rectangular cavities. The paper presents the methodology and results of the conducted numerical simulations of the air flow in a channel with a set of rectangular cavities. The aeroacoustic wave equation was used to determine the acoustic pressure generated by the flow. Various configurations of the cavities made it possible to study the influence of their reciprocal location on the generated sound. The research showed that as the distance between the cavities decreased, the acoustic pressure levels increased. They were several decibels higher than for the single-cavity case.
The paper presents experimental studies of selected three types of helicoidal resonators carried out on an aeroacoustic laboratory stand with the use of pink noise and a duct terminated with a reverberation chamber. The same ratio s/d = 1.976 is considered for three numbers of helicoidal turns n = 0.671, n = 0.695 and n = 1.0. The results of the acoustic attenuation performance depending on the air flow velocity were compared in relation to the numerical tests carried out, which resulted in a decrease in resonance frequencies with an increase in the air flow velocity. The measurements were carried out with a high resolution of the FFT spectrum in order to illustrate the changes in the acoustic attenuation performance as accurately as possible. One-third octave bands of flow noise studies were also carried out.
Content available Airfoil Tonal Noise Prediction Using Urans
To examine the feasibility of the laminar boundary layer (LBL), vortex shedding (VS) tonal noise modelling using unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) was investigated for the non-symmetric S834 airfoil. A transition SST turbulence model was used to model the laminar-turbulent transition and its vital influence on the laminar bubble and hydrodynamic instabilities generation. The influence of turbulence on the unsteady vortex patterns was investigated. Hence, the hybrid aeroacoustic analysis with Lighthill analogy was conducted to obtain the acoustic pressure field. The approach allowed us to model hydrodynamic instabilities and the resulting VS tonal noise. The frequency of VS matched the experimental data, giving the same 1/3 octave tonal peak only for a limited freestream turbulence regime. The simplification of the present method did not allow us to model the aeroacoustic feedback loop, and resulted in lack of instabilities for higher freestream turbulence.
The article presents the results of numerical calculations of noise generated by an axial fan installed in a ventilation duct with a circular cross-section. The research takes into account the installation of the axial fan due to the distance of the rotor from the curvature of the pipeline. The uRANS turbulent flow modeling methods were used in the calculations. The uRANS stands for the Navier-Stokes equation with Reynolds averaging in the version that takes into account the non-stationarity of the flow. The purpose of the work is to determine the sound power in the vicinity of the sound source. The decisive parameters affecting the noise emitted will be the length of the installation in front of and behind the rotor. The propagation of acoustic disturbances in the far field was modeled using the aeroacoustic analogy of Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings. Based on the calculations, the directional characteristics of the sound source were determined.
Content available Impact of cavity edges shape on aerodynamic noise
In this article, the analysis of influence of cavity edge shapes on flow-generated noise is performed. The acoustic wave propagation in the channel, that result from the flow, was analyzed. Shape of upstream and downstream edges was modified. The hybrid method based on Navier-Stokes and Perturbed Convective Wave Equation was used to solve the unidirectional coupling. The research showed a significant influence of the modification of the shape of the cavity edges on the generated noise. The change of downstream corner allowed for significant reduction of noise in the entire analysed band and allowed for the reduction of overall sound pressure level (OASPL) by 5 dB. Modifications of the upstream edge did not bring such differences, change in OASPL was up to 1 dB. The obtained spectra of the sound pressure level showed compliance with the calculated natural frequencies of the analysed object, as well as with some of the Rossiter modal frequencies, typical for the phenomena occurring in the cavities.
Silencers are typical devices used for the reduction of noise in ventilation systems, which can be found in almost all industrial, service or residential installations. Determination of acoustic parameters for specific HVAC devices, like silencers, is within the scope of specialised laboratories. With the silencers, two main parameters should be taken care of: the first one is sound attenuation and the second one is pressure losses. In the presented paper, the focus is on measurement methods described by standard ISO 7235:2009. This standard specifies the methods for determining the sound power level of the flow noise generated by silencers, the total pressure of silencers and the insertion loss of silencers with and without airflow by using the substitute object. In this work, we focused on the correlation between the shape of the substitution duct and its acoustic parameters and its relation to this with the final result of insertion loss of a silencer.
