Pejzaż akustyczny, który jest jednym z ważnych składników naszego środowiska życia, ulega destrukcji w miarę postępu cywilizacyjnego. Coraz mniej w nim ciszy, a coraz więcej hałasu i wrzasku. Natężenie hałasu rośnie nieustannie, ostatnimi laty lawinowo. Różne urządzenia nagłaśniające emituję dźwięki, których natężenie dosięga granicy bólu. Hałas towarzyszy nam na każdym kroku. Tak, jakby komuś zależało na tym, by wrzaskiem zagłuszyć troski życia codziennego i ogłupiać ludzi. W narastającym hałasie trudno funkcjonować, pracować, uczyć się, koncentrować i odpoczywać. Dlatego najwyższy czas, by chronić ciszę. Zadaniem ekologii ciszy jest walka z hałasem i przywrócenie równowagi w pejzażu akustycznym. Ekologia ciszy jest elementem sozologii systemowej i koncepcji rozwoju zrównoważonego.
The acoustic landscape - one of important components of our environment - is destroyed proportionally to the progress of the civilization. Less and less silence is in it, but more and more noise and shout. The noise intensity rose constantly, but drastically during the last years. Different acoustic devices send sounds of which intensities are close to the border of pain. The noise accompanies us on every step. It is in such a way, as if somebody looks about that to daze the problems of the everyday life and to stultify people. In the increasing noise it is difficult, to act, to work, to study, to concentrate and to rest. Therefore, it is the highest time to protect silence. A fight against the excessive noise and for the restoration of the balance in the acoustic landscape are tasks of the ecology of silence. The ecology of silence is an element of systemic sozology and of the conception of the sustainable development.
Article consists of two parts, the first includes typical miner day so called “szychta”, and the second miner holiday (on the 4th of December). In both cases cultural will be discussed – in ethnological categories – the meaning of sounds; naturally and caused by people. In everyday perspective – understood as from the moment the miner leaves the mine heading home, through, among others, the way from the working place so called “paciyrz” in “cechownia”, till coming down and work underground – the sounds that played a major role from the point of view traditional culture of the mining group will be presented and analysed; its ethos. It will be discussed in the custom, magical, religious and symbolic context. In relation to “Barbórka” sounds typical for this holiday will be presented, beginning from incentives, that is morning parade of fanfare orchestra, through ecclesiastical ceremonies, mining ceremonies(so called beer tavern), till family feast. Analysis to concern period from 60/70’s of XIX century till at the end of interwar years.
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