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A concise stratigraphic synthesis of the Grajcarek Succession of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (West Carpathians,Poland) is presented. This succession consists of 12 lithostratigraphic units with the rank of formation, and two with the rank of member, spanning the geological time from middle Toarcian (late Early Jurassic) to Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) and mid Paleocene. The stratigraphical column starts with deep-water flysch (the Szlachtowa Fm; Toarcian–Aalenian through Bajocian–?lower Bathonian), followed by dysoxic shales, marls and limestones (the Opaleniec Fm; Bajocian–Bathonian). The previously distinguished Krzonowe and Stembrow formations, are downgraded to members. Late Bathonian–Oxfordian times were characterized by the widely occurring deposition of abyssal radiolarites and shales, which is represented by the Sokolica Radiolarite Fm and the Czajakowa Radiolarite Fm, common to both the Grajcarek and Klippen successions. Red nodular limestones and aptychus marls (the Czorsztyn Limestone Fm; Kimmeridgian–lower Tithonian) overlie the radiolarites. Above, pelagic cherty limestones occur (the Pieniny Limestone Fm; Tithonian–Aptian). These are followed by Lower Cretaceous predominantly dark shales and marls (the Kapuśnica Fm; Aptian–Albian, the Wronine Fm; Albian, and the Hulina Fm; Albian–Cenomanian), succeeded by abyssal, red shales (the Malinowa Shale Fm; upper Cenomanian–Campanian), and these in turn by grey, marly, flyschoid strata (the Hałuszowa Fm; ?Campanian). The Grajcarek Succession terminates with the Jarmuta Fm (Maastrichtian–mid Paleocene). It consists of sedimentary breccias, often with large olistoliths of Jurassic–Cretaceous rocks, and conglomerates and sandstones in a southern zone, giving way to proximal flysch and distal flysch facies further north. This was the time of orogenic Laramian folding events, associated with subaerial and submarine erosion. A sedimentary hiatus separates the Jarmuta Fm flysch (Maastrichtian) from the Szczawnica Fm (Upper Paleocene–Eocene) in both the Klippen and Grajcarek successions. This hiatus seems to diminish and finally close in a northward direction, in the Magura Nappe succession.
This paper describes sedimentology and palynology of freshwater plant-bearing late Cenozoic (Pliocene sensu lato) deposits drilled at Mizerna, the eastern part of the Nowy Targ Intramontane Depression, West Carpathians, South Poland. Our data were obtained from a newly-analysed 39-m thick succession from the Mizerna-Nowa borehole, containing spores, pollen and freshwater organic-walled algal micro-remains. They shed light on the palaeoenvironmental conditions of the Nowy Targ Intramontane Depression, where the Mizerna palaeolake once formed.
TheMizerna site (Polish Western Carpathians) is one of the most important Pliocene palaeobotanic sites in Central Europe. Its fresh-water deposits, laid down in a buried river valley, were studied in detail more than half a century ago in natural exposures and shallow boreholes, prior to partial drowning of the area by an artificial lake. The deposits yielded a very rich macrofossil plant collection elaborated in detail by Szafer (1954) who claimed that they represented a continuous succession of the Pliocene through Early Pleistocene plant communities. First palynological examination of the Mizerna deposits (by Oszast) was made more than half a century ago. Re-evaluation of stratigraphic and palaeoclimatic significance of macrofossil plant remains, along with a reassessment of palaeoenvironmental and sedimentary conditions during formation of the Mizerna fresh-water deposits, is in progress. This may help elucidate the problem whether the Mizerna sediments represent both the Pliocene and Early Pleistocene or, solely, the Pliocene successions.
Description of selected Jurassic-Cretaceous field sections of the Branisko Succession (Nappe) deposits exposed in the Czorsztyn Range, Pieniny National Park (Pieniny Klippen Belt, West Carpathians, Poland), is presented. Some klippes, previously attributed to the Czertezik Succession, are now revised as belonging to the Branisko Succession.
A succession of residual moraine covers and glaciomorphological forms, correlatable with the Pleistocene Mindel, ?Riss and Würm glaciations, and superimposed glacial/nival moraines and morphological forms (Late-Pleistocene/Early Holocene), have been distinguished between the Biała Woda and the Filipka valleys, Polish Tatra Mts. Their stratigraphic ages are discussed in the regional context.
