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Content available remote Ocena wpływu aktywacji bentonitu na jego właściwości sorpcyjne
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące oceny wpływu aktywacji bentonitu na jego zdolności sorpcyjne. W tym celu analizie poddano betonit surowy pochodzący ze słowackiego złoża Jelśovy Potok oraz betonit poddany procesowi aktywacji z wykorzystaniem Na2CO3. Materiał do badań stanowiły próbki bentonitu pobrane podczas wyjazdu technologicznego na terenie firmy CERTECH w Niedomicach. Proces aktywacji skutkuje wzrostem ilości wyługowanych z bentonitu rozpuszczalnych w wodzie składników oraz wzrostem pHPZC, tj. wartości pH przy którym powierzchnia zawiesiny bentonitu wykazuje w wodzie elektryczny ładunek zerowy. Ponadto proces aktywacji sodowej bentonitu skutkuje niemal 4-krotnym wzrostem wartości pojemności kationowymiennej CEC, która kształtuje się na poziomie 353.3 meq/100 g bentonitu aktywowanego. Analiza składu ilościowego oraz fazowego, dokonana w oparciu o wyniki uzyskane za pomocą odpowiednio spektroskopii fluorescencji rentgenowskiej XRF oraz dyfraktometrii rentgenowskiej XRD, potwierdziła skuteczność zastosowanej procedury aktywacji bentonitu. Pomiary z wykorzystaniem spektroskopii FT-IR ujawniły pozostałość węglanu w strukturze materiału po procesie aktywacji. Badania mikrostrukturalne z wykorzystaniem skaningowej mikroskopii elektronowej SEM wskazuje, iż proces aktywacji wpływa na różnice w rozmiarze ziaren bentonitu aktywowanego (126 μm) w stosunku do bentonitu surowego (512 μm). Wzrost rozwinięcia powierzchni swobodnej bentonitu aktywowanego wpływa korzystnie na jego zdolności sorpcyjne.
This work presents results of research related to assessment of activation of bentonite on its sorption properties. Samples originated from Slovak deposit Jelśovy Potok, and bentonite activated with Na2CO3. Bentonite was aquired during field trip to CERTECH located in Niedomice, Poland. Process of activation leads to increase of amount of water soluble substances leached from bentonite and an increase in pHPZC. A specific value of pH in which surface of the bentonite displays zero electrical charge. Additionally, activation of bentonite results in almost 4 times increase of Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), which is around 35.3 [meq/100g] of activated bentonite. Quantitive and phase analysis was conducted through results of XRF and XRD methods, and they showed clear effectiveness of bentonite activation. FT-IR analysis revealed residues of carbonates inside structures of bentonite, a byproduct of activation. SEM microscopy showed visible change to particulate size due to activation of bentonite. Activated bentonite had praticles sized 126 [μm] whilst raw bentonite had particles 512 [μm] in size. Siginificant increase in bentonite free surface is beneficial to its sorption abilities.
Content available remote Lithology identification technology using BP neural network based on XRF
The element content obtained by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) mud-logging is mainly used to determine mineral content and identify lithology. This work has been developed to identify dolomite, granitic gneiss, granite, limestone, trachyte, and rhyolite from two wells in Nei Mongol of China using back propagation neural network (BPNN) model based on the element content of drill cuttings by XRF analysis. Neural network evaluation system was constructed for objective performance judgment based on Accuracy, Kappa, Recall and training speed, and BPNN for lithology identification was established and optimized by limiting the number of nodes in the hidden layer to a small range. Meanwhile, six basic elements that can be used for fuzzy identification were determined by cross plot and four sensitive elements were proposed based on the existing research, both of which were combined to establish sixteen test schemes. A large number of tests are performed to explore the best element combination, and the result of experiments indicate that the improved combination has obvious advantages in identification performance and training speed. The author’s pioneer work has contributed to the neural network evaluation system for lithology identification and the optimization of input elements based on BPNN.
W pracy zaproponowano metodę przygotowywania topionych pereł do analizy chemicznej metodą XRF dla materiałów ogniotrwałych zawierających węglik krzemu. Opracowana metoda utleniania SiC zawartego w próbce za pomocą mieszaniny węglanu sodu i boraksu pozwala na uzyskanie stopu bez zniszczenia platynowych tygli. Z tak otrzymanego stopu przygotowuje się perły litowo-boranowe odpowiednie do analizy chemicznej metodą XRF. Poprawność uzyskiwanych wyników potwierdzono, wykonując analizy certyfikowanych materiałów odniesienia zawierających SiC.
