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Content available Wspomnienia. Bogdan Mielnik jakiego znałem
Tekst ten przybliża postać Bogdana Mielnika, wieloletniego profesora w Instytucie Fizyki Teoretycznej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego i w Centrum Badań i Studiów Zaawansowanych w Mexico City.
This text introduces Bogdan Mielnik, a longtime professor at the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Warsaw and the Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Mexico City.
Julian Pulikowski was an associate professor of Musicology who lectured at the University of Warsaw from 1935-1939. The article proves that although there was no formal possibility to defend a Master’s thesis in this field, Pulikowski became an informal supervisor of Gustawa Zysman’s (Krystyna Żukotyńska’s) work. The idea for the topic was conceived in 1934. Stefan Czarnowski, professor at the Department of Cultural History at the University of Warsaw, became the official thesis supervisor. The work titled Opera repertoire of the National Theater as a contribution to the cultural life of Warsaw in the second half of the 18th century was defended in June 1938. It has hitherto remained unknown to researchers - extant only in a typescript stored in the University of Warsaw Archive - as has been the case with Pulikowski’s letter in which he admits his supervision, held in the Jagiellonian Library in Krakow. Although Zysman obtained a Master’s degree in History, the content of the work indicates that it was, in fact, the first work in Musicology defended at the University of Warsaw.
Content available Wspomnienia. Ewa Skrzypczak (1929-2020)
Ewa Teresa Skrzypczak, z domu Kirszenstein, urodziła się jeszcze przed wojną. Jej ojciec, Witold, pochodził ze starej, zubożałej szlachty kurlandzkiej. Walczył w wojnie 1920, potem ukończył Wyższą Szkołę Wojenną, pracował w Sztabie Głównym. Zamieszkał w Warszawie, tam urodziła się Ewa. Ojciec walczył w czasie wojny 1939 i dostał się do oflagu. Po wojnie zaprosił go do współpracy marszałek Rola-Żymierski, ale ojciec Ewy odmówił.
Content available Polskie Towarzystwo Fizyczne w Warszawie
W artykule przedstawiono zarys dziejów Oddziału Warszawskiego PTF w okresie 100 lat jego istnienia (1920- 2020), na tle przemian zachodzących w Polsce. Krótko scharakteryzowano najważniejsze postaci Oddziału, kolejnych przewodniczących, zrelacjonowano wybrane cykle odczytów oraz zjazdy Fizyków zorganizowane w Warszawie. Zwrócono uwagę na wydarzenia, które miały wpływ na działalność Oddziału, a także na zachodzącą w tym czasie ewolucję ośrodków akademickich oraz instytutów badawczych, które były ostoją członków warszawskiego PTF. Podano także, jak zmieniała się liczebność OW PTF.
In the article a concise history of Warsaw Branch of Polish Physical Society (PPS) from 1920 to 2020 year was presented, in context of changes occurring in Poland in this period of time. he most prominent characters, subsequent chairmen, selected series of readings and PPS congresses organized in Warsaw were shortly described. Attention was paid on events which affected PPS activity and on evolution of academic centres and scientiûc institutes, which were supports of PPS members in Warsaw. The changes of numerical amount of Warsaw PPS during last 100 years was also given.
Content available remote Ksiądz profesor Filip Diaczan. Portret warszawskiego moskalofila
Philip Diaczan (1831-1906) was one of the vital figures within the Russophiles of Galicia, a popular pro-Russian, anti-Polish movement in Austria-Hungary. Having studied in Vienna under Franc Miklosic, in 1858 he started his career as a Greek Catholic priest and a gymnasium teacher in Lviv and Berezhany, specializing in classical languages. In 1866, he moved to the Kingdom of Poland and soon led a mass exodus of Greek Catholic clergy fleeing to Russia in order to embrace better living conditions, and, eventually, join the Orthodox Church in 1875. A gymnasium teacher of classics, first in Chełm, then in Warsaw, in 1874 he was given a professorship at the University of Warsaw, which he held onto until 1903. Lacking in professional competence, he became the very epitome of a social climber and an apparatchik of the superintendent Alexander Apukhtin, giving a bad name to the Imperial University as a place purportedly full of intrigue and devoted to the Russification of Poles instead of spreading academic knowledge.
Laboratorium aplikacyjno-szkoleniowe Pro-Environment Polska to miejsce, w którym biznes spotyka się z nauką. Realizacja podstawowych celów działalności laboratorium, takich jak prowadzenie wielopoziomowych szkoleń oraz opracowywanie i wdrażanie nowych metod pomiarowych, jest możliwa dzięki połączeniu innowacyjnej aparatury pomiarowej i wiedzy eksperckiej.