The serrated ventilation dampers for regulation of airflow volume were tested. The computer fluid flow analysis was conducted using the Comsol program. The nature of the flow through the serrated ventilation damper was analyzed to identify the different turbulence regions formed on the airflow field. Additionally, the aerodynamical and acoustical parameters of these blades of ventilation dampers with different serrated trailing and/or leading-edge were studied. The aeroacoustic studies were done in the reverberation room. The sound power level and loss coefficient were determined for the studied models.
In this paper, impact of the cavity shape on flow-generated noise is analysed. As reference model, the classic rectangular cavity with perpendicular corners was used. The impact of both upstream and downstream edges was analyzed. In this paper, authors used hybrid method, where the flow was computed by means of Spalart-Allmaras Detached Eddy Simulations (DES) model, and the acoustic wave propagation was calculated by Curle acoustic analogy.
Content available Rotorcraft thickness noise control
The paper describes an innovative idea of Thickness Noise Control (TNC) based on adoption of a flow control strategy (i.e. surface ventilation) for acoustic attenuation of helicopter rotor periodic noise. The TNC method is relying on incorporation of multiple cavities (closed by perforated panels and linked to low- and high-pressure reservoirs) located in a symmetrical manner at front and rear portions of the blade tip. The efficiency of the new approach is verified using a two-bladed model rotor of Purcell (untwisted variant of the blade of Bell UH-1H Iroquois helicopter) in low-thrust hover conditions. The results of numerical simulations, obtained with CFD solver (Spalart–Allmaras turbulence and Bohning–Doerffer transpiration models), indicate that in the near-field of the blade tip, both the amplitude and spectral contents of pressure impulses of emitted thickness noise are significantly improved. The TNC method, in the proposed unsteady mode of operation, turns out to be a suitable means of thickness noise reduction in forward flight. Moreover, it is demonstrated that by proper azimuthal activation the efficiency is almost unaltered, while the rotor torque penalty and required transpiration mass-flux are decreased by a factor of 3–5 compared to a steady arrangement.
In the present work, an approach to obtain a design method for the size of the plenum chamber cross-section of a marine gas turbine air supply system has been investigated. Flow in ducts makes noise which is very high in the turbine inlet part because of the large amount of flow. Therefore, this phenomenon should be considered in the design process. A suitable approach to design the duct is proposed (considering acoustic and aerodynamic performance at the same time). In this method, an air supply channel system of the marine gas turbine has been categorized into three sections according to the requirements of the aerodynamic and acoustic; inlet, plenum chamber, and outlet channels with circular cross-sections. The geometrical dimensions of inlet and outlet channels have been determined using the plane waves theory about a channel, in which the effects of flow is ignored. Space limitations of battleships at the dominant frequency have been considered. Then, the optimized size of the mid-channel section, in terms of both aerodynamic and acoustic requirements, using numerical methods and regarding the effects of flow has been calculated. Various 3D turbulent flows inside the plenum chamber have been considered, in which large eddy simulation turbulence model is utilized. Ffowcs, Williams and Hawkings models are used for the sound propagation process based on the Lighthill integral equation. The validity of the simulation has been checked by comparing results (sound pressure level) with experimental data obtained from a chamber. The comparison revealed the acceptable errors for a variety of frequencies. The results disclosed that the performance of channel system aerodynamic decreased when the fraction of plenum chamber cross-section to inlet/outlet channel cross-section increased. With an increase in the cross-section size at first Acoustic performance is improved and then worsen. Six different cases of marine gas turbine air supply system configurations have been presented, in which the limitation of the battleship space is considered. Examining and comparing the acoustic performance of different cases of the air supply channel system, it was found that the amount of sound pressure level, around the air supply channel system, and the high-pressure sound area can move along the air supply channel system. Additionally, deviations from plane waves considering the effects of flow have been inspected in all cases. The reason for this deviation is the effects of the airflow through the channel system and quadrupole sources in the production of sound in the channel system, which causes higher modes.
