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Content available Application of sample advisory systems in medicine
Artificial intelligence is a field that has been rapidly developing in various areas of knowledge in recent years. Its application in medicine can support the intensive development of research in health care and improve and ac-celerate the operation of many medical facilities. This article presents sev-eral examples of expert systems that can find application in diagnosing and preparing a patient for selected tests. Expert systems can also find appli-cation in the rapid selection of rehabilitation, medical or support equip-ment and devices with which medical facilities are supplied. In this article, the reader will also find a sample application that will perform this func-tion. The article presents the elements of which a correct expert system should consist. For each application, tests have been carried out to show the correctness of the system. The purpose of the article was to show the capabilities of the expert system and its application in medical fields.
Analiza zagrożeń stanowi pierwszy etap prezentowanego w artykule kompleksowego podejścia do zarządzania ryzkiem w podejmowaniu zamówień na roboty w budownictwie drogowym. Drugi etap polega na ocenie możliwości przeciwdziałania tym zagrożeniom przez programy naprawcze (programy ograniczania zagrożeń). W prezentowanym podejściu proponuje się optymalizację doboru tych programów pod kątem maksymalnej redukcji zagrożeń przy jednoczesnym ograniczeniu kosztów zastosowania tych programów. W artykule przedstawiono schemat ideowy systemu doradczego, model matematyczny omawianego problemu i przykład obliczeniowy, obrazujący istotę proponowanego podejścia do analizy ryzyka.
The risk analysis is then the first stage of the comprehensive approach to risk management in taking orders for road construction works presented in the paper. The second stage is to counteract these threats through risk reduction programs. In the presented approach, it is proposed to optimize the selection of these programs in terms of the maximum reduction of threats while reducing the costs of using these programs. The paper presents a block diagram of the advisory system, introduces a mathematical model of the discussed problem and illustrates the essence of the proposed approach to risk analysis with a computational example.
The aluminum profile extrusion process is briefly characterized in the paper, together with the presentation of historical, automatically recorded data. The initial selection of the important, widely understood, process parameters was made using statistical methods such as correlation analysis for continuous and categorical (discrete) variables and ‘inverse’ ANOVA and Kruskal–Wallis methods. These selected process variables were used as inputs for MLP-type neural models with two main product defects as the numerical outputs with values 0 and 1. A multi-variant development program was applied for the neural networks and the best neural models were utilized for finding the characteristic influence of the process parameters on the product quality. The final result of the research is the basis of a recommendation system for the significant process parameters that uses a combination of information from previous cases and neural models.
W artykule opisano wyniki badań ankietowych mających na celu wskazanie czynników istotnie wpływających na dobór wyposażenia do warunków wyrobisk korytarzowych i ścianowych w kopalniach węgla kamiennego. Badania w tym zakresie zostały wykonane w ramach prac nad systemem doradczym wspomagającym planowanie robót przygotowawczych i eksploatacyjnych w kopalniach węgla kamiennego
The article describes the results of a questionnaire survey aimed to identify the factors significantly affecting the selection of equipment for the conditions of roadways and longwall gates in hard coal mines. The research in this respect has been conducted in the framework of works on the advisory system aiding the planning of development and coal winning works in the hard coal mines.
W pracy przedstawiono sposób realizacji sprawdzenia warunków brzegowych przy tworzeniu podzbioru technologii pozyskiwania surowców energetycznych na potrzeby konkretnego kompleksu agroenergetycznego. Przedstawiono graficznie źródła danych wykorzystanych do stworzenia niezbędnych mechanizmów oraz zapis mechanizmów realizujących wybór podzbioru spełniającego warunki brzegowe
The way of initial conditions test realization, while the creation of the subset of energetic raw materials acquiring technology for the specific agroenergy complex, were presented in this paper. Data sources used for the indispensable actions formation and record of mechanisms which realize the choice of the subset satisfying initial conditions, were shown graphically.
W pracy przedstawiono opracowany w Katedrze maszyn i Urządzeń Rolniczych UP w Lublinie system ułatwiający dobór środków technicznych do przygotowywania pasz w hodowli bydła mlecznego. System baz danych oraz oprogramowanie zarządzające wykonano pod kontrolą systemu operacyjnego MS Windows w standardzie aplikacji MS Access za pomocą tabel, kwerend oraz formularzy. Program umożliwia przegląd wszystkich maszyn i urządzeń do przygotowywania pasz zgromadzonych w bazach danych oraz dokonuje ich doboru na podstawie zadanych przez użytkownika kryteriów, np. wydajności, zapotrzebowania na moc, nakładów finansowych. Oprogramowanie ma konstrukcję modułową, umożliwiającą rozbudowę systemu dla nowych grup maszyn oraz dodawanie innych reguł dokonujących wyboru.
