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Computer forensics is a key science and competency in meeting the growing risks of cybercrime, as well as for criminal investigation generally. In order to provide irrefutable evidence of a potential crime, a specialist in the incident response team (e.g. an IT forensics specialist) must secure the digital evidence in accordance with the correct procedure. There are no strict guidelines on how to do this. It is known that the authenticity and fidelity of data must be preserved. This article will collect good practices developed by specialists in the field of computer forensics. The process of securing the evidence material from a digital data sources for later analysis will be presented.
Introduction/background: The aim of the article is to check whether the holistic approach in the case of high-tech industries is the optimal solution in the field of M&A process analysis. Aim of the paper: Two research hypotheses were formulated: H1 – It is impossible to create an effective universal holistic model for even a single high-tech industry. H2 – The key element of the process of assessing the validity of M&A processes is the potential use value of the acquired knowledge and/or technology. Materials and methods: A quantitative analysis of articles relating to holistic models and sources relating to the specificity of specific market M&A processes were used. Results and conclusions: The results obtained revealed that the analysis of selected mergers and acquisitions allowed it to be stated that the key aspect determining the success or failure of the M&A process is the value of the acquired knowledge and technology and its applicability within the newly created organisational structures. It was also found that holistic models, apart from being cost-intensive and time-consuming, are also characterised by a lack of standardisation of the model and the lack of assessment at both the level of one industry and within a single branch of the economy. Thus, the creation and application of universal holistic models in high-tech industries may turn out to be ineffective and lead to decision errors at the level of the company's development strategy.
In this paper, we analyze the acquisition and tracking performance of signal using a tiered differential polyphase code as the secondary code. The Zadoff-Chu sequence is known to have a CAZAC (Constant Amplitude Zero Auto-Correlation) characteristics. The secondary code generated by differential encoding of the Zadoff-Chu sequence also has the same characteristics as the Zadoff-Chu sequence. Therefore, long integration will give better correlation results. We compare signal acquisition and tracking performance when using the NH sequence and Zadoff-Chu sequence as the secondary code. Monte-carlo simulation is performed using MATLAB. We use the probability of detection and the mean acquisition time for signal acquisition performance and tracking jitter for signal tracking performance.
The acquisition parameters and methodology of seismic data processing for high-resolution seismic imaging viewed through relative amplitude preservation are presented. An example of the obtaining of high-quality, shallow seismic data with a variable end-on spread is shown. The source used for the project is an accelerated weight drop. The study area lies within the mine waste disposal area, near Rudna village (Fore-Sudetic Monocline, WS Poland), and results are given for a 2D experimental profile. The aim of the project was to design optimal acquisition and processing parameters for the detailed recognition of Tertiary deposits. The proposed acquisition parameters are a compromise between time, cost and results. High-resolution seismic imaging enables the determining of layers within the range of thicknesses between 5 and 15 m, while the maximal depth of imaging reaches 400 m.
Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja aspektów oceny ryzyka w zakresie dostaw wyrobów obronnych i ich pozyskiwania. Na podstawie wyników badań empirycznych przeprowadzonych w CCJ WAT w procesach certyfikacji, wspartych przeglądem literatury przedmiotu, dokonano analizy problematyki zarządzania ryzykiem w kontekście nadzorowania wydanych certyfikatów systemu zarządzania jakością na zgodność z wymaganiami ISO 9001, w tym AQAP. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w zakresie identyfikacji ryzyka związanego z potencjalnymi dostawcami wyrobów obronnych i usług z nimi związanych, a także wyniki badania ankietowego postrzegania ryzyka wśród personelu auditującego. Są to źródła wiedzy dla stron zawieranych umów dotyczących wyrobów obronnych i usług z nimi związanych. Prowadzą one do zwiększenia zaufania do dostawcy w procesie zapewnienia jakości, a w efekcie do poprawy jakości pozyskiwanych wyrobów i usług dla wojska.