Centrum Nauk Biologiczno-Chemicznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego to międzywydziałowa jednostka, która jest wspólną przestrzenią badawczą biologów i chemików, gdzie realizowane są projekty interdyscyplinarne na pograniczu wielu dziedzin nauki.
Content available remote Michał (Mojsej) Żyw (1905-1943)
Michał Żyw był polskim fizykiem wyznania mojżeszowego, zajmującym się głównie promieniotwórczością oraz fizyką jądra atomowego. Większość prac poświęcił promieniotwórczości i w tej dziedzinie odnosił sukcesy. W 1935 roku został magistrem fizyki na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Opublikował jedenaście prac naukowych.
The work shortly describes scientific, teaching, and organisational activity of the Chair of Chemistry and then of the Division of Physical Chemistry during after-war period. Presentation is made in five short chapters, covering periods defined by substantial and characteristic processes in our country, resulting in changes in the organisation and work of the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Warsaw. The first two chapters concern the Chair of Physical Chemistry at the Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Science in the years 1947–1955. The Department of Chemistry was founded in the 1955. The next three chapters describe the activity of the Division of Physical Chemistry in the years 1968–1989, 1990–2005, and 2005–2016 respectively. The work also contains a register, probably incomplete, of employees with university degree, who were employed at the Chair and then at the Division of Physical Chemistry during 61-year period of the activity of the Faculty, i.e. in the years 1955-2016.
W dniach 19-20 marca 2015 roku odbyła się na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim uroczystość nadania doktoratu honoris causa profesorowi Andrzejowi Szczepanowi Białynickiemu-Biruli. Przez całe swoje życie zawodowe, profesor Białynicki, jest związany z Uniwersytetem Warszawskim, ze stosunkowo krótkim epizodem pracy (w latach 1964-1970) w Instytucie Matematycznym PAN. Doktorat zrobił jednak poza UW, u Gerharda Hochschilda na Uniwersytecie w Berkeley, w 1960 roku. Fakt uzyskania stopnia doktora w innym ośrodku usunął przeszkody formalne i pozwolił nadać profesorowi Białynickiemu-Biruli doktorat honorowy UW.
Pomiary chemiczne są wymagane w wielu dziedzinach, gdyż wyniki analiz chemicznych są podstawą istotnych decyzji dotyczących bezpieczeństwa i jakości życia. Wyniki badań klinicznych służą lekarzowi przy podejmowaniu decyzji na temat stanu naszego zdrowia i ewentualnej konieczności stosowania terapii, dobranej na podstawie tych wyników. Wyniki badań żywności są podstawą dopuszczenia towaru do obrotu, a w konsekwencji do spożycia. Ale nie są to jedyne obszary zastosowań pomiarów chemicznych. Duże znaczenie mają również badania antydopingowe w sporcie, wspomaganie procesów produkcyjnych, czy monitorowanie stanu środowiska naturalnego.
Chemical measurements are required in many areas, mainly as a base for a number of important decisions in respect of the safety and quality of life. The results of clinical testing are used by medical doctor for the decisions on the status of the human health and in consequence to prescribe the fit for purpose therapy. The results of food examination are used for the decision whether the composition of the foodstuff fulfils the food safety requirements. There are some more fields of usefulness of the results of chemical measurements, e.g. antydoping analysis in sport domain, industrial testing of substrates and products, and last but not least the monitoring of the environment.
In 1926 and in 1930, members of Mathematics and Physics Students’ Club of the Warsaw University published the guidance for the first year students. These texts would help the freshers in constraction of the plans and course of theirs studies in the situation of so called “free study”.
W 1926 r. i w 1930 r. Koło Naukowe Matematyków i Fizyków Studentów Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego opublikowało poradnik dla studentów pierwszego roku matematyki. Są to teksty, które pomagały pierwszoroczniakom w racjonalnym skonstruowaniu planu i toku ich studiów w warunkach tzw. „wolnego stadium”.
Content available remote Wspomnienie o Zygmuncie Ajduku
W artykule przedstawiono zwięzłą historię hydrogeologii na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim na przestrzeni ostatniego sześćdziesięciolecia oraz sylwetki najwybitniejszych uczonych ze świata hydrogeologii, związanych z Wydziałem Geologii UW. Zestawiono tytuły prac doktorskich, które odzwierciedlają różnorodność problematyki hydrogeologicznej. Przedstawiono zespoły badawcze, ich liderów oraz spektrum badań. Zamieszczono również biogramy profesorów, którzy odeszli.