This paper proposes a method for the preparation of fused beads for chemical analysis using the XRF method for refractory materials containing silicon carbide. The developed method of oxidizing SiC contained in the sample with a mixture of sodium carbonate and borax allows to obtain an alloy without destroying the platinum crucibles. From the alloy thus obtained lithium-borate beads suitable for chemical analysis by XRF are prepared. The correctness of the obtained results was confirmed by the analysis of certified reference materials containing SiC.
Railway operation can result in the significant environment contamination with heavy metals. The aim of the study was to broaden the knowledge about the railway transport as a source of heavy metals. Railway ballast stones and herbicides were chosen as the objects of the research since these contamination sources on railways are hardly investigated. The location of sampling the ballast stones was a passenger station, which is characterized by the high traffic intensity. The three most common glyphosate-based herbicides and two combination system herbicides of burn-down with other active agents were chosen for the analysis. The heavy metal content in the railway ballast stones was detected by means of XRF, in the herbicides ‒ by means of MP-AES. The railway ballast stones did not contain a sufficient amount of Cd, Co, Mo, Pd, Sn and W for detection. Pb and As were detected at the low concentration of less than 35 ppm only in several samples. The research results showed that the investigated railway ballast contained a significant amount of Fe, Mn, Cu, Cr and Ni. According to the absolute content of HMs in the contaminated ballast layer, they can be arranged in the following sequence: Fe > Mn > Cu > Cr > Ni > Zn > Pb > As. The content of Fe in the contaminated ballast stones was strongly correlated with that of Ni (r = 0.972), Cr (r = 0.954) and Mn (r = 0.943). These metals are components of the railway steel. Therefore, their source can be the abrasion of rails and wheels. All the investigated herbicides contained Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn. The highest content of Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb was detected in the “Anti field bindweed” herbicide, which can be related to its complicated composition. Compared to the heavy metal content in the ballast stones, the herbicides can be considered a negligible source of these pollutants.
Badania przedstawione w niniejszej pracy miały na celu scharakteryzowanie narzędzi rysunkowych stosowanych w warsztacie Szymona Czechowicza (1689–1775). Badaniom poddano 41 prac pochodzących ze zbiorów Muzeum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie oraz Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie. Rysunki były badane za pomocą technik nieinwazyjnych, takich jak spektroskopia Ramana (RS), spektroskopia fluorescencji rentgenowskiej (XRF), technika „fałszywych kolorów” (IRFC) oraz bliska podczerwień (NIR). Trzy próbki poddano również energodyspersyjnej mikroanalizie rentgenowskiej (SEM-EDS). Badania pozwoliły na analizę składu chemicznego linii rysunków oraz rozpoznanie wśród narzędzi rysunkowych: sangwiny oraz czerwonej kredki składającej się z czerwonej ochry, minii oraz białych wypełniaczy w postaci kredy i gipsu, sepii, bistru, czarnego tuszu węglowego, ołówka grafitowego, węgla a także czarnej kredki (z czerni kostnej). Zidentyfikowane materiały są charakterystyczne dla XVIII wieku oraz obszarów geograficznych, na jakich artysta działał. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań mogą być wykorzystywane do porównań z innymi szkicami przypisywanymi malarzowi w celu weryfikacji ich atrybucji.
The research presented in this study was to characterise the drawing tools used by Szymon Czechowicz (1689–1775). 41 works from the collections of the Jagiellonian University Museum, the National Museum in Krakow and the National Museum in Warsaw were analysed. The sketches were examined using the non-invasive technologies such as: Raman spectroscopy (RS), x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF), infrared false colour (IRFC) and near-infrared (NIR). Three samples also underwent Energy Dispersive Xray microanalysis (SEM-EDS). The research allowed for analysing the chemical content of drawing lines and identifying the following among drawing tools: sanguine and a red crayon consisting of red ochre, red lead and white fillers such as chalk and gypsum, sepia, bistre, carbon-based black ink, lead pencil, charcoal and ivory black (bone char). The identified materials are typical for the 18ᵗʰ century and the geographical areas in which the artist worked. The results of the carried out research can be used for comparison with other sketches attributed to the painter in order to verify the claims.