W prezentowanym materiale zostały opisane wyniki badań właściwości aeroakustycznych otunelowanego napędu bezzałogowego statku latającego klasy mikro. System napędowy składa się z tunelu (średnica wewnętrzna 55 mm) i dwóch przeciwbieżnych wirników. Połączenie względnie małych wymiarów z dużą prędkością obrotową daje zarówno ciekawy, jak i wymagający przypadek przepływu także pod względem modelowania i analizy zjawisk aeroakustycznych. Przedstawione badania zostały przeprowadzone zarówno doświadczalnie, jak i w środowisku numerycznym. Głównym celem było zidentyfikowanie głównych źródeł hałasu oraz określenie możliwych metod jego redukcji. Wyniki, w powiązaniu z kolejnymi etapami badań, mają na celu określenie metodyki zmniejszania hałasu małych napędów. Dodatkową motywacją do podjęcia podobnych badań jest możliwość opracowania metody identyfikacji występowania oderwania laminarne-go na bazie analizy pomiarów akustycznych jako procesu wspomagającego kontrolę wykonania i montażu napędów mikrobezzałogowych statków latających (mBSL).
In the presented research a ducted propelling system for a MAV was investigated taking into account its aeroacoustic properties. The propulsion system consist of a duet (inner diameter 55 mm), with two counter-rotating propellers. The combination of relatively small dimensions and high rotational velocities imposes both difficult and interesting flow condition also in terms of aeroacoustics. The proposed research was conducted in experimental and simulation stage. The main purpose was to identify main noise sources and identify methods of noise mitigation. The results combined with further research will serve to develop a methodology for noise mitigation in a small propelling system. Identification of laminar separation occurrence in a flow by means of acoustic measurement may also be implemented as an assembly and production quality verification of MAVs.
Content available remote Experimental Tests of Possibilities of Noise Reduction of Drones
The paper presents the results of acoustic measurements concerning observation eight-propeller drone that, due to the load capacity, can also be used for transportation of large parcels. Due to its civil applications, mainly in large smart cities, the aim of this study is to look for opportunities to reduce emitted noise without significantly increasing its weight. The data were obtained during the measurement sessions in aeroacoustic anechoic chamber located at the Institute of Turbomachinery, Lodz University of Technology.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki pomiarów akustycznych ośmiowirnikowego drona obserwacyjnego, który, z racji udźwigu, może również służyć do celów transportowych dużych przesyłek. Z powodu zastosowań cywilnych, głównie w dużych miastach, celem przedstawionych badań jest szukanie możliwości obniżenia emitowanego hałasu bez znaczącego zwiększenia jego wagi. Dane zostały uzyskane podczas sesji pomiarowych w aeroakustycznej komorze bezechowej znajdującej się w Instytucie Maszyn Przepływowych Politechniki Łódzkiej.
The paper presents measurements results of acoustic investigations of a helicopter rotor model. Its aim was to provide the data analysis allowing for identification of noise sources and propose solutions for noise reduction. The data were obtained during test sessions using a free-field measurement system. The researches were conducted inside an aeroacoustic anechoic chamber at the Institute of Turbomachinery, Lodz University of Technology. Keywords: aeroacoustics, rotor, noise analysis, measurements
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki pomiarów akustycznych modelu wirnika helikoptera. Celem jest przedstawienie ich analizy pozwalającą na identyfikacje źródeł hałasu i propozycję rozwiązania problemu jego redukcji. Dane zostały uzyskane podczas sesji pomiarowych w polu swobodnym. Badania przeprowadzono w aeroakustycznej komorze bezechowej w Instytucie Maszyn Przepływowych Politechniki Łódzkiej.