Hydrogeologia zachodniej części polskich Karpat jest skomplikowana wskutek zróżnicowanych warunków morfologicznych, klimatycznych i geologicznych. Morfologia i warunki klimatyczne związane są z wysokościami, od ok. 300 m n.p.m. w północnej części obszaru badań do ok. 2500 m n.p.m. na południu. Wody zwykłe występują w skałach krystaliniku, mezozoiku i eocenu węglanowego Tatr, we fliszu Karpat wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych, a także w czwartorzędowych sedymentach odłożonych wzdłuż koryt rzecznych oraz w Kotlinie Orawsko-Nowotarskiej. Dodatkowe urozmaicenie morfologiczne i geologiczne wprowadza pieniński pas skałkowy. Wykazano, że na całym obszarze wody zwykłe, mimo braku naturalnej ochrony przed zanieczyszczeniami, zachowują dobrą jakość chemiczną, charakteryzując się jednak zbyt niskimi stężeniami fluorków i często zbyt wysokimi zawartościami żelaza i manganu. Osady czwartorzędu stanowią najlepsze zasobowo zbiorniki, ale flisz z rozproszonymi ujęciami ma największy udział w zasobach całego obszaru. Wody skał eocenu węglanowego na obszarze Tatr mają małe znaczenie w ogólnym bilansie zasobów wód zwykłych, ale znajdują się w części obszaru zasilania dla najważniejszego w Polsce systemu wód termalnych niecki podhalańskiej. Wody mineralne występują na całym obszarze badań z wyjątkiem Tatr, będąc zróżnicowane chemicznie i genetycznie. W najstarszych skałach podłoża fliszu są one podobne chemicznie i identyczne genetycznie z najgłębszymi solankami Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego. Na nieznacznej części zachodniej i północnej obszaru badań występują przykryte fliszem utwory badenu zawierające syngenetyczne wody morskie. Wykazano, że w głębokich partiach fliszu występują solanki pochodzące z dehydratacji minerałów ilastych, zachodzącej przy diagenezie kompakcyjnej, przy czym ich składniki chemiczne są głównie reliktem morskiej wody sedymentacyjnej. Większość solanek znanych z danych archiwalnych z głębokich wierceń reprezentuje ten typ wody. W niektórych rejonach zasolone wody diagenetyczne wędrują strefami uskokowymi do powierzchni, mieszając się z lokalnymi wodami zwykłymi. W przypadkach obecności dwutlenku węgla pochodzenia wgłębnego tworzą one szczawy chlorkowe. W rejonach głębokiej penetracji współczesnych wód meteorycznych i obfitego występowania dwutlenku węgla , bez udziału wód ascenzyjnych, powstają liczne szczawy zwykłe, liczące od kilkudziesięciu do ponad 10 tys. lat. Niecka podhalańska stanowi wyjątkowy rejon, gdzie pod utworami fliszu znajdują się skrasowiałe utwory węglanowe eocenu i triasu, stanowiące najważniejszy w Polsce zbiornik odnawialnych wód termalnych o mineralizacji dochodzącej do ok. 3 g/dm3.
Hydrogeology of the western part of the Polish Carpathians is complicated due to large differences in morphology, climate and geology. Morphology and climate are related to altitudes from ca. 300 m a.s.l. at the northern boundary to ca. 2500 m a.s.l. at the south. Additional differentiation of morphology and geology results from the presence of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, which separates the Outer Carpathians from Inner Carpathians. Usable fresh waters occur mainly in Quaternary sediments along river valleys and in the Orawa Basin, in flysch formations of the Inner and Outer Carpathians, and in carbonate Mesozoic and Eocene formations of the Tatra Mts. (Inner Carpathians). There are no confining layers of low permeabiliry which would naturally protect fresh waters against anthropogenic pollution. In spite of that, fresh waters are generally of good chemical quality, though they have too low fluoride contents, and too high iron and manganese concentrations. The best water reservoirs are related to Quaternary sediments, but flysch formations supply more water due to much larger area occupied. Outcrops of water bearing formations in the Tatra Mts. represent recharge area for the thermal water of the Podhale Basin. Mineral waters are greatly differentiated chemically and genetically. In the oldest basement of the flysch overthrust they are similar to the deepest brines of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (GZW), which are related to meteoric waters of a very hot climate in a distant past. Much younger connate marine brines occur in Badenian sediments covered by flysch in some areas. Brines and saline waters of diagenetic origin dominate in deep flysch layers. Their chemical components are the remnants of the ultrafiltrated marine water whereas the original water molecules were removed by molecules released from clay minerals during burial diagenesis. In some regions, these diagenetic saline waters ascend though fault zones to the surface and mix with local infiltration of meteoric origin. Chloride carbonated waters are formed when such process is accompanied by CO2 flux of metamorphic origin. Common carbonated waters are formed in the regions of a deep penetration of meteoric waters abundant presens of CO2, and the lack of diagenetic waters.