The paper shows a brief history of hydrogeology at the University of Warsaw over the past six decades. The profiles of leading scholars in the field of hydrogeology, associated with the Faculty of Geology, are presented. The titles for doctoral dissertations are summarized, which reflect the diversity of hydrogeological sciences. The paper presents research teams, their leaders, and the spectrum of research. It also provides biographies of professors who have passed away.
Content available remote Ogród botaniczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego – ogród pamięci i wyobraźni
Mówiąc o „ogrodzie pamięci” w kontekście ogrodu botanicznego, możemy rozpatrywać go nie tylko zgodnie z przyjętymi definicjami pojęcia „pamięć”, ale również jako miejsce upamiętnienia ważnych osób i zdarzeń oraz jako o instytucji, dla której wyjątkowo ważnym zadaniem jest zachowanie bogactwa genetycznego – bioróżnorodności. Ogrody botaniczne zawsze były miejscami szczególnymi, w których badano świat roślin, poznawano ich właściwości, bogactwo form i struktur. Jako ogrody o charakterze kolekcjonerskim stawały się często odwzorowaniem natury odległych krain (nierzadko niedostępnych, znajdujących się poza zasięgiem większości społeczeństwa). Wystarczyło przekroczyć ich bramę, by dzięki wyobraźni przenieść się w odległe miejsca. Trwałość kompozycji niektórych fragmentów (działów) ogrodów dodatkowo przywołuje tradycję uprawy roślin. Utrzymane w konwencji ogrodu kwaterowego nawiązują do okresu, gdy ogrody botaniczne (czasem nawet jeszcze tak nienazywane) były przede wszystkim miejscem badania właściwości leczniczych roślin (herbularius, giardino dei semplici, orto botanico). Uniwersytecki Ogród Botaniczny w Warszawie jest przykładem ogrodu o ciekawej historii związanej z dziejami królewskich Łazienek i Polski. Fragmenty ledwie rozpoczętej i nigdy nieukończonej budowy Świątyni Opatrzności Bożej nie tylko przypominają o okolicznościach, w których zapadła decyzja o jej fundacji, ale może nawet silniej o okolicznościach, jakie zaważyły o zaprzestaniu jej realizacji. Obecnie zmieniają się zadania ogrodów botanicznych. Są to już nie tylko miejsca prowadzenia badań i przekazywania wiedzy o roślinach leczniczych, rozpowszechniania egzotycznych gatunków roślin (zwłaszcza o znaczeniu gospodarczym), ale stanowią miejsce rekreacji oraz przede wszystkim są instytucją dbającą o ochronę zagrożonych gatunków roślin – zachowanie bioróżnorodności.
In the contex of botanic garden, the garden of remembrance does not have to be considered in accordance with accepted definitions of the notion referred to as “memory” which describes place’s predispositions to remind people of their impressions and experience. It can be treated as a place commemorating important persons and historical events as well as an institution whose particularly important purpose is to preserve genetic diversity – biodiversity. Botanic gardens have always been special places where one could study the world of flora, learn about its characteristics and variety of forms and structures. As collectors’ gardens they frequently reproduced nature of distant lands (often inaccessible, situated beyond the reach of society). Crossing the gate was enough to be moved to faraway places. Moreover, permanence of arrangement regarding certain fragments (sections) of the gardens evokes the old tradition of plants cultivation. Italian-style gardens allude to the period when botanic gardens (sometimes not even called this way) were most of all places of studying curative properties of plants (herbularius, giardino dei semplici, orto botanico). Warsaw University Botanic Garden is an example of a garden with interesting past connected with the history of Łazienki Królewskie (Royal Baths) and Poland. Fragments of only started but never finished Temple of Divine Providence (Świątynia Opatrzności Bożej) not only remind of the circumstances accompanying the decision to found it but, even stronger, of the events which influenced its ceasing. In present times the tasks of botanic gardens have been changing. Not only are they areas of carrying out research and transmitting knowledge about medicinal plants and popularizing exotic plant species (especially economically important ones). They are places of recreation but first and foremost they care about protection of endangered plant species – preserving biodiversity.