The main objective of this paper is to present experimental characteristics of an untypical aeroacoustic anechoic chamber especially built to investigate sounds accompanying flows in turbomachines. After having inserted an axial two-stage LP model turbine and after some years of exploitation the design parameters of the facility were checked again. The acoustic field inside the chamber was measured and its characteristics were compared with earlier results. All the experimental investigations were carried out in the Institute of Turbomachinery of the Lodz University of Technology, Poland.
Głównym celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie wyników badań eksperymentalnych dotyczących charakterystyk nietypowej aeroakustycznej komory bezechowej stworzonej na potrzeby badań dźwięków emitowanych przez maszyny przepływowe. Po wstawieniu modelowej dwustopniowej turbiny osiowej niskiego ciśnienia oraz kilku latach eksploatacji ponownie sprawdzono parametry akustyczne i w tym celu dokonano pomiarów pola akustycznego wewnątrz komory i jego charakterystyki porównano z poprzednimi wynikami. Wszystkie badania zostały przeprowadzone w Instytucie Maszyn Przepływowych Politechniki Łódzkiej.
This paper presents the development of post-processing aeroacoustics utility for OpenFOAM, based on Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings aeroacoustic analogy. Although the FH-W analogy is well known for almost 50 years, there is a lack of open-source software which is using it, hence decision to perform this implementation. This is the veryfirst version of utility, so only one formulation of FH-W were implemented. Presented application allows to compute far-field acoustic pressure from near field CFD solution. Validation is based on NASA Tandem Cylinder Case. Comparison of the results from simulation show fairly good agreement with experimental data.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę numeryczną niestacjonarnego pola przepływowego w modelu turbinowego uszczelnienia labiryntowego w rzeczywistych warunkach pracy dla dwóch różnych struktur uszczelnienia labiryntowego z okładziną o strukturze plastra miodu oraz ze ścianą gładką. Oprócz strat przecieku, obszar ten jest szczególnie istotny z uwagi na zjawisko generacji hałasu szerokopasmowego powstałego w wyniku turbulentnych zjawisk przepływowych. Wyniki przedstawiono jako wielkości akustyczne w funkcji częstotliwości. Pozwoliło to na określenie częstotliwości głównych, przy których zaistniały ich szczytowe wartości. Dodatkowo porównano zmianę bezwymiarowej wartości przecieku w czasie. Wyniki obliczeń wskazały wpływ zastosowanej struktury uszczelnienia na tłumienie fluktuacji ciśnienia oraz wartości przecieku przy różnych prędkościach obrotowych wirnika.
This work aims to perform detailed time-dependent flow analysis of gas turbine stage model equipped with tip labyrinth seal against honeycomb or smooth land, in order to identify the noise generated aerodynamically. Two different sealing structures were investigated – honeycomb structure and smooth land. The main scopes of this investigation were evaluation of unsteady flow field behaviour, indication regions were the vorticity and broadband noise is generated. Also an impact of the sealing structure on the flow behind the rotor was checked. To evaluate results, acoustic pressure – p’ and Sound Pressure Level (SPL) values were used. Discharge coefficient, as a measure of non-dimensional leakage has also been inquired and compared. The results shown an influence of honeycomb structure, and rotational velocity of rotor on pressure fluctuations and noise damping.
This paper presents the results of aeroacoustic numerical simulations for three types of helicoidal resonators placed inside straight cylindrical duct. The same ratio s/d = 1.976 is considered for three numbers of helicoidal turns n = 0.671, n = 0.695 and n = 1.0. Also three types of transmission loss characteristics are represented. Three-dimensional models were calculated by the use of a finite element method in Comsol Multiphysics Acoustics Module – Aeroacoustics with flow, Frequency Domain. The change of transmission loss characteristics of helicoidal resonators is presented for different air flow velocities in the range from 1 m/s to 20 m/s for cylindrical duct of diameter d = 0.125m.
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