This paper presents a system developed at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin that facilitates the selection of technical equipment for preparation of feed for dairy cattle. The database and management software worked under the control of MS Windows Operating System as a MS Access standard application with tables, queries and forms. The program provides an overview of all machinery and equipment for preparing fodder stored in databases and carries out their selection based on the user-selected rules, such as performance, power demand and financial outlays. The software has a modular design, enabling the system to be expanded to new groups of machines, and adding other selection rules.
W artykule przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania odpowiednio zaprojektowanego systemu doradczego w procesie modelowania produkcji górniczej w kopalniach węgla kamiennego. Podano krótką charakterystykę systemów ekspertowych oraz opisano podstawowe elementy projektowanego rozwiązania wspomagającego planowanie robót przygotowawczych i eksploatacyjnych. Zaprezentowano również przykład wykorzystania wiedzy pochodzącej z systemu doradczego do modelowania i optymalizacji wielkości produkcji w kopalniach wielozakładowego przedsiębiorstwa górniczego.
The article presents the possibility of using properly designed advisory system in the modeling process of mining production in coal mines. A brief description of expert systems was provided and the basic elements of the proposed solutions assisting the planning of the preparatory and exploitation was described. An example was also presented of using the knowledge coming from an advisory system for modeling and optimization of production magnitude in the mines of a multi-plant mining enterprise.
Content available remote Neural networks in the advisory system for repairs of industrial concrete floor
An advisory system for repairs of industrial concrete floors is a supporting tool for making material and technological decisions in the sphere of problems of recurrent character. The presented advisory system has the character of a hybrid system. Various elements of tools from the artificial intelligence group have been used in it. Artificial neural networks are of particular importance for functioning of the system. They act as an inference engine. The article presents, inter alia, an approach in the sphere of teaching artificial neural networks on the basis of an expert’s knowledge, as well as utilization of fuzzy sets for data transformation and for increasing the size of the case set. The conclusions indicate the profits resulting from utilization of artificial neural networks like speed of operation or absence of the need to possess complete knowledge.
W pracy przedstawiono koncepcję systemu doradczego umożliwiającego samodzielne obliczanie przez jego użytkownika potrzeb energetycznych budynku mieszkalnego do ogrzewania, nakładów robocizny, energetycznych oraz kosztów wytwarzania i przetwarzania biomasy w celu jej dostosowania do konstrukcyjnych wymagań kotłów i kominków do spalania biomasy. Określono modularną strukturę systemu, opisano parametry wejściowe każdego z modułów i zasady ich wzajemnej komunikacji. Przedstawiono założenia dotyczące modelu obliczeniowego aplikacji oraz wytyczne dotyczące interfejsu użytkownika. Przedstawiona koncepcja stanowi podstawę implementacji systemu.
The paper presents the concept of an advisory system allowing its user to carry out independent computations of energy demand for residential building heating purposes, amount of labour, energy expenditure, and biomass production and processing costs to adapt it to constructional requirements of boilers and fireplaces for biomass combustion. The research allowed to determine modular structure of the system, and to describe input parameters for each module, as well as the principles of communication among them. The work presents principles for the application computational model and guidelines concerning user's interface. Presented concept constitutes the basis for the system implementation.
Content available remote Control set prediction concept using Data Mining for industrial process control
This work is intended to present business intelligence (BI) solution based on SQL Server 2005. Some data mining tasks and techniques are discussed as well as some uncommon fields of presented IT technologies are characterized. The work contains prediction example using Microsoft Decision Trees. The usage of discussed techniques for industrial process advisory system is considered in the second part of the paper.
W pracy przedstawiono rozwiązanie inteligencji biznesowej w oparciu o SQL Server 2005 i zaprezentowano prognozowanie z użyciem Microsoft Decision Trees. Przedstawiono zadania i techniki data mining oraz wskazano obszary wykorzystania scharakteryzowanych technologii informatycznych. W drugiej części artykułu zaproponowano wykorzystanie niniejszych technik do wypracowywania decyzji systemu sterowania w procesie przemysłowym.
W pracy przedstawiono rozwiązanie inteligencji biznesowej w oparciu o SQL Server 2005 i zaprezentowano prognozowanie z użyciem Microsoft Decision Trees. Przedstawiono zadania i techniki data mining oraz wskazano obszary wykorzystania scharakteryzowanych technologii informatycznych. W drugiej części artykułu zaproponowano wykorzystanie niniejszych technik do wypracowywania decyzji systemu sterowania w procesie przemysłowym.
The paper presents business intelligence (BT) solution based on SQL Server 2005. Some data mining tasks and techniques are discussed as well as some uncommon fields of presented IT technologies are characterized. The work contains prediction example using Microsoft Decision Trees. The usage of discussed techniques for industrial process advisory system is considered in the second part of the paper.