Mercury concentrations in ash taken from electrostatic precipitations (ESPs) installed in bituminous coal and lignite power plants have been analyzed by the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) method and leaching test supported by detailed coal and ash compositions’ analyses, surface scans and particles size distribution studies. The results showed that mercury was present on the surface of ash particles. Its concentration decreased upon increasing size of ash particles. Leaching tests showed that only small part of mercury was removed with water which suggests the fact that it occurred mostly in the form of insoluble compounds such as Hg, HgO, HgS and Hg2Cl2. There existed ash particles of the diameters from 50 to 60 μm, characterizing by the maximum capability to adsorb mercury and its compounds. The authors suggest that metals like copper and lead formed ash active centers that were preferably occupied by molecules containing atoms of mercury. It was highly possible to expect that content of these elements in ash would have a significant effect on sorption of mercury from combustion gases.
W artykule zbadano możliwość wykorzystania popiołów lotnych klasy C (otrzymywanych w wyniku spalania węgla brunatnego w kotle pyłowym) i F (otrzymywanych w wyniku spalania węgla kamiennego metodą konwencjonalną) jako substratów do syntezy materiału zeolitowego z grupy filipsytu. W tym celu przeprowadzono szereg syntez hydrotermalnych z wykorzystaniem reagentów takich jak wodorotlenek sodu (NaOH) oraz bromek tetrapropyloamoniowy (TPABr). W wyniku reakcji otrzymano docelowy materiał zeolitowy, zarówno z popiołu klasy C, jak i F. Otrzymane produkty syntezy, jak też popiołowe substraty reakcji, poddano charakterystyce chemicznej i mineralogicznej. Badania wykazały, że popiół lotny powstały z węgla brunatnego i kamiennego może być substratem w reakcjach syntez zeolitu, jakim jest filipsyt. Analiza porównawcza dyfraktogramów rentgenowskich produktów z obu typów popiołów wykazała, że lepszym substratem jest popiół klasy C otrzymywany w wyniku spalania węgla brunatnego w kotle pyłowym (w reakcji syntezy otrzymano lepiej wykształcone formy zeolitowe). W pracy dokonano także analizy literaturowej potencjalnych kierunków zastosowania filipsytu w inżynierii i ochronie środowiska. Na podstawie zweryfikowanych danych stwierdzono, iż dalszym kierunkiem badań będzie analiza możliwości wykorzystania otrzymanych materiałów jako potencjalnych sorbentów amoniaku.
The study examined the possibility of using class C fly ash (obtained as a result of brown coal combustion in a pulverized-fuel boiler) and class F (obtained as a result of conventional coal combustion) as substrates for the synthesis of zeolitic material from the phillipsite group. For this purpose, a series of hydrothermal syntheses were carried out using reagents such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and tetrapropylammonium bromide (TPABr). As a result of the reaction, the target zeolite material was obtained from both class C and F fly ash. The obtained synthesis products as well as the ash reaction substrates were subjected to chemical and mineralogical characterization. The studies have shown that fly ash formed from brown coal and hard coal may be a substrate in zeolite synthesis reactions to obtain phillipsite. A comparative analysis of X-ray diffractograms of products from both types of ash showed that class C ash obtained as a result of brown coal combustion in a pulverized-fuel boiler is a better substrate (in the synthesis reaction better-formed zeolites were obtained). The article also includes a literature analysis on the potential applications of phillipsite in engineering and environmental protection. Based on the verified data, it was found that the further direction of the research will be the analysis of the possibilities of using the obtained materials as potential ammonia sorbents.
This paper presents the application of X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction methods for the study of copper oxide structures as an absorber layer in thin-film solar cells. The layers of copper oxide were applied by direct current magnetron sputtering. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of oxide layers were performed using XRF (X-ray fluorescence). The studies showed a high copper content in both samples, amounting to 98% and 96%, as well as trace amounts of other elements (nickel, lead). The XRD (X-ray diffraction) study showed Cu20 and Cu8O phases, amorphism ranging from 24% to 44%, and crystallinity from 55% to 75%. Crystallites of 30 nm were also determined. The aim of the study was to determine the chemical and phase composition of the layers obtained and to determine the degree of their contamination depending on the parameters of the manufacturing technology in terms of their application in photovoltaics. One of the samples showed an advantage both in terms of material and structural composition.