Content available remote Pierwsze lata powojenne na Hożej
Są to krótkie wspomnienia o pierwszych powojennych latach życia no Hożej 69, siedzibie fizyki na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim, która niedawno obchodziła dziewięćdziesięciolecie istnienia. Wspomnienia zaczynają się z chwilą, kiedy w pierwszym powojennym roku akademickim 1945/46 zostałem zaimmatrykulowany na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim jako student fizyki.
These are short reminiscences of life in early post-war years at Hoża 69, the seat of Warsaw University physics, the 90-th anniversary of which was celebrated recently. They start at the time of my matriculation as a student of physics at Warsaw University in the first post-war academic year 1945/46 following the break 1939-1945 in open academic activity enforced by Nazi occupation.
Taking control over education by a newly originating Polish administration on the territories occupied by German and Austrian forces placed the officials of the Ministry of Religious Denominations and Public Enlightenment in a difficult position resulting from the problem of stabilizing the staff lecturing in the two founded during war capital academies: the Warsaw University and the Warsaw Institute of Technology. One had to find such form of solving the problem, which would have let reconcile administration's anxiety to control and achieve supremacy over academies cultivating the tradition of academic liberties. A newly established special board, which gathered representatives of academic circle and the invited by the minister persons actively engaged in educational work, having the social respect, seemeed to be a solution giving a strong probability of satisfaction of both of sides. A key matter was a choice of the likely candidates for the members of the board. The Ministry chose the mature scholars that were descended from classes of society of a stabile, but not of a very high position (gentry, intelligentsia, officials). The board, in spite of its conservative origin, on the occasion of choosing the candidates for the Warsaw departments, in most of the cases pronounced for the younger colleagues both as far as age and scientific practice are concerned.
The early 1960s was the period when a new discipline – INTERPRETATION OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS – PHOTOINTERPRETATION – was introduced into the curricula of the University of Warsaw’s Institute of Geography on the initiative of doc. Bogodar Winid. According to him, mgr Andrzej Ciołkosz played an important role because “…while improving his knowledge and organising the Laboratory, he recruited colleagues and junior students interested in the discipline”. In the summer of 1964, the Laboratory of Aerial Photographs Interpretation (PIZL) was set up. In addition to Andrzej Ciołkosz, its first team included: Zbigniew Goljaszewski, mgr inż. Bohdan Kukla and mgr Jan R. Olędzki, with mgr K. Trafas, mgr Maksymilian Skotnicki and mgr Lidia Lemisiewicz as important contributors. The initial years of Andrzej Ciołkosz’s work in the Laboratory had several aspects. The first was organisational activity, which involved gathering the equipment needed for classes and seminars. Initially, the Laboratory had only two Wild stereoscopes and several “museum pieces”: one Drobyshev stereograph, one Leningrad 6x6 cm converter, and two US Army surplus Sketch Master optical converters. It was therefore necessary to accumulate a sufficient number of stereoscopes, optical converters as well as simple drawing and computing instruments, which was quite quickly done. The required aerial photographs were obtained from the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, State Photogrammetric Enterprise and the General Staff Academy. Another aspect of his work at the University of Warsaw was developing the curricula, writing textbooks and running classes. Andrzej Ciołkosz prepared a programme of lectures and classes in geographical interpretation of aerial photographs, with an emphasis on the photogrammetric, geodesic and topographical foundations of photointerpretation. This work ultimately led to the publication fo the first course book written by the team of the Laboratory of Photointerpretation, which later provided the basis for writing a manual for classes in geographical interpretation of aerial photographs, whose new editions were published in 1976 and 1999. Andrzej Ciołkosz also co-authored the first monograph on thematic interpretation of aerial photographs: Zastosowanie zdjęć lotniczych w geografii [Application of aerial photographs in geography]. The experiences that he gained in teaching were used by him and dr A. Kęsik in writing the course book entitled: Podstawy geograficznej interpretacji zdjęć lotniczych [Foundations of geographical interpretation of aerial photographs], which became a blueprint for the first Polish textbook in interpretation of aerial photographs, inspired by Andrzej Ciołkosz, and written with Jerzy Miszalski and Jan Olędzki: Interpretacja zdjęć lotniczych [Interpretation of aerial photographs], published by PWN in 1978. As the field of interpretation of aerial photographs developed, along with photointerpretation and remote sensing, Andrzej Ciołkosz, in keeping with contemporary trends in teaching remote sensing, wrote (together with Andrzej Kęsik) the textbook entitled Teledetekcja satelitarna [Satellite remote sensing]. This was the first Polish textbook on satellite remote sensing and application of photographs taken from orbital heights in geographical research. As digital imaging was introduced into photointerpretation on an increasingly wider scale, he wrote (together with dr Anna Jakomulska) a textbook on the foundations of digital analysis of satellite images, published in 2004. During his work at the University of Warsaw, Andrzej Ciołkosz devoted a great deal of attention to conducting classes. Starting from 1966 onwards, he held lectures and classes in basic photointerpretation, which were quite famous for their innovative form – particularly the lectures which were illustrated by high-quality and well-chosen slides, a novelty at the time, eagerly accepted by students. In the first years of teaching the interpretation of aerial photographs for geographical purposes at the University of Warsaw’s Institute of Geography, he also held lectures and classes for students preparing their master’s theses in regional geography of the world, economic geography and cartography. Later, he conducted classes in methods of obtaining remote sensing information and MA seminars in geoinformatics. He constantly worked to improve the subject matter of these classes, using newest materials, methods and equipment for analogue or computer-assisted analysis of the content of aerial photographs and satellite images obtained during his work in OPOLIS – the Centre for Processing Aerial Photographs and Satellite Images of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography. Under his supervision, 21 MA dissertations in the field of remote sensing and cartography were submitted at the University of Warsaw. In 2004, Andrzej Ciołkosz was the supervisor of the PhD dissertation of mgr Małgorzata Krówczyńska from the Department of Remote Sensing of Environment of the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies of the University of Warsaw, entitled: “Application of spectral and structural features of objects shown on satellite images in land use mapping” [in Polish]. He also wrote many reviews of doctoral and postdoctoral dissertations and prepared professorship applications. His organisational and didactic activity did not mean that Andrzej Ciołkosz neglected research work. He conducted research on the structure of crops using photographic methods. On the basis of panchromatic aerial photographs taken from a triangulation tower in the vicinity of Lesznowola near Warsaw, he determined the optimum period for taking aerial photographs for the purposes of crop identification. At a later stage, such aerial photographs were subject to microphotometric analysis. Developing a photointerpretation key allowed him to analyse the produced photograms. The results of crop identification using the key were compared with the results of field research, which allowed for evaluating the reliability of this method. Another publication was devoted to the application of aerial photographs in studies on road traffic. Together with dr Jerzy Miszalski, he developed a method of analysing road traffic on the basis of aerial photographs specially taken for this purpose. With the coming of colour satellite images, Andrzej Ciołkosz indicated the possibilities offered by such images for enriching the content and form of small-scale general maps. In 1968, he got involved in analysing the colours of the Earth in satellite images taken during manned orbital spaceflights and comparing these colours with the colours used by cartographers in landscape maps. This allowed to identify the differences and similarities between maps and satellite images in rendering the representation of the Earth in different types of small-scale maps. Andrzej Ciołkosz also ran a number of projects commissioned by various institutions and implemented by the University’s Laboratory of Photointerpretation. These included analyses of the transport infrastructure in the steelworks of the Upper Silesian industrial district, and an analysis of the spatial structure of selected Polish cities. He also organised training programmes for the staff of various institutions having an interest in the application of aerial photographs. We should also take note of Andrzej Ciołkosz’s activity in the Polish Geographical Society (PTG) related to the popularisation and implementation of the new discipline in geographical sciences, which geographical photointerpretation certainly was in the 1960s. This activity was organisational in nature, connected with the establishment of a problem section at the PTG Main Board to deal with the application of aerial photographs in teaching and research. Andrzej Ciołkosz was among the initiators of the PTG’s Photointerpretation Committee, in 1990 reorganised into a PTG Branch under the name of the Remote Sensing Club. One of the Committee’s tasks was to incorporate the teaching of photointerpretation in university geography studies in Poland. This was done in 1966. Another aspect of his activity was the establishment of a forum for exchange of ideas and experiences related to the application of aerial photographs in geographic research. This was done via national photointerpretation conferences, initially organised every year, and later once every two years. The third aspect of his work was starting a specialised publishing series. The fi rst volume of the periodical entitled Fotointerpretacja w Geografi i [Photointerpretation in geography] was published in 1964. Andrzej Ciołkosz was the editor or a co-editor of the series’ fi rst six volumes. Until today, he is a member of the Programme Council of the series, currently named Teledetekcja środowiska [Remote sensing], whose 40th volume was put out in 2008. He used the experiences gained in teaching at the University of Warsaw in the lectures in remote sensing that he held in other universities and colleges.
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