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Zarówno realistyczne, jak i abstrakcyjne działania w obszarze rysunku i malarstwa wiążą się z podobnymi problemami badawczymi. Udana kompozycja to harmonijnie zsynchronizowany układ komponentów podlegający zachodzącym między nimi interakcjom. Dynamika napięć pomiędzy formami wpływa na percepcję dzieła. Przejście od realistycznego do abstrakcyjnego ujęcia danego tematu wymaga dokonania analizy współbrzmień między poszczególnymi elementami kompozycji oraz odejścia od ilustracyjnej narracji. Rytmy oraz kierunki tworzone przez formy decydują o charakterze kompozycji. Statyczny układ oddziałuje na odbiorcę w odmienny sposób niż dynamiczny. Rysowanie jest procesem. Abstrakcyjne działania są konsekwencją dokładnej analizy rzeczywistości. Punktem wyjścia czysto konceptualnych poszukiwań powinien być zawsze świat obiektywny. Eksploracja materii prowadzi do przekształceń, dzięki którym możliwe jest ujęcie rzeczywistości w zindywidualizowany, niepowtarzalny sposób, umożliwia się odbiorcy niepowtarzalne doświadczenia wizualne niezależnie od tematu rysunku. Najbardziej niepozorny, banalny obiekt może stanowić inspirację do działań rysunkowo-malarskich. To, w jaki sposób artysta dokona przekształcenia formy, decyduje o percepcji odbiorcy. Zaawansowana transformacja modelu oddala od oczywistych asocjacji, dzięki czemu zaangażowanie intelektualno-emocjonalne zarówno artysty, jak i odbiorcy ulega intensyfikacji. Sztuka jako doskonałe narzędzie komunikacyjne pozwala przekazać istotne informacje dotyczące również czegoś poza tym, co potrafimy nazwać.
Within the fields of drawing and painting, both realistic and abstract activities are associated with similar research problems. A successful composition is a harmoniously synchronized arrangement of components, subject to interactions between them. The dynamic tensions between the forms serves to influence the perception of the art work. The transition from a realistic to an abstract approach for a given topic requires an analysis of consonance between individual elements of the composition and deviation from the illustrative narration. The rhythms and directions created by the forms determine the nature of the composition. A static layout influences the reception in a different way than a dynamic one. Drawing is a process. Abstract actions are a consequence of a careful analysis of reality. The objective world should always be the starting point for a purely conceptual search. The exploration of matter leads to transformations, through which it is possible to perceive reality in an individualized, unique way; this enables the recipient to have a unique, visual experiences, regardless of the drawing’s topic. The most inconspicuous, banal object can be an inspiration for drawing and painting activities. The manner in which the artist transforms the form determines the perception of the recipient. Advanced transformation of the model moves away from obvious associations; the intellectual and emotional involvement of both the artist and the recipient is intensified. Art, as an excellent communication tool, enables one to convey important information regarding something, beyond which can be named.
Non-Determinism is the word that is used to refer to an event or a series of the same that is said to be unpredictable but is assumed to be belonging to a domain of possibilities. From the inception, non-deterministic approaches have played a huge role in statistics, machine design, the definition of Random, and a few other domains to mention. Non-Deterministic processes are defined as the paths that lead to no fixed state but a set of possible states instead. One of the crucial reasons would be delving into the human understanding of processes and the ability to justify happenings around. A behavior that has accumulated throughout the evolution of mankind is to explain boundaries based on what is being perceived. The argument of Human Understanding of processes around can be of huge prominence as they play a vital role in explaining and demystifying a lot of misconceptions. One such aspect that is a resultant of this phenomenon would be a nondeterministic approach. The key focus of this paper will be on emphasizing how humans are limited to perceiving reality, how several misconceptions have accumulated around misstated definitions by the virtue of the same, have a closer look at Randomness, a sheer epitome of the same, and also propose a few potential applications that are affected by the hitherto stated problem.
The Miniature Dwarfs method is one of the tools used by the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) used in the process of modelling and seeking solutions to conflicting situations. This article describes the origin of the Miniature Dwarfs method. The process flow of the usage of the Miniature Dwarfs method was presented both in its original version, suggested by Altshuller, as well as in its recently modified version. The usage of the Miniature Dwarfs method was presented here to minimize the marine hull resistance of a passenger ship in the conflicting situation, where there is a simultaneous necessity to provide both large ship capacity as well as high speed. The issue and the conflicting situation were both presented and modelled. The Operational zone and Operational time were described and modelled with the use of the Miniature Dwarfs method before and during the Conflict, and the desired situation. The search of the potential solutions was carried out with the use of miniature dwarfs; the findings were interpreted with respect to the system under analysis and the stated technical issues. Imagined situations described in individual diagrams are included in the issue under investigation. Selected solutions to the problem were presented. The advantages of the method were indicated and presented as an addition to other methods used in the process of designing new engineering solutions.