A new for mal lithos tra tigraphic name, the Szopka Lime stone For ma tion, is in tro duced for fos si lif er ous spotty lime stones (Fleck enkalk fa cies) of Up per Li as sic (Up per Pli ens ba chian = Domerian) age, de vel oped in pe lagic basi nal suc ces sions of the Pi en iny Klip pen Belt of Po land (West Car pa thi ans). The for ma tion oc curs pre domi nantly in the Pi en iny Suc ce sion, but has also been rec og nized in a south ern va ri ety of the Brani sko Suc ces sion.
The aim of this paper is to present a multidisciplinary project dealing with analysis of young crustal movements in the Orava Basin, Polish Western Carpathians, on the basis of a three year long gravimetric, geodetic, geological and morphostructural study. The problem consists in quantitative interpretation of the obtained gravimetric results, i.e. in combining temporal gravity changes with those of geodynamic crustal processes. Gravity surveys conducted in 2004 and 2005 show a decrease in gravity values at benchmarks situated in the Central Carpathian Palaeogene Basin and Magura Nappe, while the central potion of the Orava Basin reveals the opposite trend. Such changes, if confirmed by successive measurement campaigns, appear to indicate recent uplift of the basin margins and subsidence of the basin itself.
Dinocyst assemblages (150 taxa) were recognised in the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Grajcarek Unit, Pieniny Klippen Belt (West Carpathians). The following dinocyst based ages were established: a Hauterivian-Barremian boundary level age in the Sztolnia section (Pieniny Limestone Formation); a Late Barremian age of the top part of the Pieniny Limestone Formation (Rzeźnia section); a Late Barremian -Early Aptian age of the Kapuśnica Formation, Brodno Member (Rzeźnia section); latest Barremian-Early Aptian and Late Albian-Cenomanian ages of the Wronine Forma- tion (Rzeźnia section); Late Albian-Cenomanian (Hulina section) and the latest Albian-Cenomanian (Sztolnia section) ages of the Hulina Formation. Palynofacies assemblages were described and differentiated into five types, PT1 to PT5, reflecting various palaeoenvironments. Presence of anoxic events, as based on amorphous-organic-matter-dominated palynofacies, was recognized.
Celem pracy jest wyodrębnienie na hydrogramie odpływu okresów niżówkowych i scharakteryzowanie niżówek płytkich i głębokich występujących w latach 1970/1971-2001/2002 w potokach Biała Woda i Czarna Woda, będących źródłowymi potokami Grajcarka, prawobrzeżnego dopływu Dunajca. Zlewnie omawianych potoków są użytkowane leśnie i pastwiskowo-łąkowo, jednakże zlewnia Czarnej Wody odznacza się większą lesistością niż zlewna Białej Wody. W pracy określono parametry ilościowe niżówek, tj.: czas trwania, liczbę wystąpień, objętość niedoboru wody i odpływ średni niżówki. Opracowano również rozkład niżówek w okresie objętym badaniami. Stwierdzono, że w obydwu potokach niżówki występują zdecydowanie częściej w półroczach zimowych niż w letnich. Niżówki płytkie nie występują lub występują bardzo sporadycznie w: kwietniu, maju, czerwcu i lipcu. Liczba wystąpień niżówek płytkich w półroczu letnim jest większa w Białej Wodzie niż w Czarnej Wodzie, jest też tam większy niedobór wody. Przyczyną tego jest mniejsza zdolność retencyjna zlewni Białej Wody, wynikająca z mniejszej lesistości. Najdłuższe niżówki płytkie na Czarnej Wodzie i Białej Wodzie wystąpiły w latach hydrologicznych: 1986/1987, 1993/1994 i 2000/2001. W półroczach letnich niżówki głębokie nie wystąpiły, a w półroczach zimowych należały do rzadkości.