As high temperature followed by preservation may cause many different, sometimes contrary changes in wood properties, the aim of this paper was to determine the retention and possible distribution of copper containing preservative in ash wood with an X-ray spectrometer. Two solutions corresponding to the final retention 2 and 4 kg/m3 were applied as preservative for model laboratory scale low-pressure preservation of ash wood. Before preservation was made, samples were heat treated for 2 or 6 hours at 180°C, apart from the control samples. The mapping option of the X-ray spectrometer was applied and the surface on the half-cut cross-section was analysed. Copper was acknowledged as the retention indicator. On the basis of the results obtained, it can be assumed that the heat treatment improves the treatability of samples with the parameters used. Longer treatment durations increase the uptake of the preparation solutions.
Analiza półilościowa składu mineralogicznego skał przy pomocy przenośnego spektrometru FT-IR jest metodą szybką i może stanowić ciekawą alternatywę dla innych metod analitycznych, takich jak XRD i XRF. Modele stworzone za pomocą algorytmu Beera będące podstawą do opracowania metodyki do analizy półilościowej dają bardzo dobre rezultaty, charakteryzując się wysokim współczynnikiem determinacji R2 dla widm podczerwonych oraz metod XRD i XRF. Przenośny spektrometr FT-IR może być z powodzeniem użyty zarówno w pomiarach laboratoryjnych, jak i terenowych. Metoda FT-IR może umożliwić szybką ocenę litologiczną przewiercanych warstw oraz jest pomocna przy wyborze prób do dalszych badań laboratoryjnych. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono wstępne wyniki analizy półilościowej składu mineralogicznego skał zbiornikowych opartej na korelacji widm FTIR z wynikami analiz XRF i XRD.
Semi-quantitative analysis of mineralogical composition of reservoir rocks with the use of portable FT-IR spectrometer is a quick analytical method and might be an interesting alternative to other methods such as XRD and XRF. Models created using Beer’s algorithm being the basis of methodology for semi-quantitative analysis, have given very good results with a high R2 determination coefficient, for infrared spectra and methods such as XRD and XRF. Portable FT-IR spectrometer can be successfully used for laboratory analyses as well as field measurements. The opportunity to analyze the mineralogical composition of rocks allows for quick lithological assessment of drilled layers and helps during sampling for further laboratory testing. This article shows preliminary results of semi-quantitative analyses of mineralogical composition of reservoir rocks based on correlations of infrared spectra with XRF and XRD results.
Celem pracy było wytworzenie powłok złota z użyciem metody selektywnej tamponowej. Proces prowadzono dla wybranych składów kąpieli oraz w różnych czasach. Charakterystykę podłoża oraz badanych powłok złota wykonano za pomocą następujących technik badawczych: skaningowej mikroskopii elektronowej (SEM) i spektroskopii fluorescencji rentgenowskiej (XRF) oraz pomiaru połysku. Określono przydatność techniki XRF do oszacowania grubości powłok złota wytworzonych metodą selektywną, a także zależności grubości wytworzonych złotych powłok w funkcji stężenia jonów złota w kąpieli i czasu procesu. Przedstawiono wyniki badań morfologii, rozkładu grubości oraz połysku.
The aim of this work was to produce gold coatings using the selective brush plating method. The process was carried out for selected bath compositions and at different times. The characteristics of the substrate and the tested gold coatings was made using the following testing techniques: scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF), as well as gloss measurement. The suitability of the XRF technique for the estimation of the thickness of gold coatings produced by the selective brush plating method as well as for qualifying the relationship of the thickness of the produced gold coatings as a function of the concentration of gold ions in the bath and the time of the process was determined. The results of the study on morphology, thickness distribution and gloss parameters were presented.
Due to its toxic effect on fungi, for the last 50 years copper has been one of the most widely used materials in the impregnation industry. The ban on CCA (copper-chrome-arsenic), known as an effective deterrent against fungi and insects, has led to the development of new and environmentally-friendly alternatives. Copper-azole (CuA), which is one of the most widely used of the newly-developed materials, is very effective against fungi and insects. However, one of its most serious problems is the fact that copper is leached from the wood. Various factors affect the leaching of copper from wood. One of the most important effects is the duration of fixation. In this study, samples impregnated with copper azole were exposed to a secondary impregnation process using tall oil and linseed oil 24 hours and 5 days, respectively, after the first impregnation. The effects of different fixation durations and oiled impregnation procedures on Scotch pine were investigated. For this purpose, biological, physical and chemical analyses of the wood were performed. Moreover, the amount of copper residual after leaching was also examined. According to the results obtained, it was observed that the duration of fixation had no significant effect on the physical properties, and that the linseed oil improved the physical properties of the wood. Through the copper and oil combination, an improvement in the physical and biological properties of the wood was observed, as well as a decrease in the amount of copper leached out.