The aim of the article is to identify the problem of risk assessment in the aspect of defense product supply and acquisition. Based on the results of empirical research conducted in the CCJ WAT (Quality Certification Center) certification processes supported by the literature of the subject, the risk management issues were analyzed in the context of monitoring the quality management system certificates issued for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001, including AQAP. The article presents the results of research carried out in the field of risk identification related to potential suppliers of defense products and related services, as well as the results of a survey of risk perception among the audit personnel. These are sources of knowledge for parties to contracts for defense products and related services. They lead to increased trust in the supplier in the quality assurance process and, as a result, to the improvement of the quality of obtained products and services for the army.
The development of enterprises in the globalised world depends on their development potential and ability to compete with other entities. Of key importance in the field of competitiveness is access to innovative technologies providing a competitive advantage and the ability to cooperate in their acquisition with other entities, e.g. in clusters. The authors attempted to identify the sources of technology and financing options used by companies in the metal processing industry. The studied entities are part of a cluster of national importance, and the adopted research method is based on an interview questionnaire. Studies have shown that most companies buy ready-made solutions and to a lesser extent cooperate in acquiring technology. Noticeable is also a relatively large share of financing investments in new technologies from public funds.
Several methods of acquisition have been developed so far which aim at accelerating the acquisition process and detection of weak GPS signals. In many of these the search is parallelized in code or frequency space. However, sometimes the number of samples in code periods based on sampling frequency is not equal to required number of Radix-2 FFT algorithm. So it is again computing the DFT normal method without FFT. The main purpose and objective of this project is to implement a fast and robust for weak signal acquisition algorithm “Double Block Zero Padding Acquisition” (DBZP) for GPS L1 civilian signal. Technique is developed even for the signals where number of samples in the code period taken for correlation is not satisfying the required number for Radix-2 algorithm. It is also suitable for weak GPS signals acquisition, which require Pre-detection, or integration (correlation) Time (PIT) to be long.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia dotyczące udziału Inspektoratu Uzbrojenia w procesie logistycznego zabezpieczenia działań Marynarki Wojennej RP. Zaprezentowano również informację na temat stanu realizacji projektów w ramach Programu Operacyjnego „Zwalczanie zagrożeń na morzu”.
The article presents issues concerning the participation of the Armaments Inspectorate in the process of logistic protection of the activities of the Polish Navy. The information about the status of implementation of projects within the framework of the Operational Program "Combating threats at sea" was also presented.
The aim of the article is to present a way to reorganize the environmental management system in the situation of merging companies. This problem was presented on the example of five energy sector companies, which as a result of the consolidation process formed one entity with the group structure. The article is of a practical nature mainly due to the presentation of the implemented principles of assessment of environmental aspects as well as the presentation of the requirements of the new environmental management standard.
Mikrosfery (określane również jako cenosfery lub mikrosfery glinokrzemianowe) stanowią coraz szerzej pozyskiwany i stosowany surowiec. W artykule przedstawiono warunki powstawania oraz metody pozyskiwania mikrosfer. Podjęto się również próby oszacowania masy mikrosfer powstających rocznie na świecie. W dalszej części artykułu przedstawiono ich właściwości oraz szeroko omówiono możliwości praktycznego ich wykorzystania.
Microspheres (called also cenospheres or aluminosilicate microspheres) constitute raw material acquired and used on a wider and wider scale. The paper briefly presents conditions for formation and methods of acquisition of microspheres. Estimation of the mass of microspheres annually formed worldwide is also attempted. The following part of the paper presents properties and broadly discusses the possibilities of their practical application.
Seminarium Fundusze unijne na lata 2014–2020 kolejną szansą finansowania rozwoju sieci dróg krajowych w Polsce – problemy, wyzwania, doświadczenia odbyło się 7 maja 2014 r. w sali konferencyjnej GDDKiA Oddział w Krakowie przy ul. Mogilskiej 25. W seminarium uczestniczyły 34 osoby reprezentujące różne instytucje, w tym Oddział GDDKiA w Krakowie i Koło SITK.
Seminar "EU funds for 2014-2020 as another opportunity for the development of road network in Poland - problems, challenges, experiences" was held on 7 May 2014 in the Conference Room of GDDKiA, Kraków Branch, at Mogilska 25.