The paper contains the analysis of hydrological data from the period of 1970/1971-2001/2002 on low waters in the Czarna Woda and the Biała Woda streams - the sources of the Grajcarek river, a tributary to the Dunajec river. Land in both catchments is covered by forests and grasslands but the Czarna Woda catchment is more afforested than that of the Biała Woda stream. The analyses allowed for the determination of the average duration, total numbers, deficits of low waters in winter and summer half years and their distribution for both streams. The study showed that in the winter half years low waters were more frequent than in the summer half years. The longest average duration of low water was recorded in January and February, the shortest - in April, May, June and July. Comparative analysis showed that in the Czarna Woda in the summer half years and winter half years low water was more frequent than in the Biała Woda. The longest low water in the Czarna Woda lasted 179 days and in the Biała Woda - 145 days in the hydrological year 1986/1987. The analysis confirmed that deep low waters did not occur in summer half years.
Content available Odpływy podziemne i niskie w potokach górskich
W pracy dokonano analizy danych hydrologicznych z lat 1970/1971-2000/2001 dotyczących odpływów dobowych pochodzących ze zlewni dwóch potoków w źródłowej części zlewni Grajcarka, prawostronnego dopływu Dunajca. Pozwoliło to na określenie średniego podziemnego odpływu jednostkowego, częstości występowania odpływów dobowych oraz rozkładu i czasu trwania niskich odpływów jednostkowych ze zlewni obu potoków. Analiza wykazała, że jedna ze zlewni, tj. Czarna Woda, ma większe zasoby wodne oraz korzystniejszy stosunek zasilania podziemnego do zasilania powierzchniowego. Sytuacja taka może wynikać z faktu korzystnego oddziaływania obszarów leśnych w półroczu letnim, kiedy to występuje o około 23% mniej dni z niskimi odpływami jednostkowymi niż w sąsiadującej, słabiej zalesionej zlewni Białej Wody. Zestawienie czasu trwania niskich odpływów jednostkowych w poszczególnych latach pozwoliło stwierdzić, że w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu hydrologicznym 1991/1992-2000/2001 nastąpiło zwiększenie czasu trwania niskich odpływów jednostkowych. Konsekwencją tego jest zmniejszanie się odnawialnych zasobów wodnych, co niekorzystnie wpływa na środowisko.
The paper contains the analysis of hydrological data from the period of 1970/1971-2000/2001 on minimal daily flows in two streams in the catchment of the Grajcarek river, the tributary to the Dunajec river. The analyses allowed for estimating the average groundwater runoff, the frequency of occurrence of specific low discharges and their distribution for both streams. Applied methods of Wundt and Killi showed, that the average groundwater runoff in the Czarna Woda stream was about 60% higher than that in the Biała Woda stream. It seems that water resources in the catchment of the Czarna Woda stream are bigger and that more favourable ratio of ground water contributes to the surface water augmentation. The analysis of data from 1970/1971-2000/2001 confirms that in the winter time there were more days with low specific discharge in the catchment of the Czarna Woda stream than in that of the Biała Woda. In summer the situation was opposite. During the last decade 1991/1992-2000/2001 low specific discharges lasted longer than before. The consequence of it is the reduction of renewable water resources which inversely affects the environment.
Rich and differentiated mollusc thanatocoenoses have been found in flood deposits in valleys crossing southern and northern margins of the Beskid Mały Range and its foothills. They are composed of 57 species of land snails and 7 of aquatic molluscs. Composition and structure of thanatocoenoses corresponds with type of environment in the surrounding catchment areas. Snails inhabiting valley bottoms, preferring shadowy or partly shadowy habitats, are the main components. During floods, mollusc shells were transported over a short distance only.
Coordinated field campaigns were organized in close co-operation with the Polish and the Slovak colleagues to obtain geomagnetic variation data at 150 temporary field sites situated along profiles traversing the West Carpathians and the eastern part of the Bohemian Massif. Geomagnetic transfer functions and induction vectors (arrows) were calculated from the variation data. Two zones of the anomalous induction were suggested across the region. The West Carpathian anomaly (WCA), manifested by full reversals of strike-perpendicular induction arrows, is evidently a quasi-linear inductive feature with 2-D internal structure. The anomaly at the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif (BMA) is defined by fast changes of induction arrow azimuths, but contrary to 2-D setting, by large strike-parallel induction arrows suggesting 3-D effects. Generating anomalous vertical magnetic field maps for the hypothetical primary field of different orientations, we found the NNE/SSW direction of hypothetical primary field, at which the strongest anomalous response appeared. To understand 3-D conductivity effects in the area of BMA at the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif, possible distortions were analyzed. At long periods in quasi-static approximation, a thin sheet can replace anomaly source with anomalous conductivity and the equivalent current systems in thin sheet are calculated across the whole region. Equivalent current systems were obtained both for the thin sheet in free space and for the thin sheet buried in a medium with finite resistivity. The depth of the thin sheet corresponding to the top level of the anomaly source was estimated at 15-18 km and at 10-12 km for the WCA and BMA zones, respectively. Using minimum gradient support and maximum smoothness stabilizers for the Tikhonov functional in the inversion procedure, we computed a model of conductance distribution within the unimodal thin sheet located at a depth of 10 km and surrounded by a uniform medium.