During excavation of the cremation cemetery of urnfield culture in Legnica at Spokojna Street (Lower Silesia, Poland), dated to 1100-700 BC, the largest - so far in Poland – a collection of casting moulds from the Bronze Age was discovered: three moulds for axes casting made out of stone and five moulds for casting sickles, razors, spearhead and chisels, made out of clay. This archaeological find constituted fittings of foundrymen’s graves. In order to perform the complete analysis of moulds in respect of their application in the Bronze Age casting technology analytical methods, as well as, computer aided methods of technological processes were used. Macroscopic investigations were performed and the X-ray fluorescence spectrometry method was used to analyse the chemical composition and metal elements content in mould cavities. Moulds were subjected to three-dimensional scanning and due to the reverse engineering the geometry of castings produced in these moulds were obtained. The gathered data was used to perform design and research works by means of the MAGMA5 software. Various variants of the pouring process and alloys solidification in these archaeological moulds were simulated. The obtained results were utilised in the interpretation of the Bronze Age casting production in stone and clay moulds, with regard to their quality and possibility of casting defects occurrence being the result of these moulds construction. The reverse engineering, modelling and computer simulation allowed the analysis of moulds and castings. Investigations of casting moulds together with their digitalisation and reconstruction of casting technology, confirm the high advancement degree of production processes in the Bronze Age.
Główną zaletą metody XRF jest jej całkowicie nieniszczący i nieinwazyjny charakter, szczególnie chętnie podkreślany w przypadku badań obiektów zabytkowych. Natomiast jedną z największych zalet metody LA ICP MS są niskie granice wykrywalności.
W artykule zaprezentowano autorski program komputerowy przeznaczony do wyliczania składu mineralnego i chemicznego skał. Omówiono jego najważniejsze funkcjonalności i przypadki użycia. Poruszono zagadnienie innowacyjnego podejścia do udostępniania tego typu programów w formie aplikacji internetowej z wykorzystaniem nowoczesnego narzędzia, jakim są usługi sieciowe (web services). Zaprezentowano programowe możliwości porównywania (korelacji) otrzymanych wyników z wynikami uzyskanymi za pomocą urządzenia XRF (X-ray fluorescence) w formie tabelarycznej i graficznej (wykres).
In the article a proprietary computer program calculating mineral and chemical composition of rocks was presented. It discusses the major features and use cases. The issue of innovative approach to share these kinds of programs (as web applications) using web services was raised. The capabilities of correlation of received results with X-ray fluorescence in tabular and graphical (chart) form were presented.
Przedstawiony komunikat jest pierwszym opracowaniem kamieni żarnowych znalezionych we wczesnośredniowiecznej (druga polowa XI w oraz druga połowa XII w.) osadzie hutniczej w Dąbrowie Górniczej – Łośniu, związanej z wydobyciem i wytopem ołowiu i srebra. Wybór kamieni żarnowych został poddany badaniom petrograficznym, a dwa zabytki kamienne zbadano metodą spektroskopii fluorescencji rentgenowskiej (XRF) pod kątem obecności na powierzchni kamieni pierwiastków metalicznych. Jak stwierdzono ślady pierwiastków metalicznych obecne są w grudkach materiału obcego w stosunku do struktury kamienia, „wprasowanych” w istniejące w kamieniach żarnowych pory. Podsumowując można stwierdzić, że pochodzące z warstw wczesnośredniowiecznych (druga połowa XI do drugiej połowy XII w.) kamienie żarnowe oznaczone jako zabytek 166/III/w. 31 oraz zabytek 139/IX w. 92 służyły do mielenia rudy. Świadczy o tym zestaw pierwiastków charakterystycznych dla rudy cynku i ołowiu z domieszką srebra odkrytych w porach kamienia żarnowego. Gdyby to była glejta (PbO) nie stwierdzono by śladów cynku i srebra. Kamienie żarnowe odkryte w warstwach średniowiecznych związanych z pochodzącym z przełomu XIII / XIV w. dworem, mogły natomiast służyć do mielenia zboża na mąkę.