Autorzy przedstawiają założenia niezbędne do wdrożenia modelu szeregowego pozyskiwania ofert handlowych. Następnie opisany zostaje sam model. W kolejnym rozdziale zostaje przedstawione studium przypadku – zakup samochodu osobowego. Na końcu przedstawione zostają korzyści płynące z zastosowania modelu w porównaniu z podejściem tradycyjnym.
The author presents the assumptions necessary for the implementation of the model serial acquisition of commercial offers. Then, the model is described. The next chapter is presented a case study - the purchase of a car. At the end are shown the benefits of the model compared with the traditional approach.
The article presents analysis of results of lubricants comparative study on SBM-PIMR stand [6]. The tests were aimed to determine an amplitude measure values and their discriminants of the vibration speed signals and torque variations, according to a lubricant used in the test. Analyzes showed that the root amplitude and impulsiveness coefficient are the most important distinctive coefficients of the tested lubricants.
Przedstawiono analizę wyników badań porównawczych środków smarnych na stanowisku do badań porównawczych SBMPIMR [6]. Badania dotyczyły określenia wartości miar amplitudowych i ich dyskryminant bezwymiarowych sygnałów prędkości drgań i zmian momentu obrotowego, w zależności od zastosowanego środka smarnego. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych analiz wyników określono, że cechami wyróżniającymi są amplituda pierwiastkowa oraz współczynnik impulsowości.
Pierwiastki ziem rzadkich, tworzące grupę 15 lantanowców oraz skand i itr, określane są powszechnie skrótem REE (ang. Rare Earth Elements). Zaliczone zostały przez Unię Europejską do surowców krytycznych o znaczeniu strategicznym dla rozwoju nowoczesnych wysoko zawansowanych technologii. Niniejszy artykuł poświęcono występowaniu REE na świecie i w Polsce. Scharakteryzowano podstawowe technologie procesów pozyskiwania metali ziem rzadkich, a także omówiono główne możliwości ich praktycznego stosowania w różnych gałęziach gospodarki. Następnie przedstawiono perspektywiczne światowe zasoby naturalne i alternatywne dla omawianych pierwiastków, które mogą stać się ich cennym źródłem w ciągu najbliższych kilku lat.
Rare earth elements forming the group of 15 lanthanides as well as scandium and yttrium are referred to commonly as REE. They have been numbered by the European Union as critical resources of strategic importance for the development of modern advanced technologies. The present article was devoted to discuss the occurrence of REE in the world and in Poland. Basic technologies for rare earth metals extraction processes have been characterized, and also the main capabilities of their practical application in different branches of the economy have been discussed. Then, the list of prospective world natural resources and the elements alternative to those discussed, which can become their valuable source over the next few years, have been presented.
Komunikacja w lotniczym języku angielskim ma poważne znaczenie dla bezpieczeństwa ego. Dlatego każda jednostka lekcyjna powinna być wykorzystana efektywnie. Artykuł koncentruje się na centralnym podmiocie glottodydaktyki specjalistycznej, czyli na uczniu w trakcie procesu akwizycji jego językowych umiejętności specjalistycznych. Autorka przedstawia elementy pozycji lotniczego języka angielskiego, których uczeń powinien być szczególnie świadomy, a także podaje praktyczne przykłady usprawnienia procesu akwizycji lotniczego języka angielskiego, biorąc pod uwagę kształcenie osób z pierwszym językiem polskim.
Communication in English is crucial for aviation safety. The article is concerned with the problems of aviation English acquisition by Polish students. In the first part the main terms for the article are presented, such as anthropocentric language theory, language for specific purposes or idiolecl. The second part deals with the specific problems of didactics of aviation English. Each lesson should be provided effectively. The paper focuses on !he central subject of glottodidactics, namely on the student acquiring his specific language skilIs. The author presents a few important elements of aviation English acquisition which the student should be particularly conscious of, as well as practical solutions of pronunciation improvement.
Dane pomiarowe to informacje o wartości wielkości zmierzonej. W niniejszym artykule dane pomiarowe rozumiane są jako zmierzona wartość energii czynnej i biernej oraz dane innych wielkości fizycznych np. tg Fi, napięcia, prądy, moce itp. Opisane są również podstawowe problemy związane z obróbką oraz wiarygodnością danych pomiarowych; ich pozyskanie, weryfikowanie, substytucja itp. Jest to bardzo istotne ponieważ dla przedsiębiorstwa energetycznego sprawą kluczową jest posiadanie wiarygodnych danych.