Content available remote Human resources management in a project type tasks
Purpose: The paper describes theoretical issues concerning the scope of human resources management, as well as the pertinent advisory systems. Another main of the paper is to investigate work effect of the advisory system, which helps the operator to make a decision concerning an adjustment of structure and structure project team to a certain project, which was selected by operator. Design/methodology/approach: In this article the advisory system was created in Exsys Professional program. What is more, the system was upgraded with a help tool - a database, because it makes possible to collect and keep data. The database as such was created with the use of Microsoft Access 2000, an integral part of Microsoft Office for Windows. Findings: Based on comprehensive literature, the article reviewed the implementation of the advisory system in some small enterprises, because a system operator can very quickly adjust the structures (organizational and project teams) to a project. On the basis of the system the operator can both ask questions and get answers quickly. Moreover, an advisory system shows graphic presentation of the results. Revearch limitations implications: In this paper an advisory system has been used. This exact advisory system could be used in bigger number of enterprises, but on one condition - it must be developed according to their needs. Originality/value: The advisory system was supplemented with a help tool - a database. The database is a source and a concise help tool, perfect completion during the use of advisory system. It allows the user to adjust into more detailed structures to a selected project.
Content available remote Advisory system assisting selection of project structures and project team
Purpose: The main aim of the paper is to investigate work effect of the advisory system, which helps the operator to make a decision concerning an adjustment of structure and structure project team to a certain project, which was selected by operator. Design/methodology/approach: Exsys Professional program of Exsys Inc. was used to create the advisory system by the rule processor. Findings: System operator can a very quickly adjusted to structures (organizational and project teams) into to a project on the basis of the advisory system only by answering short questions from the system. Moreover, an advisory system shows graphic presentation of the results. Research limitations/implications: The built advisory system can be a great basis to create a tool, which will assist in making more complicated decisions. Practical implications: A disadvantage of Exsys Professional program are both, laborious and time-consuming data introduction into an advisory system. Originality/value: The paper helps to understand the need of building advisory systems. It has a potential value for future entrepreneur.
W artykule, na podstawie kilku zrealizowanych zadań: obliczania Rm i Re, analizy sygnałów wibroakustycznych, określania stopnia działania korodującego produktów naftowych na metale oraz oceny składu chemicznego cienkich powłok nanoszonych metodami PAPVD i PACVD pokazano proces tworzenia inteligentnych modeli obliczeniowych. Zaproponowano opracowanie algorytmów i procedur wspomagających proces tworzenia modeli obliczeniowych.
Procedure for creating of complex analytical models is described. This is explained on the examples taken from realised works: calculating of Rm and Re, vibroacoustic signal analysis, assessment of oil products corrosivity to metals, composition assessment of thin layers deposited with PAPVD and PACVD methods. Some algorithms and procedures helpful during creation of analytical models are proposed.
In this paper the object method of representing of a body construction has been shown. This method has been elaborated as a part of the expert system that aids the bodies' technological process preparation. Elaborated method of the object representation of a body construction let formalise the notation of their construction and connect the constructional features with the manufacturing techniques that are represented in the knowledge base of the expert system. To represent the technological knowledge in the expert system also the object method has been used. Elaborated method let separate the technological knowledge base from the inference engine of the expert system. Elaboration of the object representation of the construction and technological knowledge let obtain their coherent representation in the frames of the created system.
Content available remote Metody sterowania rozproszonego i logiki rozmytej w budowie i eksploatacji maszyn
Sterowanie rozproszone procesem wytwórczym jest nowatorskim podejściem w dziedzinie sterowania. Jest to kierunek rozwijany od kilku lat w Instytucie Technologii Eksploatacji w Radomiu w pracach badawczych prowadzonych przez Instytut. Sterowanie rozproszone jest naturalną konsekwencją przeniesienia metod przetwarzania rozproszonego i programowania współbieżnego na poziom sterowania procesami produkcyjnymi i maszynami oraz praktycznym wykorzystaniem możliwości wymienności sprzętu i oprogramowania. Sterowanie rozproszone wymaga także innych technik programowania. Szeroko wykorzystywane są metody: heurystyczne, programowania współbieżnego, programowania sieciowego, synchronizacji procesów, modelowania matematycznego, sieci neuronowych oraz logiki rozmytej. W artykule szerzej przedstawiono realizację systemów sterowania prasami mechanicznymi, zespołem zgrzebnym, linią do nakładania powłok ceramicznych na modele woskowe, systemem wytwarzania próżni. Pokazano także sposób zastosowania logiki rozmytej w systemie diagnostycznym przekładni, modelowaniu oraz analizie barwy.
Distributed control of the manufacturing process ia an innovatory approach in the area of control. This direction has been developed in research work executed by Institute for Terotechnology in Radom for a few years. Distributed control is a natural consequence of transferring methods of distributed processing and concurrent programming to the level of control of manufacturing processes and machines and practical use of possibilities of hardware and software replacebility. Distributed control requires other techniques of software engineering. Heuristical methods, methods of concurrent programming, network programming, process synchronisation, mathematical modelling, neuron networks anf fuzzy logic are also used to a big exent. The paper presents execution of control systems of: a power press, a carding set, an assembly line for ceramic coating deposition on wax models, a system of vacuum creation. Moreover, the use of fuzzy logic in the transmission's diagnostic system, modelling and colour analysis is also presented.
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