The following notice constitutes the first treatment of quern-stones found in the early medieval (second half of the 11th c. and the second half of the 12th c.) metallurgical settlement in Dąbrowa Górnicza-Łosień, associated with the extraction and smelting of lead and silver. A selection of the quern-stones was subjected to petrographical research, and two stone monuments were examined by means of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) in order to seek the presence of metallic elements on the surface of the stone. It was established that traces of metallic elements occur in the lumps of material which is alien in reference to the structure of the stone. These traces are “ingrained” in the pores of the quern-stones. In conclusion, one may state that the quern-stones derived from early medieval strata (second half of the 11th c. until the second half of the 12th c.) marked as monument 166/III/w. 31 and monument 139/IX w. 92 were used to grind ores. Testimony to this is furnished by the set of elements peculiar to zinc and lead ore with admixtures of silver that were found in the pores of a quern-stone. If this were massicot (PbO), no traces of zinc or silver would have been found. The quern-stones discovered in the early-medieval strata associated with the court dating back to the turn of the 14th century may have been used to grind wheat into flour.
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of six metals: chromium, manganese, iron, nickel, copper and zinc (possible inhibitors of enzymatic hydrolysis of wood) in samples of two poplar species, Populus trichocarpa and Populus maximowiczii, was performed in order to check which of them collect more of the metallic inhibitors during tree growth and steam explosion pretreatment. The XRF point scan (for solid and ashed wood) and mapping (for stem cross-sections) options were used. Samples of the different parts – stem, branches, leaves and bark were studied. Steam explosion at 130°C, 160°C and 190°C was performed on both species and the influence of steam on the chosen metals content was analysed. On the basis of the results, P. trichocarpa is the species which accumulates a higher amount of the metals during tree growth and P. maximowiczii – during steam explosion.
Content available remote Characterization of Natural Zeolite and Determination Its Adsorption Properties
Pollution of water by toxic substances is one of the major reason concerning human health as well as the environmental quality. In terms of pollution, mining activities represent a serious threat. Countries of the middle Europe, where extraction of mineral resources takes place a long period, have to solve the problems of wastewater containing whole spectra of heavy metals, which are dangerous to the environment. Finding of the new and cheap ways of wastewater contaminated by heavy metals treatment can increase the quality of the environment in the affected localities and thus prevent adverse effects on fauna, flora or human beings. Sorption techniques belong to a cost effective methods that are able to effectively remove heavy metals. For the overall understanding of the sorption process, it is necessary to characterize and determine the properties of the used adsorbents. The paper deals with characterization of natural zeolite before and after sorption process under acidic conditions. The zeolite was characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X – ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms.
Zanieczyszczenie wód substancjami toksycznymi znacząco wpływa na zdrowie ludzkiego, a także jakość środowiska. Pod względem zanieczyszczenia, działalność górnicza stanowi poważne zagrożenie. Kraje środkowej Europy, gdzie wydobycie zasobów mineralnych występuje przez długi okres czasu, narasta problem ścieków zawierających całe spektrum metali ciężkich, które są niebezpieczne dla środowiska. Znalezienie nowych i tanich sposobów oczyszczania ścieków zanieczyszczonych metalami ciężkimi, może wpłynąć na poprawę jakości środowiska w dotkniętych zanieczyszczeniem miejscowościach, a tym samym zapobiec niekorzystnemu oddziaływaniu na faunę, florą oraz człowieka. Techniki sorpcyjne należą do efektywnych pod względem kosztów metod, które są w stanie skutecznie usunąć metale ciężkie. Dla ogólnego zrozumienia procesu sorpcji, konieczne jest scharakteryzowanie i określenia właściwości stosowanych adsorbentów. W pracy przedstawiono charakterystykę naturalnych zeolitów, przed i po procesie sorpcji w warunkach kwaśnych. Zeolit scharakteryzowano za pomocą spektroskopii w podczerwieni z transformacją Fouriera, X - ray dyfrakcji elektronowej mikroskopii skaningowej i izoterm N2 adsorpcji/desorpcji.
Artykuł dotyczy konserwacji i restauracji trzech kwater witrażowych ze zbiorów Muzeum Narodowego we Wrocławiu. Ukazane są wstępne rezultaty badań wykonanych z użyciem nowoczesnych metod analitycznych, w tym makroskanera fluorescencji rentgenowskiej MA- XRF. Przedstawiony jest ogólny przebieg prac konserwatorsko–restauratorskich, z wyszczególnieniem zagadnień estetycznych.
The paper concerns three stained glass panels from the National Museum in Wroclaw, which have undergone a conservation/restoration treatment. The preliminary results of the analysis performed by means of modern analytical methods such as X-ray fluorescence macro scanner MA-XRF, are outlined. The general conservation/restoration treatment is described, with a particular emphasis on the esthetical matter.
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