The Magura Nappe is the largest and southernmost tectonic unit of the Western Outer Carpathians and differ in lithofacies development from the Middle and Marginal groups of units. The age studies of the youngest deposits of the Magura Nappe play an important role in understanding the tectogenesis of the Outer Carpathians. The aim of this work was to find the litho- and biostratigraphic correlation with the more external units. For this purpose the youngest deposits from selected sections of the Magura Nappe located east of the Skawa River, were chosen. For the lower limit of the youngest sediments, Middle/Upper Eocene variegated shales with Reticulophragmium amplectens Grzybowski were taken. The analysis of nannoplankton assemblages enable to establish the age of these deposits which varies from Middle Eocene (NP15) up to Upper Oligocene (NP25) and Lower Miocene (NN2). The Eocene/Oligocene boundary lies within the NP21 nanno-zone and was found in the Krynica Zone within the Globigerina Marls (Leluchów section), in the Rača Zone within Poprad Sandstone Mbr of the Magura Fm. and in the Siary Zone within supra-Magura (Budzów) Beds (Budzów section), Wątkowa Sandstone (Ropica and Małastów sections) and within Zembrzyce (sub-Magura) Beds (Folusz section). In the Rača and Krynica zones the youngest - Upper Oligocene deposits from the studied sections belong to the Malcov Fm., whereas in the Siary Zone they belong to the supra-Magura (Budzów) Beds. The age of the Malcov Fm. was determined as NP24 in Leluchów and as NP25 in the Nowy Sącz I borehole, whereas the Budzów Beds belong to zone NP24. The youngest deposits so far described from the Magura Nappe belong to the Zawada Fm. whose age was determined as NN2. In the Polish part of the Bystrica Zone deposits younger than NP18, have so far not been found. The analysis of autochtonous nannoplankton assemblages from the Magura Basin enable to follow the palaeoecological changes in the Magura Basin, both in regional and global sense, from Late Eocene through Oligocene. The global changes are the drop of the water temperature accompanied by the progressing eutrophication of the Magura Basin. Further events were also recorded in zone NP23. The assemblage of this zone was characterised by the presence of species which are believed to be indicative of brackish water and restricted to the Paratethys region.
Sieci geomorfologiczne w dorzeczach Popradu i Dunajca podlegały istotnym zmianom od schyłku paleogenu, dzięki wytworzeniu nowego planu morfostrukturalnego. W dorzeczu Popradu można by oczekiwać odmiennego od rekonstruowanego przebiegu ewolucji rzeźby. Ewolucja ta dokonywała się po odnowieniu przedneogeńskiej sieci dolinnej w rejonie Ganowiec i Pustego Pola, zniszczonej przez uformowanie Kotlin Popradzkiej i Lubowniańskiej w neogenie. Bariera morfologiczna Magury Spiskiej i Małych Pienin wpłynęła na odmienny przebieg ewolucji rzeźby w słowackich sektorach dorzeczy Popradu i Dunajca.
The geomorphological networks in the Poprad and Dunajec drainage basins have undergone great changes since the end of Palaeogene times. Extensive transformation of these networks has been caused by creation of the new morphostructural plan. In the Poprad drainage basin one would expect a reversibile type of the evolution, as compared to the actual one. The valley network development has renewed the pre-Neogene valleys in the area ofGdnovce and Puste Pole, which was destroyed by the individualisation of the Popradska kotlina and Lubovnianska kotlina basins during the Neogene. High relief barrier of the Spiśskd Magura and Male Pieniny Mts. has not favoured similar morphological evolution oj the Slovak parts of the Dunajec and Poprad basins.
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