Content available Lekcje światła i ciemności architektury
Artykuł porusza kwestię roli światła i ciemności jako narzędzi kreowania znaczeń metaforycznych i abstrakcyjnych architektury. Lekcje światła i ciemności architektury to sposób definiowania przestrzeni architektonicznej za pomocą zjawiska, którego natura jest trudna do wyrażenia, a istota umyka rozpoznaniu. Pomaga nam w tym jedynie odczytanie i interpretacja wzorców z dalekiej i bliższej przeszości.
The article discusses the question of light and darkness as the tools for creating figurative and abstract meanings in architecture. The lessons of light and darkness in architecture are the way of defining architectural space through the phenomenon whose nature is difficult to express and the essence is difficult to perceive. The only help we ave is the interpretation of models from close and distant past.
Content available O domach radykalnych
Inspiracją do zawartych w tekście rozważań jest twórczość Oswalda Mathiasa Ungersa, architekta, który szczególnie podkreślał potrzebę poszukiwania porządku w architekturze. Dwa projekty domów w mieście jego autorstwa to przykłady architektury podporządkowanej ścisłym zasadom geometrii. Geometrii traktowanej jako siły porządkującej rzeczywistość. Wyobrażony, abstrakcyjny świat Ungersa zmaterializowany w fizycznych budowlach jest dowodem na nieprzemijalną wartość architektury odwołującej się do rygorystycznych zasad kompozycyjnych.
The inspiration for the following considerations is the architectural and theoretical output of Oswald Mathias Ungers, an architect who specifically emphasized the need for order in architecture. Two projects for housing in the city by him have been chosen examples of architecture subjected to strict rules of geometry. Geometry is treated as the force organizing reality. This imaginary, abstract world of Ungers’ is materialized in physical structures, and can be considered as proof of long-lasting value of architecture adhering to the stringent rules of composition.
Content available Architektura wobec sztuki abstrakcyjnej XX wieku
Odejście od klasycznych kanonów estetyki spowodowało, że sztuka, a w konsekwencji także architektura kierują się innymi niż dotychczas zasadami. Niezależnie od istnienia różnych tendencji w sztuce wyraźnie wyróżniają się dwa nurty: organiczny i geometryczny. Wskutek tego zjawiska architektura oscyluje pomiędzy tymi dwoma wpływami. To one powodują, że sztuka abstrakcyjna w różnych aspektach odnajduje swoją interpretację w języku formy architektonicznej. Warta podkreślenia jest także znaczna rola ekspresjonizmu na tle stale przekształcającej się architektury.
Resignation of the classical canons of aesthetics caused that art and thereby architecture follow the new rules. Independently of the different existing trends in art, two mainstreams are featured clearly: the organic and the geometrical. It is the reason why architecture oscillates between both of the infl uences. Because of those infl uences, abstract art found its interpretation in the architectural form. It is also worth emphasing the important role of expressionism against the background of changeable architecture.
W dobie współczesnej, gdy techniki rozwijają się zgodnie z logiką produkcyjną, która nie ma związku z architekturą, zaś relacje pomiędzy budownictwem a rynkiem uległy zasadniczym zmianom, lekcja, której udziela nam Polesello jest bezcenna. Potrzeba architektury, która nie byłaby „zjawiskowa", sztuki kombinatorycznej, w której u podstaw całego procesu kompozycyjnego leży abstrakcja, wykorzystującej środki ekonomiczne w kategoriach ilości, kosztów, odnawialności, a nie łączącej zdefiniowane już rozwiązania, „upatrując złożoności w complessivita".
In the contemporary age, in which techniques are developed within logics of production that are no longer those of the Architecture and the relationship building/constructability/market is completely changed, the Polesello's lesson is crucial. The need for architecture that is not "phenomenal", a combinatorial art - in which the abstraction is at the base of the whole compositional process - that uses economic means, in terms of quantity, cost, recyclability, rather than the assembly of predefined solutions, "by pulling to resolve the complexity in complessivita."