The measurement data are information about the size of the measured values. In the article the author describes the problems about the measurement data which are relating to the active or reactive energy and other electricity data measured. There are problems which are the most prominent: the reliability of data, acquisition, verification, substitution etc. Energy company cannot function properly without the correct data.
Content available remote Specjalistyczny system ekspertowy w technikach zabezpieczeń danych
W artykule przedstawiono możliwość zastosowania metod sztucznej inteligencji w technice zabezpieczeń danych. W tym celu przedstawiono najpopularniejsze cechy biometryczne człowieka oraz podano przykład identyfikacji wykorzystującej indywidualne cechy linii papilarnych. Do rozwiązania postawionego problemu zastosowano specjalistyczny system ekspertowy oraz wyniki z jego testowania.
This article presents the possibility to use artificial intelligence methods in data protection techniques. For this purpose, the most popular biometric features of a human were presented and an example was provided of identification with the use of the individual features of fingerprints. A specialist expert system was used to solve the problem; an artificial neural network was used for comparison purposes.
In 2010 a collaborative working group was formed under the professional associations: International Association of Geodesy (IAG WG4.2.5) and International Federation of Surveys (FIG WG5.5). Entitled ubiquitous positioning, this working group aims to harness and develop existing research outputs available internationally in this research domain. Our goal over the next four years is to provide an online resource for academic and industry professionals, who can use these research outputs thereby reducing duplication and facilitating more rapid progress in the development of ubiquitous positioning systems. This paper presents a summary of the research activities and results of the working group to date. In particular, it presents the results of extensive testing to characterize the performance of a range of low-cost MEMS inertial sensors. The test scenarios, data acquisition software, processing tools and results obtained will be fully described and presented. The performance of these sensors in augmenting GNSS positioning is also presented using results obtained from a combination of loosely and tightly coupled Kalman filters. Finally, the future plans for the working group over the next four years and opportunities for wider collaboration will be discussed.
Authors of the paper are presenting the attempt of the metadata standard creation for the technology of Mobile Laser Scanning. The research leading to the result presented in the publication was based on practical aspects of works realized within the usage of Mobile Laser Scanning measurements on the territory of Poland and theoretical issues concerned at Warsaw University of Technology in the area of metadata and standard creation. Usage of Mobile Laser Scanning gives the great advantage of acquisition impressive sets of data in short period of time finding their potential in the fields heritage preservation, architecture, deformation monitoring and industrial applications. In relation to the variety of applications and elements which needs to be concerned as the crucial parts of data sets like precise characteristic of the quality of acquired data authors attempt to create a metadata standard enabling potential prioritization and selection of data into normative which could in the future became a basis for regular normative creation considering this sort of measurements. Until now no sort of Laser Scanning tools has received its own standard despite the fact it is getting more and more necessary also by the fact of its growing popularization and variety of usage in different fields of life.
W pracy porównano wybrane technologie pozyskania drewna na przykładzie zespołu maszyn wielooperacyjnych typu harwester i forwarder z klembankiem oraz alternatywnej technologii dla pozyskiwania drewna dłużycowego na poziomie ręczno-maszynowym i zrywki z użyciem ciągnika rolniczego przystosowanego do zrywki drewna. Stwierdzono m.in. , że koszty pozyskania drewna przy pomocy harwestera są o około 81% wyższe aniżeli pilarką, a koszty zrywki drewna przy pomocy forwardera są niższe o około 16% niż koszt zrywki ciągnikiem rolniczym.
The paper compares selected technologies used to acquire timber on the example of a set of multi-operational harvester and forwarder type machines with a skidder, and alternative technology used to acquire log wood at manual-mechanical level and skidding with a farm tractor adapted for tree skidding. Among other things, it has been observed that costs of timber acquisition using a harvester are approximately 81% higher compared to sawing machine, and costs of tree skidding using a forwarder are circa 16% lower than cost of skidding with a farm tractor.
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