The European neighbourhood policy (ENP) was developed in 2004 to avoid the emergence of a new division between the enlarged European Union and its neighbours. The aim of the European Union’s activities in the framework of the European neighbourhood policy is to ensure the prosperity, stability and security. The European neighbourhood policy is primarily conducting bilateral activities between the European Union and its partner countries. Within the framework of the European neighbourhood policy work initiative for regional cooperation is the Eastern partnership and the Union for the Mediterranean. The European Neighbourhood Policy of the European Union refers to the ten countries neighbouring the European Union on the eastern and southern shores of the Mediterranean: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia1. The policy consists of bilateral strategies implemented by the EU and individual partner countries. The most important bilateral EU instruments in this region are the Association Agreements, signed with Morocco in 2000, and action plans. They define the reform programmes taking into account the political and economic short- and medium-term priorities for a period of three to five years. During the meeting of the Association of the European Union - Morocco on 13 October 2008, the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco adopted a joint EU-Morocco document on strengthening bilateral relations / granting a special status. Morocco is one of the most stable EU neighbours to the south. This is the result of many years of pursued policies built on a multi-polar strategy and close relationships with the European Union. With this strategy, Morocco could become a key political and eco-nomic partner of the EU in North Africa. Morocco is seen as a more stable and democratic country than other North African countries.
Region Morza Śródziemnego jest regionem specyficznym pod względem zróżnicowania ognisk zapalnych. Na obszarze tym występuje cała gama potencjalnych konfliktów zbrojnych. Ogniska zapalne, jakie się tu pojawiają, mają swój rodowód w postaci waśni na tle narodowościowym i religijnym, ekonomicznym, demograficznym i pozostają w ścisłym związku z różnymi postaciami terroryzmu. Integracja państw w ramach Wspólnot Europejskich wprowadziła oprócz intensyfikacji działań na polu ekonomicznym także znaczące postępy na polu współpracy w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa. W rejonie Morza Śródziemnego ta kwestia miała szczególne znaczenie z uwagi na fakt, że jest to główne miejsce potencjalnego zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa Unii Europejskiej. To właśnie dzięki UE współpraca w ramach Partnerstwa Eurośródziemnomorskiego oraz Unii dla Morza Śródziemnego pozwala na efektywne realizowanie zadań związanych z zapewnieniem bezpieczeństwa w regionie.
The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP) is certainly the most important regional process that currently exists in the Mediterranean as it brings together all of the European Union member states and 10 Mediterranean countries. The European Union (EU) creates a significant security impact at the global level, through the projection of its own model (as a regional integration process) to the whole world. The Mediterranean can be regarded as the major area where the EU tries to project its own model. The Mediterranean is a significant region as it epitomizes the world with all its vulnerabilities in the face of global security challenges. It is the meeting point of various religions and the stage of intractable conflicts, socio-economic, and political grievances. Illegal immigration, illicit arms and drug trafficking as well as international terrorism are some of the challenges that face the Mediterranean.