In this paper, we will present an abstraction layer for cloud computing, which intends to simplify the manipulation with virtual machines in clouds for easy and controlled development and deployment of cloud services. It also ensures interoperability between different cloud infrastructures and allows developers to create cloud appliances easily via inheritance mechanisms.
This paper introduces the concept of a "structured occurrence net", which as its name indicates is based on that of an "occurrence net", a well-established formalism for an abstract record that represents causality and concurrency information concerning a single execution of a system. Structured occurrence nets consist of multiple occurrence nets, associated together by means of various types of relationship, and are intended for recording or predicting, either the actual behaviour of complex systems as they communicate and evolve, or evidence that is being gathered and analysed concerning their alleged past behaviour. We provide a formal basis for the new formalism and show how it can be used to gain better understanding of complex fault-error-failure chains (i) among co-existing communicating systems, (ii) between systems and their sub-systems, and (iii) involving systems that are controlling, creating ormodifying other systems. We then go on to discuss how, with appropriate tools support, perhaps using extended versions of existing tools, structured occurrence nets could form a basis for improved techniques of system failure prevention and analysis.
Content available remote Slicing Abstractions
Abstraction and slicing are both techniques for reducing the size of the state space to be inspected during verification. In this paper, we present a new model checking procedure for infinite-state concurrent systems that interleaves automatic abstraction refinement, which splits states according to new predicates obtained by Craig interpolation, with slicing, which removes irrelevant states and transitions from the abstraction. The effects of abstraction and slicing complement each other. As the refinement progresses, the increasing accuracy of the abstract model allows for a more precise slice; the resulting smaller representation gives room for additional predicates in the abstraction. The procedure terminates when an error path in the abstraction can be concretized, which proves that the system is erroneous, or when the slice becomes empty, which proves that the system is correct.
Content available remote Multistrategy Operators for Relational Learning and Their Cooperation
Traditional Machine Learning approaches based on single inference mechanisms have reached their limits. This causes the need for a framework that integrates approaches based on abduction and abstraction capabilities in the inductive learning paradigm, in the light of Michalski's Inferential Theory of Learning (ITL). This work is intended as a survey of the most significant contributions that are present in the literature, concerning single reasoning strategies and practical ways for bringing them together and making them cooperate in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process. The elicited role of an abductive proof procedure is tackling the problem of incomplete relevance in the incoming examples. Moreover, the employment of abstraction operators based on (direct and inverse) resolution to reduce the complexity of the learning problem is discussed. Lastly, a case study that implements the combined framework into a real multistrategy learning system is briefly presented.
Answers to queries in terms of abstract objects are defined in the logical framework of first order predicate calculus. A partial algebraic characterisation of the supremum and of the infimum of abstract answers is given in an extended Relational Algebra of the Cylindric Algebra kind. Then, the form of queries is restricted in order to be able to compute answers without the cylindrification operator. For these restricted queries we give a technique to compute an upper bound and a lower bound of abstract answers using only the operators of the standard Relational Algebra.
Content available remote Abstraction and Control for Shapely Nested Graph Transformation
Shapely nested graph transformation is the computational model for DIAPLAN, a language for programming with graphs representing diagrams that is currently being developed. The model supports nested structuring of graphs, structural graph types (shapes), and rules with graph variables. We extend this model by two concepts that are essential for programming: abstraction allows compound transformations to be named and parameterized; control allows the order of rule application to be specified. These concepts refine the computational model with respect to structuring and efficiency needs of a programming language while preserving its rule-based and graph-ical nature.
Content available remote Abstraction Based Connectionist Analogy Processor
The Abstraction Based Connectionist Analogy Processor (AB-CAP) is a trainable neural network for analogical learning/inference. An internal abstraction model, which extracts the underlying relational isomorphism and expresses predicate-argument bindings at the abstract level, is induced structurally as a result of the backpropagation training coupled with a structure- pruning mechanism. AB-CAP also develops dynamically abstraction and de- abstraction mappings for the role-filler matching. Thus, the propositions including both known and inferred ones can be expressed by, induced as, stored in and retrieved from the internal structural patterns. As such, there is no need for AB-CAP to use rule-based symbolic processing such as hypothesis making and constraint satisfaction or pattern completion checking. In this paper, AB-CAP is evaluated by using some examples. In particular, incremental analogical learning by AB-CAP shows that the internal abstraction model acquired from previous analogical learning acts as a potent attracter to bind a new set of isomorphic data, manifesting the analogical memory access/retrieval characteristics of AB-CAP.
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